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1Lonely night [solo/invite/no kill] Empty Lonely night [solo/invite/no kill] Tue Feb 03, 2015 2:19 am

Aisuru neko

It was Around 11 pm and Neko was standing in the training area by the entrance just after walking in. She stood there looking around to see that all there was were practice dummies and training equipment with no one else in sight, just the way she wanted it. She took her training bag that had her water's, snacks, and towel she had packed for the night knowing she would be here for a while and placed it by the wall before heading to the training dummies. She came here to release some steam from all the stress she has held in through out her life. That is why she chose to come at this late of an hour, so that no one can see how sad and depressed she actually is about her self. She always acts happy and excited around other but really she is Sad and depressed. She has had only one friend who became her boyfriend and then left through out her 16 years of living and she knows most of it is because of what she is. She is alone and now she has ended up falling for this guy she met on the streets by accident while chasing a cat. and may have made a friend with a guy who helped her in a fight at the pub. The thing is she does not know what to do about her crush, and is worried that he too will leave her Like the other one in her past.

She walked up to the front of the dummies and stood a few feet back from the first one. She got into her fighting stance ready to start her training as she cleared her head to get ready for the flood of all the bad emotions she has kept bottled up. She charged at the first one with a punch to the chest area barely hitting her mark before going at the second one with out hesitation with a low kick hitting exactly where she was aiming. As she went for the third dummy Her head started filling with the things that have been hurting her through out her life. "What a freak, it's no wonder she doesn't have any friends. Especially with those ears.""Who would date something like you?" "You are always just going to be a toy to others and after you are no fun they will just throw you away. you will never be worth anything." She remembered all the people had said to her in the past as she went for the third dummy hitting it but not where she was aiming. She quickly went for the fourth as she kept her self calm again and hit it in the neck area right where she was aiming and without stopping went for the fifth one. This time she went for a kick and hit it right in the stomach area before getting her foot back down and heading for the last dummy.

As she ran at the dummy She used her hearing to make sure no one else was around and heard nothing. All of a sudden her head started filling with more things from her past.
She was walking in the schools hallway to class when this other girl with a group of kids "accidentally" ran into her and knocked her over making her drop her stuff. As she gathered up her stuff the other girl came up to her. "Why don't you watch where you are going?"The girl asked with a smirk on her face. Neko just ignored her as she stood up and started to walk to class again but as she did another girl from their group tripped her causing her to fall again. "Oh no are you OK?" The other girl asked in a sarcastic way before giggling. "Maybe if it wasn't for your weird ears causing more weight on your head you would have better balance." She said but neko ignored her again and started gathering up her stuff again. The girl, not liking the fact that neko was ignoring her, stepped on a book neko started reaching for. "Why don't you just stay home with your kind. No one else here wants you, and i bet you the reason why your "Boyfriend" [said in a sarcastic and insulting way] left was because he could not stand being around a stupid, little freak like you. You are just worthless, in fact you are more worthless then a spec of dirt on the ground."The girl said leaning towards neko

Neko grabbed her book and yanked it out from under the girls foot before walking again. she stopped and waited to hear the other girls to finally leave to their class before walking again. This time though she walked past her class and headed out the exit and walked to an empty alley way before sitting with her back against a wall. She curled up, putting her legs against her chest and wrapped her arms around them while putting her face in them and her ears drooped down and sat there crying for hours.
Just as she snapped back to reality it was already too late but she still tried to go for the kick but ending up messing up her footing and as the kick went up it missed the dummy all together and caused her to lose balance and fall backwards to the ground hard. She laid there looking straight up with no thoughts or emotions going through her head as if she had died there for almost a good fifteen minutes before standing up. She did not even care for brushing her self off and walked towards her bag. As she walked she was still emotionless and was as if a zombie had bitten her and turned her into one of them. Her breathes were as if she did not even break a sweat and her eyes were empty of any signs of a normal person with emotions.

Instead of grabbing a water or anything else from the bag she just sat next to it. Just as she did in that alley way she curled up and started crying. "Isn't anyone trying to find me? Won't somebody come take me home?" She sang to her self from one of her favorite songs she would listen to at home. "Please...just please let this love be real..please." She said to her self talking about the crush she now has on a boy as she kept crying.


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