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1Family Meeting [Invite/No Kill] Empty Family Meeting [Invite/No Kill] Mon Oct 24, 2016 10:09 pm

Strafe Aisu

Strafe Aisu

Solemn feet walked to a temple nearby their encampment. It was uninhabited and Strafe knew this from a personal stroll through it upon arrival. It was time to meet up with Mitsuo, his long lost lover. He couldn't believe that the man was alive after all this time...but where could he have been? The Sannin's face was contorted with stress and anger. All this time he had been alone, fighting assassins, trying to help bring Kaia back from the horrible place he found her. If it had not been for Demi, he would have never have survived. The poor girl, she didn't deserve the confusion that was rushing though his head. He would be sure to be true to her and honor her with his actions. Mitsuo had broken a trust between them and it would take time for it to be rebuilt. Even then, is this the same man he loved? He was about to find out.

Momaru was left behind with Kaia, as that is the only way Strafe would leave her side while they were in Kumo. The Seven Swordsmen and father prefered to walk alone to this destination. Kaia and Momaru would both be there, as he did not hide the meeting. She deserved answers every bit as much as he did. He just needed time to process everything that was happening. Luckily, Iro vouched to stay behind with Demi, as their connection was strong and he was not up to fighting so soon. He was nearing the entrance as he thought of the message he had sent to Mitsuo. To meet him here in about 30 minutes. It had been about 20, so there was some time. Strafe would sit on the bottom step with his head in his hands, thinking of what he would say. What could he say.

2Family Meeting [Invite/No Kill] Empty Re: Family Meeting [Invite/No Kill] Mon Oct 24, 2016 10:21 pm



Numb was something she no longer was, though it was certainly something she had been...

Little girls should never have to go through the turmoil of emotions that Kaia herself had been and apparently still was going through but that was exactly what her life kept throwing at her: wave after damned wave of it. It seemed like her life was not something to be made easy or uneventful. If her life was a tapestry she assumed that one side would be bright and colorful like the happy and blissful moments of her life that made a very beautiful and unique picture anyone would be proud to hang on their walls and display with pride while the other side would be a chaotic mass of grays and blacks and other stormy dark colors that would create a picture the likes of which could give the most hardened of grown men nightmares after just a single glance. The fact that she was holding things together as well as she was would likely give any psychiatrist a double take, but for her it was simply because she had been hardened to that point despite her fairly young age. Perhaps, one day in the far future, she would be able to look back on this period of time in her life and be thankful that her hard life had prepared her in such ways to be a great and capable shinobi who wouldn't crack in the face of danger or under extreme pressure like a lesser being would. For now though? It kind of sucked, and that was simply that in her mind.

That wasn't to say her life had been particularly bad, but it seemed that every happy moment in it was soon followed by something darker. Her birth parents had died and she had ended up in a horrible orphanage where she had remained up until being adopted. That adoption had lasted long enough for Kaia to heal both physically and emotionally as well as experience some well needed happiness before disaster had once again struck and had taken all of that happiness away: the day that Mitsuo had disappeared. Homeless again she had wandered, far too frightened of facing the horrors of another orphanage to risk being put into one, and yet determined to find someone else whom cared about her: Strafe. It had taken a while: by the time she had found Strafe and been adopted by him she was thin, malnourished, and bruised. However, as any good doctor and father would and could do, she had been fixed up once more into a happy and healthy child. Their little family had then begun to grow as Demi and then Iro both became a factor in not only hers but her father's lives: though Kaia would hesitantly admit that seeing that horrible orphanage lady that fateful day they met Iro and added him into their little family was quite frightening. This happiness hadn't lasted long enough though, as during a very dangerous set of missions she had honestly had no rights going on but which she had insisted on tagging along on just the same, she was betrayed by someone whom she called a friend and abandoned right when she had needed her most: during the very point of entering into the most dangerous situation Kaia had ever been in in her life and likely would ever be in. Now, even though she had by no means recovered from the latest mind fuck thrown her way, it seemed that Mitsuo whom she thought dead was very much alive and back. It was simply too much for her mind to want to process and thus was causing her to go from moments of being completely numb and incapable of feeling emotion to so emotional it was taking all of her inner strength not to lash out or break down screaming and crying until her eyes were no longer capable of producing tears.

She had spent the entire journey on the ship so numb she hadn't even been able to try and comprehend the type of danger she was once again following her father and the Mizukage into. She hadn't yet allowed herself to think of the 'what if's?' this new situation could bring. She had already faced down dangers the likes of which most shinobi never saw in their (if they were lucky) well seasoned lifetimes and here she was following after her father once more. But of course she would follow him: she loved Strafe. She would always be willing to follow him, to try and help him while also trying her hardest not to be a burden or hindrance in the process. He, as well as the rest of her new family, were her motivation behind wanting to become as strong as possible. The motivation behind why she was now what many would call an 'over achiever'. She had pushed herself hard to become a Chuunin so soon after becoming an official member of Kiri, and she had ever intention of continuing to push herself harder and further than that. She would do anything she could to protect the family she had now and she was more than willing to endure the pain to get to that level of strength... but what about her old family: Mitsuo?

She had thought him dead long ago: while the hope that he was alive had always lingered in her heart and mind there had been a rational part of her that repeatedly told her that he had to be dead or else he would have come back for her by now. She had never wanted to believe that inner voice or accept its words and yet eventually she had come to terms with it: she stopped looking hopeful at the door each time a knock came in hopes that it was Mitsuo returning from some long and top secret mission, she had stopped doing a double take every time she heard a voice or saw a face that even remotely resembled his, and she had stopped looking up each time she heard footsteps approaching her in hopes that it would be him returning from where ever he had gone. Yet, now here he was alive and seemingly healthy?

I don't know if I should jump for joy that he's alright, scream at him for abandoning me, or cry because I'm so confused and don't understand why he would just leave me like that with no explanation or notice... The thought had certainly crossed her mind more than once during the journey here, and once more it repeated itself. While her numb state of mind and emotion was gone the chaotic mass of emotions left seemed no better. A lesser child certainly would have broken down by now but for the sake of her father she felt she needed to remain strong: certainly he was going through just as much heartache and upset and anger as she was right now. Likely worse since he had certainly knew Mitsuo longer than she. In fact, part of her couldn't help but wonder if Mitsuo had even recognized her standing so close to Strafe while everyone was giving their little speeches or if he had simply thought her some random girl to be noticed and forgotten just as easily, or if she had in fact been simply overlooked altogether.

Don't think like that. You'll only drive yourself crazy. A useless inner pep talk if there ever was one but it seemed like it was worth a shot. If anything it was enough to have her tearing herself away from her deep inner thoughts and focusing back on the present. Her father, while not hiding where he was going or why, had left on his own while leaving her behind with Momaru - though they hadn't remained there. Kaia had figured Strafe needed to clear his head space as much as she did and so she hadn't pressed to come with. No, instead her and Momaru were heading along their own path to the same location. Momaru was, of course, doing his job in protecting her well - keeping her safe from dangers that Kaia's own senses and abilities were not yet honed enough to perceive quite yet. Regardless they made it without issue roughly a minute or two behind Strafe: entering into the location from off to the left of where Strafe was seated as the pair had taken a different path at a slower pace.

