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Burittsu could recall the event as if it happened a few moments ago it had been sometime since he heard anything about a leader leading the village of Kumogakure it seemed to him as the perfect time for him to move in. And complete a mission that most shinobi back home could think of doing the destruction of a village from the inside out it was enough to everyone cement his name into their mind. If he did it right even the history books would write about him whatever detail came after of his life would not affect the outcome of the night doing his research he studied the movements of the guards it all seemed easy. With that itself his guard needed to be on and ready for use against anything that stood in his way but for now it was only time for him to do the impossible get in and begin his plan. Guards indeed patrolled the walls of the fortress as if it was some sort of prison but instead of keeping their prisoners inside they looked more worried from someone coming from the outside. Indeed it had been several years since anyone had seen or heard from him either that was good or people thought he must have died but now was the time and the patience that he brought with him were being tested. Watching the patrol move side to side the window of entrance was slight and quick as the two guards turned to their sides for a brief moment. Due to this allowing Burittsu to clear his mind he waited and watched but only saw two guards the two were probably tired by now but this was his chance. Clapping his hands together Burittsu formed one hand gesture with his fist balled up and one middle finger pointed outwards. He had a library full of jutsu but this clearly did not require anything special.


It took only a mere second for Burittsu to remove three red tags from his pouch he wanted to make his entrance a bang one that signal the time has come for the village to come to a end quickly. As the window of opportunity began to close he quickly dashed towards the wall underneath the view of each shinobi placing the three tags alongside each other as he quickly dashed up the wall. Making his way to the top behind him the sound of hissing ringed through the air loud enough to catch the attention of the two guards who looked over to see a figure running up the wall. Heading exactly towards them in mere seconds behind the male followed three large explosions bursting together creating a large hole into the wall destroying the foundation. As he made it up the wall spotting the two guards it seemed best if he allowed at least one to spin the story of when the village became a wasteland and who exactly did it he only needed one alive. He chose the one to his right to be his victim as the one on the left was chosen to be the witness as it happened in only a mere second reaching the top of the wall he quickly lunged arms wide open as his hands reached out for the head of the shinobi. Quickly grasping it with a firm tight squeeze and twisting it counter clockwise killing the man in a mere second as the snap of his neck was quickly drowned out by screams of the people down below in the village.

“Finally my time has come to seek vengeance.”

Gazing upon the guard he allowed to live he simply took one step off the ridge descending down into the village below as the sight of people moving fast and away from the explosion could only indicate that they all were ready to be fed to be the monster himself. He enjoyed a good chase after all the prey had their hearts pumped with blood and minds snared at the possibility of death. Quickly landing on the street floor of the village he quickly began to make his way pass multiple buildings leaving behind red tags similar to the ones he used the hole in the wall he was going to destroy the village piece by piece. Enjoying every explosion as the people would scream for someone to come save them what they didn’t know Burittsu was there to save them he was their savior. With a smile on his face as the homes of each villager began to light up in a ball of flames and ash he could only enjoy every bit that was being given to him on this day with the sun shining down on the village as the smog filled the air. He seemed at peace at last.


WC: 807



It had been only yesterday that the man of lightning had descended from the heart of the mountain which still smoldered in the background. Once a monument to the former Rakage and a cave of wonders, it was now the flat-topped summit of a mountain that served as a monument to the arrival of someone far grander. Hastur Minamoto was a powerful emissary, having entered the village and been accosted once by a fool of a ninja, he had announced himself as the Raikage and the new beacon of hope to the world, summoning black raiton and crowning his arrival with the creation of one of his black raiton receivers. The ninja of the village hadn't had long to take him in as their new leader, but the Daimyo had come down to greet the man that day, only to have been held by his neck over the edge of a cliff, his bodyguards unable to prevent any of his acts before ultimately choosing to surrender. A blasphemous act, but the cowardly man quickly saw to bend the knee as within ten hours, Hastur had turned the nation of Kumogakure on its head.

