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1One Piece New World Empty One Piece New World Fri Oct 19, 2018 10:38 am



One Piece New World DgzLIZg

One Piece New World is an RP-oriented board that offers to the series' world a few centuries after the canon storyline with an overarching goal that is unique to each original character created and submitted and role-played by the community. A good friendly staff, quick approval process, plenty of things to do and an easy to understand stat system that ensures you won't get cheated out by someone and that your powers and their powers will be pitted fairly.

It is a progressive stat earning system that means the more you play the faster you get stronger. However, it’s a laid-back community meaning that you wouldn't need to RP all the time to keep up. Customize your character with our dozens of trait system options, various devil fruits, create or join a crew or division, and make a character totally unique to you and your play style. Enjoy climactic battles, an active bounty system that ensures pirates don't get away with too much and Marines are never bored. Journey into the world of One Piece like never before.

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