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After reaching the village hidden in the mist's border, Shibirin heard the kid thank him, so he replied back to him, "It was my pleasure. I hope we do meet again some other time," and then he watched as the kid ran towards his village. Sadly, Shibirin wasn't planning on staying in the village, though if he did, it'd be the first time. It seemed both of his trips to Kirigakure had ended at the border, this made Shibirin feel more like an unwanted than a visitor, as he would always stop at the border, before even making his way towards the village gates. The wind suddenly picked up, now making Shibirin's clan cloak vigorously shake in all different directions. He was lucky he had his cloak with him at the time, otherwise he'd be walking all the way back to Iwagakure feeling extremely cold.

Shibirin watched as the last image of the kid went into the village gates. He then turned himself back around, towards the direction in which he had came from and started running back towards the hidden rock village. Shibirin indeed hated travelling alone, but at least this way he'd get back to Iwagakure faster. Normally, he was slowed down by those who he traveled with, but that was something he expected when he traveled with others. He didn't need to stop to eat, for he hadn't packed any food for the trip. He wasn't planning on sleeping on the road at night time, alone, so he made sure he'd only stop moving when he got inside the village gates of Iwagakure, safe and sound from random creatures attacking him at night.

It had been at least 5 hours since Shibirin left the Kirigakure borders, when he suddenly felt tired. He didn't like the idea of taking a small stop to rest, but he needed it. He looked around for a good, tall tree, as he was running, to camp in. He hated the idea of resting on the ground, where he was vulnerable to any living thing that could walk of two feet or all fours. He felt as if in a tree, he was safe from landing-walking animals, like bears, wild cats and humans, though he knew humans could also climb trees as he could. Once Shibirin was certain he had found the biggest tree, or the one surrounded by the most number of leaves, Shibirin came to a sudden halt, then jumped up in the air and aimed his landing spot on a nearby tree branch, slightly to the left of his course. He landed successfully on the branch, but as soon as he did, he pushed off of it and aimed his jump towards an even higher branch. He did this about three times, until the next branches up seemed too thin to support his weight. Once he was up in the trees, he layed down against the tree trunk, where he had landed and took a short rest for about, 5 minutes.

After the short break, Shibirin was back on his feet and was back on course towards the hidden rock village. He didn't stop for any breaks this time, he set his mind on reaching the village gates before midnight, as it was night time already. He continued on running, not turning back until he reached his destination.

Not long after he had started walking again, Shibirin reached the hidden rock village's border, but continued on towards the village gates. Once he had reached the village gates, it was easy for the guards there to allow him in, as he was probably the most frequent traveler in Iwagakure. The guys allowed him in and he went straight towards his appartment, for tomorrow was going to be a another long day for him.

{Wordcount: 646/600}

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