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Misaki was by no means talented at, well... much of anything. He barely had any training as a shinobi and at everything else that he did, he was average at best. Such was the case with the weapon he had forged, proud of it as he was. It had been a grueling process that had taken more time than he would have liked to admit. So when he was told that he could sell his weapons and creations for extra money, he had chosen to forgo repeating that process.

Instead, he had rounded up a few spare kunai and shuriken that had been left in a drawer in his apartment. He didn't much feel like parting with the small projectile weapons, but they were non-essential and he was currently short on cash. Certain sacrifices had to be made.

Like his landlady had told him several times before, the rent wasn't going to pay itself. She wasn't mean spirited or anything of the sort. Quite the contrary, she often let Misaki pay the money he owed her in installments so that it was easier for him to manage his finances. She had even let him pay her a bit late a couple of times before. Above everything else, he very much appreciated the fact that he hadn't evicted him yet. He largely attributed it to her feeling sorry for the young boy. He was presumably the last survivor of his clan, a lonely orphan that had been forbidden from inheriting any of the vast wealth that the Karisuma had left behind. It wasn't a story that was unheard of, but it definitely drew in some sympathy from the people around him.

With mismatched eyes, the blue haired boy looked around the street, lined with a variety of shops. The Grand Bazaar was always a nice place to spend time in. He walked past several of them in search for a specific one. Someone he knew from the slums had told him that he could fetch a decent price for his old weapons there. He had intentionally left his spear back home in case he was made an offer for it that he couldn't say no to. It was best to avoid temptation, especially when selling his naginata would make his job as a shinobi significantly harder.

Misaki spotted the shop through the corner of his eye and headed towards it. He took a deep breath. He was a little nervous - he had never haggled for anything in his life. It made him uncomfortable to ask for anything. With a tentative hand, he pushed the door open. A small bell on it chimed, signaling the entry of a new customer. "Hello?" he called. Looking around, he couldn't really see anyone manning the counter. Whoever they were, they must have been looking for something in the back of the shop.




Sabishi was at his shop near the slums. It was a small basement shop with steps leading down to it. The sign was wooden with Darkened metal torched into letters. It read Mechanized Emporium. Held to the top of the door with four long nails. Two on either side in each corner. It was a simple door but it had a handle with a single turn latch on it. He had been busy with his next creation in the back. Wearing his White long sleeved shirt made of non flammable materials and an apron. He wasn't a very good shinobi but his brain was wired just right for all kinds of toys. Be the toys made for children or toys made for taking on an enemy. For the moment his jeans shifted as he moved over a piece of scrap metal he was sharpening. Goggles on he held the base of it. It was shaped like a sword but had several notches on it screwed into place and was considerably thicker. The bottoms of each notch were bladed but halfway up the notch it was just solid steel. He was designing a fairly large sword breaker. Sharpening each notch was a pain but having a bladed on was interesting. The top of it was a solid square chunk so if they got into a grapple with their blades they could leverage it just right without endangering their hand.

He lifted the weapon from the spinning grind stone and looked up as he heard the bell chime. His silver hair tipped with black grease and his hands covered in thick brown gloves with oil stains on them. He would stop pumping the pedal for the grind stone and let it whirl down to a stop before he would set the weapon on the counter. Moving from the grind stone he would shift the goggles up so he could see better. Underneath were a pair of grey eyes devoid of energy and yet they seemed to analyze everything. A young boy perhaps but still one could look him in the eye and see maturity and intelligence. He wasn't an apprentice. He was the owner. As Misaki entered the shop would be cool and a little darker but it had glass cases all around. Toys like spinning tops and little moving robots would be on shelves that people could pick up and look at but in the cases were wondrous things. A wire en-laced with Kunai welded on to the wire for a sturdy setting. Gauntlets with pop out knives under the wrist. A forearm mounted crossbow. A heavy crossbow with a spinning chamber to fire up to six bolts at a time. A shield with a spike in the center that could fire. And a series of other such weapons.

Sabishi himself would smile as he exited the back as he heard the familiar hello. The smell of metal hung in the air but that couldn't be helped with the shop in the back where he worked his magic. He was a little short but he didn't seem to care too much. Still he would bow his head respectfully as he actually enjoyed others coming to his shop. A new customer was something interesting and this one seemed like he may be one of the capable ones. Immediately Sabishi wondered if he might be a shinobi. Even if he wasn't there were collectors and wanderers. His sales didn't have to be exclusive to just members of the shinobi Ranks. Still he would speak up in a voice that was both dull and warm. " Welcome welcome, My name is Sabishi and I will be helping you today. From toys to weapon joys I make em all. You want your opponents worryin? Shop at Mechanized Emporium. What can I do for you sir?"




