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1White Notes, Dark Clouds (inv) Empty White Notes, Dark Clouds (inv) Wed May 09, 2018 1:34 am



Kokusho weaved with determination through the sunlit gardens surrounding the royal palace. Gossamer cloak trailing his body with the folds seamlessly twisting between the patrons who shared this ancient walkway. Like a ghost, the high magister of this lost kingdom approached the twin oak doors to the library tower; as the first teacher and master of ceremonies, Kokusho often called this tower home. Her eyes narrowed as the various students parted ways, her cold gaze demanding a clear path to the figure who stood at the far wall with his back facing the entry. This was her quarry, the one responsible for the village's assassins who had been supposed to commune with her on the upcoming hunt of their mark.

"Your lackeys are late, the boy will not be tempered by my Genjutsu again, mreowww~"

The cats turned to each other, eyes meeting in anger across the silent library floor. Kokusho's fur stood on end with her accusation, and the male cat stared her down with equal pride. In the fallen kingdom of cats, the strong survived, and the weak were left to be consumed. Kokusho cut a path to her position through subterfuge and scheming, often working with the man who was now her enemy as they both vied for ultimate leadership from their respective seats of power.

"They have already reported to me, meow, and they are in position within the Land of Water, ready to attack on my command."

"Don't play me as a fool, Araki, or I will soon have your head,"

Over the land of water, the night came early in winter. Comfortable, fresh breeze rapidly chilled to a frigid wind. Kirei smiled at Watsuji and pulled the hood of his cloak above his head, the folds sunk into the forest's shadows, making the Uchiha barely perceptible even though he made no effort to be hidden. Such was the power woven into the ROOT cloak. The boy brought his hands together, forming a tiger hand seal and exhaled a stream of fire, the show of light igniting his Cruelty Devouring Blaze. A kind fire which could be used to comfortably warm the air surrounding the two boys as they marked through the dark, and create luminescent orbs which would pass between the trees and light their path. In the wake of the evening's earlier events, the air between them was noticeably tense, and Kirei would make sure to be the first to speak to keep things from becoming too uncomfortable.

"I'm from the Land of Fire originally. It's a pretty long way across the sea. It's a lot different from here, the weather is still warm at night this time of year. Do you mind if I ask you about your sword? I didn't mean to be invasive, but I could see the chakra flow within your blade, and I have to ask, is there something sealed inside it?"

Unknown shapes moved in the treeline, imperceptible to even Kirei without his Sharingan active. The cats were a blur in the treeline, pitch black fur of the assassin's guild, hand-picked for their guile and finesse with blades. Four killers had tracked Kirei through the country for days, awaiting orders from their master to strike and they were positioned now for the impending word. Each soldier assigned to this task knew the gravity of their situation, the high council of the lost cat kingdom had chosen this Uchiha to lead the clan back to greatness in the eyes of the cat gods and, in turn, restore honor to both of their houses. They lay in wait, perched among the treetops looking down at the wandering pair. Kirei moved around as they walked, searching for landmarks or nearby clearings which would make a suitable campsite.

Thousands of miles away, Kokusho sat in the middle of an intricate circle, channeling her chakra outwardly into the world. In the Land of Water, a subtle spell would fall upon the boys who wandered talking through the trees, unaware of the sinister forces observing their every move. The wind dropped to silence, ceasing entirely and relieving the constant chill of Kirigakure's winter breeze, but with it came looming darkness which deepened the shadows between the trees, drawing the walls of perception closer into a claustrophobic darkness which obscured even the lights of Kirei's Katon technique. The Uchiha looked around to make sure he could still see Watsuji, and sure enough, the pair remained close and perceptible to one another. The blonde's attention would be split by now between the strange sensation of encroaching darkness and the young Ronin's replies, trying his best to pay attention and reply in turn. After a few moments, Kirei looked for his companion and locked eyes with him, Sharingan now blazing red and staring into the forest behind him.

"Hold on. Someone's following us."


