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1Genjutsu Session [P][NK][Mission] Empty Genjutsu Session [P][NK][Mission] Sat May 21, 2016 10:42 am




The young proficient genjutsu user walked into the halls of the academy, the very same one that he went through and majority of Kirigakure shinobi as well. There certainly was a sense of nostalgia overcoming the genin as he smiled, making his way to room 113. This was not his first time teaching Academy Students and Seito did indeed enjoy teaching. However, these young students were a group of shinobi that Seito could not find himself training everyday. Opening the door to room 113 he saw a chalkboard and many young children playfully talking amongst themselves. It was funny how segregated schools were and how same roles were being played by different people.

Interestingly enough, there were some students who reminded him of his own class. Most of the students were obnoxious, but there was THAT one who was super obnoxious, then the big tubby boy and the shy girl in the corner who may grow up to be even weirder. Regardless, the genin walked into the room, glancing over the children. Some smiled and he smiled back. It became obvious to him that the students were happy with having a substitute for today. Maybe because they felt like they were not going to learn anything or have a day off, but this may not have been the case entirely.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen." Seito said ensuing a few blushes from the girls and chuckles from the boys. "Today we are going to learn some things that may seem foreign to you. In fact, majority of you will not even be able to perform these types of jutsu but it is important to understand how they work so you will know how to handle them when you see. And trust me, you will see them." He said with a chuckle as he turned his body to face the chalkboard. With chalk in his hand, he pressed it on the board, turned only his head to face the group and asked, "Does anyone know what I am talking about?" He watched as several students looked at each other with blank faces. There were whispers of puppetry and medical ninjutsu, while these may have fit his criteria, there were certainly not the case. "Genjutsu." He said to break the silence and release the ooohs, ahhhs, and gasps of the students. A light chuckled let itself out as Seito wrote 'Genjutsu' on the chalkboard, the children's reactions were just too much.

"Genjutsu is a type of jutsu to create illusions that are not entirely real. There are different forms of genjutsu that can change what people hear and see."
Without raising his hand, one of the obnoxious children blurted out, "So you are telling me that you can make people see things that are not there?! How would that even help in a battle?" Seito could see how some of the other children were done with it, the genin imagined that they would react in the same way regardless of what he said. The observation was slightly disturbing he all he did was nod.

"I will not be able to demonstrate a genjutsu on everyone here, but whoever is the most brave here can be used as the subject to show other people the effects of genjutsu." This was not an inherent call to the boys in the room, in fact Seito was hoping he would see more than one girls hand up, but that would not be the case. There were a few boys with their hands up and Seito had to determine which one would not cry and entirely freak out. He had to pick the one who was mentally brave and strong. He choose one and the young child eagerly came up to the front. A girl shouted out, "You are so brave Juko!" Seito smiled ironically, the boy had no idea what he got himself into.

"Okay Juko, I am going to perform a genjutsu on you. One that you may be able to counter. Your teacher told me you went over how to Kai out a genjutsu. Is that correct?" The young confident Juko nodded his head and glanced over to the girl who shouted his name. If he was in high school, he certainly just might have won something with this girl. "Remember what you see will not be real and you need to kai out of it." Seito brought both hands to the center of his chest, flickering one hand. He shouted so that everyone in the class could hear, "Magen: Narakumi no Jutsu." The jutsu would only take a few moments for the effects to become apparent to those around him, with his other hand, Seito was prepared to activate Kai.

Within seconds, the confident boy was shakily frozen. It seemed that he could not move, his mouth were muttering words and nothing was coming out. His eyes were becoming watery. The genjutsu had only been cast for a few seconds but Seito knew that was enough. The entire class watched in shock as their classmate was reacting to simple illusion. "Kai." Seito said aloud so the class could here breaking their trance as well. Juko still shakily afraid stood without a word. "Do not worry Juko. Whatever you say was not real. It was all fake." He said as he patted his head and comfortingly stood beside him. Within seconds, many hands shoot to the sky, indicting questions.

[Mission Complete]
[905 WC]
[120 CP]

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