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1Tsume (Free Inuzuka Pet) Empty Tsume (Free Inuzuka Pet) Mon Nov 14, 2016 7:27 pm



Name: Tsume
Species: Wolf/Dog
Rank: D [Seijutsu Combat Pet]
Specializations: Ninjutsu/ Seijutsu
Elements: Katon, Doton
Appearance: Tsume stands at 152.4 cm tall and weighs 68.0389 kg Tsume's claws are 38.1mm long due to his being grown up, along with his teeth. Tsume's fur is a deep grey/blue hybrid of fur on most his body, but his face, chest, and underbelly are of a lighter shading to that color pallet. On Tsume’s chest is an X scar that shows a very pale color under his fur.
Personality: Tsume has much the same personality as Shippo, but he is a bit more relaxed when it comes to the ever day bit of life. Much like his partner however Tsume is serious when he must be and when Shippo tells him that they are on a mission than Tsume has little time for anything else. In regards to strangers however, unless Shippo gives the okay, or Tsume has met a person before and has shown a liking towards them he doesn’t like being touched by anyone. He also has a zero tolerance for aggression directed at Shippo and will often bite anyone who he thinks is being too aggressive towards his partner.
Techniques: N/A

Last edited by Shippo on Wed May 23, 2018 8:46 am; edited 3 times in total

2Tsume (Free Inuzuka Pet) Empty Re: Tsume (Free Inuzuka Pet) Thu Nov 17, 2016 4:46 pm



1) While your pet doesn't have techniques still, the Techniques section needs to be present.

2) For the measurements of your pet, please provide them in metric.

That should be all for now.

3Tsume (Free Inuzuka Pet) Empty Re: Tsume (Free Inuzuka Pet) Sun Nov 20, 2016 2:52 pm



Edits are made. Also, if my character wasn't measured in the Metric system, why should anything else I do HAVE to be in the metric system?

4Tsume (Free Inuzuka Pet) Empty Re: Tsume (Free Inuzuka Pet) Mon Nov 21, 2016 5:24 pm



Shippo wrote:Name: Tsume
Species: Wolf/Dog
Rank: E [Seijutsu Combat Pet]
Specializations: Ninjutsu/ Seijutsu
Elements: Katon, Doton
Appearance: Tsume stands at 29.21 cm tall and weighs 5.55 kg Tsume's claws are 6.35mm long due to his being a puppy, along with his teeth. Tsume’s fur is a deep grey/blue hybrid of fur on most his body, but his face, chest, and underbelly are of a lighter shading to that color pallet. On Tsume’s chest is an X scar that shows a very pale color under his fur.
Personality: Tsume has much the same personality as Shippo, but he is a bit more relaxed when it comes to the ever day bit of life. Much like his partner however Tsume is serious when he must be and when Shippo tells him that they are on a mission than Tsume has little time for anything else. In regards to strangers however, unless Shippo gives the okay, or Tsume has met a person before and has shown a liking towards them he doesn’t like being touched by anyone. He also has a zero tolerance for aggression directed at Shippo and will often bite anyone who he thinks is being too aggressive towards his partner.
Techniques: N/A
Approved for free.

Regardless of whether your character was measured in metric, all applications made under the items section should have their measurements provided in metric unless they are damage-specific, e.g. cutting and piercing depths.

5Tsume (Free Inuzuka Pet) Empty Re: Tsume (Free Inuzuka Pet) Sun Mar 12, 2017 11:03 am



Updated the information.

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