2White Notes, Dark Clouds (inv) Empty Re: White Notes, Dark Clouds (inv) Wed May 09, 2018 8:22 pm



The events of that particular day had been draining for a young samurai. Even with the rigorous training and stalwart discipline he carried with him like a badge, nothing could have prepared him for his very first kills. Although his heart sang out with sadness, he was also sure of himself in his actions. He remembered Bushido and it’s codes, they gave him the necessary mental fortitude to press on. Traveling alongside his now hooded companion, Kirei, Watsuji took plenty of time in his strides forward to admire the scenery. This forest was rather lush, for the time of night they were venturing, it was also quite noisy with wind, insects, and who knew what else. Nothing could have truly shaken the slight feeling of uneasiness that came with traveling through the darkness, which had been illuminated by a very impressive and useful looking fire-based technique.

There came a time during this walking in which Watsuji spaced out within his own thoughts, but quickly Kirei brought him back into the present. He mentioned the Land of Fire, which Watsuji knew of but couldn’t quite remember the name of the primary village within it. His strong suit in his education was not geography. The more interesting piece of information, formed within a question, was about Hideyoshi. Kirei had noticed a chakra signature within the tanto, which gave way to a few more required explanations. Watsuji chuckled slightly before he began. “I’m sure he will have much to say as I begin to explain the unique traditions of my home to you. Inside of this tanto rests the spirit of one of my ancestors. At birth, his ashes were sprinkled into this tanto and I was branded. Our destinies are now bound, I suppose you could say. He is able to speak to me sort of telepathically.

As if on cue, an angry voice shattered Watsuji’s train of thought. “Boy! Do not share such details with this shinobi of all people. Do you not know anything of holding your tongue?” Hideyoshi angrily boomed this and Watsuji only slightly winged as he continued on. Before anything much more could be stated, almost as if a switch had been flipped, the forest grew silent. The useful flame technique seemed to dim in power dramatically as darkness crept up and swallowed the surrounds. The young Miyamoto was not one for risk-taking and immediately placed his hand lightly upon Noko Zai. His anger at Hideyoshi for blunting his train of thought would have to wait, and instead manifested itself as vigilance.

Watsuji would glance upward, trying his best to maintain a line of sight on his acquaintance as the darkness folded inward. A campsite may have just become the least of their concern. Kirei looked to Young samurai and requested of him to wait, suspecting that they may have been being followed. Hideyoshi had his own piece to state “Why have the two of you begun to look about as though something odd were afoot? The state of the woods have changed not a bit..but alas. This shinobi could be correct. People of their cause and creed make more enemies than one can count. You may have been roped into something far more deadly than you imagined.

The young swordsman gave Kirei a direct look and asked outright “Do you have any enemies who might have tailed you on your last mission? It feels that things are getting more dangerous.” It was at this moment that Watsuji would notice the intense glow of red eyes peering back at him from Kirei. It was startling to ya the very least, but it was not Watsuji’s first nature to judge this as some sort of evil omen. He had no idea what those eyes were about but he would slow the shinobi a chance to clarify as his grip on his katana strengthened.

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3White Notes, Dark Clouds (inv) Empty Re: White Notes, Dark Clouds (inv) Wed May 09, 2018 11:27 pm



A sacred tool imbued with the ancestral spirit of his forebearers; Kirei watched the sword at the Ronin's hip with curiosity while he pondered the gravity of that. The voice from earlier, the one woven into the strands of chakra which filled the air and scolded him as if he were some errant street rat hellbent on petty thuggery. Such a contract was of interest to the Uchiha, who had been studying the art of summoning for some weeks, determining the exact specifications of his future summoning formula. The blonde felt an affinity with the abilities of Watsuji's clan; the Sharingan was, in its own way, a tool which held within the power of his lineage.

Coursing with chakra, Kirei's Sharingan could see the chakra flowing throughout the air and in the darkened pit of the phantasmal treeline. The Uchiha pulled his left foot back and rose his arms, right hand gripping a kunai and bringing it across his body to guard his face. While he did this, the boy's free hand would grasp the mask which hung on his forehead and pull it down to cover his face. Watsuji readied himself and whatever lurking predators lapped their greedy lips at the prospect of their prey would undoubtedly be met with sufficient resolve. Something had definitely followed them through the forest and met them here, something sinister which watched on from between the shadows. Without breaking his gaze from the trees, Kirei barked his words back at Watsuji in reply. While he spoke, his pupils would be racing, tracking the movements of their quarry through the dark.

"I thought I made sure I wasn't followed. Shit! Stay close."

