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1The assasin[A rank] Empty The assasin[A rank] Wed May 27, 2015 9:42 am



Dray woke up from his sleep wondering why he kept seeing a mist but within that mist was a settlement. This was about the fifth time that he had had that dream. He wondered what it was. Was it somewhere in iwagakure? He doubted that because he had never seen such thick mist in the village hidden in stone. Perhaps, it was some other village that existed somewhere else, who knows but the fact that he kept having the same dream baffled him perhaps, it had an important meaning. Whatever it was sooner or later he would figure it out that he was sure of. Dray raised the grey bed sheets off himself as he climbed down from his large bed that was stuffed with feathers. The first thing that he always did was to wash his face. He did so as he then looked at the wall mirror before him. He looked no different from his usual self. He looked away from the mirror and walked down the stair case. He was putting on just green shorts. His upper body was left bare likewise his feet. He mostly slept like that. As he walked down the stair case, he stretched his body as he yawned a little. He liked being moderate about almost everything he was involved in. He turned his body to the left and right as it gave off cracking sounds. He did the same to his neck, fingers and toes as each sound seemed to excite him internally.

Dray sat on the sofa in the living room as he closed his eyes for a while thinking about the brand new day he had been opportuned to wake up to see. He opened his eyes as his stomach let out a groaning sound. He held it slightly as he went over to the kitchen that was on the same floor as the living room. He opened the fridge and picked out two donuts. He walked back to the living room eating the donuts in his hand. Even though he appeared to be hungry and for the fact that he was even in his home, he still maintained courtsey as he ate the donuts calmly. As he finished the quick snacks, he grabbed a glass of orange juice from the fridge in the kitchen as he belched a little with his hand over mouth a few seconds later. He headed for the door as he walked out of the house. In fron of his house was a little garden that he took care of. The garden contained rare flowers that were hardly found in the village hidden in stone. His ability to generate plan life meaning any plant of his choice brought about this. The flowers had a nice scent that was irresistable by a lady. With simple hand movements, he used his ability to uproot some unwanted flowers or those that struggled for nutrients. He picked up a water hose and watered the flowers.

With the hose still in his hand, he walked over to the back of the house. This part was more of a farm than a garden because this was where he grew plants that were both useful for medicine and eatable too. Out of many were tomatoes, onions, garden eggs, cabbages, lettuces, carrots and much more. He removed the weeds and watered the plants. He looked at the house as he wished to change the structure but that was work for another day. He did not seem to be in the mood to do that today. He walked back into the house through the front door as he sat on the sofa once again. Before he was finally able to seat, he picked up a piece of cloth and began dusting the furnitures in the house. A simple jutsu would have done it all but he did not feel like. He kept on doing the house chores like today was work day for him. Feeling satisfied at the sparkling living room, he then decided to have a solid meal as the time was already twelve at noon. He picked a loaf of sliced bread from the fridge as he warmed it in the oven. He then brought it out and spread some butter onto it after which he boiled some water and made himself tea. He sat on the dining table and ate his meal quietly. He finished it up in due time as he washed the necessary utensils and returned them to their various places.

He went back up the stairs as he lay on his bed. He was a bit tired for no reason perhaps he was just too lazy to do anything but the latter wasn't true. He was hardly relunctant to do work so it had to be the first, he was slightly tired. He closed his eyes as he let sleep carry him away... Dray woke up few hours later looking at the cylindrical shaped clock on the wall. He slept around two o'clock in the afternoon and now, the time was seven pm in the evening. He could not show how suprised he was. It was rare. Him sleeping for five hours. Not in a long time had he done that besides, it happened in daytime not night, the more reason he was suprised. He finally got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. He turned on the warm water as he pulled his shorts down and sat in the bath tub. As the warm water filled the bath tub to the brim, dray sank below the water like it was something that he use to do often and of course it was, back in konoha he loved to sink to the bottom of his bath tub learning to hold his breath but he could not remember that. He took a while under the water holding his breath before his face started turning purple and bubbles starting coming out of the water as air began to escape his lips. He quickly regained consciousness as he raised his head out of the bath tub. He gasped for breath for a few seconds before having a proper bath.

