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Raphael awoke to the mid day sun, it was unusual that he would sleep in so late but he has had a busy couple of days since his arrival here within the Village Hidden in the Clouds, he had been so preoccupied with everything that had been going on in the village that he had not taken any time for himself to just relax. "Ah well, I guess today will be the day." he said aloud as he stretched his body out on the bed. Taking his time as he ready himself for the day ahead, he was in no hurry after all today was his day. He step out the door way and almost walked right out in front of a run away cart, had it not been for the man chasing after the cart screaming warning it would have hit him. Raphael watched as the cart smacked into the wall of the near by building all but falling to pieces and hundreds of pieces of paper began flying in the air before littering the ground. "no, no, no," the man cried as he ran up to the cart, "this can't be happening.." Despite his desire for a day of relaxation the young boy was just too kind hearted to ignore someone in need of help. "would you like some help?" Raphael asked the man as he walked up to him. The man turned to see the young boy standing behind him with a grin on his face, "thanks kid but I don't think you will be able to help much. You see, I was charged with delivering the flyers and only have until sun set, but now that my cart is broken I just don't see how I am going to get it done" the man said with a sigh as he fell to his knees. Raphael ignored the man's statement of him not being much help, bending down and picking up one of the flyers turning it over to see what it said. Seems that the trail portion of the exams were coming to a close and a list of all those eliminated and then those who were moving on to the exams, as well as the locations for the fights of the finalist first round and who would be fighting who. Raphael made a mental note to go and watch the exams and judge for himself just how good these competitors were, his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the man who had the cart wailing louder than ever about how horrible his life was now that the cart was destroyed and how he was never going to make his deadline. "Oh for Raava's Sake!" Raphael shouted though he had not mean to, he was just tired of the man trickling on and on about his situation, "if I agree to help you will you please shut the hell up?" He asked hoping the man would agree, the man looked shocked at the boys remark perhaps it was because he had never been talked to like that before or maybe he was just surprised that a boy so young would talk the way he did. "How can you help me?" The man stuttered out looking at Raphael as though he was just talking out of his ass. "Look you were almost done anyways, there is only two stacks left to deliver I will take this stack of flyers and deliver them," Raphael stated pointing to a stack near him, "instead of complaining how about you take a stack or find someone who will do it and it will be done." Raphael finished before picking up the stack of papers he had claimed and set off to take the flyers around the village. Raphael moved as quickly as he could, this was not how he had wanted to spend his day, why did he volunteer to help that man? What was he thinking? Raphael handed the flyer to those he passed as he walked as well as delivering some to the homes as he passed it did not take long for his stack to be all but gone choosing to post the last few by the gates so that everyone coming in or going out of the village could see them. "Well now that that is done maybe I can still salvage the rest of my day," he said aloud though for once during his time here in the village there was no one around him to here him.

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Mission Completed

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