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Mission Dossier - Execute the Sand Slaughterer:

“Thank god they sent someone, though I certainly expect…”

A look was directed at the man who was speaking by a white-haired individual with piercing purple orbs. Seiryū originally had been scanning the prison, trying to find anything that could help him from where he was, but as soon as the warden began speaking, Seiryū knew that it was best to get the information about the Sand Slaughterer, of where he had holed up, and take care of the issue at hand. He couldn’t care less what the warden thought about the shinobi sent to clean up this mess, as the individual that needed to be dealt with was certainly no shinobi.

“Where is he?” His cool voice escaped him, resonating a sense of external calmness from the archer. Seiryū had come equipped with his standard gear; a bow, a quiver full of arrows, senbon, and a kunai. Eventually he would need to expand upon his set of equipment, but what he had now was certainly more than enough to deal with the situation at hand, to deal with the Sand Slaughterer. Seiryū’s eyes stared at the warden’s, who met his gaze for only a second before turning away. The warden wasn’t anyone special as far as Seiryū was concerned, though the man certainly had achieved a lot in his career to get where he was, though that was mainly due to dealing with civilian criminals. Seiryū took note of the man’s white hair, the warden’s being attributed to old age. The wrinkles on his face indicated he was well past the time where he could be physically active, thus he dealt with desk with entirely. Presumably, retirement would be near for the warden and the current state of the lockdown employed was enough for Seiryū to assume that the warden would simply wish to retire to a peaceful life.

“He’s in the north wing, on the second floor. Last I heard, he was holed up in the break room. I’m not sure if he’s released the other prisoners or taken any guards as hostage.” The sweat dripping down the warden’s brow made Seiryū aware of the nature of the task at hand. He heard rumours about the Sand Slaughterer when he resided in the slums and the mission dossier provided a bit more information about the man who had broken out.

The Sand Slaughterer, or formerly known as Roz Nnorta, was a known cannibal to those who had heard the name. If not for the fact the Nnorta was a cannibal, Seiryū doubted the man would have the reputation he currently had. Nnorta wasn’t known for crimes beyond the realm of what cannibalism entailed, for murder fell hand in hand with the act of eating other human being for the Sand Slaughterer. Seiryū knew the cannibals weapon of choice was a knife; a dagger really, the complete opposite of Seiryū’s preferred method of combat. Things were in Seiryū’s favour until they weren’t when the inevitable confrontation occurred. All Seiryū needed to do was end Nnorta as quickly as possible. Given the known details about the Sand Slaughterer, he wasn’t someone who thought things through, but rather rushed in to them head first, which could easily work out in favour of Seiryū.

“You want me to bring the head, right?” Seiryū asked the question which already knew the answer to. Killing Nnorta itself wouldn’t be enough and the warden likely wanted proof that the largest threat in his prison was taken care of. Bringing the body would prove to be difficult and Seiryū doubted the warden would want to enter without solid evidence of the slaughterer’s death. Without waiting for a reply, Seiryū began walking towards the entrance of the prison, for it was currently the only way in or out, aside from scaling walls and jumping off the roof of the prison.

“Yeah… Bring his head…”

There was no other option other than killing the Sand Slaughterer.

676 Total Words
676 out of 1500 Words needed for Mission Completion.



Seiryū knew the moment he was told that the power was out inside the prison that it would prove to be difficult to navigate his way through the prison, though it wouldn’t be near impossible. Knowing that Nnorta had locked himself up in the north wing of the prison was enough for Seiryū to on to make his way through the very simple, but efficient, layout that the prison had taken during its construction period. The darkness that consumed the prison was enough to hamper one’s vision significantly, though with it still being daylight outside, the smaller trickles of sunlight entered through the miniscule windows each cell had, the only source to the outside world each prisoner would have when locked away in one of these damp cells. It was a cruel place to be locked up, but it was a place designed to hold cruel individuals.

