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1Vivid Memories(Binsu/training/no kill) Empty Vivid Memories(Binsu/training/no kill) Wed Oct 29, 2014 9:54 am



The cool breeze of takigakure filled dray's mind with fantasies. He stared straight at the moon as if he could reach it by just stretching his hand forth. Afterall, his father always said that "you can have it if you want to. The only thing standing in your way is no one other than yourself" With a sigh of relief, Dray fell off the tree branch and snapped out of his imagination. He had almost forgotten where he was. Now, he remembered. He was in takigakure, he left his house and walked straight to taki's lake eternia. A place covered in great canopies. A perfect place for his exact training. This location was most suitable for people with the sharingan, the byakugan or people who possesed a means of seeing or perceiving their environment when their ordinary eyes could not do much. But dray on his path was well aware that he had neither a sharingan or a byakugan. Not to talk of a jutsu that would enable him see when his own eyes could not do much. But that exactly was the purpose of his training. He was here to train his perception. His ability to perceive his environment. Though, he was well versed with the forest, considering his background. But on a second thought, he could not always be in the forest. What if his opponent caught him in a non- forest area? What then would he do. So, if such would ever happen, then he would depend on his perception, his speed and his time of reaction. Dray thought for a while. What the best way to train himself in a place his ordinary eyes could not see much would be. He began to think. No ideas were coming into his head. He closed his eyes and ran his hand down his swords. He other hand felt his ninja pouch. There were about eleven kunais, some shuriken and about twenty senbons in his ninja pouch well sitted on his back pocket. Once again, his hand ran down his swords and they began to shiver. The swords were getting colder. They wanted to be let out. But who exactly would they be unleashed upon. He needed the right opponent. But were exactly would he find that? His hand began to tremble. He couldn't hold it any more. He let out a beasty roar and for the first time in many years, he felt like he would finally have the opportunity to hold the tree soul swords in their correct locations. When this swords are wielded by the right person,in the right locations, they can unleash great terrors if the wielder has the potentials. He left his spot with his eyes closed depending on his surroundings to lead him. It was hard though but he was getting a hang of it. He began searching franctically through the area for a worthy opponent.

Trained perception=E-E3 (450/487)




'You try too hard to find opponents, you have no idea how easy it is to find a foe when you're just standing about, Binsu thought to himself, as he meandered towards lakey site, ignoring the lumiscent beam from the moonlight as he made his way towards a farmiliar silhouette. It was Draygglez, the green-haired swordsman he had first encountered within the dense forests of Takigakure. He hadn't changed much, he still posed no legal threat to him and looked even calmer than before. His craving for a good opponent radiated away from him; what else could a swordsman be looking for at a place so obscured as this? The dense canopies made it difficult to navigate through and the trivial location was far from a tourist attraction. All the evidence suggested the boy was looking for a spar, he looked too alert to be training alone. When Binsu arrived at the scene, he made his presence aware by filling the surrounding white noise with a somewhat loud "ahem", all the while clearing his throat as an excuse for the sound.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you know somehow where I am going to be, or maybe it is I who's stalking you," Binsu spoke aloud, displaying a grim smile across his lips as he projected his voice towards the figure. "We meet again old friend, and I'd like to apologise about almost killing you the first time we met. Your skills were enough to force me to raise my guard up. I was impressed." Avoiding Binsu's attacks was an impressive feat on its own, or so the swordsman believed, but impressing him was one thing most people failed to do. He was  easily impressed, especially not by opponents who approached him with a frail vibe cloaking their appearance, but somehow Dragglez had managed to, he had impressed Binsu, and that called for a celebration at least, even if it were mental. The dark-haired swordsman approached the green-haired boy with his umbrella held loosely in his right palm, his grey kimono worn over his armour once more and a piece of cloth still hiding his right eye. He didn't look very different from the first time they met.

