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1Teen Revolution RP Empty Teen Revolution RP Thu Feb 11, 2016 4:51 am


Teen Revolution RP Untitl12

>>Link To Our Site<<

Our site not too long ago rebooted and started a new oc story plot after we fixed up the site to make it look nice and give it the new baby site smell again. Our site is a DC world base site that allows cannons but we tend to focus more on OC characters. Below you will find important links for our site along with a description for one that other sites might not have so you know what it is that you are clicking on.

If you are new to the DC world but still want to join a super hero like rp set up you are still welcome to join due to our story line and rp currenly only using terms of the dc world, and if you ever have a question about something you don't know our members would gladly help you out with it but a large amount of knowledge of the DC world isn't quite needed to rp here. We hope you consider joining us.

The Plot Line:
Recently Due to Green Arrow being out working more with the Justice League lately making it harder for him to stick around in Star. Due to this crime rates have gone up since inspiring villains now have less of a risk of getting caught. Though due to this many newer heroes have also been coming up to try to counter act the villainy and crime that has been rising.

Many of these heroes have been known to be teenagers making many head lines boom with the rise of the teenage heroes. Though many adults find the teams unsuitable to be heroes due to their age ad lack of skill. Now as the adults try to not fear their kids going out to fight crime at night.

With the news stating the the teens being so low skilled and unable to make good heroes many teens have been coming together to make teams to work together to prove the adults wrong, some going solo to try and prove this, and even a website recently going up for the teen heroes and their supporters to talk on called on Teen Revolution! where they talk about recent crimes and the odd amount of people disappearing lately in the city.

Important Links:
-Plot So Far: This is where you go to see the plot thus far, if something big in rp happens that it affects the over all plot or everyone on the site the new of it is usually covered here/added here.
-Q&A: If you have any questions and you don't want to ask about them in our chat box, through pm, or other such means you can put your questions here.
-Advertisements: If we bug you on your site first you can feel free to put your own ad here on our site so the help of gaining new members isn't a one sided street.
-News!: Here we cover threads that have been completed and moved into the Completed Episodes section. In Rev Talk 2 members rp out as themselves out of character about the completed threads and what happened in them. While in the normal News one member will rp out as a news reporter talking about just the parts of the thread that would be know to the public. If you read it here you can then take that info in character and merely say you learned it through the news.
-Completed Episodes: Here you will find all completed threads. The Completed Episodes are the current version of the sites finished threads while the others cover past versions of the sites threads. We like to archive our old threads rather than delete them so you can find them here along with old threads that you can read to catch yourself up to speed on what all has happened on the site thus far in depth.

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