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Not many people think of the past as a delicate thing to hold on to. Shibirin, isn't one of those people. In fact, the past haunts him constantly. When he's sitting down, when he's out on a mission, when he is loud, when he is silent, all the time. He can't let go of it, it is something that has made itself apart of his everyday life. He is haunted by the memories of his father, the memories of his brother and now a new memory has revealed itself towards Shibirin. It wasn't a sad memory, in fact, it was a happy memory: he had recently encountered with his old kenjutsu sensei, Anshin.

The memory had came back to him when the man took off his cloak and introduced himself as Shibirin's old teacher. All these years, Shibirin had only remembered his father teaching him kenjutsu, but he had left out the occasional lessons he recieved from Anshin. Today, he had aranged a meeting with his old instructor and friend, by Suna's Reservoir. He had a few questions to ask him, much like why he stopped teaching him. If someone saw Shibirin's attitude whithin only minutes of knowing him, they'd quickly judge him as an arrogant snob, but if one took the time long enough to get to now him, they'd soon learn that he was the softest member of his entire clan. He got it from his mother, but even she was more frightening than he.

Shibirin wanted to meet up with Anshin, to bring back their lost memories. He knew he remembered quite alot about their short time as student and teacher, but Shibirin's memory had failed to remember. 'it'd be nice to meet up with my old teacher,' he thought to himself, as he awaited for the guest's arrival by the Reservoir.



It had been a surprise, to say the least, that Shibirin had wanted to meet again. They'd met in the arena little more than a few days before, and the boy hadn't remembered him at all. Was this because the poor lad had had an accident or did Anshin really mean that little to him? Of course, he didn't know one way or another, but he had the feeling that he was juts so unimportant to Shibirin that he'd completely forgotten about him. It wouldn't be the first time that it happened, people had busy lives as ninjas and if you didn't specificially touch their hearts then you would be forgotten within a year or two. Of course, Ray and a few others remembered him, but they had perfect memory so that wasn't really something that was too unexpected.

As he got to the reservoir, he walked up to where he saw Shibirin waiting. He smiled gently as he approached, knowing just how important this meeting would likely be to the lad. He smiled softly, and spoke quietly but proudly
"good morning Shibirin.... It's been a long while since we've met on equal terms like this." he said, a glimmer of memory flashing through Anshin's eyes, not that it would probably be noticed by the self-important ninja.
"Sorry about the other day... I didn't mean anything by it."


Shibirin let out a small chuckle, as he heard a voice from behind speak towards him in a way that lead him to think it was Anshin who had arrived. He didn't bother to look behind to see if he was right, he just asumed he was. He looked towards the middle of the Reservoir and concerntrated on the reflection of the sun on the surface of the water. It wasn't much to look at, but if Shibirin wasn't looking towards the man, he'd at least give his eyes another point to look at.

"It's...ok. Sorry i forgot you, not at the arena, but when i turned my back on your teachings," he began, only moments after Anshin had made his presence obvious. "I was Traumatised by my father's death and your kenjutsu lessons only brought back that same, horrible event. It is not that i forgot you, old friend. I just needed time off kenjutsu for a while, so i practised ninjutsu whilst recovering from that terrible event," Shibirin explained, eyes still focused on the shimmering Reservoir. "It is, however, great to see you again. How have you been..?" he asked, now turning his head around slowly to meet with the guest's physical appearance



Sighing slightly, Anshin listened to the words said by Shibirin. It was a little sad, but he knew exactly where the man was coming from. He'd also seen it hard to carry on with what he wanted after his father disappeared. The only reason he'd continued learning from the Kuroka clan's teachings had been because he wanted to surpass his father in terms of skill. Now he had Gin to watch over as her big brother, he had to get even stronger still. It was a little depressing, now that he thought about it. He was a genin and his little sister was already the Kazekage. It made him feel weak and powerless... it was time to work his ass off and prove himself her equal once more.