WC: 382



After searching endlessly for a worthy opponent, dray was stopped in his tracks by a sound... He recognized the voice very well like the voice was stuck somewhere in his memories.. The sound... "Ahem" echoed through the forest as Dray turned as faced his rival. The words..."If I didn't know any better I'd say you know somehow where I am going to be, or maybe it is I who's stalking you," He remembered him so well. He remembered their last fight. His called himself nameless. But after a few findings of his own and a bit of description to others, he found out that his true name was Genko Binsu since no one really carried an umbrella around even when it was not raining. The man continued as he said to dray.."We meet again old friend, and I'd like to apologise about almost killing you the first time we met. Your skills were enough to force me to raise my guard up. I was impressed.".
Dray got more pissed as he remembered how the swordsman forced him to flee from their fight with a terrible jutsu... As Dray remembered that, he tried to keep calm even as the soul swords saw that they had found a worthy opponent...Genko Binsu eh..dray said as the man showed but a little suprise...Dray scanned him from head to toe as he noticed a grey kimono on the man and his umbrella held loosely in his hand. But dray was not satisfied yet. He didn't see any visible weapons though he knew the swordsman would surely have some hiding somewhere in his cloth. The kimono was hindering him from seeing them. So, he knew he had to do something about it..."we never really had a chance to test our swordsmanship the other day since we both were all bout ninjutsu and playing cat and rat.. For this reason, I challenge you to a duel of bukijutsu and taijutsu. Only supplementary ninjutsu that are neither offensive or defensive are allowed. I know I don't need your reply to go on since I can see you won't back out from a fight"..Dray said as he performed a full twist backward for a distraction as he threw four senbons at the swordsman. Two of which will hit the kimono piece resting on his shoulder and the other two at the part joining the kimono by his arms as these would rip off the kimono from the swordsman, making his full armour visible and also pissing the man off. Dray began at the man as he flew towards him and threw two kunais at his thigh trying to restrict his movement.since he remembered very well that the man's armour covered just his legs and upper body the other day they fought. Dray would then land the man with a bastard kick that would bring his head downwards as dray would then land in front of him and jab him up with a kick... As he would jump back twenty metres from the man be his attack successful or not.




"Genko Binsu..." the guy spoke with much truth in his words. 'How did he know my name?' Binsu asked himself, as he was more than sure he hadn't shared that name with anyone since his last meeting with his newfound mate Yosuke. Had he sold out his identity? To whom? What was it worth? The thought of betrayal from his partner Yosuke seemed too surreal to be true. It didn't 't make sense, even with the slightest possibility. As soon as it had infested his mind, Binsu dismissed the thought. The fact was somehow this man before him had managed to learn about his true identity. So what? His name contained almost no information about who he truly was. To a stranger it was just a name. His clan was as good as forgotten, its secrets forever locked in the minds of those of its members who still walk the earth with an lively breath and a rhythmic heart beat. The name Genko Binsu meant nothing to Binsu, why would it mean something to someone else? No, the only thing that mattered about his identity was his mind. Any odd person could mascarade as Genko Binsu, the kimono-wearing, umbrella carrying swordsman with one eye and dark grey hair, but none could mimic his mind. No other man nor woman could convince you they were Binsu; but Binsu. The only secrets Binsu kept from the world were those he even kept away from himself.

The man was looking for a challenge, much like he had the first time he and Binsu met. Only this time he wanted a fight strictly between blades and flesh, with minimal assistance from jutsus. He wanted a fair match, swordsman against swordsman, only it would be far from fair so long as Binsu was opponent. The noble swordsman was far from average and even further away from weak. He was confident many would consider him one of the 5 strongest swordsman that walked the earth today. He should know: he met the strongest one of them all. Binsu would show his swordsmanship skills in a merciless dance against all of the man's desperate attempts at him. He'd cut through every one of his defences and pierce through his attacks. He'd beat the boy with little to no effort. Binsu felt a little overwhelmed by his own self confidence, but in a flash his exaggerations would turn into reality, and what would become of the green-haired boy's hopes would be observed from the ashes and rubble of the after-effects.