Looking out over his village, there had been a following that seemed to keep close to the man, seeking to worship him. Priests from the mountains which had been travelling through the hills at the time had seen the calling of the skies and came to bow, believing Hastur to be the next coming of the Sage of the Six Paths. Hastur denied these men their god, but, seeing that they still needed a god to praise, was more than happy to claim himself indeed as connected to the former deity of the ninja. Not as the reincarnation of him, but as someone else, descendant from the heavens in the form of holy thunder and lightning to cleanse this world of chaos. Bewildered for a moment, before preaching about how the great sage had a brother, and that it could indeed be possible there was more of the race of their mother. They accepted the premise and had begun the process of calling their following to Kumogakure with the permission of Hastur. Who seemed pleased by this development and allowed them time and space to do so with his blessing.

But before it seemed that he could quell the chaos in the world around him, there was much that needed to be done here. Hastur so far was one man, Kage in name alone. The people had seen little of his strength and promise, but that was soon to change. It didn't take long before there was a commotion, screams and cries carried on the winds to catch Hastur's ears. Looking out at the pillar of smoke from the explosions in the distance as ninja seemed to rally to the location. Looking to take his cloak, Hastur would vanish in the flicker of an instant, the skies began to cloud over as the chakra in his system began to resonate. lightning crackled in the heavens followed by a resounding boom as solitary drops of rain began to fall... it seemed a storm was brewing in the heavens above them... this much was certain. And as Burritsu allowed his victim to fall to the floor, Hastur would, in between the gaps of the blinding flash of lightning above them, veritably appear from nothing some thirty meters from the missing ninja that seemed to have attacked their nation. No weapons in hand, and seemingly no armor to speak of other than the red threads covering his upper body, open, and revealing his chest.

"You dare touch what is mine?"

His words spoke several truths in such a small statement, singularly; he claimed to own the man who fell lifelessly to the earth at the ninjas' hands. Secondly, that he seemed to be of a mind to interfere with the process. As other Kumogakure ninja arrived on the scene, they were quick to back off at the presence of the stranger that had preceded their arrival as they would erupt from the body flicker technique all around them. Unsure of what to do, without the command of a Raikage they recognized... Hastur would have his eyes dead set upon burritsu as the rain would begin to drip a little faster, finally to what would be considered the bare minimum for light rain, hardly enough to create so much as wet grass without prolonged exposure. The storm made manifest in human form would await the response of his opponent, allowing his head to tilt to a side as he would attempt to observe the man before him, his equipment and anything that may be of some note.

Although the self proclaimed Raikage held nothing of the sort at his disposal, he was more than happy to create what he willed at a moments' notice.



The rain caught his attention in fact but what else seemed to be in his way was another obstacle this one appearing to be a man bent on his own ego calling the village a property of which he owns. Carefully watching the man he began to study himself as he would start to process himself if one could balance himself between gravity as such speak in such a rude tone as if he really had any power. As the bodies of his victims did fill the streets it seemed best to put 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to a stop and devote his attention to the one who stepped into the spotlight as the rain dripped off his skin and hit the ground around him. The rain itself began to make puddles and then streams that flowed down the streams till reaching the corpses at least turning the water into a stream of blood pushing down. The streets of the village but for now it was simple enough this man wanted to be a stop what Burittsu was doing and that was simply not enough but changing the pressure of rain at his whim was a bit overdoing it. He could only imagine what this man was actually capable of instead of showing off his power over the element would he give him a run for his money.

“Impressive display of rain..I hope you don’t think that just because you say that this is your village. Doesn’t mean my attack is over.”

Due to the rain it seemed best for Burittsu to keep his skills to bare the minimum since he doesn’t know his opponent’s moves or techniques as the same went for his enemy this man could be holding something unique underneath his sleeve just like any other shinobi would think of doing. Gazing upon the man it only seemed as if he was ready himself for a battle but first Burittsu would need to spot anything that would be good for him to remember just in case he himself must retreat from the battlefield. Studying the male closely not missing a single beat in whatever he plans on doing it was simple enough to see what would he do in his defense. There was no need for any dirty tricks while facing such a opponent his only goal was to survive and kill off anyone that stood in his way. In his eyes were nothing but pure determination against such a man if he could or was even able to land a scratch on someone who clearly outclassed him it would show how much more training he needed to get into. But the possibility of killing the man was not out the question if he was able to complete that task itself he would see it fit to go home and complete his mission.


