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1Traveling to Konoha(Invite only) Empty Traveling to Konoha(Invite only) Tue Jun 26, 2012 4:07 pm

Inuzuka Yui

Inuzuka Yui

Yui had Jojo had set out on their journey, it was the first time Yui had been outside of the village in months but she was glad to finally be moving Sekkiea did not seem to like the hot sand as Yui rubbed her had as to tell her tough it out. As they continued to travel Yui could hear the sound of many things small animals moving across the sand a snake close by slithering across the sand in a weaving pattern everything was the wonderful noise of nature. Yui looked over to her traveling partner Jojo smiling, she was glad she had her here, it would make the travel far less boring.

" Jojo let me ask you a question what to you see and hear out here, what is the first thing you notice outside in the desert like this. What should be the thing you pay attention to the most. "

It was a bit of a cryptic question but she wanted to see how the girl was progressing as a genin, the answer was simple observe how the animals survived in nature what their tactics and think of ways to incorporate it into ones fighting styles or strategies a simple animals behavior could teach a very valuable lesson.

2Traveling to Konoha(Invite only) Empty Re: Traveling to Konoha(Invite only) Tue Jun 26, 2012 4:25 pm

Jojo Kaguya

Jojo Kaguya

The desert, a splendid delight to the mental intake to which Jojo would take in her head all the sounds. It was simple and as in to this she would gradually find a care to which she traversed with a melodic ease of the footholds. She found the simple eager side of her was rather that, just plain simple. The noise around her was that of different animals. She noticed a beetle squirming in the ground, only to cease its function after a small momentary glance. It does not take much to know that there are several things out and about the area. It all happened to be that much more of an ease to her and her mentality. This area happened to be the strongest of its natural combination. She watched the land shift, the air blowing the sand around while her bare feet trudged the sand, her body wearing the white tunic.

Jojo was asked a question to which she would ease herself and find privilege to make due as she smiled and looked about the land. “The first thing one notice in the desert is that heat reflects from the sand in a constant fashion. It takes a desert being, animal and otherwise, to traverse and find way to be with all ease. To be certain I recommend that those not prepared for the desert to make sure of their surroundings, like the first thing I hear is the clicking of bugs and their legs. Along with this is the unheard snake and other animals.” She had shrugged with an ease to her momentum as the two traversed the desert. It was actually fun to her after all. “This desert could kill certainly but it was all to which mattered on the experts and the expectant eyes that look around on their own.”

3Traveling to Konoha(Invite only) Empty Re: Traveling to Konoha(Invite only) Tue Jun 26, 2012 4:34 pm

Inuzuka Yui

Inuzuka Yui

Her answer was partially right in her eyes as she patted Jojos head, she still had things to learn but that would come in time, she was a smart girl and a nice girl. As the two continued for several days the adventures would be filled with humor and happiness as the made their way into the land of fire Yui smiled it was clear where they were. Tries and grass so much more lively than Suna but she loved Suna with all of her heart, she was an expected guest as she had sent a message ahead of time requesting to see the kage, she was sure she would be watched cautiously once they got to the village.

" Remember be very cautious do not do anything that will make us get arrested last thing I want to do is to kill all their prison guards and start a war that's not our mission right now. "

She knew Jojo would behave she just had to say it just in case so Jojo could not say you did not tell me to behave though she never expected she would be bad. Before the two stood the gates to Konoha they had finally made it she only hoped the meeting with Kenta would be peaceful though there could be a fight Inuzuka that were strong always seemed to clash for who was the strongest. She smiled at made her way toward the gate this was going to be an interesting trip she had several things to discuss with Kenta like the pardon of her father.

-exit thread-

4Traveling to Konoha(Invite only) Empty Re: Traveling to Konoha(Invite only) Tue Jun 26, 2012 4:47 pm

Jojo Kaguya

Jojo Kaguya

In a matter of days she had traveled with a seemingly easy companion. The travels were simple and it was ever so much easier this way to do things. She found such a simple desirable outcome as she found way to get to where she needed to go. She found calming thought process within the very atmosphere as she would take well and ease to make it to where she would undoubtedly need to be. By her friend’s side. She made full notice of the individual here as she listened to that report. She took heed to the warning while she would make soft certainty to the single morality.

Jojo had merely smiled with ease as she would shrug with ease, “I will be careful, no need to worry too much about me. I find that I will be very calm while being here.” She would say with an utmost ease to her mental state while she would smile kindly. With an ease to her own persona she would take fine care and make a calm reassuring smile. With a calm grin she would tighten the headband around her neck and then walk with her Kazekage into that village with an ease to her own mental strain, today was going to be exciting indeed.


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