The boy didn't waste any time in re-salutations and meaningless small talk. He got right to the point. He made the first move in a hurry, but before he had even landed from his backwards flip Binsu had already drawn out his Seiteki Ejji blade, which had hidden on the back of his kimono along with his Fuuma shuriken and Daken sword. The alert swordsman watched as the man threw what looked like four senbon, a pair aimed towards either of his shoulders and the other two aimed at either sides of his deltoids. Binsu was quick to evade these projectiles by simply ducking down as they soar above and behind him. At the same time as his duck Binsu managed to pull out a pair of kunai from his hidden sleeve pouches with his free hand (left hand) before quickly launching them towards the boy's own kunai. The metal tools clashed with a ring, before each was knocked away from its trajectory path and forced into a fall somewhere in between the two swordsmen. After listening to the kunai clash, Binsu quickly rose to his feet to watch a desperate Draygglez attempt to land a kick on his head, but had moved too slowly. Binsu quickly faced his right clenched-palm upwards, with the sword he held in it pointed horizontally forwards. As he did so he pushed his weight off of the balls of his feet and forced himself into a quickly slide backwards, which would deliver him exactly a meter away from his last position. The swordsman slid with his sword held in that same forwarding pointing style, with its sharp edge facing up to the incoming boy's kick. The kick was perfectly aligned with the swordsman's blade; if he didn't realise his mistake within the next second and relocate his foot, Draygglez would force his leg into a cleave of the Jounin's S ranked sword. He'd be the cause of his premature defeat. Binsu anticipated the results, all the while planning his counter-counter strike should the boy land unharmed by his sword placement.

It might've been over only moments before it begun...

WC: 1179



As Dray leapt into the air seeing as the swordsman evaded his attack and moved away from the spot of the bastard kick replacing it with a sharp pointed sword, with a bit of effort, Dray attached green chakra strings to his sword and swung the sword at the pointed weapon below himself. Using the force of the clash between both swords, dray re- directed his course of movement and flip backwards landing on his knees. Without wasting time to catch a breath, Dray charged at the man after sheathing his sword and converting the chakra string to the two kunais now in his hands, he infused one out of the kunais with a bit of chakra hoping that the infused kunai would serve it's purpose when the time came. He shot both of the kunais at the man's thigh releasing the chakra strings and attaching the strings to two of his swords. He moved fast extending the strings from his hands and performing a barrage of about twelve slashes at the man's chest, arms and neck while directing the course of the swords. If the man managed to dodge the kunais letting them go by him as he normally did, Dray would then reconnect the strings unto them and attack him blindly from behind since the man was not looking, he would not see them coming and a chance of hit would be kinda available
to dray.


Last edited by Draygglez on Tue Nov 04, 2014 8:34 am; edited 1 time in total




Binsu watched as the guy swiftly swung his sword out of its sheath and onto the surface of his sword. Binsu had twisted his sword so that the sharp edge was facing downwards, having thought that the boy could've been seriously injured had he failed to reposition himself in time. This also meant that the guy's outrageously weak swords wouldn't have been cut by Binsu's S ranked sword. The guy used his own sword as a stepping stone as he landed on Binsu's outstretched blade, before using the upward momentum of the clash to force himself into a backwards flip away from the swordsman. A miniature smirk appeared on Binsu's lips as he pulled his sword back down towards him before suddenly breaking into a chase towards the boy, his sword gripped tightly by his right hand.

Apparently the boy had decided to charge towards Binsu as well, which only minimised the distance the latter would need to travel before reaching his green-haired foe. 'I see your trick,' Binsu thought to himself, as he saw a feint green thread run away from the boy, close behind the two kunai he had somehow thrown without using his hands. 'Chakra threads.' The Jounin came to an immediate halt only inches away from the kunais, before jumping up and over them, front flipping once to avoid slowing down due to the drag of the wind. He'd quickly land back onto the ground as his foe would now have reached his proximity. He was a slicing distance away when Binsu drove a tilted, upwards slice (originating from the side of his left foot) across his torso, investing a large amount of into the attack, but not enough to lose control of the swing. Should the man have chosen to evade the incoming slice by side-stepping to the right, Binsu would simply bring his sword back the same way to slice at the nan's new position.

