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1 Cleaning Up [Kumo - C]{Repeatable} Empty Cleaning Up [Kumo - C]{Repeatable} Fri Apr 12, 2013 4:30 pm

Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

Cleaning Up In Kumogakure

After eating the last bite of Zetsume's food he could feel a small gratification over take him as his stomach was no longer hungry. Leaning back and letting out a small sigh the waitress came back with his bill. Of course to him the money means nothing to the taste of Zen's Buffet after a long day of training. After paying and tipping rather generously to the waitress he made his way back to his home.

Upon entering his house there was a mission letter that the kumo courier had seemed to slip under his door. He just finished eating but his funds were running low. When he opened the letter, the first thing he noticed was the rank of the mission. My first C rank mission. The extra ryo would help me get a new couch.,Zetsume thought to himself while reading the mission details. Apparently a new group of bandits has been reported to have caused numerous deaths in the Kumogakure area. They have also been involved in many robberies. A drawing picture was also detailed in the mission letter. They seemed to wear an odd colored mask. Zetsume made sure to remember in detail what the mask looked like. Zetsume has never had a mission this dangerous since he became a genin. It seemed he would either have to kill them or apprehend them. Due to their dangerous background Zetsume made sure to bring his Hishou, a bow that has been in his family's heirloom for many generations. Strapping it onto his back he realized that he has not had to shoot it at another living person in quite some time. Locking his door he set off to pursue this new "gang" and prove to the people of Kumo that people of this village does have the full support of the ninja to make this place safer for all.

Began his search by running on the top of the room, jumping from one to another hoping to hear sounds of distress. After a fer hours of searching which seemed like eternity heard what appeared to be a woman's scream. Zetsume began to head his way there to check out the disturbance.

The mooned seemed to shine bright on this night as Zetsume could see down below what was going on. He could see that two men with the same kind of mask as shown in the mission description were standing outside of the local bank. It seemed that they were the lookouts. They had smashed the windows to get inside. Zetsume could see inside of the broken windows and see a woman tied on the floor with cloth covering her mouth. She had a bandit on top of her pinning her down holding a knife to her neck. In the back of the store he could barely see another man, filling the bags up with money. In fear for the woman's life Zetsume began to charge his Raiton Piercing shot. The man raised the knife, intending to kill the woman as soon as he saw his buddy almost done with gathering up all of the money. In an instant Zetsume shot the Raiton Piercing shot, it moved straight past the two standing watch to shoot the man who was about to kill her. It almost sounded like a lightning strike. From the looks of it, the shot had made its way from the bandits back through his body and out of the front of his chest, puncturing his heart. One down, Zetsume thought to himself as the man fell on top of the woman. There was much blood covering her and he knew that this would probably scar her for life, but it is better that it is his blood and not hers. After the shot had been said and done one of the bandits began to howl and run in the direction of the shot. Nothing could have been better, it appeared they had no knowledge of ninjutsu or they would have shot one off in the direction of the shot. Zetsume took this opportunity to take the next one out. Using his Lightning Arrows he shot two of them into the chest of the bandit that was running into his direction. He was knocked onto his back with two gaping holes in him. Two down, two left Zetsume thought while the other two seemed to be more cautious than their comrades. They moved further back keeping their eyes fixated on where the shots came from. Zetsume knew that they could not see him from his distance and lighting. Moving through the shadows he moved in closer. While they were staring into the distance from which the shots came from Zetsume used his third Lightning Arrow, this shot was made closer from the right side of them. It knocked the bandit against the wall, much blood spilled from his wound. Zetsume knew that it was fatal but it would take some time for the wound to bleed out and to kill him. Now only one stood from Zetsume and the hostage. The bandit dropped the money and grabbed the woman intending to use her has hostage. Now the bandit was more worried about his life than the money he had just collected. Zetsume came out of the shadows so the bandit could see who was making these shots. To a Kyujutsu user such as himself, Zetsume could have killed him but risked losing the woman's life. Zetsume moved in closer keeping his eyes on the bandit, while the bandit kept his knife to the woman's throat and his eyes fixed on his assailant. Zetsume could not move a muscle to shoot an arrow because he knew that the bandit would kill the woman the instant he tried. He would have to do something different to this one. Using his Animal Illusion Jutsu on the bandit, he made him think that there was a bear standing at eight feet behind him, the bear made out a loud howl. The bandit turned around when he heard the howl just to be only two feet away from. Fearful for his life, he dropped the knife and ran into the opposite direction of the bear screaming as if his life was soon to end, which was in the direction of Zetsume. To the woman it just appeared as if the wall had scared him into running. Now was his time to shoot. Zetsume used one more arrow from his Lightning Arrow jutsu, this one was aimed at his legs in an attempt to make him immobile. The shot had succeeded and it pierced his knee shattering it. The bandit fell to the ground, screaming in pain as he looked back to see if the bear was chasing him but nothing was there. Confusion set in as he looked back ahead. Zetsume was right next to him and gave a swift kick to the bandits knee to increase the pain he was already in. In his current condition he could not possibly attack, Zetsume used this time to tie him up. He wanted to keep one alive in case he had any useful information. Zetsume untied the woman who gave him a hug for saving her life. Zetsume hated hugs but it seemed to comfort her when he hugged back.

It took some time before the coroner got there. Some other Kumo ninjas took off Zetsume's catch of the day. Zetsume knew that they would give him a nice and proper interrogation. Zetsume wondered why they had the need to steal and and murder innocent people. He had no guilt for ending three of the four's lives, they forfeit those when they had killed people from his village. Zetsume also wondered how it would have gone if he got into a physical altercation with them. They had no knowledge of the ninja world but they were still much larger than Zetsume and looked like they could have done better if it was a fist fight. Zetsume liked that he could end their life from a distance letting confusion and fear set in as he picked one by one off, this allowed him to evaluate the given situation and come up with the most plausible way of ending it without any innocent being lost. He closed his eyes as he felt a warming sensation fill him of knowing he has made his village just a little safer, yet in the back of his mind he wondered how long could he protect those with his current strength. He cast those ideas aside and rested.


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