"Well.... I'm okay I guess... I quit the academy." He said, looking at him with a little sad expression on his face
"I have to start working for the village. I might have been content working as just a teacher whilst the last Kazekage was in power, but now it's my sister in that all important seat. Not only do I have to make her proud of me, but I need to be able to protect her. She's my baby sister, and I'm supposed to be her knight in shining armour. But... well, look at me." he said, his tone a little deflated than normal
"I'm nothing more than a genin. How can I protect the Kazekage like this?"


Shibirin dropped his smirk a bit, as he heard the man speak about 'working for the village' and 'to make the kazekage feel proud of him'. He wasn't your typical, young genin that was proud to represent or even die for his country, he was different. He hated the idea of doing things for others, he prefered to be independed. Whenever someone spoke about making the village proud or protect someone else's life over their's', he simply snarled under his breathe and went on with his day as if he hadn't heard it. Shibirin couldn't help but be selfish, though he was really trying to change this. His dad had been the only nin he lived to impress and he died. His younger brother Toshiro, had been the only one he sort to protect, besides from their mother but he died also. Though he now lives to protect his mother, he doubts anyone would eve come after her.

He simply set aside Anshin's words about making Gin proud and protecting her. He looked up at him and said, "Well, guess we both need some twitches here and there to see to it that we don't become rusty, old katanas, if you know what i'm saying," he said to him in a jokingly manner. He felt as if Anshin had gotten the joke, he usually had more of a sense of humor than Shibirin, but just in case he didn't know, Shibirin said,"Maybe we could start training together. I have improved since our last times together, and i am sure i am near your level if not the same. We could begin training as friends, rather than sensei and student, what you say?" he asked him, not meaning to start the training now, for this moment was just for talking purposes



"Well, guess we both need some twitches here and there to see to it that we don't become rusty, old katanas, if you know what I'm saying," .... well, god damn it if that wasn't the stupidest analogy that Anshin had ever heard. Even in his semi-depressed state he was having trouble not laughing at the stupid phrase his ex-student had said. It was just utterly ridiculous. Besides, even Rusty Katanas were strong enough to be used in battle. They just broke all the easier. Besides, what the hell was a twitch? That sounded either like a spasm or some kind of weird sexual term, and he didn't know which was more disturbing. However, as the kid suggested that they start training together as friends instead of student and teacher, Anshin raised an eyebrow. Becoming friends and training as equals? Well, that wasn't what people normally asked of him, not that he had an objection to it.. he shrugged and looked at him

"Shibirin, I doubt there's anything you have in your entire arsenal that you could teach me that I don't already know. You're free to surprise me if you want, but I'm just saying that I think I'd still be doing more of the teaching than you would. Besides, point of the matter is I'm better than you and will always be that way. Or do you want to prove me wrong?" he said teasingly, knowing this would drive Shibirin to try something stupid to prove himself. He always thought so highly of himself, that surely insulting him would drive him to some big egotistical gesture.


Shibirin let out a rather long laugh, it was longer and louder than a chuckle. His ex-sensei had listened to Shibirin's offer in the wrong way. He meant train side by side, not either training the other. Perhaps saying the two should start training in the same 'room' would have been clearer to understand than directly saying the two should teach each other.

He stopped laughing and wiped the tears from his eyes. Normally, he'd rage at the guy for calling him the lesser leveled nin out of the two. He hated being seen as a weak ninja. Sure he needed some training, sure he wasn't the best in the village, but Shibirin was stonger than his rank described, it'll take some time to convince others this, but Shibirin knew it already.

