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1Blood Price [Iwa-C] Empty Blood Price [Iwa-C] Wed Jun 19, 2013 10:50 pm



Purpose - this was what he lacked. The tengu had told him this and he believed the old crow. His rage and hunger were unfocused the needed to be filtered an channelled into hate. Vengeance needed to be taken on the ones who had wronged him. Not petty vengeance such as picking off the odd straggler and scout here and there but a full on attack wreaking havoc where they thought they were safe.

The guard was half dozing his emotions lost in that sleepy stupor that comes with the consumption of alcohol combined with dreary and dull activities such as standing watch. No one had troubled their camps in a great while and the main dangers of the mountain such as bears and the infamous ogre only struck those who were foolish enough to wander off from their comrades into the dark. This however was right next to a dwelling and there was little wrong with dozing off for a few minutes of sleep.

Had the guard been a little bit more attentive his nostrils may have picked up the stench of rotting flesh and heard the rustling of foliage behind him. However it was not to be and right before the guards soul was drawn from his body and sent into the bardo to be judged for rebirth all he felt was confusion. All Kyōbōna felt was a slight tearing of muscles and tendons as he ripped the mans head off of his shoulders. Resisting the urge to give in to his hunger and start feasting on the man straight away Kyōbōna instead held the severed head in one hand and drew back, his eyes focusing on one of the visible forms that were moving in the camp.

With unnerving accuracy and speed the makeshift missile collided with the hapless bandits skull knocking him to the ground and driving the sense from him and delivering a severe concussion. His initial element of surprise lost Kyōbōna charged into the camp at full speed howling like a demon. In light of the fire the scene must have seemed like one from a fairy tail with the hulking horned figure charging out of the blackness like a monster from children's stories. However in this story there was no brave samurai or wise Onmyōdō sage to defeat the monster nor would they wish to spare the lives of those who were themselves thieves, rapists and murderers. Throwing his dinner to the ground and scrabbling for his tanto one bandit made to stab at Kyōbōna. The strike however was poor and instead of burying his blade into the ogre's gut the bandit found his arm instead caught in a vice like grip. There was a crack as pressure was exerted and the mans arm broke. Wailing in pain the fear only began to intensify as he was unceremoniously yanked forward and the monsters second fist met his chest cracking important ribs which proceeded as jagged splinters of bone to pierce his heart.

Roaring in triumph Kyōbōna exalted in what was swiftly turning into a massacre. It felt so good to be proactive. Why had he not thought of doing such pre-emptive strikes beforehand?  Small attacks on scouts be damned after this he would dine on these men’s flesh and drink sake till he was in a glorious stupor like never before.  The feeling of a tanto entering his back brought the large Amida back to reality however. This was accompanied by the bandit behind him crying out to his fellows that he had impaled the ogre and that they could now proceed to finish him. This brought a fresh wave of fury to Kyōbōna as while the blade hurt he was most certainly not ‘impaled’ as such and he was most certainly not going to be finished off after such a paltry flesh wound. Spinning round with claw like nails outstretched the bandits face first adopted a look of horror and was then gouged with 4 deep gashes. A heavy kick to the stomach put him down for good, his ruptured digestive organs leaking acidic waste into his bloodstream.

Sensing that something needed to be done quickly the remaining three bandit’s had drawn their blades and were surrounding Kyōbōna while their leader shouted orders from a distance.  As one they swept in to cut downwards and slice into Kyōbōna from three different angles. Blocking this sort of attack would be difficult for an unarmed opponent – even one of Kyōbōna’s prodigious size. However the wild man had several tricks up his sleeve. The tengu who had discovered him on the mountain had taught him several techniques that utilised the body’s natural energy or chakra and he would make certain to use them in the most efficient manner possible. Hardening his skin the poorly made blades merely left small scratches instead of the deep wounds that their users were hoping to produce.

Wasting no time in capitalising on the fools misfortune Kyōbōna’s great hand shot out and grabbed an exposed leg. Lifting the bandit from the ground he began to lay into the other two using his new meat club. Slashing at their comrade in a merciless attempt to disarm Kyōbōna there failure became readily apparent as the now corpse smashed them over and left them open to a flurry of vicious stomps from Kyōbōna that swiftly sent the vagabonds off the mortal coil. And lastly only the leader remained. All his courage had fled him after witnessing the decimation of his men at the hands of Kyōbōna – no amount of money or treasure could convince him to face the nightmarish apparition. And so he began to run out of his camp and into the night. Kyōbōna was not by any means a fast ninja being far too bulky for true speed but he had a large stride and could keep up a run or jog for a very long amount of time. In around ten minutes the bandit leader was out of breath and puffing as he stumbled down the rough countryside of the mountain. Inevitably the leader fell tripping over a jutting out rock. As he stumbled to his knees a huge shadow passed over him blocking out the moonlight.

One more soul to the bardo.

1043/1000 words

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