In her meditative trance, Kokusho could effortlessly perceive the battlefield, watching and listening as Kirei spoke. The assassins waited for the final order, Kirei's stay of execution was to be withheld and across the ritual chamber, Araki, the lord of assassins, painted his symbol on the floor. In long strands of smoke, the formula rose, and the Lord placed at its center a darkly wrapped scroll. With a flicking motion from the feline's tail, the smoke returned, and with it, the missive would be spirited away to the Land of Water. Sounds of smoke and the rush of chakra served as the cat's signal to attack, the summoning jutsu making enough noise to function as an order on its own. From the wall of shadows, four felines, each with entirely black fur and dressed in flowing cloaks, would dash into the duo's perception. Splitting as two on either side, the quartet of adorable assassins made haste, descending toward their targets with merciless precision. In their teeth, the cats held tanto with which to lash out in time with deadly claws. With their opening move, the cats adopted a ranged approach, circling and twisting their bodies to launch volleys of Kunai and Shuriken with their tails from all angles.

Acting without hesitation, Kirei's hands came together in a seal and Watsuji would feel the earth tremble, rising up around himself, and ideally Watsuji if the boy had stayed close as Kirei suggested. Otherwise, the Uchiha would trust the young ronin to his own devices; there was no need for Kirei to begin acting like an authority on the conduct of war. Whether or not he found himself in the cage of earth, which encased the area around his body in a cube of thick rock, lit internally by a single wisp of flame generated by the Devouring Blaze, Kirei took a moment to steady himself. If Watsuji were present, the Uchiha would offer him these words.

"I trust you, Miyamoto Watsuji. If you trust me, we'll stay alive. Have faith in the stone and fire, I control them, they'll protect us."

On the walls of the structure's interior, Kirei would mark the directions of their foes, who prowled around the edges in wait. The Uchiha was able to spot them through inches of solid stone but he suspected the samurai might have been less than capable of doing so. With the information presented, Kirei would shatter their protective shell and burst toward his chosen pair of cats, throwing a pair of shuriken at each foe with his left hand while igniting two pillars of flame behind them to thwart any apparent retreats. The cats were quick, Kirei had suspected their graceful movements would be able to avoid his projectiles, but their reaction speed was top notch, able to maneuver into the trees before the bulk of Kirei's fire even manifested. Visual prowess tracked the counterattack, first from above and to the left with a tanto strike aimed at the boy's left shoulder which scraped loudly against the edge of Kirei's kunai, sparking violently in the dark.

The battle had begun and Kokusho's lips twisted into a sinister grin, light erupting from the Magister's forehead as she activated the second stage of the Genjutsu surrounding the young Uchiha and his companion. The pair would see the shadows visibly tremble, as if the intangible absence of light were pregnant with energy and then as suddenly as the phenomena began, the shadows burst and would coil outwards like snakes across the ground and trees, coating them with pitch black. The resulting effect would be utter darkness; a completely black field within which only several meters of vision could be captured and the obstacles of the real world became totally obscured, though still as relevant. Bumping into trees or tripping over rocks would be far more perilous without being able to see them. With all surroundings turned to black, Kokusho's deadly arts would push the limits of the boys' will.


4White Notes, Dark Clouds (inv) Empty Re: White Notes, Dark Clouds (inv) Thu May 10, 2018 12:35 am



It was with a strong grip on his blade that Watsuji shook the feelings of fear that had all but entrapped him by this point. One of the major virtues he was meant to uphold was heroic courage. There was no better place for that than right here, right now. As Kirei seemed to recognize the situation a bit better a loud noise sounded not too far off as four felines launched an all out assault on the shinobi and samurai. Shuriken and kunai, all tools of the shinobi trade barraged the boys. It seemed hardpressed that they would not be scathed by at least a few. As the propelling motion of the assailants began at rather close range to the samurai himself, the impressive stone barrier would not come up quite in time to guard one of the projectiles. Watsuji unsheathed his katana and swatted as quickly as he could, knocking the projectile aside with a quickness just as the structure enveloped him alongside Kirei.

What the fūck are those things?! I was told shinobi behaved similarly to these creatures. Am I deceived or were those cats?!” The harshness and complete baffled nature of Watsuji’s words were apparent. He was beyond confused and this day in itself had gone too far. Cats or not, when the barrier came down Watsuji was angry enough that it did not matter. Kirei then shot words toward Watsuji that resonated deep within him. Trust for a shinobi was something he had been taught unwise. This was a situation in which teachings could be overruled. Zoning out angered scoffing from Hideyoshi, Watsuji looked over to Kirei with his hand on his blade and said to him “A samurai’s word is a promise of its own. You have mine, Uchiha Kirei. My blade is yours.