Misaki only had a few seconds to look around the shop. It was a small space, but its shelves were packed with all kinds of weapons, items and... were those toys? They looked like toys. The young Karisuma turned around to look back at the counter when someone came in through a door that he could only assume led to a back room. The person that came out was a slim boy with a mop of grey hair and sharp eyes of the same color. He seemed friendly, but Misaki almost froze when he said he was the person that had put all of these things together.

"You... You make all of these yourself?" Misaki asked. He must have heard that wrong. The person behind the counter was only a boy. He looked to be about Misaki's own age. There was no way someone that young could be talented enough to produce such fine and complicated weapons. The walls were lined with shelves upon shelves of weaponry, including explosives and puppets. Making a naginata had been complicated enough for the blue haired boy, he couldn't even picture trying to work on any of these things. His eyes glimmered with wonder as he looked around the shop one more time. His mouth may or may not have been hanging agape. "You must be some sort of genius," he said to the boy.

Forget about selling the kunai, there was an opportunity here - one that could yield a lot more than a couple of extra ryo. Then again, he also did kind of need that money. Well, no reason why he couldn't do both, maybe? Misaki rushed to the counter and practically leaned over it. There was a look of sheer determination on his face. "You- You have to teach me!" he exclaimed. He was ready to do whatever it took for a couple of lessons from this boy.

He dug through his weapons pouch and clumsily pulled out a handful of kunai - six in total. They nearly slipped through his fingers, but he managed to put them on the counter. "I, um, also have to sell some kunai. I'm pretty short on cash and someone told me you bought secondhand weapons for the metal or something, so I was wondering if you'd take these of my hands for a good price - but that's not really important right now!" He said, both rapidly and excitedly. He had a tendency to speak very quickly when he felt that way. It didn't help that he lacked a filter between his thoughts and the words that actually came out of his mouth. That trait of his was something that he had noticed only recently, but it was a very present one all the same. "Can you please teach me how to make a decent weapon?"




Sabishi would let his eye brows raise as the young man in his shop seemed to remark in disbelief. As if it was impossible for Sabishi to have accomplished something of the sort. Still he would smile and rub the back of his head as the young man also exclaimed a compliment on his intelligence. He did enjoy others recognizing his greatness. All those years at the academy with the other students laughing at him. His clan being the weakest of the puppet clans. He was expected to fail. Expected not to be able to reach any heights or even graduate the academy. After all members of his clan could barely operate a puppet. Only ever being able to use one at a time with the best puppeteer of their clan and far less modifications available. They avoided shinobi work because they didn't seem to be nearly as capable. Most of them took construction jobs with basic puppets. Still he had managed to graduate and now, now someone was recognizing his capabilities. Even if not exactly as a shinobi they recognized him all the same. So those kids at the academy and that one instructor that ran him down to try and make him quit? Well they all could suck it, in a group, with a donkey.

Then the boy rushed his counter and Sabishi took a step back. He hadn't expected it and it made him flinch a little. His hand raising up across his chest with his fingers outstretched as if getting ready to back hand the young individual in his shop. It was odd though. His hands didn't close the fingers but instead seemed to clench them. Almost as if getting ready to yank something unseen. However he held himself back. Working against the instincts drilled into him at the academy to lash out at a rapidly charging individual. Seriously, how much energy did his fellow citizens of Suna have? Still the young man nearly launched himself over the counter as he looked excitedly at Sabishi who was yet to lower his hand. Still as the blue haired boy exclaimed about Sabishi needing to teach him all Sabishi could do is let his shoulders slump and one eye brow lowered itself as if he was completely caught off guard by the entire statement. Teach the guy? Why in the world would he do that? Well it wasn't like he couldn't use the help and most of his scrap metal was free....but ugh that would be so time consuming.

Still the young man would fish into his pockets and clumsily pull out six blades. Almost dropping them on himself and Sabishi. However as he set them on the counter Sabishi would relax and his hand would lower to pick up each one individually as he examined them. Nicks here and there but no rust. They were kept clean but well used. He would listen to the boy before him and finally he would speak with a drawn out sigh. Popping open the till and moving out 90 ryo in total. Setting it on the counter next to the Kunai as he would leave the till open.

"I will give you 90 for the lot. Can't give you the full value of a brand new Kunai and even though these can be mended they have clearly seen use. That's fifteen a Kunai that I might be able to make use of. As for teaching you, Mr., You haven't even given me a name yet. Energy is good and all but you might consider introducing yourself. For instance, My name is Kikyojin Sabishi, Genin of Suna and proprietor of this shop. Nice to meet you."