In mere seconds after his words drifted in the air he knew if he didn’t act now the man himself would come down with the heavens probably not even using his full strength. That part kind of took him on a loop someone so strong willing to wait but yet indeed it’s good to never underestimate anyone in the shinobi world. With a flick of wrist releasing his last kunai towards the enemy this kunai was attached with a paper bomb wrapped around the handle of kunai instead of being attached to a thread. Burittsu thought it best fit the situation if he began to take it seriously such a trick wouldn’t work on every enemy but the time comes where the mighty leave their guard down to unexpected attacks. He could only hope that man would indeed give him a run for his money but also hopes he makes it out the village alive himself.



Hastur would smirk happily, brushing his hair away from his eyes with the back of his hand to stare up into the eyes of the ninja who had dared to walk upon the sacred soil of Kumogakure. Lightning lit the sky as the Raiton chakra that brimmed off Hastur's body seemed to call thunder and storm. The man before him sought to exchange words, remarking that the attack had only just begun and that his presence here would not be enough to have it cease. Hastur however, was not impressed. Without moving his eyes from the man for a moment, what would normally constitute an arrogant and cocky demeanor would have long drained from him the moment the blood of his countrymen had spilled at the hands of an outsider. As such, the man who would come to be known as Raiden, the god of thunder, would bark at his opponent with venom on his tongue.

"Don't speak to me as if you deign to be my equal, scoundrel... Scum like you scatters your ashes a little further with every word you breathe. You're little more than a brigand, a thief and you speak to the man who will come to rule this world! I am a conqueror, and you will rue this day!"

'Come,' the word that began the attack was simple, elegant, but it flew in the face of Hastur's remarks, one more word to scatter his ashes a little further to the winds. However, as the Kunai would leave the hand of the ninja who threw it, a grand flourish of lightning, dark as the night sky would erupt from the heavens as Hastur would raise his hands toward it, colliding with his palm the lightning would radiate around him as the future Raigake would clutch it between his fingers, gripping the ephemeral power tightly as if it was a sheath and he was drawing a blade from it. The power would flow through his body in a flicker of an instant before ebbing for a moment before Hastur would begin to sweat black beads of chakra from the skin on his left arm, accumulating together in what appeared to be a jeweled serpent which coiled around his arm, its head resting just over the side of his right thumb.

The kunai, launched by burritsu would be in mid-air by now, explosive tag attached as Hastur would, in response, grip the head of the serpent which lay near his palm, and instantly with the caress of his violent chakra the snake would seem to melt. Hastur would vanish, accelerating to his maximum speed as he would seek to fly past his opponent, striking once with the weapon that now sat in his hand, not at burritsu, but rather at the explosive tag that he had launched, easily hewing it and the weapon that it was attached to in half with the wicked weapon he had at his disposal. Ending his strike 10m behind Burritsu as a passing shadow and hot breeze, should his strike be successful the explosive tag would detonate harmlessly in the air away from the two of them.

The sword he held seemed to be made of legendary material, matte black and indistinguishable from a black chakra reciever that were known to be used by legendary sages and beings from the moon. But with a flick of his wrist, back turned to his opponent, equally black chakra would flow down the 1m long flambert like blade in a cacophony of sound which would hiss against the rain that saught to hit it. Looking over his shoulder at his opponent, Hastur would not break a smile but hope to smell panic in the air.

"If you'd like to prey to your god for mercy... im listening."




The man indeed something else one could not even call him a regular shinobi he was on another level from Burittsu and a level that Burittsu himself never seen before in his life the man was a monster. Something that Burittsu longed for now he seen it for himself the level that he could possibly reach one day but currently fighting this man would mean certain death. His only odds were to escape from this man. It all happened in a flash the enemy was already behind him and his attack had no effect on the man he was indeed powerful but as the world would keep turning the shinobi way would continue to grow stronger. Currently he was the boulder that stopped the flow of the water for now he probably was the strongest one could easily say that from a far distance. Looking over his shoulder at this animal he could only smile under that smile was just himself planning on how to escape from this man and this situation. It was clear that this shinobi would indeed try any means necessary to stop the man so if this was the place to die. Standing straight up it seemed the only way for him to live is to distract the man long enough and find his opening to escape.