As the barrier crumbled away, Watsuji knew well that his opponents were far too nimble for a fight without chakra. He would need to expend all of his surprises to do his part here. With the use of his breeze pass technique, Watsuji would burst forward at great speeds enhanced by futon chakra, slicing at one of the attackers as he passed. He seemed to have nicked him just barely on the chest with that maneuver. Watsuji slid across the dirt from the momentum, and before another moment could pass he utilized breeze pass once more, seemingly flickering back and forth. This second pass was aimed much better at the mid-air feline, cutting more deeply into his side. His opponent would likely expect a third strike, but one was not to come. His powerful streak came to an end there, however, as his two opponents did not hesitate to descend upon him instantly with claws and tanto alike. One of the two quickly sliced across Watsuji’s cheek, the other across his back as he attempted to block one at a time with his katana.

The pain was mounting and building in young Watsuji as the clawing was now connecting at almost predictable intervals due to a lack of blocking ability from two incoming threats. The Miyamoto clansman roared in fury as Hideyoshi spoke calmly to him “Use me.” That was all it took for Watsuji to unsheathe Hideyoshi with haste, calling forth lightning to guide his strike with the black tanto in use of a powerful samurai technique called Viscious Light. This strike was potent and faster than one of the attacking felines could react to, sending him skittering back into the dark a little ways with a more severe gash.

It was at this time that darkness seemed to creep forward even further as Watsuji fended off the still highly aggressive remaining combatant. Watsuji loaf sight of Kirei at that moment, trying to retreat as he went on the defensive, backing toward where he remembered seeing the shinobi last. There wasn’t much of a chance that Watsuji could keep up against this endless barrage of claw and tanto strikes for much longer. He needed Kirei, and soon.

The boy grows tired, shinobi. Both of you act as though you cannot see a damned thing. He will not be able to repel the remaining assailant for much longer.” for the very first time, Hideyoshi sought the aid of a shinobi on behalf of Watsuji.

720 | 1373

5White Notes, Dark Clouds (inv) Empty Re: White Notes, Dark Clouds (inv) Thu May 10, 2018 5:53 am



Relentlessly, the twin feline assault cascaded from all directions down on the Uchiha. There was a brief pause between the moments of blocking the cat's tanto and another attack; during that moment, the cat locked eyes with Kirei, staring deep into his Sharingan and hissing viciously. Slashing and then ducking into the darkness, it was all the blonde's eyes could do to track the pair of assassins through the night. The shadow heaved and contorted, covering the forest with its inky stillness and the Uchiha tried to move as little as possible, immature eyes unable to decipher the intricate composure of Kokusho's Genjutsu. The Magister was not a being whose will would be overcome by the twin tomoe that Kirei currently possessed; such was the truth behind this attack, testing the boy's limits. Watsuji had merely been an unfortunate victim of circumstance.

Atop this layer of distorted illusion, the sorcerous cat began to weave a blanket of sensory chakra with which to watch over the Uchiha and make sure he was sufficiently tested. Araki's soldiers were excellent warriors, but it was her illusions alone that awakened the boy's second stage, and Kokusho was intent on proving that her power alone was capable of controlling the Uchiha's growth. This fight was a battle within a war, two forces competing for pride and dominance over a long forgotten kingdom while the two boys fought for their lives in the Kirigakue wilderness. She could feel Araki leering at her even though her eyes were closed with the trance required to project her chakra over such distances. The assassin had always been one for psychological warfare, though he could not play tricks on the mind as great as those of the illusionist's creation.

