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1Night Patrol [D-Rank | Private | NK] Empty Night Patrol [D-Rank | Private | NK] Fri Dec 30, 2016 5:22 am

Markus Ukari

Markus Ukari

Mission Details" :

Once again Markus found himself looking at a scroll. The parchment was in good shape, and the character on its side marked it as a D-Ranked mission. Markus had just visited the Kumogakure no Sato Administrative Buildings, he was getting another mission.

As usual, being only a genin of the Hidden Cloud Village he was expected to handle simple tasks, either running errands or doing repairs. However, every once in a while, something interesting comes even to one such as himself. The mission seemed simple enough, he would report to a special jounin, an upper rank ninja, who would put Markus with another ninja. Their job was simple, they would patrol the villages boarders for a couple of nights. If anything of note were to happen their instructions were simple. Report the events, and remain at a watchful distance till help can arrive. Do not engage.

Markus signed, he didn’t expect much, if anything to happen. The village was on a heightened sense of alert, following the recent situation at the demon tree, and as such extra security was expected. However, he knew if the heads thought something serious was to happen, they would send out word.

As Markus left the building he couldn’t help but admire the village, Kumogakure was situated on steep cliffs high in the mountains, many of the buildins even hung off of the sides. The wind was blowing in, he could tell because his scarf was swaying, and others seemed to be holding their cloaks tighter to their bodies. The genin however, could not feel the sensation others did, if it wasn’t for those inclinations he knew he would have no idea what the wind was doing, or how cold it was this season.

As usual Markus was wearing his long black scarf wrapping around his neck. Under the fashion piece he wore a light sleeveless tunic, open in the center reviling a fishnet undershirt, he knew he should probably bundle better, even if he couldn’t feel the cold. He just couldn’t get himself to care.

Just over his heart Markus’s skin bore a dark black marking, this was a tattoo in the shape of his clans’ emblem, he had had it for many years now, and never felt the need to keep it hidden. He wore white wraps around both his hands, which started at the thumbs, and wrapped up to mid elbow. Adorning his right arm, just below the shoulder sat his Hitae-ate, the metal band attached to a black cloth marked his status as a ninja of the cloud. Along his left shoulder, one would see a lighting-like design of black ink which disappear over his shoulder and back into his tunic, this was his second tattoo, he had gotten it much more recently, in favor of his favorite element. Much like his arms, one would notice his legs were also wrapped, starting at the ankles and ending at some point under his black pants. He also wore the traditional sandals of a ninja, a black garb which allowed freedom of movement.

With a sign, Markus took off at a sprint. The evening was growing long, and night was about to fall upon the village. If he didn’t want to be late, he needed to hurry, the other ninja were probably already waiting, or also on their way.

[Word Count = 566]
[Total WC = 566]

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