He allowed the guy to joke about his level of dextirity, he was too moved by the sight of seeing his old sensei to prove any point at the moment, even if it was to prove he was a human. No, his mood was lax at the moment, but he still ahd something to say about it, "Who's to say who's better, we have never fought..." he said, before looking back out to the Resevoir



Hmm... the boy had a good point, and it actually piqued Anshin's interest. He hadn't had a fight in a while, well... that wasn't so true. There was that fight against Sake recently but that had been more about psyching the other person out than actually proving their worth as warriors. Besides, he had to go easy on the lad because he was Gins boyfriend. He had no idea how badly she'd freak out if he ended up killing the guy. As such, it wasn't as good a fight as it could have been So, he decided that he would test out a hypothesis. He smiled slightly and said with the sweetest voice possible.
"Well, if you're so sure that you're better..." he leaped over the railing,before running down the side of the embankment and moving onto the water. His chakra allowing him to stand on it easily he beckoned with his finger, as if challenging him to come fight

"Equal grounds. I'm stronger than you and I'm going to prove it Shibi, now get your ass down here so I actually can!" He said teasingly, knowing there was little that Shibirin liked more than a fight. there was something in his voice that made Anshin think this fight might not actually happen, but he was psyched to go. After all, this was his student. He was sure that there was no way in hell he could lose.


Moments ago, Anshin had been blabering on about how he was stronger than Shibirin and how he could defeat him any day, but he never thought that challenge would be offered to him so soon. It wasn't that Shibirin was too. scared to fight, in fact every bone his body edged him to fight the man, but he just wasn't prepared to fight another kenjutsuist at the moment and he didn't have his sword with him at the time. He didn't want to disapoint the other guy, he might convince himself that he is better than Shibirin after all.

Shibirin decided to stal a bit, "Wait, you want us to fight here? Why i haven't even eaten yet", he said, as he now lifted himself off the grround and onto his feet



Shibirin was stalling the fight. Well, that was boring. He could see that there was no sword attached to his back, but that shouldn't have been any reason why he'd not want to fight. Maybe he assumed that the fight would solely involve Kenjutsu? Hmmm.... maybe he should play a small trick on him.... no, that didn't seem viable in this situation. If only he'd get closer, he could do something but for now? It just seemed like it would be more trouble than it was worth.
"Neither have I, Shibirin. Besides, if you're so scared of me using kenjutsu, I swear I won't use any swords... I'll only use my chakra. Surely you have skill in more things than just simple kenjutsu, right kid? If you back out now, the match automatically goes to me I hope you realize."


Shibirin began to see why he left kenjutsu for a while. He wanted also to specialise in ninjutsu, in case he had been disarmed in a battle and had no use of his swords. He narrowed his eyes towards his antagonist and felt a wave of embarassment when he spoke about Shibirin being weak, this was the third time and he wasn't going to let it slide. He could clearly see that Anshin was itching for a fight, but he had been tought by his older brother Binsu, that a fight should only be fought if there is a positive outcome out of it. In this case, the positive outcome would be to show his sensei up.

He now shook his arms and twisted his wrists. He was preparing for a fight he knew he might not win. Never-the-less, he could easily challenge the latter another day, once he was prepared for a real battle that is to say, he had his sword with him. The man would need to accept it when it came around, for Shibirin was about to accept his. "So i guess there's no other choice for me but to fight you, know that i am doing it handicaped from my true abiities, so don't celebrate too much when you beat me," he said, though he knew the guy would see this as an excuse for Shibirin to lose the battle without losing his dignity, though he truly was handicaped and could only use his secondary Specialty.



Smiling at Anshin's continued use of excuses, he smiled as he beckoned him down to the water level.
"Well then, since you've got a handicap I'll give myself one. You can do the first attack." He said, smiling like a cat that had just caught a mouse. Of course, this wasn't actually why he wanted Shibirin to have the first attack. It had always been Anshin's battle style to make his opponent attack first then trap them with their own attack and mess them up. This would just help him do that, which he figured would allow him to be able to fight properly. This should be easy, plus if he actually lost he could say that he was holding back. Not that he would lose, not with his style of fighting. This battle could begin the moment Shibirin actually tried to make the first blow.


