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1Kuriiro Empty Kuriiro Fri Sep 28, 2018 5:14 pm



Kuriiro Q36K8GX

Name: Kuriiro
Rank: E-rank
Species: Wolf
Elements: N/a
Specializations: N/a
Personality: Kuriiro is an adventurous soul, borne of wolves that had been a wild pack before they had meet Himizu's father. Though she is as affectionate as a domestic canine, it is obvious in the way she moves that she is a natural predator. As loyal as she is to her pack, her bond with Himizu is stronger than anything else, Kuriiro would do anything to protect her companion. As though she was aware of how majestic she appears, she often can be seen “showing off”, strutting around proudly with her tail wagging in the air. Not a shy creature, she will often approach strangers without hesistation. Often she is the one who will drive Himizu into meeting new people by approaching them when she is being followed. In the pair's youth, after Himizu lost her eyesight, Kuriiro served as a sort of seeing eye companion for her human before she developed a sensory quite learned from her pet wold.
Appearance: Kuriiro is a pure bred red wolf, and quite large and well built when compared to one of her wild counterparts. Standing 90 centimeters at the shoulder, and 200 centimeters from nose to the tip of the tail. She sports a luscious red and brown coat, with a tan and white belly and neck and accents on her muzzle. Quite large, though still lean, Kuriiro weighs in at 180 lbs

Strength E-rank
Speed E-rank
Endurance E-rank
Perception E-rank
Reaction Time E-rank

2Kuriiro Empty Re: Kuriiro Sun Sep 30, 2018 1:56 am

Chigetsu Hōzuki

Chigetsu Hōzuki

Himizu wrote:Kuriiro Q36K8GX

Name: Kuriiro
Rank: E-rank
Species: Wolf
Elements: N/a
Specializations: N/a
Personality: Kuriiro is an adventurous soul, borne of wolves that had been a wild pack before they had meet Himizu's father. Though she is as affectionate as a domestic canine, it is obvious in the way she moves that she is a natural predator. As loyal as she is to her pack, her bond with Himizu is stronger than anything else, Kuriiro would do anything to protect her companion. As though she was aware of how majestic she appears, she often can be seen “showing off”, strutting around proudly with her tail wagging in the air. Not a shy creature, she will often approach strangers without hesistation. Often she is the one who will drive Himizu into meeting new people by approaching them when she is being followed. In the pair's youth, after Himizu lost her eyesight, Kuriiro served as a sort of seeing eye companion for her human before she developed a sensory quite learned from her pet wold.
Appearance: Kuriiro is a pure bred red wolf, and quite large and well built when compared to one of her wild counterparts. Standing 90 centimeters at the shoulder, and 200 centimeters from nose to the tip of the tail. She sports a luscious red and brown coat, with a tan and white belly and neck and accents on her muzzle. Quite large, though still lean, Kuriiro weighs in at 180 lbs

Strength E-rank
Speed E-rank
Endurance E-rank
Perception E-rank
Reaction Time E-rank

1/2 Approved

3Kuriiro Empty Re: Kuriiro Sun Sep 30, 2018 8:49 am



Himizu wrote:Kuriiro Q36K8GX

Name: Kuriiro
Rank: E-rank
Species: Wolf
Elements: N/a
Specializations: N/a
Personality: Kuriiro is an adventurous soul, borne of wolves that had been a wild pack before they had meet Himizu's father. Though she is as affectionate as a domestic canine, it is obvious in the way she moves that she is a natural predator. As loyal as she is to her pack, her bond with Himizu is stronger than anything else, Kuriiro would do anything to protect her companion. As though she was aware of how majestic she appears, she often can be seen “showing off”, strutting around proudly with her tail wagging in the air. Not a shy creature, she will often approach strangers without hesistation. Often she is the one who will drive Himizu into meeting new people by approaching them when she is being followed. In the pair's youth, after Himizu lost her eyesight, Kuriiro served as a sort of seeing eye companion for her human before she developed a sensory quite learned from her pet wold.
Appearance: Kuriiro is a pure bred red wolf, and quite large and well built when compared to one of her wild counterparts. Standing 90 centimeters at the shoulder, and 200 centimeters from nose to the tip of the tail. She sports a luscious red and brown coat, with a tan and white belly and neck and accents on her muzzle. Quite large, though still lean, Kuriiro weighs in at 180 lbs

Strength E-rank
Speed E-rank
Endurance E-rank
Perception E-rank
Reaction Time E-rank

Approved for 2000 ryo!

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