WC: 1510

7Vivid Memories(Binsu/training/no kill) Empty Re:Vivid memories Tue Nov 04, 2014 9:39 am



As dray ran forward, his mind was set on victory. He felt real bad having to run away from their last fight. He and the man pretty had tough times. He felt he was not strong enough but some part of him knew he was getting better. How could a mere swords man carrying an dead umbrella and with a weird patched eye simply give him such a hard time, was the man some part of any strong organizations, Dray had not really heard of any organizations recently except one which he kept to himself. Who was this man? Some minutes ago, he had sounded pretty confident. But now, where was his confidence. It seemed getting to know the elderly man's name was only but a little priviledge but he had come to realize that a name does not really define a person. Any body could be any body but he had the feeling that this weird man was not just a nobody. Does he not have any companions, comrades, siblings, village? He wanted to know better..but he felt that he was not worthy of asking the man anything if he could not defeat him.. Or perhaps, the man could be his sensei.. But another part of dray asked if he could really be the student of such a great but weird man.. Dray actually hated the situation he had found himself. A great deal of his friends that graduated the academy with him were saying happy goodbyes to genin level and getting promoted but here he was stuck with his so low rank, stuck with the same almost no- armour, stuck in this very village that he had known like the back of a palm, a place where his parents were killed. He suddenly got more angry. His emotions began to flow. He wanted to break the rules in this fight. He felt that he could only beat the man using ninjutsu. But he thought again, did he actually want to break the rules he himself made, was that to be expected from a shinobi, from someone who had dreams, from someone who had goals or did he actually want to depend on ninjutsu for the rest of his life? This questions were swarming in his head as he grew much more angry that as he ran towards the man, the cool breeze of the area carried his agony and the grasses felt his pain as he tramppled upon them with anger. The forest got more quiet as only his footsteps could be heard. He looked at the annoying smirk on the swords man's face as he pulled his swords into an attacking position and chasing towards dray. Are you laughing at me? dray yelled out in fustration. As the man got closer, the distance between the two fellows grew shorter. A clash was coming in place though dray knew his strength was no where near the fearless man. His speed was nothing to talk about. But being a pretty good analyst, Just as dray had thought, the elderly man came to a halt inches away from dray's thrown kunais. He jumped forward front- flipping over them. A normal ninja could have just parred the kunais away but this unusual man had something for dodging and this would well work pretty good for dray since he had a reason for the chakra infused kunais the man had dodged. He had earlier infused one of the kunais with a tiny bit of chakra hoping to use it later. Since only supplementary ninjutsus were allowed in this fight.
As dray got to a slashing distance of the elderly man's sword, the swords man drew a tilted, upward slash originating from his left side, mainly his left foot across dray's torso. Dray opened his eyes all wide wondering if the man really was out to kill dray. The movement of the man showed that he maybe wanted to decapaitate dray. But on dray's side, he couldn't evade the in time. His speed was too slow for that. But at the same time, he needed something that would push him to his limits and beyond his limit but was this man his rival? That was a question to be answered later as dray's life was on the line here. As dray attempted to step to the right trying to evade the attack, he felt the whim of the older man's sword at his new postion. Now, dray had hopped from the frying pan exactly into the fire. But he was not done for yet. He was not going down here. At the hands of a stranger. He still had dreams, he had goals, he had ambitions, aspirations, expectations and even if he were to die one day, it would definitely not be here. He knew he would one day be worth a befitting death. But how would he be worth such death if he did not make it out of takigakure alive and with all parts of his body complete? Dray stepped farther to the right and flipping as the man's swords clashed on a kunai well hidden on dray's left thigh as he always had kunais both on his left and right thighs at almost all times, slicing through a bit of skin on dray's thigh causing little drops of blood to surface out of dray's skin. With the man having the edge here, dray started backwards facing the man, strecthing the distance between them to ten solid metres as threw four kunais at the man backed up with six senbons. One kunai aimed at his right arm, one kunai aimed at his left arm if he decided to dodge to the right, two kunais to his right if he attempted to duck or bend backwards kunais, two senbons at his spine before reaching the ground if he attempted to flip backwards, or at his neck if foward and two kunais to his hips and finally two to both ears. As dray leapt into a tree to conceal himself from the swords man. After jumping into the tree, Dray tore stright piece of his cloth enough to wrap a thigh as he tied it on his left thigh to prevent more loss of blood since they drops were still minimal. The place where the sword man's sword had made an impact was now finely covered as dray still focused his gaze on his opponent watching him evade those attacks. He perfectly remembered in their last fight that while he was hidden, the man had a way of perfectly spotting him out. If it was a sensory jutsu, the man would have little chance of using it without dray noticing and if it was dray's theory of the man's patched eye being a byakugan, Dray would confirm it as he gazed locking his eye directly unto the man's face from his hidden location.
Dray was prepared to prove himself. He didn't want the man to acknowledge him for his efforts. He wanted the man to acknowledge him for his success and that was exactly what Dray would make happen.