“So it seems even without a Kage.. Kumo still stands strong and bold like a boulder..”

It was his only move fight or die trying well his story wouldn’t end here this he would never allow no matter how powerful the shinobi seemed to be he only took a deep breath swallowing whatever fear that crept up on him. He was a shinobi and just like all shinobi they would meet their match only the bold would live to tell the tale the man himself was already a skilled shinobi but everyone has their moment of weakness. A frontal attack wouldn’t work since the male already introduced his speed early but that was with just his body his mind on the other hand couldn’t be superhuman. Quickly turning his body facing towards the man it seemed the best way for him to go about this battle no need for any fancy jutsu he only wanted to see where he measured up with this man and how long of a journey to the power he seeked. Maybe a stand off with someone completely stronger and faster was what he needed to wake him up from his slumber.

Getting into the proper stance to begin this showdown Burittsu in fact was ready for a fight against this shinobi the limit was untold but as long as he could prove his worth on the battlefield. Nothing was between the two man except space and time he was outclassed by a huge margin but that wouldn’t have stopped him from running or trying to escape this fight but his body wanted to test out if he was worth it the training. The man that stood in front of him would one day be seen as a threat with an attitude like that to simply show off his abilities nothing would surprise him if he heard this man would become big one day. Maybe if he killed him now or was able to take him by surprise he would indeed feel better about himself. The two were close enough to each other it was only time. Quickly leaning back as he began to infuse his chakra with his spit he could only think of what the outcome would be in a mere second after this thought Burittsu began to spit out a thick amount of sticky liquid from his insides. Spewing towards the man in hopes of bathing him and capturing him within the trap if was it was a successful landing which he already had his doubts the man would be trapped. There was only one way to find if how strong this shinobi was and it was time for Burittsu himself to test his own abilities and skills as well. With a quick gaze looking at that mighty blade his enemy held this fight would be one of most interest.




Hastur had his doubts about the man, he figured that the shinobi before him would run, or stand defiant due to his ignorance and boast like an overproud bull in an arena. However, this man seemed to do neither, a snide remark of realization and careful analysis of the environs seemed to determine that he was perhaps more cautious and keen-minded than Hastur would have surmised, and still failed to. To the god of lightning, the creature before him was an infection that had attacked the body of his nation and it required purging. The black raiton which charred the black blade darker still lit up the night with black-light creating a twisted aura that was difficult to discern or truly comprehend to the human eye. The void like blackness generating light and energy through it itself seemed to be the antithesis to it. Raindrops hissing as they made contact with the charged liquid metal in their death throws, yet no steam seemed to rise from the blade... it was as if the water had not been transformed, it had been destroyed.

Hastur would once again call for the man's surrender publically, but, before a reply could be made, the ninja before would seek to spit chakra infused adhesive slime in his direction. Revulsion, disgust and a newfound hatred at the gall to attempt to spit any from of chakra at the deity he represented pushed Hastur to react harder and faster than he had initially intentioned. The point blanc attack would spreat to a 10m radii rapidly, and Hastur would reply in kind, raising his weapon as it would in turn form an Odachi for his person, touching the tip to the ground and raising it upwards for the mass with enough strength that while the cleave of the powerful jutsu effortlessly split the technique in two, the force parted the substance like the red sea, leaving Hastur untouched. However, looking down at his sword, he would command what material that had touched the non newtonian slime to fall off it and leave a puddle upon the rooftop.

"Your revolting chakra stains my pure blade, I want no part of its taint in the composition of its perfection... I'll have no more blasphemy here. You are a gnat, and I am lightning incarnate!"