Kaia paused, taking the time to look around, wondering if Mitsuo had arrived before them. Not seeing him yet however she simply moved closer to her father, taking careful steps with Momaru remaining close by her side. When she was roughly three or four yards away she found herself a broken pillar that was mostly smooth to climb up on and sit down upon. The pillar itself was about four feet high which gave her a decent vantage point seated upon it: she might have aged a little but she was still as small as ever. She figured the height would also make it easier to climb onto Momaru's back if she needed or wanted to as she assumed the lion would remain as close to her as possible in order to continue to keep her safe.

Once Kaia situated herself into a comfortable Indian style seating position she leaned backwards on her hands, arms kept straight to keep her upper half propped up, and tilted her head back so that she could stare upwards properly: causing the eye glasses she wore so slide back up her nose and toward her eyes - they were still a tad too loose though she didn't like how they felt when they were too tight. She was silently looking for a distraction, something to focus on outside of the thoughts that kept threatening to ensnare her. Hopefully she would have her answers soon, hopefully they all would....

Regardless of what was to come of this she was glad that after all of this time that inner voice was wrong: Mitsuo was still alive. It was a thought in her head that burned much like a candle in the dark. No matter what her emotional turmoil was like at the moment she was glad that the feeling she felt in her heart telling her he was alright had been right the entire time.

Wordcount: 1,745

3Family Meeting [Invite/No Kill] Empty Re: Family Meeting [Invite/No Kill] Tue Oct 25, 2016 1:01 am




Mitsuo was still holding the note tightly in his hands, his fingers trembling as he looked it over time and time again. He knew that he had left suddenly, the circumstances around his departure being something that was absolutely time sensitive. He knew that in order to protect his own life he had to leave the lands as quickly as he could, and so without a word, even though he wanted to tell them, he had left his daughter and the man he loved behind. He had never planned on returning and he had decided that it would likely be easier on both of them if they thought that he had died in battle or out on a dangerous mission or something along those lines. It hadn't been the first time that Mitsuo had left his home in such a way, having done the same before the first time he had left Konoha. When he had left he knew that it would be safer for them all if he didn't return, but he also hadn't anticipated how badly it would end up eating him up inside. Every single day that he was away while he travelled the world and saw all it had to offer, he couldn't help but think about the people that he had left behind. He couldn't help but think of the young girl that he had taken in after finding her, her childhood having been awful before he had come along. He had saved her and taken her in as his own, and he knew that when he left it must have broken her heart to be left without a family once more. More often than that, though, he thought of Strafe, the man who had saved his life and the man who had taken his heart. He had even left Kiri, which was an extremely dangerous move to make as the Mizukage wanted his head when he had told her that he was leaving, but he risked it anyway for the love that the two shared.

As the time came closer to the meeting Mitsuo looked into the mirror at the place he was staying while he was in Kumogakure. He barely looked the same as he had back then, his beard longer though still well kept and his hair flecked with grey, something that had happened with all of the stress and turmoil that he had been through over the past five or so years of his life before he left and while he was gone. He had battle scars along his face and he was not nearly in the peak physical shape that he was in when he had left, having grown much slimmer instead of muscular. He left the mask that he usually wore at the place, deciding that he wouldn't need it, and instead simply wore his regular clothes, minus the glasses that he had given up wearing when he had left the area, and took his weapons with him as well as it never hurt to be prepared. He had played this moment out in his mind a million times in a million different ways, and most of them didn't end well for him. He had greatly longed for this meeting, but at the same time was dreading it all the same. He didn't know what he was going to say to Strafe, or even what to expect from him. Even if he did explain everything to Strafe, he had no reason to take him back. In the ideal situation he, of course, would welcome Mitsuo back with opened arms, but Mitsuo knew that the exact opposite was possible as well, and that Strafe could potentially try to kill him after the pain that he had put him through, something that if he wanted to Mitsuo would gladly accept. He was ready to die for Strafe, his life having already consisted of more than enough pain to last many lifetimes.

His feet were heavy as he made his way towards the meeting point where Strafe said he would be, the paper still clutched in his grip. He could feel his heart sinking with each step, every negative possibility running through his head. He imagined that Strafe could be calling him to visit to tell him that he never wanted to see him before, and while it would break Mitsuo's heart, again, he would fully understand and honour Strafe's decision. No matter what this was the man that Mitsuo loved more than anything or anyone, and he would do absolutely anything for him, even if that meant letting him live the rest of his life Mitsuo free. He dreaded that outcome more than any other, as it would torment Mitsuo until the day he died. He was not expecting forgiveness, and honestly was expecting Strafe to at least punch him or do something to harm him after all of the harm that he had caused, but he could only hope for the best while also expecting the worst.

When he approached the meeting place he noticed that Strafe wasn't alone. Kaia, Mitsuo's adopted daughter (or perhaps former daughter at this point) was sitting beside him, something that broke Mitsuo's heart even more. He saw them when he was still a little way away, not wanting to get too close as he wanted a second to compose himself. When he saw the two of them a flood of emotion slapped him in the face harder than the Kunai that had originally led to him meeting the Kiri Sannin, and he became overwhelmed with emotion, tears streaming from the corners of his eyes as he felt his heart do a mixture of breaking and jumping for joy. He wouldn't let the first time they had seen him in so long be a picture of him in tears, however, and he worked to the point where they had finished and he was able to wipe the excess away. He knew that his eyes were still red and puffy when he approached, but he couldn't do anything about that and proceeded to walk up to the two of them, standing directly in front of Strafe with his hands balled into fists at his sides, the note tightly clutched in his right hand as he did so.

"Hey..." His voice failed him as he tried to speak, it coming out as a soft and barely audible sound. He didn't know what to say, as I'm sorry didn't seem like it would be nearly enough, and though he tried to make words come out he couldn't bring himself to do so. He fell to his knees and closed his eyes in front of Strafe, clenching his teeth together and fighting back tears once more as he had come face to face with the two people he loved the most in the entire world. These two were his entire world, his whole life, and the only reason that he had come back to this land, and he didn't deserve either of them...

Family Meeting [Invite/No Kill] Tumblr_m0p9v0qBRO1qeclcao1_1280


Last edited by Mitsuo on Thu Nov 03, 2016 8:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

4Family Meeting [Invite/No Kill] Empty Re: Family Meeting [Invite/No Kill] Tue Oct 25, 2016 1:57 am

Strafe Aisu

Strafe Aisu

Soon after he sat down, Kaia and Momaru appeared out of a different direction. He looked to see the look her face and knew instantly that she was thinking deeply on the conversation to come. He felt bad for her, but he knew that she was strong. She perched herself on a high spot with Momaru sitting beside her. Strafe hadn't mentioned any of this to Momaru, he just didn't know what to say. He knew the lion would have words of wisdom, and yet he kept silent. He smiled at his daughter in attempt to convey that it would be okay. He was here. He then heard another approach, and his heart dropped. He couldn't believe he was in front of him, or at least walking towards him. He glanced to Kaia to make sure she was okay, but did not move. He didn't want this to get physical unless it had to. His heart told him to punch this man, but his love for him told him to forgive him. It was a hard fight that had been going on since he appeared.

He stopped a ways away, which was smart. He wanted to make sure that no one wanted to harm him. Kaia wasn't that kind of person, and Strafe was as hurt as he was angry. The state he found Kaia in, it would never leave his mind. He seemed to gather himself and move forward until he stood in front of Strafe. His eyes were already puffy from crying and his stance was one that showed sorrow, which was sad, and yet Strafe did not move.


