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1Deliver Food [D-Rank, Closed] Empty Deliver Food [D-Rank, Closed] Sat Feb 20, 2016 7:15 pm



It was a rainy day in Iwagakure, most people resorting to their rain wear. Footsteps splashed into puddles that naturally occurred in the streets. Due to weather however, the village was mostly cleared of people. It seem that they preferred to stay in their warm homes; they couldn’t be blamed for doing that though. There was no point in wondering around in the streets on a rainy day getting unnecessarily wet. Erai used to keep her from getting unnecessarily wet. Trying her best to keep from getting sick, since she had to let her body sort itself out as normal medicines didn’t seem to work. Still, her high heels tapped the rocky ground as she made her way across town. Her destination was the hospital, having been assigned a mission that called for her attention there. She had met with Tadashi earlier that morning to discuss today’s mission.

Earlier that day. Erai sat inside a restaurant that was on the smaller side. She sat at table made for four that was located towards the back of the establishment. Across from her sat Tadashi, dressed in all black garb while wearing sunglasses. The restaurant was mildly busy, currently being occupied by little over half a dozen people. The overall noise level of the place was minimal however, being little more than whispers. That was until Erai’s voice could be heard from across the place. “Wait, is this village that bad off? People can’t even afford health care?!” Erai said loudly, in a frustrated tone. Tadashi waved her down, a single bead of sweat rolling down his face while his face flushed into a light pink from embarrassment. “Shhh! Be quiet Erai. No need for that voice level.” he said in an attempt to calm her down. She simply shook her head in disbelief as she continued to read the mission statement.

Presently. She wasn’t all too well familiar with the history of Iwagakure, something she would have to invest some time into at some point. According to Tadashi however, Iwagakure had a rough history of crime and corruption. They were also known to turn against their allies in time of war, which in turn caused friction to develop and affect trade routes. At the same time, geographically speaking, Iwagakure wasn’t the easiest for larger caravans of merchants to travel to. It wasn’t until somewhat recently that Iwagakure’s economy caught back up to the rest of the major villages. Not only that, but the foreign policy had improved a lot over time as well.
After paying a visit a small supply store that was on the way to hospital, she continued on her way. She was strapped with enough food to last the people in need a good while, assuming they would ration everything out. It didn’t take her long to reach the hospital where she was greeted by the receptionist. The young looking receptionist wearing a pink nurse’s outfit lead her to another wing of the hospital where the walk ins were attended to. There Erai saw a huge mass of people waiting in the hallway. Many of them looked like menial laborers, wearing very simple clothes that looked cheaply made. Erai could also tell that a large portion of them hadn’t eaten in a long time. She could see this due to the more pronounced cheek bones and the way their clothes looked more like large towels resting upon their bodies. They turned to look at Erai and examined her large sack of food; not really understanding exactly what was going on.

She grabbed a nearby foldout table and set up her little food bank right at the beginning of the hall. “Alright everyone, I’m here today to feed all of you. Please form a single file line in front of the table. Families stay together and approach the table at the same time.” Erai said in an authoritative, but compassionate tone. The people followed the instructions perfectly, not making one fuss. Erai would even occasionally speak to the families, getting to know them a fair bit. For She stood there, giving out the food for a full hour before everyone had their share. Whatever she had left, she gave to nurse. Before leaving however she stayed and talked to a few more people. Asking them questions about their well being, and if everything was going alright. Most of them had positive things to say, despite their current situation. She sat and talked for a good two hours before she touched bases with the staff. They would then let command chain know Erai had successfully completed her mission.

WC: 768

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