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Aburame Lin-kun (WIP, will post for real when finished!) VueFPWF
Name: Aburame, Lin (also just "Lin-kun"), alias "Shoujikina, Abe"
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Birthday: 12/02
Clan: Aburame
Village: Konoha
Rank: D
Element(s): Water (S), Earth (C)
Specializations: Fuinjutsu (S), Taijutsu (C)
Special Characteristics:

Aburame Lin-kun (WIP, will post for real when finished!) IIgMwRX
Height: 6′ 4″ (tall boi)
Weight: 180 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
General Appearance: Getting a FC, but basically he's really tall and kinda lanky, with very tanned skin - almost saffron. His skin is sun-damaged and leathery from all his training and hard work, and he looks sickly and sallow even though he's usually in pretty good shape.

Aburame Lin-kun (WIP, will post for real when finished!) Lin-kun_2

Aburame Lin-kun (WIP, will post for real when finished!) UTCmgow
Personality: I only need one word: Honest. Well, I guess "Resilient", "Passionate", and "Empathetic" should be put in there, too. Lin-kun cares deeply about his causes and his fellow man, and wishes to see a new world of peace and unity reign one day. He takes a special interest in Kumo, and its people. He's also very determined, and willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.
Interests: Lin-kun takes a deep interest in laws and politics, and finds himself motivated by the way things are to set them the way he thinks they should be. He definitely has a strong sense of justice, and takes a personal interest in the conflict between Kumo and Iwa. He personally sides with Kumo, and claims they need emancipation from Iwa's oppression of their people.
Motivations: Lin-kun is motivated by his strong sense of right and wrong, just and unjust, and seeks to set the world as he sees fit. His second-greatest aspiration is to emancipate Kumo from Iwa's oppression, and his greatest aspiration is to one day become President of a federated union of states to provide for the common defense and ensure domestic tranquility, with liberty and justice for all.

Aburame Lin-kun (WIP, will post for real when finished!) MzDzEP0
-Born in a wooden hut, humble beginnings
-Went to get an education, excelled in his classes
-Rarely had the tools, made do, good at improv
-Graduated with flying colors
-Specializing in talk-no-jutsu among other things
-Gets really into calligraphy, finally finds his style in Fuin
-Begins to formulate his grand plan to emancipate Kumo
-Bides time setting everything up in the mean time
-Here we are
Face Claim: Hand-drawn

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