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1The Cub [Konoha to Kiri] Empty The Cub [Konoha to Kiri] Wed Mar 21, 2018 10:25 pm



The sounds of crickets echoed throughout the empty streets of Konohagakure no sato. Shadows took over every corner of the village, save for the rays emitted by the street lights. In the darkness of night, the white eyes of the Hyuga stood out like pearls. It was a few minutes past midnight. A time that found the once safe and bright exterior of Konohagakure change to a more dangerous city. Among the city’s alleyways hid ruffians, thugs, and thieves. It was at this time that they made Konoha their home. Atsuya was clearly out of place; at a normal day he would have been sleeping soundly in a warm bed, but not tonight. While he had tried to get a good night’s rest, it proved impossible. He was eager to leave Konoha, and unable to bare a minute more inside the village. There was no single ounce of hatred in his bones for the village, but it had become stale. He had lived all his entire life within the confines of Konohagakure no sato and wanted a change, luckily he was invited to Kirigakure as an exchange student in one of Konoha’s new programs. It was promising for Atsuya, even perfect, but not so for his family. It took time before he was able to convince his aunt, and when he finally did a day ago he couldn't wait to leave for Kirigakure.

Originally, he was scheduled to depart two days from now. He had decided, however, that now was as good a time as any. He quickly packed his bags, which just consisted of clothes and personal belongings. Leaving only a note as his goodbye, the Hyuga left the house he had grown so accustomed to. He looked back once, or twice. Despite losing his real family long ago, he had a new family. His aunt, Hanako, had raised him since the incident and had taken care of her ever since… until now of course. The truth was, part of the reason of his decision to leave so prematurely was to alleviate himself of the hardships of saying goodbye to a family member. It was selfish of him, because he was also the only family Hanako had left. He hoped she would understand, and he hoped that one day he would be welcomed back with open arms. As painful as it is, it was now time for the lion cub to depart and begin his journey. He swore to return one day, but only when he had proven himself to the world. One day, when every man and woman in the lands of the shinobi know my name. One day, when I am feared and respected. One, day when I find justice for my family. On that day I shall return.

Finally exiting the city gates, he couldn’t help but recall all the moments he had spent in the village and all the people he had already met. His melancholic thoughts were then overcome by the challenge that now stood ahead of him. He knew nothing about Kirigakure and the lands surrounding it, he knew nothing of the people and of their skill. It was exciting. His blood ran hot at the thought of it. Braving the darkness of night, he began his journey one step at a time. Slowly the pure white silhouette of the Hyuga faded into the black shadows of the night. Inch by inch he moved farther away from his hometown, and inch by inch he moved closer to the challenges that awaited him… oh boy did he love a challenge.

A cub emerged from the comforts of the village, and a lion delved into the dark depths of the unknown wilderness in search for its next rival.


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