With a flurry of claws and metal, Kirei deflected a string of blows, weaving the kunai in his grip between the two foes and shuffling his feet as little as possible. The boy could still feel the forest moving beneath his feet, dirt shifted, and plants grazed his ankles. Though he could not see his surroundings, he knew enough not to charge around blindly and meet abruptly with some low-hanging branch which would spell his demise. Instead, the young male dedicated a zone to himself, feeling out along the ground with his chakra and raising a slight edge several feet from where he had been standing. Whenever the slight curvature touched the boy's ankles or sides of his feet, he would know to change direction and pivot back toward the center of his safe zone. This tactic would allow Kirei to fight without fear of the unknown but didn't grant him any room for error. Recognizing a feint, Kirei dropped the kunai from his right hand, gripping it with the left and swiping in response to a slash for his gut. The boy's eyes widened as his peripherals caught sight of a hidden appendage; the thin tail struck at Kirei's chest, slicing at his shoulder and sending him recoiling. Sharingan alone allowed him to whip his hand out to toss a shuriken, meeting a projectile from the second cat mid-air with his own and then rolling to the left to avoid the following assault from his close-quarters foe.

Invading the Uchiha's thoughts for the second time tonight, the weathered tone of Watsuji's ancestor yelled at the shinobi for assistance. Beneath the disdain, Kirei felt he could catch a hint of quiet desperation; it only made sense that the bond between the young Ronin and his blade would be complicated. Kirei grunted and rose his hand while beginning to run. Below Watsuji's feet, the ground would shift and roll backward, smoothening out into a treadmill to carry the boy away from the two cats bearing down on him. With the same will, Kirei ignited two swirling orbs of flame to fire at each cat. The earth would move the boy just enough to allow him to disengage on his own terms, Kirei was not a bodyguard, and Watsuji would be left to at least some of his own wits. Being forced to improve or face death was one of the foundations of this world, his father had taught Kirei this, and as profoundly as the Uchiha abhorred these truths, he unknowingly passed them on.

In the same movement, Kirei replaced Watsuji's position and thrust his blade to meet with the impending attack, rolling it over his body to the right and then ducking underneath. This time the tail's movement was expected, and the boy's free hand came upward to catch the feline's errant body before it could use the extra limb to route itself in the air. Finding its mark the blow sent the cat tumbling into the shadow, and Kirei wasted no time in blocking a strike from the back and to the left, sending sparks flying which would briefly illuminate for Watsuji the smiling Chesire facade of Kirei's ROOT mask. In some ways, the young shinobi was more vicious than their attackers, his Sharingan made Kirei a terrifying potential in the world of ninja, the red eyes which trailed chakra through the blackness with each of the blonde's movements. Kirei surrendered himself to the visual prowess, allowing his body to flow through it.


6White Notes, Dark Clouds (inv) Empty Re: White Notes, Dark Clouds (inv) Thu May 10, 2018 12:10 pm



It was a brief moment of relief as Kirei arrived just in time to cushion Watsuji’s efforts. The young samurai was not as experienced in combat as the shinobi he fought alongside. It was impressive to say the least, just the bit of action Watsuji was able to gleam in his peripheral vision from the blonde shinobi in the Cheshire mask. Watsuji took a moment to remember his training and loosen up his rigid feelings of anger. He tossed aside his desperation and sheathed both of his blades, now holding just his tanto by the hilt, in its sheathe. Iaido would guide him through this. These cats moved with such a haste that flailing blades about was not going to bring them down. He would strike like a lightning bolt, power and precision down to a single point.

Watsuji did a strange thing at this moment. Closing his eyes to the darkness that obscured everything, he utilized his other senses. The cats had blades upon their tails it seemed, so as they moved through the air they made a peculiar “whirring” sound. In a sage-like manner, Watsuji calmly stood with his smaller blade gripped, waiting for the opportunity. It came without fail. Slightly to the left, a whirring attacker had chosen to engage him directly. The bait had been taken. The Bushido adherent immediately gripped his katana with his idle hand, unsheathing it with exceptional speed as a surprise attack, but just as the cat adjusted himself in the air to evade Watsuji had already reached out with a free hand to grab the cat by the neck and immediately toss him away into the forest. A thud indicating it had made contact with some surface.

Seems two are out of commission, perhaps we should take each other’s backs to ensure they cannot take us by surprise!” Watsuji shouted this as the clinking and clashing of both of their blades rang out in the dark, now both of them close enough to see one another easily. By this point it was more than apparent that Watsuji was being worn to bits. He had claw marks on his back, his thighs, a rather deep set across his cheek on the left side. Blood covered his clothes and dripped down his face and despite how angry he was from the pain, the young man smiled over at Kirei, channeling that fury into his katana as he continued to repel the assault while looking for an opening. It was at this time he realized the troubles of fighting in a perpetual abyss. The moving ground which had aided him before was gone and now unable to see where he stepped, Watsuji would block an attacking tanto flurry only to trip on a log and fall backward. He knew as he fell backwards that the next thing to occur was not going to be pleasant. Katana being too long to defend himself quickly while on his back, he drew Hideyoshi once more and began to repel the incoming feline when he was caught by surprise. Like a dart, the creatures tail whipped forth and pierced into Watsuji’s leg.