The man dropped to his knees as started to break down. He could tell that his heart was torn and that he was fighting tears. He looked to Kaia once again to check on her before turning his expression towards Mituso. The hurt in Strafe's eyes were obvious to anyone that knew him. "Why did you leave us?" He had to take a breath at that moment, making sure to stay calm. He had to be rational about this, he had a family that depended on him now. "If you knew the state I found Kaia in, you would know why I really want to punch you. But If I can hear an explanation of why you left, it might make me understand. If you had no choice, then I can forgive you with a little time." He finished speaking with another breathe. "I have a family now. I am in love with Demi, and we have two children in Kaia and Iro. Now that your back, I can't just throw that all away and jump back into your arms. I love you, but none of this is their fault and they can't suffer because of it."

He was done and by the time he finished he was starting to tear up and break down. The calm front he put on slowly faded as the worries and anxiety he felt showed on his face. He turned his head downward for a second to try and gather himself. He just needed to wait until he heard Mitsuo speak his peace.

Thread Wordcount: 848

5Family Meeting [Invite/No Kill] Empty Re: Family Meeting [Invite/No Kill] Tue Oct 25, 2016 10:51 am



It took Kaia slightly longer to realize that Mitsuo was approaching compared to everyone else but when she did she tilted her head upward, changing her view from that of the sky and ceiling and onto Mitsuo and her father. The first thing she noticed was that Mitsuo's eyes were red and puffy, the way ones eyes got after they had been crying: though his face seemed to lack the moisture of tears as if he had wiped them away before hand. The second thing she noticed was that he still had the note Strafe had sent clutched in one of his hands and Kaia couldn't help but wonder if he was affected so much by all of this that he had been unable to let it go. Finally, in what was likely the silliest thing for her to even realize, she noticed - as her own glasses slipped down her nose as per usual - that Mitsuo wasn't wearing his.

Kaia found herself unable to move for a moment, as if she were glued in place or held there by some unseen force. She watched closely as Mitsuo approached Strafe, as he dropped to his knees in front of him. Strafe asked the same question that had been on her mind: why had Mitsuo left as he had done? She had never thought Mitsuo a cruel person as he had been a very loving father and had provided for her all she had ever needed and she didn't think him cruel now even though she was upset so she was sure there had to be some sort of explanation behind his disappearance. There had to be some kind of reasoning why it had happened in the first place.

She noticed then that Strafe was beginning to tear up and it seemed to become the solution for her becoming unglued: the thing that allowed her to move once more. With Mitsuo having been crying, and Strafe clearly on the verge of doing so, it caused Kaia's own emotional control to snap and collapse. The perfect hold she had had over her emotions in an attempt to hide all she was feeling inside out of fear of worrying her family since the day Shitai had betrayed her came crumbling down. All that she was upset about - Shitai's betrayal, Mitsuo having left, and the uncertainty of the future - came out in a wave of tears that began to brim up in her eyes before making their way down her cheeks. Without thought of what she was doing next or concern of how it would look she stood up, jumped down from the pillar, and then ran straight toward Mitsuo as fast as her little legs could carry her. As she neared him her arms would open wide and just as she reached him she would drop to her knees - ignoring the burning sensation of her leggings and then her knees giving way to the terrain below her as she slid slightly across it to a stop - and very likely bump right into him were he not to move out of the way. Were contact to be made her arms would go around Mitsuo in an obvious hug, squeezing as much as she could as her tears continued to trail unhindered down her cheeks.

She opened her mouth in an attempt to speak but found that her throat felt stuck. With a sob she would bury her face into his chest if permitted and simply continue to cry and cling to him as much as she could. After another moment she would try again to speak, fairing better this time than she had before, "... I missed you, daddy." Four simple words and yet they were the only ones she could manage at that moment: but they were important words as they conveyed quite a lot. She had missed him terribly, and despite Strafe adopting her and having Demi as a mother figure in her life, she still considered Mitsuo as her father as well - something that would not likely change no matter what reasoning he gave for leaving. The fact that he was alive and well had evaporated her anger toward him, allowing her a mind its first moment of bliss and happiness in over a weeks time. She knew they still needed to know his reasoning for leaving but her own child-like mind hardly cared at that point because he was here, he was back, and that was all that mattered.

Wordcount: 750 | 2,495

6Family Meeting [Invite/No Kill] Empty Re: Family Meeting [Invite/No Kill] Tue Oct 25, 2016 10:07 pm



When Strafe mentioned Kaia and that she had gone through more suffering and turmoil, Mitsuo's throat felt like it was closing up. Where forming words before had been difficult now it was downright impossible. He had promised her when he had adopted her that she would never have to go through such suffering again and he had failed her as a father and as a human being. He could see the pain on her face, feel the betrayal that he had caused her to feel, and he knew in that moment that he had made the wrong decision by not telling them and not bringing her with him like he had wanted to. As Strafe continued to speak each word was a dagger to Mitsuo's heart, his tears harder and harder to hold back and the pain that he felt in his heart even sharper and sharper. Strafe telling him that he had met someone else was something he had expected but it still killed him a little bit inside, the knowledge that had he stayed around he would likely still be with Strafe and with Kaia as well.

His voice cracked again, and he tried to speak once more, managing to get an "I..." out before his voice failed him. He just looked at the ground, ashamed of himself at this point. He wasn't sure why he had thought that not telling these people who he loved and who loved him his reasoning for leaving was when he had done it, as he was sure they would have understood. He just knelt there, feeling like the worst human being in the world for what felt like an eternity before he heard a shifting and then running footsteps coming at him. He looked up and saw Kaia running towards him with her arms extended, tears running down her face. He couldn't help but shed a tear at the sight of his girl crying, and as she ran towards him he instinctively opened up his arms as well, Kaia running and embracing him tighter than he had ever been embraced. When she held him he wrapped his arms back around her, holding her as close to him as he could, his crying becoming uncontrolable when she told him, I missed you daddy... He realised at that moment that there was something absolutely wrong, but he knew what it was and it had just been rectified. While he was away he knew that he missed these people, but kneeling here with his daughter in his arms he felt as though he was whole again. It was as if she was a piece of him that he was missing, his joy and his happiness, she was his world. Mitsuo smiled as the tears continued to run down his cheeks, holding his little girl close to him and kissing the top of her head. "I missed you too my beautiful girl, so very very much...and I am so sorry..."

He looked up at Strafe, not wanting to let Kaia go as he did, wanting to hold onto this moment for as long as he could. He had found his voice again, and while it was still slightly broken, he could finally give the people that he loved the explanation that he had wanted to for years.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry...I will tell you everything." He sighed and wiped his tears away, trying to wipe Kaia's away as well if she would let him, before walking up to the step, taking a seat beside Strafe and looking at him, still horrified at the pain that he had made him feel. "I am sure you have heard of the Aoi Bara, perhaps even that they had assassinated the Raikage Reika Misora. Reika was someone whom I respected greatly, her strength unparalleled and her leadership skills something to be admired as well..." He looked back towards his family again, and took another deep breath. "Many years ago, back when Takeshi had first stepped down as Hokage, my lover Kimaru was murdered in front of me. He was the last of the people that I was close to, my entire family having been killed off before that situation. The man who was responsible for his death was one of the higher up politicians in Konoha, someone who was pulling the strings from the shadows, but we were trying to bring him down. That was what ultimately lead to Kimaru's death..." Another tear rolled down his cheek. It had been a long time since he had shed tears for Kimaru, having finally moved past his death when he had met Strafe.