Shibirin simply displayed a smirk upon his lips, obviously amused by the guy's not-so-inviting offer of Shibirin having the first blow. It wasn't tempting, in fact, it was the worst move a kenjutsu specialist should do without his or her blade. It'd be like walking into a shop without money: it was useless. He shook his head slightly and said to the guy, "No, if you want to even up things, you go first," he said, still stalling but all the all, commited to the battle.

Shibirin generally hated attacking first, unless his opponent hadn't the slightest clue he was coming. He feared that Anshin might bounce back the offer and make him start first, this would actually be a benefit. It'd mean he was helping Shibirin to stall, so he awaited for the man's response



Sighing, Anshin nodded. He had had the feeling that Shibirin wasn't going to play ball so he was going to have to aim his ball at the kid's face. Running up the hill towards the railing, he leapt over it, aiming his fist towards Shibirin's face. Right now he wasn't going to be using any jutsus, not until he could get him in a sufficiently bad position. If it had been on the water, he could have had a million good ideas about how to trap Shibirin whilst only using Ninjutsu. Now he had to come up with a way to do it in this enclosed space. This was the best place for a Kenjutsu user, but he wasn't going to use his kenjutsu yet. He promised after all.


Shibirin was now witnessing the man jumping down a railing and heading straight towards him. By the looks of things, he was either going to kick or punch Shibirin, for he was getting too close for a jutsu and he had promissed to not use Kenjutsu in this fight.

As the man brought his arm up, in level with Shibirin's head, he knew that if he didn't move, he'd take a fist to the nose if higher, forehead. Shibirin could've been real creative with avoiding this move with his Earth changing terrain jutsu, but he decided to preserve his energy and just leap in the air and away from his antagonist, but only by a meter or so. The man seemed as if he'd continue at him if he missed, so Shibirin lightly stepped on the ground, thinking he might need to dodge another direct hit.



As Shibirin jumped into the air, Anshin grabbed onto his shirt and threw him down the reservoir towards the water, knowing that was where the fight would go best for him. Diving over the railing after him, he swandived down the chasm, landing in the water with a loud splash. it hurt slightly, but he managed to survive it with no more than a light bruising. He kept a fair distance away from him, or rather underneath him, but still keeping him in his sight so that he didn't go anywhere. This fight was only just beginning after all. Honestly, right now he was hoping for some kind of clone jutsu, but he had nothing of the kind. It was honestly rather unfortunate.


Shibirin was shocked when he felt his shirt being grabbed onto and chucked over by the reservoir. He seemed to be targeting the surface of the water, so with a twist of his body whilst in the air, he landed on the water standing up right, but didn't stop there. As soon as the chakra-filled shoes stepped flat on the liquid floor, he pushed off the water and again went flying in the air. This time, he was going so high up and over that he had enough time to complete a full bakcflip, before landing 3 meters away from his old position.

He looked towards the reservoir, it seemed his opponent wasn't in sight. He gazed his eyes around the location, but couldn't see him. He thought about using his sensory ninjutsu, but that only worked on land. He maintained his gaurd up, as he was finally thinking about using some ninjutsu



Swimming over to the side of the tank, he wove his handsigns underneath the water (ox, serpent, dog), before slamming his hands into the side of the tank, It shook greatly, all of the dust and dirt and earth being thrown off into the air, filling the entire reservoir in one big cloud of dust. However, it didn't just drop into the water as the static electricity kept it in place. This would further distract Shibirin, but thankfully being underneath it Anshin was outside of the cloud. He could see the feet of Shibirin and his eyes were following his every movement. This could be a good time for a few tricks, but first he'd need to keep him disconcerted. He would have thrown his voice to provoke him to think he was somewhere he wasn't, but for now he'd have to make him worry about exactly where he was. He kept himself in the shadow of the wall, and thus hidden from sight



Shibirin was quick to see the area around him be filled with Dust. He was basically blinded, this was obviously the doings on his antagonist. Normally, he could've used his Earth ninjutsu he had recently formed to seek out the guy at ease, but he wasn't on land. This was both a negative and a positive. Ngeative: he couldn't use earth style ninjutsu, which was his main specialty. Positive, he could shock the hell out of the guy if he got as close in Shibirin's radius by 5 meters and if he were under Shubirin by 5 meters. Basically, with the following jutsu, Shibirin was protected by an upside down hemisphre-like field of electricity that had the radius of 5 meters.