As if it were some kind of poisoned blade, Watsuji’s leg went numb almost instantly as he flailed his hilt in a backhanded motion to swat the cat away. The pain was nonexistent from the wound, but the bleeding was Watsuji’s biggest concern. “You will need to remain as still as still as possible, at least on that leg. Defend yourself with your upper body and you may yet live.” Hideyoshi seemed not to be judging the boy for once, but offering words of wisdom to help the boy survive. Watsuji quietly accepted, glinting his tanto against the assaulting tanto once again, twisting it in a motion to disarm. Another eruption of steel and sparks would occur at the site of the fallen samurai, when suddenly an uncomfortably quiet would descend. It was at that time that the attackers assaulting Kirei would retreat. In an effort to test his resolve further, they hatched a devious plot. In a square formation, all four assassins regrouped and approached the fallen Watsuji from different directions, winding up for a final pounce.

708 | 2081

7White Notes, Dark Clouds (inv) Empty Re: White Notes, Dark Clouds (inv) Thu May 10, 2018 5:39 pm



For all the darkness, blood and steel, Kirei felt safer than ever while his blade would glide through the air to meet with tanto steel and chime loudly through the trees. The cat hissed, unable to take the boy down with these assaults which it held back, orders to push the Uchiha but leave him alive stymied the efforts of the assassins to attack relentlessly. On the axis of his right foot, the ROOT Initiate spun his body and ducked underneath the flurry of claws which aimed for his right side, willing, in that same moment, for the air to ignite into a bed of fire beneath the cat's trajectory. The howl of pain and smell of singed fur sprawled out but the cat moved quick, deft paws able to leap away and retreat into the shadows.

With staggering quickness, Kirei's free hand rose to unleash a barrage of kunai in the direction where the obscured foe had gone, covering a wide area in an effort to thwart a counterattack while he focused on the other cat who descended from what Kirei assumed to be a tree. With the tanto swung by its tail, the cat clashed with the Uchiha's knife and came under it, claws thrashing at Kirei's chest and face, slicing the flesh and eliciting a pained grunt from the young shinobi. Reeling from the blow, Kirei would allow his aura surge with Katon and expand, thrusting away in all directions as a spinning orb of vicious fire to afford him the distance he needed. From his position, he could see Watsuji fighting on vehemently, but the flow of chakra, dimming, and the strained muscle twitches spotted by Kirei's Sharingan allowed the Uchiha to perceive his distress. With his brief disengage giving him time, Kirei would dart through the dark, leaving his safe zone to intercept his companion and place himself in the way of their oncoming attack.

Turning his back to one, Kirei sacrificed an attack against himself for better positioning and ignited a blaze around the pair. Bubbling into reality according to the Uchiha's will, the long strands of fire would form tendrils that, in time with Kirei's strikes, would flow around him like water and aid him in his conquest. The first cat, path intercepted by errant projectiles from the Uchiha, dropped down to reposition while the boy brought his Kunai heavenward to block the leftmost cat and a mirrored plume of flame and ash would strike at the feline on his other side. The neglected assassin, who arrived on Kirei's back, dug his claws deep into the Uchiha and maneuvered around, leaving the boy's hand and slicing with his tanto across the boy's shoulder and neck, prompting Kirei to fall, toppling over where Watsuji had dropped. The blonde rolled forward, left hand gripping the pouring wound hard. With gritted teeth, the boy willed a stream of fire to coalesce from his hand and sear the filleted flesh to stem the bleeding. The pain radiated mercilessly through Kirei's neck and shoulder as he cauterized his wounds as quickly as possible while tracking the small chakra signatures moving about the darkness. Like the boys, the assassins were tired and wounded, unable to act as usual due to orders requiring them to hold back.