So far, in his short journey within the realm of the prison, Seiryū had yet to see any signs of life, for the guards and inmates were not in his direct vicinity. However, just because his eyes couldn’t see any forms of life, his ears were able to pick up the sounds of chatter, indicating that Seiryū was nearing life, though whether it was a guard or an inmate was yet to be seen. Seiryū’s footsteps continued to be silent, his bow grasped in his right hand as he continued making his way forward, scanning either side of the prison for any hint or clue about the Slaughterer. It was information that could easily be provided to him by asking the people ahead, no matter who they were. He figured the guards would help regardless. The inmates, it would take a bit of persuading, but knowing that the Slaughterer instilled fear, Seiryū could simply use that to persuade them to tell him where Nnorta was holed up exactly.

As he closed in on the location of the voices, the sounds grew louder, the words became far clearer. The words were nothing more than rambling about what was currently going on, though it certainly would be of interest to Seiryū, all he was truly worried about was getting rid of the problem in the prison. Turning the corner, Seiryū spotted the source of the two voices, both males though at complete opposite ends of the spectrum. One was a burly guard, the uniform being the dead giveaway for the man’s role in the prison. The larger guard was talking to another guard, this one far skinnier, though the fear evident on his features giving away how he felt about the situation at hand. The thing that Seiryū was wondering about happened to the prisoners, for hadn’t seen a single one. A few empty cells would’ve made sense, but all of them being empty so far made him raise a brow.

“Where is he? Seiryū voiced out immediately once he had noted who they were and once they were aware of his presence. He didn’t care for how they were feeling at the moment as the more pressing concern was getting rid of Nnorta for good. He watched the guards for a moment, his grip on his bow tightening as his eyes went to scanning the hallway.

“Down this hallway and to the left, the door at the end of the hall. The door was closed last we checked, but the Slaughterer was still locked up in the conference room.”

“Alright.” He spent no more time here, as his goal was a simple kill and then immediately leaving the vicinity with the head. He didn’t want to walk around with a head, but it was the only way the warden would be satisfied with the knowledge of Nnorta’s death.

Seiryū pushed the door open, noticing dead bodies lying on the floor. Two were guards and a third was that of an inmate. The skins of their bodies were torn apart, their insides seemingly missing in various areas. Standing across from him, on the other side of the room, was the crazed man with a deranged look in his eyes. Nnorta had blood caking his face and upon the orange jumpsuit that indicated him as an inmate. Seiryū next noticed the dagger he held in his right hand, a straight, tight grip on the hilt of the weapon.

“So they sent me another body to eat. But, I still need to finish off these other ones. Do you want a meal? I have a lot left to finish. Perhaps having you eat them would make eating you later even tastier. No, no, no, nononononoNONONONONO! I need to kill you!” The individual with the knife immediately began rushing towards Seiryū and there was no opportunity for him to fire and arrow.

Seiryū’s free hand reached into his pocket to draw out a kunai, thus having both hand occupied by a weapon, one of which was suited to close range combat. The stabbing motion that Nnorta made was met with Seiryū’s kunai. Before Seiryū could realize, the man pulled back his dagger and lunged it in to Seiryū’s left bicep. A groan of agony escape Seiryū as the pain registered, but he immediately retaliated by swing his right arm, his bow still grasped. His fist met Nnorta’s face, but his bow added to the blow as it connected with Nnorta. The Sand Slaughterer staggered, losing his grasp on the dagger and stumbled a few steps away from Seiryū. Dropping his bow, the shinobi reached for the blade impaled in his bicep, drawing it out immediately. The stinging pain that came with it was excruciating, but it wasn’t the most important factor right now. The blade with his blood on it was now in his hands, the pain telling Seiryū that he’d need some form of medical attention for his would sooner or later. Not dwelling on any futher thoughts, Seiryū took the Sand Slaughterer’s own weapon and plunged it between the man’s shoulder blades, followed by a kick to the spine to knock down the man.

Seiryū pulled the dagger out of the man and then immediately lifted the man’s head up by the hair, taking the dagger to his throat. There was no hesitation on Seiryū’s end as he slit the man’s throat, which would make it easier to take the head when he went to meet the warden.

- Exit Thread -
1083 of 1759 Total Words
1500 out of 1500 Words needed for Mission Completion.
259 Spare Words.

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