Training Reaction Time(E-D): 750/1208

Last edited by Draygglez on Thu Nov 06, 2014 2:13 pm; edited 1 time in total




'Why hide from the inevitable?

Binsu watched as the boy awkwardly swayed and stumbled away from the swing, launching another parade of kunais as he did. This time he had aimed the small trivial projectiles at various location of his upper torso, with odd kunai aimed at either of his ears and this time with what seemed like four or more senbon trailing close behind. The kid was hopelessly trying to distract Binsu; but from what? He had no follow-up attack, no hidden move. In fact after launching the projectiles Draygglez imediately assumed the defensive role, leaping back into a tree not too far behind him after he managed to put at least ten meters between Binsu and he. 'He felt the pressure from my last hit,' Binsu thought, as he quickly diced the incoming projectiles into small metallic chips with two fluid swings of his sword in opposite directions. The remnants of the tools scattered ingot the floor around him, proof that Binsu need not employ any effort in their disposal. The dark-haired Jounin now glanced towards the trees he had seen his foe dash into, not bothering to activate his Byakugan as he had already seen the guy leap into that outstanding tree. An odd, untimely shake of the tree whilst the boy attempted to bandage his wounds gave his location away, had it been a mystery to begin with. Binsu couldn't see him or hear him, but his unthoughtful vigorous movements would've given his location up even to a deaf or blind person.

'He'd expect me to chase after him,' Binsu thought, as he now only just caught a glimpse of the stream of blood that rolled off of the edge of his blade before plummeting to the ground beneath him. The velvety red solution stood out across the dark-silvery texture of the blade. It contrasted with the metal, but blended we with the earthy cours of the the ground. He had managed to cut into the guy's skin, but not before he had cleaved through the numerous kunais he had packed in his kunai pouch. The guy was still able to move; this meant that his sword hadn't cut deep enough into his skin to deliver its infamous, paralysing sting. Judging from the height the blood on the edge of his blade climbed up, Binsu was certain he cut at least two centimeters into the boy's leg. 'He's a lucky guy.' But only just.

The Jounin tightened the grip on his sword for a good threes seconds, feeling its rigid tendency to keep its shape even under the pressure of his squeeze. He loosened his hold on the hilt once more before taking out his collapsed Fuuma shuriken and then opening all four of its blades. He held the giant projectile in his left hand by the inner edges of its centre ring. He'd stab his Seiteki Ejji sword on the ground directly beside him, before taking out a pair of normal-sized shuriken from his Kimono's thick waist-belt and launching the two of them towards the tree he had seen his foe jump into, one aimed towards the far right and another towards the far left, with only a meter's distance between the two. If the green-haired boy didn't change his position, one shuriken would pierce into the bark directly to his left and the other to his right (i.e if Draygglez doesn't move, neither of the shuriken would actually hit him). The Jounin would then wait beside his sword, his fuuma shuriken held tightly in his left hand and his right palm resting on the base of his sword's hilt. 'Let's flush you out,' Binsu thought, as he'd keep his naked eyes fixated on the one tree the guy had chosen to hide in.