"When Mitsuhide stepped up as Hokage I took the opportunity to try to get at the shadow politicion, but I knew that I couldn't do it from the village. I faked my own death, went to Sunagakure on a mission, completed it of course, and made it look like I had died in the process by using the body destruction jutsu on one of the men there and leaving some of my items near the body so that they would think it was me. There was no way they could find out it wasn't. After that I went to Iwa and met up with an old friend in Tsuyo Hyuga, Kimaru's brother. He told me that he was working on an organization that would stamp out corruption and crime, and that he wanted me to join him, and together we could avenge the death of his brother and my lover. He offered me a position in the Aoi Bara, and I accepted, becoming his right hand man." Talking about the Aoi Bara made Mitsuo a little nervous, and mentioning Tsuyo's name made him even more so. He was sure that these two wouldn't want to turn him in though, or even if they did, he would respect their choices. He had hurt too many people and he deserved the punishment.

"The man who killed the Raikage was someone who had attacked Konoha when I was younger and was partially responsible for my father's death. He was not a member of Aoi Bara, but he had been in contact with us and was seeking asylum with us. Tsuyo denied him as he was unstable and was as likely to turn on us as to work with us, but it didn't matter. He was believed to have ties with us and that led to an unfortunate issue. While the rest of us were in Kiri trying to save the village from Seven Bells, Tame was in Kumo killing Reika. It was pinned on Aoi Bara and anyone who was known to have ties with the organization was to be thrown in prison and executed. The murder of a Kage is no joke, and I was afraid. Mitsuhide found out I was still alive and I wasn't sure that he hadn't pieced together my association with Aoi Bara, and if he had wanted to he could have led to me being killed. I did what I had to do, and while I regretted it every single day, when I left the lands of the Shinobi I did so to save my own life, for to stay behind would have been suicide...I thought..." He began to break down once more at this point, the memory becoming too vivid and painful once more. "I thought that by not telling you, you two could think I had died and move on, forget about me and after a while of pain you could be happy. I wasn't ever going to come back, I was fully prepared to die in the outside world. But I couldn't stop thinking about you two, my two loves in the man who had taken my heart and the little girl who had saved my life when I was at my lowest. You two were never out of my mind, and you were the reason I ended up coming home, even though I could potentially still be put on trial for the murder of Reika and killed, I risked it because I...I couldn't be away from you any longer..." He had to stop speaking, his breath having fully escaped him and his voice becoming hoarse after so much. His body was still trembling, but he felt as though a large weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. He wasn't sure how they would take it, but it was the truth in its entirety, and he was hoping that they would at least be able to accept that and perhaps move on...


7Family Meeting [Invite/No Kill] Empty Re: Family Meeting [Invite/No Kill] Thu Oct 27, 2016 7:17 am

Strafe Aisu

Strafe Aisu

Before Mitsuo had the chance to speak, Kaia moved. she ran over to him and into his arms, breaking down with sobs in the process. Tears started to slowly stream from Strafe's eyes at the site of his daughter hugging her other father. It was a beautiful sight and one that he had wished for her since he found her. He let them have a moment before Mitsuo began to speak. Strafe looked him in the eyes, finding no hint of false information. He refused to break eye contact despite his vision being blurred. Tears continued to pour from his face as he listened to his former lovers words.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry...I will tell you everything. I am sure you have heard of the Aoi Bara, perhaps even that they had assassinated the Raikage Reika Misora. Reika was someone whom I respected greatly, her strength unparalleled and her leadership skills something to be admired as well...Many years ago, back when Takeshi had first stepped down as Hokage, my lover Kimaru was murdered in front of me. He was the last of the people that I was close to, my entire family having been killed off before that situation. The man who was responsible for his death was one of the higher up politicians in Konoha, someone who was pulling the strings from the shadows, but we were trying to bring him down. That was what ultimately lead to Kimaru's death..."

As Strafe listened, his heart yearned to comfort Mitsuo. Tragedy was something that he understood well, and no one should have to endure the pain that came with loosing family. The Aoi Bara was something that Strafe knew of, as most high level threats come across his desk for various reasons. So far, Mitsuo had told him things he knew to be true, and so the Sannin's defenses started to break slowly.

"When Mitsuhide stepped up as Hokage I took the opportunity to try to get at the shadow politicion, but I knew that I couldn't do it from the village. I faked my own death, went to Sunagakure on a mission, completed it of course, and made it look like I had died in the process by using the body destruction jutsu on one of the men there and leaving some of my items near the body so that they would think it was me. There was no way they could find out it wasn't. After that I went to Iwa and met up with an old friend in Tsuyo Hyuga, Kimaru's brother. He told me that he was working on an organization that would stamp out corruption and crime, and that he wanted me to join him, and together we could avenge the death of his brother and my lover. He offered me a position in the Aoi Bara, and I accepted, becoming his right hand man."

Strafe never spoke as Mituso continued to explain. He didn't mind the long winded story, as it helped take his mind off of things. He wanted anything to better understand Mitsuo's decision, so every drop of information was taken in like a sponge. The fact that he joined a criminal organization did not faze him, as Strafe had once been considered a criminal in his own nation. Things happen, and bridges can always be rebuilt. At least, that is what he told himself before he left Kirigakure to be with Mitsuo. He came to find out the consequences of that thinking when he returned, much like Mitsuo was now. In a way, he understood his former lovers situation more than he knew.

"The man who killed the Raikage was someone who had attacked Konoha when I was younger and was partially responsible for my father's death. He was not a member of Aoi Bara, but he had been in contact with us and was seeking asylum with us. Tsuyo denied him as he was unstable and was as likely to turn on us as to work with us, but it didn't matter. He was believed to have ties with us and that led to an unfortunate issue. While the rest of us were in Kiri trying to save the village from Seven Bells, Tame was in Kumo killing Reika. It was pinned on Aoi Bara and anyone who was known to have ties with the organization was to be thrown in prison and executed. The murder of a Kage is no joke, and I was afraid. Mitsuhide found out I was still alive and I wasn't sure that he hadn't pieced together my association with Aoi Bara, and if he had wanted to he could have led to me being killed. I did what I had to do, and while I regretted it every single day, when I left the lands of the Shinobi I did so to save my own life, for to stay behind would have been suicide...I thought...I thought that by not telling you, you two could think I had died and move on, forget about me and after a while of pain you could be happy. I wasn't ever going to come back, I was fully prepared to die in the outside world. But I couldn't stop thinking about you two, my two loves in the man who had taken my heart and the little girl who had saved my life when I was at my lowest. You two were never out of my mind, and you were the reason I ended up coming home, even though I could potentially still be put on trial for the murder of Reika and killed, I risked it because I...I couldn't be away from you any longer..."

Strafe stayed silent at this point, refraining from making any hasty remarks that would further hurt the man in front of him. Kaia was his daughter and he would always be in their lives as long as she wanted him there. That was not his decision and he knew that. He also knew that he had no bad wishes towards Mitsuo for why he came to the decision that he did. Yet, the knowledge that he came to have didn't help his hurt as he thought it would. He simply moved his hand to his eyes to wipe what tears he could out of them. A deep sigh followed, as he prepared to speak. He doubt he could, but he had to try. "I understand why you decided to leave without telling me, I do..." He had to clear his throat and gather himself a bit before continuing. "It doesn't make this any easier though. If anything good comes of this situation, it should be a lesson. Trust me, even if we aren't together and you fear what I might do or say, just please trust me. I won't let you down..." He broke again at that point, fighting the tears with every inch of his resolve. "I will always love you, and you are always welcome around Kaia and our home, that much should go without saying. I am more happy to see you than you will ever know. To know that you are alive...." He was sobbing more and more as each second passed. There was no way he would get through this, but he had to.