Misaki barely noticed that the other boy was preparing to likely send him through a wall for violating his personal space. He was much too focused on the prospect of learning how to forge a proper weapon to really pay attention to anything else. Even so, the young Karisuma's expression turned sheepish. He was now embarrassed by his sudden outburst. "Oh, right," he began. A blush crept across his cheeks, tinting them a light shade of pink. "I probably should have started with that, huh?" He chuckled, trying to make light of his slight sense of shame. He avoided eye contact, looking to the side momentarily. For the moment, he would ignore the offer for the kunai in favor of a proper introduction.

It was only fair if he wanted to make a good impression, which he thought was essential to getting the grey haired boy to take him on as an apprentice of sorts. He bowed politely, the action having been drilled into him by his mother a long time ago. Regadless of the other person's status, he always bowed when introducing himself. "My name is Karisuma Misaki. I'm also a genin of the village... sort of," he mumbled the last part.

He was technically a genin, despite not havign graduated from the Academy. He had only attended half of the years he needed to get the title through official channels. Instead, after what the administrative office described as an "unexplained absence," he was promoted upon his return to Sunagakure. By then, the entirety of his clan had been massacred. Maybe that was the reason why he had been given his current position. From what he knew, he was the only person within the village's walls and potentially the entire world that bore the Kekkei Genkai of the Karisuma - the Stunning Eye, as it was commonly referred to. He supposed that had to have some value to the village, even if it was just to keep some form of tradition going.

Going back to the offer, Misaki nodded. "90 sounds perfect," he said. So much for haggling. Honestly, he had expected to fetch half of that price for these old weapons, so no sense in looking a gift horse in the mouth, so to speak. After all, he only needed 50 to finish paying his monthly rent. That meant he had an extra 40 to spend. Maybe he could try to get some art supplies later that day. "You've got a deal," he confirmed.

There was still the matter of learning from the other boy - Sabishi - which, to him, had become more important than having some extra cash. "But back to the other thing," he started again. This time, he did his best to keep himself calm and composed. Hints of his determined excitement still bled through his words, however. "Can you please teach me how to make weapons? Only basic ones! You don't have to teach me all your secrets or anything like that. I'll help around your shop. I can clean and tend to customers when you're busy," he offered in exchange. He didn't expect the other boy to teach him for free, after all.




Sabishi would listen as the young man would begin to notice the pleasantries he had skipped. He was rather satisfied with his request not being ignored. Some refused to give a name and others....others didn't see the point with sharing their name with a backwater shop owner. He still sold to them of course but at a raised rate in comparison to what it was worth in his mind. The shop had been his fathers office before he passed so it was bought and paid for. As for the items found within he was the one who gathered the materials and made them himself. Aside from the time put into it the shop was nothing but a hobby with a pay check. After all if he was hurting for ryo his skills as a shinobi; limited as they may be; could land him virtually any day job in hard labor. Conveniently enough where a lot of scrap metal could be found. That said it didn't hurt to go on the simpler missions he was allowed to take as a genin of the village. Just nothing that could land him in the hospital. His mother was sick so it was up to him to keep the household running.

Still as the boy would introduce himself as Karisuma Misaki Sabishi's eyebrows would rise in surprise. It had happened years ago and he had just been a child at the time but he couldn't see anyone old enough to remember anything forgetting the day that clan compound burned. He didn't know much of their capabilities or why they were a renowned shinobi clan in Suna but he had read about why. Someone had let slip that a lot of the council heading the clan had sold off their own as slaves for their rare beauty. He had come back after training to power in Konoha and taken down the majority of the clan. Synn Karisuma if he recalled correctly. He had been taken down when it was done by some Konoha nin or another. For a survivor to be was a hard thing to believe. He remembered seeing the flames scorching the night skies. He had never seen destruction on that scale and it had scared him. The first time he had understood death and realized he was as mortal as anyone. He had thought with his father passed away and his mother sick along with his clan being a lesser clan that he had it bad. This poor guy, his heart bled for him a little.

Still Sabishi had to keep his cool and make it appear like he was reluctant to take on an apprentice. His own skill having taken a couple of years to get to the point he had and even then nothing in the shop was above C rank in quality. However aside from feeling pity for the boy he assumed was close to his own age having someone to work with felt both like fun and a nice way to get some crafting done without having to do all of it himself. Still he would pop the till and pull out 90 ryo....most of what he had within....and set it on the counter and tapping the drawer closed so it slid and clicked. He would move the kunai behind the counter with an idea to make a spiked shield later that fired its spikes. He would need to gather better springs and a trigger system that could withstand impact. Either way he would finish putting them away and place his hands on the counter before speaking in his dull tone. Grey eyes watching Misaki closely.

"Alright I suppose. I will help you learn what I know. However there will be three parts to this deal. You polish the weapons in the shop, Gather your own scrap metal, and anything you make that you don't keep you sell here and I get thirty percent of the profit it yields so long as your using my smithy. Is that acceptable Mr. Karisuma?"