WC: 2163

9Vivid Memories(Binsu/training/no kill) Empty Re: Vivid Memories(Binsu/training/no kill) Wed Nov 05, 2014 10:21 am



From his cramped up location in the tree, Dray could see the never getting tired swordsman swing his sword twice in opposite directions to defend himself against the basic projectiles dray had thrown earlier. Dray bit his lip. He thought he had predicted the man since he had known him to always dodge attacks and let them pass him by. But this time around, the man simply stopped the basic projectiles with swings from his sword, effortlessly. The more reason why he needed explosive tags. Maybe if explosive tags were attached to it or if a smoke bomb was available, maybe then, he would have had a chance. He saw as the remnants of the basic projectiles scattered on the floor around the swordsman. With the swords man fending off those attacks easily, it would not be long before he found out where dray was. Dray thought of his next line of strategy still gazing upon the man. He himself had created the no ninjutsu poilcy and he had been thought not to break rules especially self- made ones cause if he could not abide by self- made rules, how in the world would he respect rules from higher- ups?
Suddenly, dray felt like the swords man was seeing him directly as he was looking exactly in his direction. But the elderly man did not run at him just yet. He looked down to his swords watching blood drip from it. Dray felt a ting on his bandaged thigh. Hardly had anyone gotten a pinch of his blood. He was enraged but what more could he do.. He was not running away from this fight like he was forced to when he first encountered the man. The man reached for his back and brought forth a large sized fuuma shuriken, opening all of it's four blades and gripping it by the centre egdes of it's inner ring with his left hand. He stucked his sword into the earth beside him and brought out two normal sized kunais from his kimono's waist belt. In a glimpse, dray saw the two kunais coming right in his direction. One to dray's left and the other to his right. Had the man found out his location, or was he just confirming it? Dray prepared to defend himself with a kunai just as both kunais ran past him. He was relieved. The man was only trying to pin point his location though he knew he was some where in the trees. But Dray knew he was not safe in that tree for long. He had to act but what would he do. With a heart of courage, Dray jumped down from the tree shifting his weight unto his right leg so it would not affect his thigh though he could walk well with it. He only did not want it to bring out more blood. Dray walked towards the swordsman and within five metres of him, he brought out the remnants of his basic weapons and threw it three metres towards the swordsman letting the basic projectiles get stuck in the earth in front of the man. Dray unsheathed his three soul swords and flipped them to the side also digging them into the earth as he spoke out....You really are a respectable, skilled and aggresive gentleman. I never expected you to abide by the rules of my no ninjutsu policy. You may not be a missing ninja but your looks show that you work alone and people who work alone hardly follow rules. The test of bukijutsu has been undergone, now it time for hand- to- hand combat. Am well aware that am no match to you in terms of speed and strength but there's one thing you don't outsmart me in....... As he stepped within three metres of the swords man and waited for the man to dispose off his weapons and accept the challenge before Dray began lauching his attack.


10Vivid Memories(Binsu/training/no kill) Empty Re: Vivid Memories(Binsu/training/no kill) Sat Nov 08, 2014 5:02 am




The kunai dissapeared into the tree before triggering a loud 'thus' sound as each dug it's head into bark. Apart from the small shaking of the tree due to the impact of the small projectiles, no other visible cue could be observed. The boy hadn't chosen to change his location as Binsu had hoped. Instead he did something unexpected. The green-haired shinobi leapt down from the branch he had been hiding on, before slowly walking towards Binsu, thorowing the various tools and weapons he had and effectively outlining his defeat in the sword play. Binsu loved surprises. He loved the very nature of he unknown. He anticipated the unexpected and after the kid managed to come to a complete stop he thought he had won already. But then the surprise hit him like a friendly slap on the elbow. It I turreted his minute mental celebration, albeit alerting him of the boy's intentions. It wasn't until the boy did Binsu know for sure he had proclaimed his defeat. "You really are a respectable, skilled and aggresive gentleman. I never expected you to abide by the rules of my no ninjutsu policy. You may not be a missing ninja but your looks show that you work alone and people who work alone hardly follow rules. The test of bukijutsu has been undergone, now it time for hand- to- hand combat. Am well aware that am no match to you in terms of speed and strength but there's one thing you don't outsmart me in," the young boy explained. He had finally acknowledged Binsu's untrained prowes with swords, but in doing so began to underestimate his natural abilities as a close quarter combatant.