After what seemed like ages, he gathered up the will to speak again. "I've wished for this moment for what seems like forever. I won't make you regret this choice. Your secrets will always be safe with me. You should know that. I left Kirigakure to be with you, and my return to Kirigakure didn't go as smoothly as this did. Solstice could have killed me in our fight, and might have had it not been for the assassin that appeared. I understand what you are going through more than you know." He spoke genuinely and for the first time in days, something other than confusion filled his mind. He thought of protecting Mitsuo for Kaia and his own sake. What Mitsuo sacrificed to come back to them, and what it meant for their future. "You are safe with Kirigakure, and anyone that thinks otherwise is welcome to try to invade Kirigakure for your head. I would die before I would let you go again." A steely determination swept over his expression. He doubted anyone had the guts to try Kirigakure, but he was mentally prepared all the same.

With what he wanted to say out of the way, he looked over to Kaia. She really was a special person, and this was something that she deserved. To have her father back in her life. He reached out to put an arm around her and hugged her tight. His love for her grew every day since he had first met her. With that thought, he broke down again, subconsciously laying a hand on Mituso's shoulder for support as he let all the emotion that had built up for months come pouring out. It seemed like ages that they sat there, a once happy family now reunited for the most part. He thought of of Demi and how she would feel about this. Something then crossed his mind that he was sure Demi and Momaru would agree with. He would take a few more moments to soak in the moment before returning to his previous position. His had moved to his eye as he thought of the day he met Mitsuo. He pushed the thought from his mind, as he needed to be strong for these words to be meaningful.

He slightly shook his head as he cleared it. This was something he had planned to say since he saw Mitsuo on the day of the speech. "Mitsuo, let me be clear. If you ever do this again, it will not be outside villages that you have to worry about. It will be me. I don't know that I could control myself if you hurt us like this again, regardless of how many good intentions you had. It's not a threat, just trying to be honest with you." With puffy red eyes and a tear stained face, the Sannin still managed to show his intentions with the words. With that side note out of the way, he waited for one of them to speak. He was tired of hearing his own voice.

Thread Wordcount: 2609

8Family Meeting [Invite/No Kill] Empty Re: Family Meeting [Invite/No Kill] Thu Oct 27, 2016 9:34 am



Mitsuo allowed her hug and even returned it, along with a kiss to her head, which had her smiling quite a bit despite everything going on. Tears continued to pour down Kaia's cheeks unrestrained. The grasp she had held so tightly on her emotions was gone, but this was by no means a bad thing as a good cry was exactly what the child needed. Mitsuo then repeated that he was sorry and said that he would tell them everything before wiping away his own tears and Kaia's who let him without issue. She sniffled a bit but otherwise remained quiet, prepared to listen to Mitsuo's reasonings for making the decision he had made.

"I am sure you have heard of the Aoi Bara, perhaps even that they had assassinated the Raikage Reika Misora. Reika was someone whom I respected greatly, her strength unparalleled and her leadership skills something to be admired as well... Many years ago, back when Takeshi had first stepped down as Hokage, my lover Kimaru was murdered in front of me. He was the last of the people that I was close to, my entire family having been killed off before that situation. The man who was responsible for his death was one of the higher up politicians in Konoha, someone who was pulling the strings from the shadows, but we were trying to bring him down. That was what ultimately lead to Kimaru's death..." Another tear rolled down Mitsuo's cheek as he mentioned an individual whom Kaia had never heard of, and almost in an automatic sort of way she reached up and wiped away that tear for him much like he had done for her.

Still, Kaia listened in silence as Mitsuo continued on with his story. "When Mitsuhide stepped up as Hokage I took the opportunity to try to get at the shadow politicion, but I knew that I couldn't do it from the village. I faked my own death, went to Sunagakure on a mission, completed it of course, and made it look like I had died in the process by using the body destruction jutsu on one of the men there and leaving some of my items near the body so that they would think it was me. There was no way they could find out it wasn't. After that I went to Iwa and met up with an old friend in Tsuyo Hyuga, Kimaru's brother. He told me that he was working on an organization that would stamp out corruption and crime, and that he wanted me to join him, and together we could avenge the death of his brother and my lover. He offered me a position in the Aoi Bara, and I accepted, becoming his right hand man." So, her father had been a criminal? That... probably should have bothered Kaia. By all rights it should have. Yet, it didn't. Even as a young child she understood the need for revenge. Mitsuo had lost someone very close to him, someone he loved, so it only made sense that he would want to use any means possible to go after and destroy the person who did it. It was simply something Kaia couldn't and wouldn't fault him for.

"The man who killed the Raikage was someone who had attacked Konoha when I was younger and was partially responsible for my father's death. He was not a member of Aoi Bara, but he had been in contact with us and was seeking asylum with us. Tsuyo denied him as he was unstable and was as likely to turn on us as to work with us, but it didn't matter. He was believed to have ties with us and that led to an unfortunate issue. While the rest of us were in Kiri trying to save the village from Seven Bells, Tame was in Kumo killing Reika. It was pinned on Aoi Bara and anyone who was known to have ties with the organization was to be thrown in prison and executed. The murder of a Kage is no joke, and I was afraid. Mitsuhide found out I was still alive and I wasn't sure that he hadn't pieced together my association with Aoi Bara, and if he had wanted to he could have led to me being killed. I did what I had to do, and while I regretted it every single day, when I left the lands of the Shinobi I did so to save my own life, for to stay behind would have been suicide...I thought..." He would have died. His reasoning for leaving was because he feared that if he stayed he would have died due to his associations. It was a lot for a little girl to process but she was and in a way it did make sense: she just wished he would have said something to her first, explained things to her in a way that would have kept her safe and him as well while also allowing her to know she wasn't just being abandoned. However, he seemed to have a reason for that too. "I thought that by not telling you, you two could think I had died and move on, forget about me and after a while of pain you could be happy. I wasn't ever going to come back, I was fully prepared to die in the outside world. But I couldn't stop thinking about you two, my two loves in the man who had taken my heart and the little girl who had saved my life when I was at my lowest. You two were never out of my mind, and you were the reason I ended up coming home, even though I could potentially still be put on trial for the murder of Reika and killed, I risked it because I...I couldn't be away from you any longer..."

Mitsuo's whole story was tragic, but the reasoning behind his leaving made sense even for her young mind. He had done what he thought he had to to survive and it had eaten away at him every moment of every day. He hadn't liked leaving them behind anymore than they had liked him leaving. Once more Kaia wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly. She couldn't hold a grudge against him now that she knew the truth, and she wasn't the type of person to do so anyway. She just hoped he would never have to go away again. Before she had a chance to speak however Strafe began to state his thoughts: "I understand why you decided to leave without telling me, I do... It doesn't make this any easier though. If anything good comes of this situation, it should be a lesson. Trust me, even if we aren't together and you fear what I might do or say, just please trust me. I won't let you down... I've wished for this moment for what seems like forever. I won't make you regret this choice. Your secrets will always be safe with me. You should know that. I left Kirigakure to be with you, and my return to Kirigakure didn't go as smoothly as this did. Solstice could have killed me in our fight, and might have had it not been for the assassin that appeared. I understand what you are going through more than you know. You are safe with Kirigakure, and anyone that thinks otherwise is welcome to try to invade Kirigakure for your head. I would die before I would let you go again. Strafe seemed to pause then, hugging Kaia who returned the gesture with her usual gusto. Her own eyes were dry now, all of the tears she could possibly shed having done so, leaving them red and puffy like Mitsuo's had been when he first arrived.