The water worked best with this jutsu, it conducted electricity so his jutsu could be easily increased by another 5 meters without the need of being that rank. He first did the required handsigns (Sheep, boar, dragon then serpent) before activating the jutsu. He need not say the words, only the threaded handsigns. A current of Electricity would now be swarming around Shibirin in that field of the invisible hemisphere. If the opponent got too close, he would expect a nasty electric shock, be they on the surface of the water or under.




Starting to close in on Shibirin's position, Anshin was caught at the very edge of the electric field. Thankfully he wasn't shocked by it, but if he'd moved any faster he would have been. This made it a million times more awkward trying to get close to him...still, he had an idea. Weaving his handsigns, his first projectiles were created in his right and left palm, before he threw them both up at once. The first one aimed for his chest, moving extremely quickly through the water at him. The second was aiming for his face, and if he jumped it would hit him in the chest. Sure he couldn't get close enough for any of the close range jutsus to be inflicted, but this would be enough for now, at least he hoped.



He was somewhat shocked to see two raiton balls, at fast speeds heading towards him. They weren't that fast to be honest, but still he couldn't outrun them. The outcome of their speed, only left 3 seconds for Shibirin to dodge the attack, if he had it in him. He saw the first heading towards his chest and he felt like jumping up to dodge it. He knelt down a bit, ready to push himself up into the air, but just as he was about to, a second ball shot up and out of the water, this one aimed a bit higher than the first, possibly towards Shibirin's head or his chest if he had jumped up. Thinking quickly, he knelt down even futher, to the point where one of his knees was in contact with the surface of the water.

"Heh, not bad for a kenjutsuist," he said speaking in his normal tone, witch he doubted could be heard by his opponent at the time. Shibirin couldn't move with the jutsu, but as long as he maintained it going, his opponent couldn't touch him without being badly injured.

(OOC:- edited because of brocken coding)



Damn.... both of them were dodged. That made things awkward and no mistake. That was when he noticed his lack of breath. He had been under the water for too long, and he had to get some air. Getting up to the surface, He gasped for air, maybe a little too loudly, drawing in huge lungfulls of it, getting a bit of dirt in his mouth too. Washing it out of his mouth with water from the reservoir he spat it out and went back under water, firing the next two shots at Shibirin. However, the first one was aiming at his head this time, and from the other side, behind him. He probably wouldn't think to turn around in time to get these. The second one, however, was fired towards his feet. If he crouched like the first time, this one would catch him. Best of all, it would stay under water until it touched him, not giving him any chance to see it coming.

Chakra: 60/80


Shibirin cancled his lightning jutsu and just as he did so, he encountered another attack from his antagopnist: another ball of lightning, this one heading towards his head. Normally, he'd duck, like the first wave of raiton balls he dodged, but something was up with this one.

Firstly, Shibirin heard the guy gasp for air, suggesting that he had been working from under neath the water the whole time. The guy needed to come up for air and when he did, he took a loud gasp, one Shibirin could hear.

He decided to firstly dodge the lightning ball that had been thrown at him, he did this by taking a fairly big leap behind, but as he did so, he felt a small electric shock on the soles of his feet: apparently there had been a second ball of lightning coming from behind, one he hadn't seen, probably as a back up if the first hadn't got him and judging from the direction it was heading from, it was aimed for his feet. Luckily, he only felt the minimum zap of the element, for it only just brushed his feet rather than directly hit as it were likely surposed to. 'Oh Anshin, you clever bustard,' thought Shibirin, his old sensei still amazed him even today. He showed a smirk as he thought to himself, before taking 3 more small jumps behind him in an attempt to escape the foggy trap's range.


----------------Shibirin Exits Thread-------------

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