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1Olympics - Combat [C-ranked mission] Empty Olympics - Combat [C-ranked mission] Thu Feb 11, 2016 11:05 am

Lyralei Wind

Lyralei Wind

Mission name: Olympics-Combat
Mission rank: C
Objective: Enter into a combat match against the past Strong Man, Speedster or Both.
Location: Sunagakure
Reward: 180 Ryo and Akuma family recognition
Mission description: The Akuma family are very proud of themselves for their athletic abilities, and because of this, they gave themselves the pleasure of hosting Olympic Games whenever they so choose. The games come in different forms and the Akuma are actually flexible with attempting Obstacle Courses that the Olympian designs. This aspect of the Olympics is focused mostly on combat, and even though the Olympian can create his own artificial battlefield he can't choose who he is going to fight. Since it will be the past winner.
Mission details: A one on one battle. Win or loose, the 180 Ryo will be payed and Akuma recognition will be given. The user can create the past winner as an NPC or just roleplay the fight and describe him in the thread.

Lyralei stepped back, seeing the hand swipe where her head used to be, and feeling the breeze that followed.

That was a lot of energy invested into that one hit, and it didn’t even faze her opponent.

Lyralei stood facing her opponent once again, who had just backpedalled a few steps and was now in a boxing stance, hands close to his face. He was a big, burly man with a short moustache and nearly nothing on except for a pair of pants, showing his big, bulging muscles on both his arms and chest, and a quick scan of his feet showed that even his lower body wasn’t-

Lyralei jumped to the side as she saw him lunge at her. She landed on both feet, her cape fluttering behind her and her body slightly guarded against him, as she still took her time to regard him and his fighting style, as well as how best to fight him. Shoda Akuma was the reigning champion of the Akuma family in the Olympic Games, and he had been her opponent as a contestant in these games. If she won, she’d get cash. If she didn’t win, she’d just lose face, but her pride wouldn’t really let that happen.

She jumped back again, nearing the edge of the ring, as Shoda swiped a backhand at her in his attempt to right himself up. She managed to hold in a curse. They were on an elevated square platform that served as the arena for the fight, and if any one of them were hit outside, it would be considered a knockout and a win went to the other party.

Obviously, Lyralei needed to make as much use of this as possible. There was nearly no way she would be able to outpower Shoda in a straight up fight. While she had some - even if it was very, very, very little - training as a ninja, she could tell from the way that Shoda moved that he too was used to fighting ninja, as his stance left little opening, and his thick skin had brushed off several of her attempts at punching him straight on, which had resulted in him managing to throw her off of his person. Lyralei still felt the phantom pain in her ribs from their first encounter, before he had acknowledged her as a ‘slightly worthy’ opponent and invited her into the Akuma Olympic Games.

Lyralei eyed Shoda, and it seemed for once he was also studying her. She wasn’t sure why, maybe it was because he finally had her trapped and didn’t want to make a mistake of accidentally being kicked out of the ring, but she wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Her mind raced as she tried to figure out a way to battle him. The cheering of his family from the stands around them didn’t help. Where the arena was a square elevated in the centre, past that was a small grassy field that extended in roughly ten feet in either direction, and after that were stands that held many people, some participants, others returning contestants, most his family, while the rest were merely spectators who had for some reason come to watch the combat part of the Olympics instead of the other, more interesting parts of the games.

Well, that was in Lyralei’s opinion. Given her proficiency with the bow, she would’ve gone to watch the archery section, but she had pridefully accepted Shoda’s challenge to fight her, and since the games took part almost spontaneously she couldn’t sign up for the other. She couldn’t even watch it!

Lyralei saw Shoda rush at her, and she saw how his feet were wide apart even as his hulking figure stampeded towards her. Taking a risk, she dove between his legs, sliding on the smooth plastic surface of the arena past his person. However, at the last second, he closed his feet, trapping Lyralei’s right ankle between both feet. He turned around and gave her a smirk, and Lyralei knew that if she didn’t give up there and then, he would fall back and completely crush her under his weight. Given her small frame, it was doubtless she’d have to get hospital treatment if that ever came to pass.