"Mitsuo, let me be clear. If you ever do this again, it will not be outside villages that you have to worry about. It will be me. I don't know that I could control myself if you hurt us like this again, regardless of how many good intentions you had. It's not a threat, just trying to be honest with you." Strafe's next words made Kaia flinch slightly: it was something she too feared. She didn't want Mitsuo to leave again. Even if their family would now be quite strange with her having two fathers, a mother, and a brother she felt there was nothing wrong with it and that it could somehow work. People had dysfunctional families all of the time, so why couldn't her family work with some extra love thrown in? It just meant an extra person to buy birthday and Christmas gifts for, or an extra present for on Father's Day. She could deal with that: she would love it.

"This means I get to have an extra special family: two daddys, a mommy, and a brother.", Kaia stated, beaming happily as she did so, showing easily enough she was perfectly fine with this idea. She had no intentions of holding this against Mitsuo, though she did hope that he stuck around: Strafe was right, no one would get to him in Kiri - they'd have a fight on their hands if they tried. It steeled her determination to become as strong as possible as fast as possible, too - more so than it already had been.

"Please don't leave again... I'm tired of people leaving. My best friend left me..." A frown formed on her face as she thought about Shitai and what had happened. She found herself taking a moment to wonder where her "monster" friend as she called herself had ended up: if she was even still alive. She wanted to say more, to explain things, but she didn't even know where to begin with the whole story. It took her a moment before it all formed together in her mind in a way that would make sense. "Shitai was supposed to help me... She was a Genin like I had been before my promotion. We were helping with a very dangerous mission... an S ranked one. Because we were kids we were perfect for it: and we were needed. Plus, I wanted to help daddy out... When we got almost to where we were supposed to be Shitai suddenly took off; she left me there alone." Alone, in likely the most dangerous situation she would ever be in in her entire life. It was still a lot to wrap her head around. "Daddy thankfully made a clone, and that clone changed itself to look like my new brother, so we were able to finish... but I don't think I can handle you leaving again; or anyone leaving again." Betrayal in is rawest form was something hard to talk about, but at least her story was out: if anything it would explain how she was feeling, and help explain why she didn't want Mitsuo to leave - while she couldn't handle it if anyone left her again no matter who they were.

Even now she could feel the sinking feeling in her gut, feel her emotions begin to bottom out as if this sinking feeling were trying to draw them in again and numb her out. She didn't want that. She wanted to be happy. Instead of focusing on these feelings she reached out, hugging Mitsuo with one arm and Strafe with the other - as much as she could anyway considering she was still so small and thus her reach wasn't all that great.

Wordcount: 1,935 | 4,430

9Family Meeting [Invite/No Kill] Empty Re: Family Meeting [Invite/No Kill] Thu Nov 03, 2016 1:03 pm



After speaking his piece he simply listened to the words of his family, his eyes still watering as he heard the things that they said. He watched as Strafe spoke to him first. "I understand why you decided to leave without telling me, I do...It doesn't make this any easier though. If anything good comes of this situation, it should be a lesson. Trust me, even if we aren't together and you fear what I might do or say, just please trust me. I won't let you down...I will always love you, and you are always welcome around Kaia and our home, that much should go without saying. I am more happy to see you than you will ever know. To know that you are alive...." Mitsuo felt a mixture of happiness and sadness at the words of his former lover. To know that he still loved Mitsuo made his heart sing and he couldn't help but smile a little bit, even though he still didn't feel like he should be. There was a long pause before Strafe spoke again, Mitsuo still not daring to speak until they had both had their time to talk.

"I've wished for this moment for what seems like forever. I won't make you regret this choice. Your secrets will always be safe with me. You should know that. I left Kirigakure to be with you, and my return to Kirigakure didn't go as smoothly as this did. Solstice could have killed me in our fight, and might have had it not been for the assassin that appeared. I understand what you are going through more than you know. You are safe with Kirigakure, and anyone that thinks otherwise is welcome to try to invade Kirigakure for your head. I would die before I would let you go again." His words were a reflection of when the two of them had left Kirigakure for Konohagakure, when Mitsuo had told Solstice that he would die for Strafe. When he had left it truly felt like he had died, as his heart had never felt right again. He often thought back to that fateful night when he was on his travels and it was one of the things that haunted him most. He watched as Strafe put an arm around Mitsuo's daughter, or he supposed she was Strafes daughter too now, as he had raised her in his absence. "Mitsuo, let me be clear. If you ever do this again, it will not be outside villages that you have to worry about. It will be me. I don't know that I could control myself if you hurt us like this again, regardless of how many good intentions you had. It's not a threat, just trying to be honest with you."

The last words of Strafe stung deep. He did not fear Strafe, in fact he did not fear anyone in the shinobi world, but he believed him. He believed that he would hunt him down and he knew that he would not be able to strike down Strafe, because he loved him too much. He had no intention of leaving, though he would not say that yet as it was Kaia's turn to speak. "This means I get to have an extra special family: two daddys, a mommy, and a brother." Her childish innocence was something that Mitsuo had missed, and unfortunately something that he had robbed of her. He watched as the joy on her face turned far more stern. "Please don't leave again... I'm tired of people leaving. My best friend left me...Shitai was supposed to help me... She was a Genin like I had been before my promotion. We were helping with a very dangerous mission... an S ranked one. Because we were kids we were perfect for it: and we were needed. Plus, I wanted to help daddy out... When we got almost to where we were supposed to be Shitai suddenly took off; she left me there alone." Mitsuo felt a flash of anger as the girl spoke of being abandoned by her friend in a dangerous position. If she was helping Strafe out it was likely on a dangerous assignment and the idea of her being alone there hurt him very much and angered him greatly. "Daddy thankfully made a clone, and that clone changed itself to look like my new brother, so we were able to finish... but I don't think I can handle you leaving again; or anyone leaving again." His eyes watered again, he felt awful for the things that he had put his family through, and he finally found his voice again.

"I was selfish, and I know now that what I did was wrong, hell I knew it shortly after I left. I never meant to hurt either of you, you are both my world. I am glad you will let me back into your lives, and I will certainly be joining the village hidden in the mists. I need to keep an eye on my daughter after all." He smiled at Kaia, though his eyes were still red and moist. He felt her arm around him and put his around her as well, feeling it brush against Strafe and sighing softly. He had screwed up royally and he had lost the person he loved to another, something that he would never be able to forgive himself for. As he wiped his eyes once more, he stood up and spoke once more. "I will not leave you again. I am glad to be back. And I'm sorry, but I really don't want to cry anymore right now. I have shed far too many tears in my lifetime, and I hate having people see me like this, no matter who they are. I want to think happy thoughts, and I want to redeem myself to you two. I want to make sure that you both know that I will always be here for you from here on out. My loyalty is to my family first, and my work second."


10Family Meeting [Invite/No Kill] Empty Re: Family Meeting [Invite/No Kill] Sat Nov 05, 2016 10:05 pm

Strafe Aisu

Strafe Aisu

"This means I get to have an extra special family: two daddys, a mommy, and a brother."