With that, Hastur would fly on the offensive, clutching his weapon in one hand and bringing it down with enough force that the roof on which they were standing would collapse as if gravity itself bent to the whim of the lord of the cloud. In truth, the concussive force of his swing was strong enough to emit a shockwave, even at a distance which was capable of shattering the non-chakra enhanced wood, stone and tiles of the building and cause everything but the four walls that framed it to fall in on itself. Should Burrittsu have fallen in with the collapse underneath him, Hastur would begin his assault, not lethally targetting his opponent, but attempting to cause pain. Jumping for a wall, planting his feet and leaping for Burrittsu and top speed, aiming a blow with his sword to eat little more than a 1/2 inch chunk out of his outer arm, and repeating this process for multiple locations over his body as Hastur would attempt to enact death by 1000 cauterized cuts.

Finally, as the staggering flurry reached its end, the final blow would see hastur attempt to land a kick to the chest of burritsu, hard enough to wind him and smash him through the stone wall and into the street peppered with the rubble that would explode out around him, dust accumulating and spreading in a low cloud before it was disrupted and dampened by the rain as it began to pour more and more, leaving hastur in the middle of the building, staring in his direction, black lightning flaring from his eyes as he continued to channel his chakra. in the end, he would have attempted twenty-six cuts in his sinister combination before landing his final blow in the time it would have taken the kirigakure nin to fall 3 stories...

The scariest part perhaps, that he could have done a 'lot' more...



It happened in a mere instant his attack was quickly cut in half as for the surrounding area around the shinobi that also became nothing but waste in mere seconds. The ground underneath him began to shatter as he himself began to wonder what type of shinobi could live such life. He was completely caught off guard as his body gave into the gravity seeking beneath the floor falling to what seemed into a dark abyss. He thought of himself as a shinobi who was quick minded and had great timing but this man was indeed a monster before Burittsu even had the time to think of a way to escape. He appeared in all his might with his black weapon in his hand it only seemed as if this was a test a test which Burittsu himself failed without a doubt the man had been defeated life as he knows it could end right there for him on the spot. All he could do was think of a final moment in his life where he didn’t feel like such a hopeless fool getting beaten down by enemies way out of his league. The first cut was easily felt in a mere second as he continued to fall to his doom the slices and cuts kept on coming hitting all over his body there was nothing he could do it was simple. Even if he decided to move and protect himself this man was on a level where he would easily cut off Burittsu from even trying to defend himself. It was all a game to be played at this point even Burittsu knew if he wanted him to die he would have killed him off long ago.

For a second the onslaught seemed to come a halt only for the shinobi to land a final blow upon the chest of Burittsu sending his body spiraling out of control. The kick itself caused great internal damage causing Burittsu too quickly cough out blood as his body was flung across the air. Crashing through multiple walls as he finally crashed against the street of the village leaving a trail of blood in his path. With Burittsu laying on his back he only thought of of what else could go wrong his body felt numb as his mouth was full blood staining his teeth he trained without the single sense of someone knocking him down. Indeed he was cocky but to fight on with someone such as this made no sense at his current state he was what the other would call pathetic the answer was in front of him from the start of their encounter he was the predator and he was toying with his food.

The man couldn’t die in a place such as this in front of his enemy he had to only to run as far as he could to seek the help he needed the answer was simple he had to grow stronger. Turning on his stomach as he tried to push his body off the ground with enough force he only continued to cough out blood as he stood tall he couldn’t wait to fight this man once more in the future. The man was good indeed but leaving him to be smarter was something he could not do with since his mouth was already full of his blood it made the best choice for his next move. As he only had time to prepare for the onslaught to come he quickly lifted one finger and began to infuse chakra with the blood in his mouth all he had to do was hold out whatever the man was willing to dish out. It was a waiting game he stood tall bleeding from all sorts of cuts from his body and with the internal damage he had from that kick it seemed a fitting way for him to pass on to the afterlife but this wasn’t a time he learned from this encounter that he must train and return one day a much better shinobi. All he could do was simply wait in pain and silence his eyes themselves were starting to give in as his vision began to blur this indeed was what it meant to be a shinobi. In a way he was proud of what he came to be even if he didn’t finish his training with a former shinobi who lusts for blood maybe if he lived through this encounter he would go pay him a visit.




"Is that all?"