Seeing the defiance on her face, however, Shoda must have believed she wouldn’t give in one way or another, as he looked back away from her and tilted his body back, threatening to collapse upon her with the force of a several hundred pound heavy man. Just as he was tilting back, however, Lyralei placed the sole of her other foot on his but and shoved with all her might, causing him to topple forward instead. This time, it was Lyralei’s turn to smirk. If he stumbled forward from this angle, he would be out of the ring.

However, it seemed as if he was skilled enough to avoid doing that, as he only stumbled once - once, goddamnit! - before regaining his composure and turning around her to regard her with the true fury of the champion of the Olympic games. Well, Lyralei wasn’t impressed, having picked herself up already. He may have been the champion of the Olympic games but Lyralei was a ninja, and not taking a ninja seriously from the start of the battle had been his only mistake other than inviting one into a fight without ninja experience.

The two looked each other down, even if it was simple for Shoda to simply charge at her to avoid standing at the edge of the ring. Lyralei wished she had her bow now. She could easily notch it straight at his neck and force him to surrender, but an agreement had been made that it would be solely hand-to-hand, and it was arguably foolish of her to have agreed. Still, it didn’t make the situation any less advantageous to her, and she charged forward. Seemingly realising her momentum would surely take him off the arena, he charged forward as well.

Lyralei used the same technique, sliding between his feet, and this time got to the other side completely at his surprise that she would try the same technique only to end up on the more disadvantageous side of their fight, and turned recklessly. Just as he was on one leg, his other still trying to redirect himself, Lyralei delivered a quick kick to the bottom portion of his thigh, and felt glee at his face scrunching up in pain slightly. He stumbled for a bit, and Lyralei brought herself up before throwing her foot all the way up, hitting him in the chin even as he was nursing his thigh.

His head snapped backward so fast, Lyralei thought she had killed him, especially when he fell to the ground with such a loud thud. The entire arena went silent as they watched Shoda struggle to stand up, while Lyralei’s mind once again raced to figure out how she could overpower him.

They would certainly not call the match unless one of them gave up, and Lyralei didn’t think that this man was dumb enough to give up after the use of a few word plays like she had seen on television before. The small kid would always have to use their brains to get the better of the big, bad bully, and the moral of the story, apart from not bullying others, would definitely talk about how it was better to use your brains than your brawn to get the better of others.

Lyralei didn’t care much for that. To her, whichever you used you were still hurting the other person, and this was the last thought that registered in her head before Shoda stood back up and glared at her. She flicked a piece of hair out of her face before adjusting a strand behind her ear.

That worked, as Shoda thought she was mocking him (well, she was) and charged once more.

“What’s wrong, anger clouding your brain?” she asked, jumping to the right to avoid his charge, now landing on one of the corners of the square. “You know, if you used that brain of yours even a little you might have won by now.”

Shoda stopped before he charged straight off the arena and regarded her again with eyes wide in rage. He charged at her once again and attempted to grapple her, and was fairly surprised when she somersaulted over his being onto the other side, leaving him standing precariously at the vertice of the arena.

She poked a small finger into a small point on his back, and he was sent toppling over onto the ground.

“If you used that brain even a little,” Lyralei taunted, “Then you wouldn’t have challenged a ninja to a fight,” she finished as the crowd went wild, while Shoda’s immediate family members just looked on in shock.

(Exit thread)

WC: 1515 words

C-rank mission: 1000 words
Training Speed from E-0 to E-1: 75 words
Training Strength from E-0 to E-1: 75 words
Training Endurance from E-0 to E-1: 75 words
Training Perception from E-0 to E-1: 75 words
Training Reaction Time from E-0 to E-2: 150 words

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