Kaia's words brought Strafe back to reality, but in a good sense. There was no reason Mitsuo couldn't be a part of the family, and if Demi could trust Strafe, he could actually see the girl enjoying his company. Mitsuo was a strong man and he would be great for a variety of reasons. A nod from Strafe simply confirmed her statement. He would have started crying once again, but he had no more to shed. It was then that Kaia started talking again, and her words made Strafe feel guilty more than he could say.

"Please don't leave again... I'm tired of people leaving. My best friend left me...Shitai was supposed to help me... She was a Genin like I had been before my promotion. We were helping with a very dangerous mission... an S ranked one. Because we were kids we were perfect for it: and we were needed. Plus, I wanted to help daddy out... When we got almost to where we were supposed to be Shitai suddenly took off; she left me there alone."Daddy thankfully made a clone, and that clone changed itself to look like my new brother, so we were able to finish... but I don't think I can handle you leaving again; or anyone leaving again."

He had always felt guilty about bringing Kaia on that mission. She was a very strong girl, but that setting was completely unheard of for a Genin or Chunnin. His guilt soon changed to anger as he thought about Shitai momentarily. Regardless of the ninja's anatomy, he could make her pay if they crossed paths again. He looked to Mitsuo with an expression of complete unease. He needed to hear more. "I know I shouldn't have brought her on such a high ranking mission. The ninja that abandoned her is no longer active in our village, though I doubt she is still in Kirigakure. It would be in her best interest to stay far away. The mission was concerning the group of assassins who have been attacking lately. One of them is the one that interrupted Solstice and I's fight and took on the both of us." He stopped for a minute to catch his breathe before finishing. "However, We almost killed him before he was saved by another of the assassins. They are all strong and each at least rivals any of the strongest ninja in our nation. Kaia here did great though, I've never been prouder." He spoke with a smile as he looked to his daughter. She was so brave, the world could use more like her.

"I was selfish, and I know now that what I did was wrong, hell I knew it shortly after I left. I never meant to hurt either of you, you are both my world. I am glad you will let me back into your lives, and I will certainly be joining the village hidden in the mists. I need to keep an eye on my daughter after all. I will not leave you again. I am glad to be back. And I'm sorry, but I really don't want to cry anymore right now. I have shed far too many tears in my lifetime, and I hate having people see me like this, no matter who they are. I want to think happy thoughts, and I want to redeem myself to you two. I want to make sure that you both know that I will always be here for you from here on out. My loyalty is to my family first, and my work second."

Every word he spoke brought Strafe more and more happiness. He was slowly adjusting to hearing the sound of his voice again and it seemed to relax him some. The family was now bigger and he couldn't be any happier with Mitsuo staying in the village that he called home. He was all out of tears anyway, so happy was good. Strafe smiled at Mitsuo's last sentence, knowing that the feeling was mutual between all three of them. "I'm glad to have you back. I can't wait for you to meet the rest of our family. It might be a bit awkward at first, but I think Demi will be happy for Kaia and would want to make sure she stayed happy. She's incredible like that. She has been amazing with the kids, and she's the main reason this transition to father has went so smoothly." He said bragging on Demi with his smile becoming a bit brighter. He couldn't be more blessed to have her in his life. Just as Mitsuo had once done, she made him complete and even if Mitsuo didn't want to admit it, he owed her as well as Strafe for the well being of his daughter.

Eventually breaking free of the family hug, He turned to look at Momaru, who had went silent and had not said a word. Strafe looked with a curious eyebrow up, wanting to know what the deal was. "Momaru, aren't you going to say hi to Mitsuo?" He asked blankly, as there was no need to be private with these two people. The lion took a moment to think before responding. "Hello Mitsuo, glad to see you are well." The words were respectful but short. He was obviously not happy with the man that broke Strafe and Kaia's hearts and he did not forgive as easily. In time, the lion would get over it and be normal, but until then the lion would choose to remain silent. Strafe didn't need words to understand what the conversation would be like. They had been around each other for far too long and could convey anything with looks. He was protective and that was being kind about it. With a subtle sigh, he returned his attention to Kaia and Mitsuo, enjoying the time with family, however dysfunctional it may be.

Thread Word Count: 3,635

11Family Meeting [Invite/No Kill] Empty Re: Family Meeting [Invite/No Kill] Fri Nov 18, 2016 2:36 pm



"I know I shouldn't have brought her on such a high ranking mission. The ninja that abandoned her is no longer active in our village, though I doubt she is still in Kirigakure. It would be in her best interest to stay far away. The mission was concerning the group of assassins who have been attacking lately. One of them is the one that interrupted Solstice and I's fight and took on the both of us. However, We almost killed him before he was saved by another of the assassins. They are all strong and each at least rivals any of the strongest ninja in our nation. Kaia here did great though, I've never been prouder." Kaia couldn’t help but beam a little. Hearing her father say that he was proud of her brought her great joy – even though the situation had been a violent and terrifying one. Even though bits and pieces of what had happened would forever be a horrible memory in her mind there had been some good spots too: she had shown bravery that few others would have at her age and rank, or those ranked far higher than her to boot.

"I was selfish, and I know now that what I did was wrong, hell I knew it shortly after I left. I never meant to hurt either of you, you are both my world. I am glad you will let me back into your lives, and I will certainly be joining the village hidden in the mists. I need to keep an eye on my daughter after all. I will not leave you again. I am glad to be back. And I'm sorry, but I really don't want to cry anymore right now. I have shed far too many tears in my lifetime, and I hate having people see me like this, no matter who they are. I want to think happy thoughts, and I want to redeem myself to you two. I want to make sure that you both know that I will always be here for you from here on out. My loyalty is to my family first, and my work second." This… she could live with this. As long as he never left again she could deal. She didn’t want anyone else leaving; not Mitsuo, or Strafe, or Demi, or Iro. No one: she couldn’t handle it if they did.

"I'm glad to have you back. I can't wait for you to meet the rest of our family. It might be a bit awkward at first, but I think Demi will be happy for Kaia and would want to make sure she stayed happy. She's incredible like that. She has been amazing with the kids, and she's the main reason this transition to father has went so smoothly." Kaia nodded in agreement about Demi; she was an amazing person and Kaia couldn’t help but think that Mitsuo would like her. The thought didn’t even cross her mind that there would be some sort of situation there simply because of how open and receptive Demi was with people.

"Momaru, aren't you going to say hi to Mitsuo? It was then Kaia focused her attention onto the lion and broke free from the hugs to make her way over to him. She climbed up on the giant lion’s back and simply hugged him before whispering softly ”Come on… let’s go somewhere safe so Da’ and Daddy can go fix this stuff with Kumogakure and so we can all go home...” Kaia wasn’t going to delude herself into thinking she’d be allowed to go. The S rank missions were one thing, but this was something else: two beastly Kage’s going at it? Any sort of AoE popped off she would be dead before she knew it; besides, she was smart enough to realize she would only serve as a distraction as both her father’s worried about her safety. Best they know she was somewhere safe so they could focus fully then be worried about her.