Hastur didn't seem happy with the fight that the rogue ninja in his nation had given out, looking disgruntled as he would walk out from the collapsing building through the maw which he had only recently slammed Burritsu through. The being of wild lightning incarnate would tilt his head up, looking down his nose at the creature that he had beaten to the earth as he struggled to rise to his feet. Each of Hasturs blows could have been lethal, but he didn't seek to crush an ant, he wanted to leave it mangled as a warning to the colony. Though the thought that his actions could be perceived as weakness festered in his mind. He could hang his head off a steak over the village walls for all to see, but such would tarnish his view of his perfect city in the clouds... No, he would put this ninja to the test, see if he deserved life or if death would be what claimed him in the end.

"I chose this village because here in the nation of clouds, my seat is among the heavens, this nation is my birthright, and I will stare down upon all creation below it one day and smile as I bring unity and order to this fractured world... Go back to whatever crawlspace you came from, spread the fear of my coming, because when you hear the guards call that Hastur is at the gates, you'll know it's your turn to finally submit or know peace, or become ash!"

Lightning would flash in the sky as a punctuation to everything that the self-proclaimed Raikage had said, he wouldn't make a move on the ninja, and those which surrounded him would part and allow the rogue to leave, while several medics were preparing the recently departed for their final rights. Scowls plastered across their faces in the shadows, only revealed by the flickering while light which scorched the skies above their heads. However, to think that it was all over, would be a mistake. Burritsu would have this one chance to leave, and should he choose it, to turn his back on the nation, something would begin to shift in Hastur's hand... The weapon that he had been holding would alter its form, parting into a long thin needle, as well as a longbow to fire it from. Coiling his power through it, the little more than a one-tenth of a millimeter wide arrow length senbon would meet the bowstring.

''And this is for breaking what belongs to me!

With his back turned, there would be no sound, only the bolt fired for the small of burritsu's back with the full intention of penetrating his liver, a crippling blow which would surely be lethal in enough time, weeks, even a month if he wasn't seen to as his body would begin to slowly poison itself to death. Hastur had the intention of giving the ninja a crucible, he would be given the information to perhaps warn others of his coming... but only if he made it back alive... But even Burritsu wouldn't know what secrets lay in store and what was yet to come. Should the bolt miss however, Hastur would call it back to him as a small liquid metal serpant, impressed that the ninja was able to avoid the bolt in his condition...

But finally, if Burritsu refused the offer to leave... more... drastic, measures would need to be taken.



The man spoke in a god like tone for some reason this monster only excited Burittsu as he spoke the large sparks of light in sky spoke this caught the attention of the male he couldn’t resist but to grin. If he wanted to be killed he would have simply made up his mind to go out with a fight instead of actually caring about the people of his village. For some reason the people of his homeland was all he could think of their safety allowed him to rest but with a monster such as this every shinobi would tested and bested by this shinobi. He couldn’t resist but the man was letting him live at least for now the only plan he had was the one to allow him to buy some time and escape. The blood in his mouth was set and continued to fuse while this shinobi continued to spew about his birthright and this village full of scum and trash. But this was only a minor set back in his plan to take over this village he could only watch as this man continued to speak as if he won every major battle that would come his way. Everyone eventually falls to their knees especially those who look high above the rest treating everyone as weaklings the only ones who would feel the true pain of it all when they are dealt a lost. It was time for him to take his leave no more games were being pulled by this man that called this village his birthright.

Quickly spitting out a sea of red bubbles infused from blood and chakra he already knew his escape would not be one to come so as the red sea of bubbles took over the area it allowed him a window of time. In a blink of an eye piercing through the bubbles a beam of light came straight through hitting Burittsu on his right side forcing him to grip on tight holding his tongue from the pain that was to come. Quickly vanishing away from the man’s point of view and the area with his injuries he couldn’t have made it far enough but it was good enough damage to at least know this man was no game with his injuries he could only return back to one place that he knew would hate him but at least help would be found somewhere throughout the village he had to head back home. His escape would seem like an impossible task but he had enough will to continue on for the sake of coming back and killing this man himself one way or another the village would be under his rule. Landing on a branch barely making it to the forest before coughing up blood he indeed was injured the bolt that hit him earlier was something serious from any other attack his body would indeed need a full check up if they would even honor him. Standing up holding the tree for support leaping onto another branch and so forth into the darkness.

"Damn it.."


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