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1Negotiations. [Kazu, No Kill] Empty Negotiations. [Kazu, No Kill] Thu Oct 10, 2013 11:57 pm


The Sannin thought his trick went without a hitch. He thought himself quite clever....and the Iwa guards of the famous, impenetrable Bastion Adamantine quite idiotic. Maybe even was without thought to let a man who LOOKED like their long-lost Sannin into their walls. That part of his visit was...pitiful. Seemed like the Bastion Force had lost its edge without its founder. Too bad...

Tak, tak, tak. The Sannin walked through strange halls and stairways, trying to find the Tsuchikage's room....

And he stopped. Two men, in cloaks the same as he, bowed and let him pass through the door. Instead of opening it....he vanished.

A puddle of shadows collected in the middle of the Tsuchikage's room, before the Earth Shadow's desk. So, I assume you wish to know where I've been. Surely you haven't forgotten me since your time as a Genin? Kazu-kun.

With his impersonation of the departed's voice in combination with limited knowledge of the timeframe of Iwa, Hodaka would....attempt to make a convincing cover as the Stone's Legendary One.

[Partial Training ~ Gowa-Ken empty element secondary slot: 187/1500 words.]
{OOC; Don't judge me. My muse is low.}

Last edited by Hodaka on Tue Nov 05, 2013 12:49 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Changed what I wanted to train <.<)

2Negotiations. [Kazu, No Kill] Empty Re: Negotiations. [Kazu, No Kill] Tue Oct 15, 2013 11:35 pm



The sun would begin it's rise to the heavens as the earth countries citizens would prepare for their daily routine. The sounds of tradesman tools and announcement of local merchants would echo across the village, and whilst even the lower class would begin their morning rituals, the Tsuchikage would begin his as well. It was simply another boring day of paperwork for Kazu Kanetsu, as he would sit uncomfortably in his black leather seat whilst his hands would flicker amongst the pages affront him residing on his desk. His crimson hued lenses would swiftly pan through the documents, signing off on legal acts whilst reading peculiar petitions that would slowly define the country he lived in.

But as the day seemed like it was truly to be 'just another boring day' the alarm at the entrance to his office would be alarmed. The alarm would abruptly alert Kazu allowing his fist to clench, crushing the quill in his hand into a fine black dust. A heavy sigh would leave his lips as he emptied the dust residing in his hand into a pile to his left where a mountain of 'quil crushed dust' would lay. His right hand would travel to the bottom of his desk, before grabbing a new quil and telling the individual at the entrance to enter. But with ignoring his words a small platoon of shinobi would surround an individual which seemed most likely like a new intruder. And before Kazu could even speak a single word, the individual before him would speak out.

So, I assume you wish to know where I've been. Surely you haven't forgotten me since your time as a Genin? Kazu-kun.

A peculiar sentence to say the least, Kazu had no idea who this person was, or who he was trying to be, so the individual affront him was already under intense speculation. A brow would rise on the Tsuchikage as his left hand would raise to support his chin. Kazu truly had two options to go by, one being he could simply address the person as if he had no idea who he was, which was the simple truth. Or, he could simply go along with knowing him and thus allow the scenario to continue until he caught out the ruse. A grin would widen on the Tsuchikages lips as he had chosen the second option and began a facial expression of comfort and warmth.

"Old friend, it's been a while, you've had the whole village worrying about you."

Kazu would pass after his short remark before addressing the new individual before him.

"I'm assuming you have lots to tell, please, sit down and take off your hood, you're home now."

And with his last comment he'd gesture the remainder of the shinobi out of his office allowing a one on one scenario to take place, thus allowing him to completely ignore the copious amounts of stacked paper residing on his desk.

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