Nice pick in clan by the way. I played Synn Karisuma.



Misaki missed any of the contemplation that went through Sabishi's mind. He was much too fixed on the answer and trying to build a case for himself. Maybe if he promised to bring extra supplies somehow? Or maybe he could find a way to bring extra customers? Well, he didn't know very many people, but surely he could find a way. A lot of places tended to hire him because of his eyes and the reputation behind his Kekkei Genkai. It was known to even influence some people without it being activated, which was partially why he was good at dealing with people. He attributed the tips he got at the Dragon's Tongue to that and his cheery demeanor. He was also assigned to several missions where he acted as a representative of Sunagakure for that reason - gate duty, sending messages and such. He could use that as his angle if Sabishi needed further convincing. Yes, that could work.

Trusting as he was, he didn't bother to count the ryo that the boy had just handed him. He simply slipped it into his wallet before turning his attention to the shopkeeper once again. He was ready to start insisting, but was surprise when he found out that he didn't have to. He smiled excitedly. "Really, Sabishi-san? You'll do it?" He said, obviously surprised that he actually got a yes. The terms were fair. He didn't mind having to clean. In fact, he saw it as an opportunity to get a closer look at the weapons and therefore find inspiration if he ever needed it. He hadn't intended to gain any of the profit from the things that he wouldn't keep. The fact that Sabishi had offered to sell his creations - terrible as they would be - for a fee sounded wonderful.

He would probably have to quit his part time job at the Dragon's Tongue in order to make time to come here. That would mean that making ends meat would become harder, but there was no way he was passing up this opportunity. If it meant that he had to maybe go without a few things for a while, that would be Ok. Certain sacrifices had to be made for the sake of knowledge and learning. Maybe if he wouldn't have to worry about that if his weapons actually started selling. The prospect, though unlikely in Misaki's opinion, was exciting. His creations being wielded be others, potentially even saving lives in battle? He had a hard time picturing a better form of flattery.

"I won't let you down!" He began, extending his hand so that he could shake Sabishi's and seal the deal. "I'll work hard, I promise!" He insisted excitedly. "I'll be here tomorrow morning to help you open up the shop! And thanks for taking a chance on me, you won't regret it!" He said, choosing his own starting date. Before the other boy could protest, he would leave the shop with a spring in his step.

[Trained Earth Release: Rising Spears (土遁・ライジング•スピアーズ  ~ Doton: Raijingu supiāzu): 1000/1000]
[Trained Earth Release: Mud Wolves: 1000/1000]

OOC: Thanks! It's s fun clan to be in. PM me if you want to start the follow-up thread to this one.



Sabishi would glance at the man across from him. Possibly slightly older than himself if he had to guess. He was a karisuma which suggested he was capable. He wondered just how capable he was. Perhaps those Kunai would be due for a right proper cleaning after all. He didn't seem like the kind of man that had done much in the way of killing but how often Sabishi was surprised made him paranoid. He would soak the blades in a solution to rid them of any blood later. He wasn't interested in becoming part of any murder investigation nor did he care about the village catching the real killer anyway. Still it seemed he had a virtually free employee for the time being. Some under the table work and what ever he needed help with and in return, he would help the young man craft weapons. Which he would then sell if he could. His grey eyes would shift to the young mans out stretched hand and his own pale hand would reach out to shake it. Providing a firm and warm grip which seemed odd since the rest of him was so cold. Still he was left blinking where he stood when the young man left.

He would be here in the morning? At the shop to open it up? But Sabishi didn't even have up posted hours....He hadn't told the kid what materials he needed to look for or even go over what kind of things he wanted to build....He would run a hand through his hair as he sighed and let his head fall back. He would need to be in early in the morning just so the kid didn't sit there for a couple of hours waiting for no reason. He would certainly need to discuss operation hours at a later time. Still his eyes would shift to the wall above the counter to the scroll there behind the glass. His house was only just upstairs and his mother rested there. The scroll sat there in the shop but he wouldn't sell it. First of all he couldn't because he couldn't open the damn thing. It was something of his fathers that his father had passed down to him and so on. Old as the scroll was it still was well preserved and in good quality. When he felt unsure or uneasy about anything he would gaze at it. A short moment of connection between it and himself.

The bell ringing would draw his attention back as a couple of the usual customers came in. His eyes dragged to them as they quickly found the weapons designed for them as per their request. Sabishi would put on an empty smile and go over to assist them. Making sure to tune the weapons to them and their preferences. Sharpen what needed to be sharpened and take payment. They liked weapons which suited him fine though he knew they often broke the weapons he made. A pity but he would manage. Either way he would go about the rest of his day working the shop before heading home to bed after giving his mother her medicine for an early morning.

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