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1Training the Academy [Mission/D-rank] Empty Training the Academy [Mission/D-rank] Thu Jun 25, 2015 8:40 pm



Maigo prepared early today, apparently he was going to be heading on a 'mission' from the village to the academy. There he would be teaching them a few things about chakra control and using the supernatural walking practice, simple enough for Maigo, but even if it's an advanced class, would they be able to control their chakra so well? As he walked in he met and chatted with a few sensei who weren't in charge of classes at the time, showing him where he'd be working for the day he set up. Apparently a two classes of about 20 students made up the advanced groups, slightly better or gifted inherently with some Kekkai Genkai that they needed to focus on. They were ready for more advanced material and it was going to be up to Maigo to be teaching them something a little more advanced, and even better he would be instructing them all at once in one larger lecture hall. As they filed in Maigo stood at the front with the other sensei who walked in, a few left, probably to take a break, and the one that remained behind introduced Maigo and took a seat and waited for the lesson to begin.

Maigo cleared his voice and began to speak to the class, Well, thanks for having me first off Maigo paused and began to walk within a few feet of where he stood, The most important thing to a shinobi is to be able to control their chakra effectively and efficiently, if you can do that then you can master any jutsu and complete nearly any task. He continued his lecture making sure that the class knew how to focus their chakra and could focus their chakra into a single point. It seemed everyone did and to test this he took a pencil in his hand and had them do the same, telling everyone to channel chakra into their hand as they gripped the pencil. Maigo did so while talking and the pencil cracked in his hand, shattering into pieces where he focused chakra into the palm of his hand. The class followed suit and the sounds of cracks filled the room, some getting it on the first try some taking some time while some seemed natural and completely shattered it in one point while others were sloppy. It was to be expected and now that they established this Maigo would continue the lesson showing a few more individually and answering questions quickly. Now the class seemed ready, for the most part, to continue on to the next step and start learning even more to the technique.

Maigo began to explain it's importance and uses, telling them that they can learn to focus their chakra into their hands and feet to stick to things. It must not have been a wildly popular technique at the academy or one that hadn't been covered, as Maigo used the Rat hand sign and focused chakra into his feet as he began to walk up the wall of the room. Several students watching carefully, some to see how far he could take it and others probably hoping he would fall, as he hit the roof he continued and walked to the back of the room while he continued to explain. Finishing by walking down the back wall, the students heads followed his every movement, he continued his lecture as he walked back down the row towards the front of the room, Now, chakra control is important because if you don't use enough, you won't stick to anything but if you use too much then you'll end up breaking the floor, roof, wall or whatever you want to walk on. Like the pencil in your hand, if you apply the right amount of chakra then the pencil would hold in your hand perfectly instead of cracking like it did. Now for practice, I want you to apply chakra to a pencil or pen and get it to stay on your hand when you hold it flat and downwards, and make sure not to break it either. Maigo demonstrated again and showed them as the pencil failed to fall fro his hand. He explained how mastering this not only is a great combat usage learning to walk on any surface but to also control chakra like a master shinobi would.

Continuing on about chakra control itself and helping out some students outside and answering their questions, they seemed generally interested and wanted to learn the techniques. Some seemed natural and one student was even able to begin walking up a tree in the courtyard, the village would have a bright future indeed, wrapping up the lessons for that morning as the students headed to lunch, Maigo also bide goodbye to the teachers and headed back to the administration building to check in and report the mission as complete.

[823 words]
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