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1Defend the Builders [Kirigakure - C] Empty Defend the Builders [Kirigakure - C] Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:39 pm

Tako Hōzuki

Tako Hōzuki


It was a dark and cold night. The stars were clouded by the thick mist of Kirigakure, and the streets of the western island were empty. Dovy had stayed on this island to complete an array of solo missions. Some were D, and others were C, but of all of them, this was the most urgent. In his hotel room, he laid in bed, resting his body from all of the hard work. For once he could finally take a break on his soft and comfy bed, pondering on his future plans when he returns to the city. Avast, while on his vacation, Dovy heard knocking on the door. He opened it, and it appeared to be a messenger for the central city, or perhaps the local government. "Dovy Hozuki, I have a message for you regarding an urgent mission aiding for your request." He politely bowed and then left. What could it possibly be this late at night? With the war against Seven Bells, Kirigakure was in need of reconstruction, as well as a building project to help connect the separated islands together. This project would boost economic growth in Kirigakure, and plenty of bandits and mercenaries have come to interfere with the construction of these roads, bridges, and buildings. A little disappointed, Dovy still knew he had to act, so he opened the letter and read his mission:

“Builders of an outpost on a western island have run into some trouble. Being raided in the night, they’ve requested aid. Defend them!”

It called for attention. Dovy crumbled up the paper and quickly searched for the co-ordinates of the location of the defense fort. Perhaps that where he should have stayed rather than in this hotel room. Quickly, Dovy grabbed his cutlass, and leaped out of the window to the site. Making his way down at a fast pace, he hoped that the numbers were low, and that the builders managed to hold their ground if the attack had already started. Gripping his blade, he could hear in the distance the sound of fighting. Not just punches and kicks, but the roar of men in conflict with one another. It appeared that there were three of them there already. As Dovy got closer to the fort, he noticed that a group of builders were holding their ground against these raiders. These saboteurs were young men, tall, masked, hooded and dressed in dark clothes.

Dovy reached a close enough distance to get their attention, and the masked men turned to the boy, pointing their blades at him. These amateur sword fighting pansies had no idea what they were about to get into. "HAHA aww, look at this cute little kid guys. Hey go home, we're not here to play your punk ass little br--" The man stopped. He looked down and saw Dovy, the ten year old hobbit, right below him with his cutlass through his torso. Luckily, Dovy felt merciful and dodged the vital organs in his body--or so he had hoped. Gosh, he was starting to act more like Wolfgang now. Quickly, he pulled out his cutlass and the masked ninja fell below. The workers were surprised, just like they always were, and the other two raiders were infuriated. It was about to be a roller coaster of slashes and clashes.

Both of the black clothed men came at Dovy with their blades, but Dovy's speed matched their performance with style. He fought like a gentleman, one arm behind his back, and fenced around with the two as if he was enjoying the sport, making a mockery out of the two. "DAMN IT KID, TAKU JUST CUT HIS ARM OFF ALREADY!" he shouted as they both continued their barrage of swipes, failing miserably. "HE'S TOO FAST, THIS PUNK IS LITERALLY TOO FAST!" He shouted in response. Dovy just laughed to himself. It was obvious that these guys were just some lame militia that probably had very little experience in fighting. However, there motives behind doing this was still a mystery, and it drew Dovy's curiosity.

Dovy used his flawless style to disarm the two of their weapons. Quickly after that, he threw his cutlass up into the air and held a tiger seal. "Gunshot!" two thick water balls considered the strength of a B Rank jutsu slammed right into both of their faces before Dovy caught his blade from the air. The masked men flew backwards with bloody broken noses into the unconsciousness of their minds. With a loud thud, it was obvious that these two weren't getting back up. Quickly a builder ran up to the boy "Thank god you're here! They want to burn down this fort, you mustn't let them do this!" they said. "Who are these guys, and why are they doing this?" He asked just to be sure. "They are anarchists. They demand a separation between Kirigakure and the west islands, and they are willing to use terror to meet their agenda. I believe that these three men mentioned of four others who will come planning to burn this defense fort to the ground. You must stop them!" he begged. And aye, Dovy planned to do so. The builder returned back where he stood, away from action as the remaining four raiders came charging at the fort.

Each man was the same as the other, but this time they held Molotov cocktails. "FIRE!" one shouted, and they all launched the bottles of fire toward the fort like shooting stars. Water Trumpet! Dovy shouted and shot water out of his mouth like a fire hose. Just as they got close, these miniature siege weapons were put out and blown away with ease. The four men stopped running with the command of one person. With confidence, Dovy smirked at tempted them to come at him with the gesture of his hand. "Fall Back... He's a Kirigakure ninja." The man said. He noticed the three individuals that were taken out so easily, and that this 10 year old was completely unscratched. Quickly they turned around and fled. The builders cheered and cursed at the raiders. "Thank you my boy. We're safe now." the worker said to him. Dovy smiled, "Of course, it's me duty! I'll be sure ye'll have ye own ninja here fer tomorrow. Yer safe to build mate." Dovy said. With that, his mission was a success, and he left back to return to his vacation, hoping that these men would continue to stay safe.

~~~Mission Complete!~~~

Word Count: [1240/1000]

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