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Mission Details :

Chocolate thieves that look like rabbits... that Moon Bitch was in no doubt behind this in one way or another. The reports were all over the place about a couple of kids that were sneaking into the Cocoa Valley and taking the treats without any consequences so far. Sure, it was an overall harmless thing to do, but the fact that it was associated with that fluff ball of evil made it so that Gin was driven to stop them. Had it just been an independent crime, she wouldn't have paid attention to it at all. She would have just let kids be kids and left it alone. However, seeing as this likely involved that ball of white and evil fur, there had to be something more sinister behind it. Maybe the chocolate was being harnessed for power or something along those lines. In any case, Gin would be there to stop the next raid that happened. As it stood now, she had set up a number of traps around the entrances and some of the windows. Judging from the patterns of the robberies, this was most likely the next store that they would hit.

The former Kazekage had been smart enough to gather the information from the past instances when this had happened in order to construct a sort of profile of how the attacks went down. So far, she had figured out that the culprits followed a sort of routine. They would more from one stock of chocolate to the next in a very precise order after they entered from one of the back doors or windows. Just in case, Gin had still set up  a few traps near the common entrances and had instructed the staff not to use any of them for the time being. The large store was completely empty. It was past closing time, after all. Gin had hidden herself as best she could after having made the necessary arrangements. The traps weren't anything harmful. She needed to take these kids alive and well if she wanted them to answer any questions about the whereabouts and plans of the Moon Rabbit. It was only a goop-y and sticky substance designed to make them run slower and eventually get stuck in place.

Gin knew that she was slow - likely even slower than these two kids. That fact was slightly humiliating. She knew that she needed to work on that. In any case, she needed to play to her personal strengths in order to catch these two. That involved making them slow enough that she could catch up to them. Now she just needed to wait patiently. As she did, she read one of her erotic novels rather intensely. She knew that the place was covered, so she wasn't worried at all. The little bell at the entrance ran and a gust of wind came with it. Gin tucked the book back in its place quickly and ran towards the back door. The sticky substance had spilled all over the floor and small footprints now littered the floor in pairs.

The kids were here, covered in goo and in the process of stealing more chocolate.




Gin sprung from where she was and followed the small footprints. At one point, they separated from each other in order to gather more candy at a quicker pace. It was only natural that they would change the way that they work if they knew someone was in the area, watching them in an attempt to capture them. Gin placed her hands together and formed a simple seal, whispering "Shadow Clone Jutsu," under her breath. A single clone of hers appeared next to the former Kazekage. They nodded to each other and went their separate ways, each following a different set of footprints. The children were overall very quiet and stealthy. Their movements made very little noise, if any. Sneaking up on them would do very little since they were now hyper aware of their surroundings. A head on assault was the best way to go, Gin reasoned with herself.

The young woman ran in between the aisles until she found he young girl. She was startled, so much so that she dropped the chocolate instantly. She tried to run out of the closest window, only to have more of the sticky goo drop on her. She still tried to run as quickly as she could, despite being slowed down. Gin really had to hand it to her, she was rather fast for her age, her speed rivaling that of most Jounin. With proper training, this little girl could really become an asset to her village. But before then, she needed to be apprehended and disciplined properly. Also questioned by the Legendary Swordsman herself. She needed her answers more than anything. She little girl was slowly getting more and more stuck to he ground, her movements becoming difficult since she could barely lift her feet from where she was. It didn't take long after that for Gin to catch up.

"You really caused a bit of a mess, didn't you?" Gin asked. She received no answer from the scared and startled little rabbit girl. All the while, Gin tied her up with some spare wire and rope, making sure that she could't move on her own. The former Kazekage lifted the girl over her shoulder with a sigh. Now she just had to wait for her clone to get back and hand in the boy. Once that was done, she would be able to turn these two troublemakers in. It didn't take long for that to happen. Apparently, the boy had taken an almost identical course of action to that of his sister - he tried to run out the window, only to be further slowed down until the Gin clone was able to catch up.

Having dissipated the technique, Gin now threw the second child over her shoulder and began walking towards the Administrative Building. "Now, while we take this little walk, you two are going to tell me everything you know about that Moon Rabbit, alright?" She said, giving them a very motherly and yet overtly intimidating smile. They soon complied before Gin turned them in to the people that had requested their capture.


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