He exited the bath and dried himself with his green towel. His breathing was still unusually high as he managed to calm down. He picked up a clean set of his regular attire as he wore it. He picked up his three large scrolls that contained his three puppets. They were new scrolls he had gotten from a nice shop at the bazaar. He exited his house fully equipped cos you never know what trouble lies ahead. He was planning on honing his skills tonight so he was looking for a quiet place that also had the touch of nature. Maybe a river or something else..

Dray continued walking as he followed his instincts. He was heading towards open space as he kept walking through the night. Like every other night, the moon was up as king in the sky with it's guards servants and people, the stars all with it in the sky too. The moon was full thereby shining great light unto the earth. Almost all the shops in iwagakure had closed for the night as even the house owners had shut their windows. Was anything strange happening in the land of stone that dray was not aware of.. Perhaps, there was a curfew? He would not know but there was only one way to find out. He had to get to where people were. If he could find at least one villager, then he could get some information. He walked endlessly without finding anyone. Just then, he met a soldier who seemed familiar. The shoulder too seemed to recognize dray judging from his dressing and hair style.. You are the shinobi who saved the bastion adamantine.. Aren't you? You stopped that old shinobi from blasting the walls and do you even know why he was bent on destroying our godly wall... He blamed iwagakure for not protecting his daughter because she died so damaging the wall was his one and only way of taking revenge but it's a good thing that he is gone now. Arigato!"

Dray nodded as he was about to keep on moving.. something else.. the shinobi said to stop dray as he tip toed over to him.. There is a rumour that an assasin is in the village. Some say he plans on assasinating the tschiukage and others say he always steals people's faces and even some say that he wants to do the both and that is why the streets are quiet. Everyone loves their face. This assasin is said to always be on the stone bridge by this exact time every night.. You could do some super hero action like the other day you know.. Go for it! Just don't have your face stolen or get killed.. Haha ha.. Dray could not help but notice this piece of information that seemed to be true or maybe the soldier was drunk.. Who knows. There was only one way to find out, the stone bridge.

Dray increased his speed as he jumped from rooftops to stone hills to tree branches to shop coverings. He left the main village soon as he kept going. He knew the stone bridge and he was familiar with it. It was not his first time being their so he had no troubles if he was to be engaged in a fight. From up top, dray landed unto the bridge, about fifteen metres away from a figure that also happened to be on the bridge.. Finally, someone came.. the voice said sinesterly.. You probably heard the rumors too and now you can see it's true.. but I'll tell you something, I myself spread the rumours so someone can come then I can steal their face and kill the kage of the village hidden in stone...
I have no business with you killing the kage of iwagakure no sato or maybe I do because this village accomodated me but what I am most concerned about is the fear that these rumors have instilled in the people of iwagakure and fear is something that I detest. One thing is certain. You will die on this same bridge without stealing my face.. ..
Ah.. the green pea talks.. Just so you know, I am the ultimate assasin and everybody in my line of sight are prey to my strength and skills so you have little chance of winning this fight.. Less talk, more action.. As he finished his words, the assasin would throw out his fist in a punching motion sending three fireballs at dray with ease probably using them to test him out. Dray too not being a slacker would jump upwards as the fireballs were aiming for his legs after which he would land on the ropes that held the bridge side by side... Impressive... But just that won't do.. the assasin would say mockingly as dray would land on the bridge lightly putting his hands behind his back...