Wordount: 673 | 5,103

Total: 5,103

Speed C0 → C1: 5103 – 575 = 4,528
Speed C1 → C2: 4,528 – 600 = 3,928
Speed C2 → C3: 3,928 – 700 = 3,228

Reaction Time C0 → C1: 3,228 – 575 = 2,653
Reaction Time C1 → C2: 2,653 – 600 = 2,053
Reaction Time C1 → C3: 2,053 – 700 = 1,353

Perception C0 → C1: 1,353 – 575 = 778
Perpcetion C1 → C2: 778 – 600 = 178

Remaining: 178

12Family Meeting [Invite/No Kill] Empty Re: Family Meeting [Invite/No Kill] Sun Nov 20, 2016 7:38 pm



Mitsuo would look towards Strafe as he noticed him wiping tears away from his eyes. How could he have brought such a beautiful soul to such a place? He felt like he was a terrible person, and to be fair that feeling wasn't exactly inaccurate. Mitsuo had often thought that death would have been a better option for him, for had he actually been dead he wouldn't have been able to fuck up the lives of the people that he loved even more than he already had. He had truly been a selfish person, having destroyed every relationship that he had made over the years. It upset him greatly to be in this situation, having to watch the love of his life, and his beautiful daughter have to be so upset. Though Kaia seemed to be happy, it was still difficult for him to believe that she would simply forget what had happened, as that wasn't something you simply allowed yourself to forget. It would be difficult for her to trust him, and he knew that, which was something that cut him deeper than any blade ever could.

"I know I shouldn't have brought her on such a high ranking mission. The ninja that abandoned her is no longer active in our village, though I doubt she is still in Kirigakure. It would be in her best interest to stay far away. The mission was concerning the group of assassins who have been attacking lately. One of them is the one that interrupted Solstice and I's fight and took on the both of us. However, We almost killed him before he was saved by another of the assassins. They are all strong and each at least rivals any of the strongest ninja in our nation. Kaia here did great though, I've never been prouder." Mitsuo was still angry about the fact that she had been brought on such a high ranking missionn, but hearing about how she performed his heart swelled up with pride in his daughter. He truly loved her and was very happy to hear about when she did well, even if it broke his heart that he hadn't been there to witness it. "I'm glad to have you back. I can't wait for you to meet the rest of our family. It might be a bit awkward at first, but I think Demi will be happy for Kaia and would want to make sure she stayed happy. She's incredible like that. She has been amazing with the kids, and she's the main reason this transition to father has went so smoothly."

Mitsuo winced slightly when he heard Strafe speak about Demi. He didn't know her, and was sure that she was great, but he didn't think it would be likely that the two of them would get along. He was a very protective person, and while yes he had shattered Strafe's heart, it would be very difficult for Mitsuo to be around the person who had picked up the pieces and put him back together. He would try for Kaia's sake, but he didn't see it being possible for himself and this Demi woman to become friends. Strafe seemed like he was doing well, however, and Mitsuo was thankful to her for that. Apparently there was another kid as well, which was something that Mitsuo didn't know. He was sure that he would meet him, and he would be kind to him of course, he did love children after all. He watched as Strafe motioned to Momaru, the large lion that had always accompanied Strafe, and ashed him he was going to say hi, the lion giving a short somewhat curt answer. Mitsuo knew that it would take more than words to regain the noble beast's heart, and he would had to show him substance behind those words.

"I'm glad to see you again, Momaru. Thank you for taking care of Strafe, and for protecting my little girl for me. I don't know where I would be without you." His words were warm and genuine, looking towards his daughter now as she spoke to the lion, whispering to him that they should leave before the two of them took off. Mitsuo and Strafe were left standing alone on the steps, the wind blowing through Mitsuo's cloak and causing it to flutter in the wind. He would walk over to Strafe and smile slightly before wrapping his arms around the man, pulling him close to him and holding him there for as long as Strafe would allow him too. "I know it might not be any consolation for leaving you, but I dremt of you every single night. I missed you so very much, and my arms simply never felt right when you were not in them. I'm so sorry that all of this happened, and while it breaks my heart to see you with someone else, I am also happy for you as you are happy. You deserve nothing but the best, and clearly I was not able to give that to you. I know that I am a horrible person, and if you wanted to kill me, this would be the time to do it. I would welcome you to strike me down with your blade, as I know that I absolutely deserve nothing more. I know, however, that you will not do that, because you are a much better person than I." He felt the phantom spray of Ukiyo Senju's blood on his face and running down his hands, a moment which still haunted him to this day, and remembered that leaving wasn't the only reason he was an awful person.

After their embrace would end, he would listen to any words that Strafe would have to say and then speak once more. "I'm glad we're here together. I will back up your cousin in her move against Sanosuke, but it makes it better to have you at my side. We should really make our way to the camp to see what she had planned, however, so that we are prepared for it when it happens." He would await a response once more and walk back to the camp, ideally with Strafe, though if he told Mitsuo he wanted to go alone, Mitsuo would respect the decision. He had come to Kumo for more than family reunions, and it was time to work towards that task...

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13Family Meeting [Invite/No Kill] Empty Re: Family Meeting [Invite/No Kill] Thu Nov 24, 2016 9:33 pm

Strafe Aisu

Strafe Aisu

Strafe watched as Kaia broke off and over to Momaru. She climbed up him like a tree and hugged him. The lion demeanor immediately changed as he felt the embrace of one of his family. She would then speak. ”Come on… let’s go somewhere safe so Da’ and Daddy can go fix this stuff with Kumogakure and so we can all go home...” Then Mitsuo responded to the lion's greeting. "I'm glad to see you again, Momaru. Thank you for taking care of Strafe, and for protecting my little girl for me. I don't know where I would be without you." Strafe would nod to the lion as the lion bowed low in response to Mitsuo's reply. The relationship would take time, but Momaru was happy to know that Mitsuo at least understood how his departure hurt Strafe and Kaia. The lion would turn and take off with Kaia, allowing the two men to be alone. Strafe would look to Mitsuo with eyes that had a new fire behind them. It had been some time since he had been alone with the man like this. He knew that Mitsuo had already been tortured mentally by his departure, and that was enough punishment. He wasn't about to hurt this man when things were so crazy.

Mitsuo then pulled Strafe in a gentle manner into a hug. Strafe simply crumbled into an embrace he had never forgotten. His face relaxed as he knew that things were going in the right direction for his family and his village. Mitsuo then spoke, and Strafe listened as if his life depended on it.

"I know it might not be any consolation for leaving you, but I dremt of you every single night. I missed you so very much, and my arms simply never felt right when you were not in them. I'm so sorry that all of this happened, and while it breaks my heart to see you with someone else, I am also happy for you as you are happy. You deserve nothing but the best, and clearly I was not able to give that to you. I know that I am a horrible person, and if you wanted to kill me, this would be the time to do it. I would welcome you to strike me down with your blade, as I know that I absolutely deserve nothing more. I know, however, that you will not do that, because you are a much better person than I."

Strafe knew that Mitsuo meant every word, and it broke Strafe's heart. The situation was not easy for any of them, and he knew that it would take careful hands to guide it safely. "I will not lay a hand on you. We have all suffered enough, i'm just glad you are safe and sound where you belong. Demi is apart of my life and I won't betray her, but I will always love you. You know that. I've missed you and if life opens up the opportunity, we may end up together again." He spoke genuinely as he looked in the man's eyes. He wanted this moment to last forever, but his duties as a shinobi were not going to wait. They pulled apart and Mitsuo spoke once again.

"I'm glad we're here together. I will back up your cousin in her move against Sanosuke, but it makes it better to have you at my side. We should really make our way to the camp to see what she had planned, however, so that we are prepared for it when it happens."

"We will not loose with your help. Let's go." Strafe spoke with a smile as he turned and walked beside Mitsuo. Their destination was the Kirigakure camp and a meeting with the Raikage.

Word Count: 645
Thread Word Count: 4280
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180 Words left

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