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1Teaching a Class [Nokill/Mission/private] Empty Teaching a Class [Nokill/Mission/private] Fri May 22, 2015 12:05 pm



Mission Details:

Suki smiled absentmindedly to herself as she approached the nearby training grounds. A few people were training, one was practicing taijutsu on a training post, another was balancing on one leg while water walking. Overall it was fairly quiet. What Suki guessed was a chuunin was seemingly meditating while standing sideways on a tree using tree climbing. Had Suki had eyebrows, no doubt they would have been raised at that. It surely wasn't an entirely normal thing. Suki was going to guess That this ninja was meditating on their own chakra, trying to feel how it flowed while using the jutsu. If so, that sounded fairly smart. It was roughly 10 in The morning, truth be told, a few minutes before. The academy was doing extra credit lessons, and wanted genin and chuunin to show the kids some pointers on up close combat. Every ninja knew some form of martial arts, perhaps not a school of martial arts, but enough to handle themselves in close quarters combat, at least, with someone roughly their level. Having some basic martial arts skill wouldn't put you on the same level as a taijutsu specialist of even equal skill or rank, assuming you aren't a taijutsu specialist yourself, but it would keep you from being overwhelmed.

Suki sat on a training post in an area not too far from the other people training. You could hear thunk as shuriken, kunai, fists, and feet met wood. She wondered what her students for the lesson would be like. Probably some snarky but dimwitted that needed the extra credits, maybe a few who were just bad at unarmed combat, but good at everything else. Probably at least one who simply wanted to get top grades and attended many extra credit classes. Due to the class being held with the intent of catching up the behind....she was expecting mostly the former. They began to show up then, lead by a chuunin teacher. They stood, just a couple meters from Suki. Suki had prepared for the class by being as official and ninja-looking as she could be. She had her headband tied around her neck, with the plate on the back of her neck. She had a pouch strapped to her back, with her kunai and shuriken in it. Suki couldn't really pull off the look too well. Maybe when she got a flak jacket. Her orangy-yellow fur was clearly visible, with its black dots and patterns. She looked very similar to a serval.

"We are being thought by a cat? What the hell? Where is the real teacher?" said one academy student. He resembled what she imaged all somewhat dimwitted kids who thought they were amazing would look like. Bright colors, a headband, gloves, etc. Trying to look tough with the fingerless gloves and other clothing. "Yeah, let me scare this cat off so we can go home!" said another student. Then came an outcry of "Are you stupid sensei?", "You want your pet to teach us? What a moron", and disapproving sighs. Suki nodded towards the teacher. There were only 5, they probably didn't want to overload her, she was a genin. And this was her first time teaching such a class after all.

"You want to go home? Fine. Its extra credit... I bet many here need it in order to hope to pass...but I tell you what...anyone who wants to go, pick a partner. 2 versus 1, one pair at a time. Anyone who doesn't want to leave, observe... You may learn some things. The teacher, just preparing to leave, chuckled mildly and instead jumped onto a tree branch with a good view. Aparently this was a lesson plan he wanted to see in action. In truth, Suki came up with this plan mere moments before saying It. She wasn't sure if She could take 2 on at once... But they were in need of lessons so they were not too good clearly. Besides, she had put much training into it. It was time to show it.

"Us first, we will be heading home within 2 minutes! Suki sighed. Typically overconfident, refusing to believe they even needed a lesson. Without so much as a go, they rushed her. They both went for Haymarket style punched. It would hurt if she got hit... But with her feline speed and reflexes, dodging the slow punches was easy. She pounced, jumping from the post, to their heads, one the the others, then to the ground behind them. "A powerful punch is useless if you can't hit with it." Suki sighed and waited. "I'll pound you to a paste!" they came running again. However they telegraphed their attack, making It quite obvious. She pounced off, landing back on her original spot, the training post. "Anger takes away your rational thinking. Sure you may punch harder, but if you can't think clearly, it's of little use." Suki spoke calmly, seriously. While normally friendly and easygoing, combat made her serious. Considering how even these kids towered over her when she was on all four paws. She took a breath, and smiled, relaxing.

"You had your chance. If you won't be quiet and sit down I will counterattack. I will give you claw marks on your face. If you keep trying to fight, you are willingly accepting and signing a verbal contract allowing me to inflict mild injuries." After a moment, they backed off, looking furious. Another duo stepped forward, flexing their childish muscles. "I am not a bumbling idiot, I will break that tail of yours!" Suki eyed them, sizing them up. "Fine, you get 2 free attacks each before I start counterattacking. I suggest you stop after you use them"

The second of the two charged forward, the one who hadn't spoken. He let out a fast punch, not winding up for a haymaker like those before him. Suki still managed a dodge. The one who had declared himself "not an idiot" then jumped in, and kicked at Suki. She dodged, and his kick instead hit his partner. "Your are too dim witted for teamwork I guess." Just then Suki saw something. The first pair was climbing a tree near her. The current pair, thinking she was distracted, aimed a series of kicks at her. However, as she dodged, she coerced them into kicking towards the tree. The first pair jumped down, and whacked the duo currently attacking her. "Watch what you say. Don't make too many enemies, they have a nasty habit of coming out of nowhere."

"I think that's enough, these lessons should prove usefull to them in the future. Head home kids." Suki smiled and enjoyed her first lesson. It had went as well as could be expected.


Word Count: [1,141]
Mission Requirement: [1,000]

Note: I gave the academy students the benefit of the doubt, and assumed they has staring genin stats, all Es... Not like all Fs or something. Suki has C rank speed, perception, and reaction time. I figured at 2 ranks higher, they shouldn't be able to hit her. I just wanted to explain my logic.

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