If so, let me entertain you with my puppet performance..Dray would say as he would then spread the three scrolls unto the bridge and summon forth chi, wrath and temp. Latching his advanced chakra strings unto them, he had more control over them and they reacted as fast as he and also moved as fast too... The puppets, wrath and temp seemed to take the assasin by suprise as dray noticed and said through temp's mouth cord... Which face would you steal now since there are three identical ones ... The battle would begin in earnest as chi would launch four kunais towards the assasin. The assasin would then activate a jutsu as he would coat his palms with chakra and easily parr off the kunais. Wrath would shoot two shurikens at him with two other shurikens hidden beneath the first two. The shurikens would be aimed for both the right and left shoulder of the assasin and as expected, he would parr off the first two shurikens. He would quickly swerve to the right as the other hidden shuriken would go past him but the last shuriken would cut the side of his shoulder slightly, that which he was suprised at.. Let's play! the assasin would say angrily as he would deactivate the chakra scapel technique and raise his head high as if taking something into his mouth. With another blink of the eye, the assasin would shoot out three fierce air bullets towards chi temp and wrath. Seeing this, wrath would blast the three air bullets with a cone of fire allowing the explosion to occur more to the side of the assasin who would defend himself with a water wall.

The water wall would come down as four water bullets would now be shot. One for each opponent which was dray, chi, temp and wrath. Wrath, proving useful once again would stopp the water bullets with four water blasts from it's own cannon.. While this battle of elements would be going on.. Chi would shoot two kunais towards the assasin and as dray had planned, the assasin would step sideways to let it fly past. In that moment, temp would have release it's chain yanker beneath the bridge as the claw mechanism would then shoot out of the bridge behind the assasin and quickly wrap around him with the claw itself grabbing the assasin's neck rendering him immobile and easy to kill.. A loud poof would be heard as the assasin would appear below the bridge and on top of the water.. Getting away? Dray would wonder as he would also jump down, landing unto the water with chakra beneath his feet. He would be standing fifteen metres away from the man as he would see the man performing a jutsu. One which dray knew well and performing the same jutsu, two water dragons would rise from both sides and shine yellow eyes as they would come down upon their target but both dragons would destroy each other in the process. The assasin looking suprised at how dray could use ninjutsu would not notice the chain yanker grab him by the leg once again as temp would smack him with the eternal hammer missing his back and hitting his right leg and sending him metres back crashing on the water face before he would hold his ground groaning in pain due to the fact that the eternal hammer would have broken a bone. A purple aura would cover the assassin as he would seem energized all of a sudden. He would then create two clones of himself as each clone along with himself would possess a whip sword. Lashing the water surface with the whip sword, the assassin and his clones would charge forward. Closing his eyes for just a second, dray would link his cells to those of his puppets as he would gain vision through his eyes and theirs' enabling him to see every single detail on the battle field and beyond. Also, a mokuton clone would be formed from dray as the clone would go against one of the other clones. The mokuton clone would activate the sprigs cutting technique as it would transform both of it's arm to large thich and sharp wooden branches using them to fight the first clone with the whip sword. Dray and his puppets would then face the real assassin and his clone.

The fight would go on for a few hours with neither side wanting to give up. All clones on the battle field having been defeated likewise dray's puppets that were wrecked not beyond repair though and the assasin's whip sword that was destroyed. Dray would jump backwards to length the gap between himself and the assassin to ten metres after which he would perform some hand seals to form a water shark. He would then fit in the shark and hurl it towards the assassin at blinding speed. The assassin, being a master of suiton techniques would also perform the same jutsu hurling his own shark at dray. With few minutes to impact, both parties would jump out of their sharks as both sharks would collide with brute force that would raise the waters very high. Meanwhile, dray had performed some hand seals when he was inside the water shark to form an earth dragon at the bank of the river where the assassin was close too. The dragon attack's which was ten solid B ranked mud balls would catch the assasin unaware as he would crash from the water unto the water.

Creating another moku bushin, the clone would slam it's hands unto the water surface as water plants would emerge from beneath the water and hold the assassin's arms and legs in a crucifying positiion with the assassin's head bent downwards and dripping with water.. It is finished... dray would say as he would latch his chakra strings unto a damaged temp as the puppet would manage to shoot it's harpoon speedily, straight into the heart of the assassin after which the clone would disperse and the assassin sink to the bottom as dray would watch...
Mission complete

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