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1Shibirin's sword (1st) Empty Shibirin's sword (1st) Tue Oct 30, 2012 3:14 am


Shibirin's sword (1st) TR001BL

Name: /
Type Of Weapon: Sword
Rank: C- rank
Elemental Alignment: /
Ability/Function: /
Close/Long Range: Close
This Katana is only unique in terms of its physical appearance. Its sheath is of a dark, ocean blue color and the length of it is of any other katana sheath and the material is made of wood. Near the mouth of the sheath is the Genko clan's symbol and just below this is a long, 50cm piece of rope attached to the sheath for carrying the sword around whenever it wasn't in use. The rope is made of the basic cotton wool material, but with several added thin wires in between to better its strength and enables it to last longer without breaking.

As for the actual blade itself, it is made from the same metal all katanas are made of. The handle's base color is that of the sheath, though seventeen silver and gold diamond-shaped metal bits are buit down the side of the handle, 3 being gold and the rest silver. This pattern is also the same on the other side of the handle.

Back in the days when Tatsyuaga, Shibirin's father, was alive, he'd train his boys in the art of Kenjutsu. He was highly skilled in this form of combat. He taught the boys how to use three swords whilst in battle. Tatsyuaga had his own four swords which he used in battle, but he told his sons they will only recieve the sword they have made themselves, believing that to trully master kenjutsu, one has to create their own weapon and grow with it. However, in Shibirin's case, this was different.

Tatsyuaga feared he'd die beforehis sons ever got to the stage of making their own weapons, so he made one katana before he died. He told the mother of the boys, that she is to give this sword to the son she thought would use it the best. A few years after Tatsyuaga's death, his eldest son Binsu created his own katana. A few years after he, was Toshiro, who also made his own katana, despite being the youngest of the three. Shibirin's mom now knew to give the sword to Shibirin, as he hadn't quite yet reached the stage of creating his own sword. When Shibirin recieved the sword, at first he denied it, saying he needed to create one himself. But after some reasoning with his mother, he finally accepted it. Still, Shibirin couldn't accept a sword he had not at least help make, so he inscribed his clan's symbol somewhere near the mouth of the sheath and from that day on, it had been highly usefull in many battles he had to fight without jutsu in.

Last edited by Shibirin on Thu Nov 22, 2012 3:48 am; edited 7 times in total

2Shibirin's sword (1st) Empty Re: Shibirin's sword (1st) Wed Oct 31, 2012 7:07 am



3Shibirin's sword (1st) Empty Re: Shibirin's sword (1st) Wed Oct 31, 2012 7:50 am

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Is this a fine or rusty Katana?

4Shibirin's sword (1st) Empty Re: Shibirin's sword (1st) Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:09 am


Hmm, what is the main differences besides from cost?

5Shibirin's sword (1st) Empty Re: Shibirin's sword (1st) Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:57 pm



A Rusty Katana is C-Rank and costs 450. A Fine Katana is B-Rank and costs 900.

6Shibirin's sword (1st) Empty Re: Shibirin's sword (1st) Wed Oct 31, 2012 2:02 pm



There is also "Sword" for 500 under C rank in the weapons shop

7Shibirin's sword (1st) Empty Re: Shibirin's sword (1st) Wed Oct 31, 2012 4:07 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Hiro; don't post in item shops.

Shiribin, as you're a genin, you can only buy a rusty Katana anyway. I had only asked to be sure you knew what you could get. You're approved for a rusty katana at 450, sirrah.

8Shibirin's sword (1st) Empty Re: Shibirin's sword (1st) Wed Oct 31, 2012 6:36 pm


Thankyou for the OK...but my question still hasn't gotten a legit answer.

What i meant is, is there a difference in quility or just looks?

9Shibirin's sword (1st) Empty Re: Shibirin's sword (1st) Wed Oct 31, 2012 6:59 pm



There is a difference in quality yes... fine katans are usually stronger and more durable

10Shibirin's sword (1st) Empty Re: Shibirin's sword (1st) Thu Nov 01, 2012 3:30 am


Ok, when i get the creds, Kenta, i will buy this sword. If you aren't that busy, can yuh look at my jutsu registration again, i put a new one up

11Shibirin's sword (1st) Empty Re: Shibirin's sword (1st) Sat Nov 03, 2012 1:46 am


Ok, buying the sword now sirrah

Deduct the Ryo! :D

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