In supreme disappointment, Kokusho let out a low-pitched hiss. The magister was visibly displeased with the showing of their trial. It was clear that, should they desire it, they would effortlessly be able to assassinate the boy but finding the right balance of pushing him to awaken the Sharingan and not killing him was where her frustration was born. Dispelling the trance would break the hold of the Genjutsu on the boys, allowing, over the course of only several seconds, the shadows to thin and lighten around the forest, fading back into the natural hues of silver and blue which permeated the Land of Water. The final clash and fading of Kokusho's Genjutsu would serve as the assassins' signal to retreat, forcing the quartet off into the night with purpose. In Kirei's final moments fighting, he would make sure to be ready to defend Watsuji if it looked as if the boy were in mortal danger but again would lend the ronin his faith, and allow him to grow through his own experiences.

"He's not ready, Araki. I can feel it. He is close, but there remains some time before the Uchiha boy will be able to awaken his full potential. Have your men keep watch; I must study the tablets."

Rising from her seat, the illusionist would take her leave from the main chamber before her contemporary had time to lord over her the failures of the night's assault, one which he had scorned from its inception. It was obvious to the hardened warrior, perhaps more than the student of mystic teachings, that the Uchiha had quite a way to go before he would be useful enough to revive this desolate kingdom. In centuries past, the Nineko of this city would convene with the Uchiha clan on matters of import, but now the civilization had been reduced to a shadow. This was the secret behind Kokusho's obsession, and the reason she was determined to see the boy grow and mature before her land was lost for good. Approaching Watsuji in the wake of the battle, Kirei offered a few words to the night as he sat back against the trunk of a tree, depleted and breathing heavily.

"What the hell is going on?"



1200 trains B-rank ninjutsu technique (-10% quick learner, -10% uchiha ninjutsu)
1200 trains B-rank ninjutsu technique (-10% quick learner, -10% uchiha ninjutsu)
1200 trains B-rank ninjutsu technique (-10% quick learner, -10% uchiha ninjutsu)
20 to the gods

8White Notes, Dark Clouds (inv) Empty Re: White Notes, Dark Clouds (inv) Thu May 10, 2018 6:09 pm



It seemed they weren’t geared to strike simultaneously after all. This made sense in the situation, but not to Watsuji. The test, afterall, didn’t truly involve Watsuji. He would have been nothing much to dispense of. The only reason he was attacked was likely to throw off Kirei and illicit weakness from him, forcing him to not only fight his own battle, but protect the weaker counterpart. The last fleeting bit of the attack was aimed just to do thag, before the ninneko made a final retreat. Watsuji, now slumped against a tree on his ass, unable to use his right leg, watched Kirei scuffle continuously with the cats, now implementing the use of powerful jutsu to do what he could to end things. Watsuji may have been injured and exhausted, but he was absolutely fuming. He shouted into the dark ahead of him, knowing at least two more assassins were lurking “Come and get me, damned cowards!” He gripped both of his weapons as he shouted, ready to fight it out to the bloody end if he had to. No dead leg was going to stop him.

From within the brush a bright flare did shoot forth, a large fireball made its way toward Watsuji as he winced slightly before a small grin curled at the corner of his mouth. “Farewell, you mangy rats.” Watsuji unsheathed his blade with blinding speed, enhancing it with chakra and essentially swatting the large ball of fire directly back at the source at the same speed it had approached at. There was nothing left he could do. It was with some luck that the skilled assassins had been slightly arrogant, taking attention away from the boy after feeling as though they’d sealed his fate with the jutsu. The fireball would nihilists the tree where they stood, sending them falling to the ground. It was at that point they were asked to retreat.

While slumped against the tree, Kirei joined Watsuji. It appeared he was worn down as well. With the words he offered after everything, Watsuji couldn’t help but burst into an exhausted chuckle which blossomed into painful and loud laughter. The two tired and exhausted boys would spark up a campfire and rest up. The adventures they would take on from that point forward would be as far and spread out as the imagination could draw up. Watsuji had no other connections in this land, and Kirei seemed to be nothing other than a wonderful potential friend. He was fierce and capable, as well as close to Watsuji’s age. That was a relief. The many adventures the two would go on would cumulate ultimately to a good friendship.


436 | 2532
RT: D-1 ~> D-3 (850) + 125 Ryo
Perception: D-0 ~> (325) + 25 Ryo
Strength: E-1 ~> D-0 (675)
Endurance: E-1 ~> D-0 (675)

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