"Very well then," Binsu spoke in a mono-tone manner, before re-collapsing his Fuuma shuriken, tucking it behind his belt and then walking away from his sword and towards the boy. He'd increase his pace from a stroll to a light sprint towards the boy, before suddenly planting his left foot down only two meters in front of the boy and transferring all his weight onto it. He'd simultaneously spring off of that same foot, launching himself about a meter into the air, all the while lifting his right knee up above his hip, swinging it back around his body and forcing himself into a 360 degree turn. As his right leg came back around in front of the boy Binsu would quickly snap it fowards against the boy's chest before bringing back down to the ground, completing the 360 right leg kick to boy's chest. His stance would automatically re-adjust as he landed back onto the ground to maintain his stability, as he'd then quickly watch the aftermath of his attempt whilst prepared for the boy's next move.

Total Thread WC: 2639

11Vivid Memories(Binsu/training/no kill) Empty Re: Vivid Memories(Binsu/training/no kill) Sat Nov 08, 2014 5:06 pm



While Draygglez spoke, the swords man listened attentively.. After Dray had finished talking, the man seemed to comply with Dray terms by saying..Very he collapsed his fuuma shuriken and tucked it behind his belt and then walking away from his sword and towards Dray. His steps had gotten faster as he suddenly planted his left foot down two metres away from dray, balancing himself on it. Springing off. Of the same foot, launching himself about one meter into the air, while lifting his right knee up above his hip, swinging it back and bringing himself down hard into a 360 degree turn. As his right leg came around dray front, intending to land a hit on dray's chest, dray joined both of his hand together and raised them to his chest trying to defend it but the force of the kick was so strong that it pushed dray few metres back with dray almost on the floor. Without wasting much time, Dray got up and started towards the man as he saw him land on the ground.. Within one metre range of the man, Dray made a 360 degree turn with both his right and left leg but using the left leg as his pivot as the right leg swung the the sand, dirt and broken substances on the floor right at the swordman's face.. one thing you don't outsmart me in is trickery and improvisation.. Dray said as he continued. As the man would be stunned by the particles or not, dray would dig his left hand into the ground using it as a support for his body, he would them launch a barrage of kicks on the man probably on his face or chest, whichever connected depending on how the man reacted to the dirt. He would then take his right hand backward and back flip five times creating a distance of about three metres between he and the man.
Training perception.. E-3~D..(250/334)

12Vivid Memories(Binsu/training/no kill) Empty Re: Vivid Memories(Binsu/training/no kill) Sun Nov 09, 2014 2:00 am




The kick was successful, but not without consequences. As Binsu planted his feet on the ground, his opponent broke into a chase towards him, which lasted a little more than three seconds before the green-haired boy stopped about a meter before the swordsman. At this time the Jounin had just managed to re-position his stance and the impossible thought of the boy reaching him before he was prepared became an impossible truth. The boy mumbled something trick or treat and innovation, or did he say trickery and improvisation? Either claims seemed false in the ears of Binsu; he found it hard to believe this child had any tricks up his sleeve that were alien to Binsu's experience as a shinobi. He underestimated the child, and that would be his poison.

The spiked drink of fate made Binsu see a hallucination of the boy actually landing a bit on him. Blinded by the small, immediate smokescreen that had just formed as the results of the boy kicking a heavy dust cloud into his eyes, Binsu couldn't make out the fine details of the boy's movements for what seemed like 7 seconds, during which he had received several kicks all aimed towards his torso and head, although he managed to block the kicks aimed at his head with his right arm, which was already shielding his face originally from the trivial sand cloud. His armour underneath his kimono absorbed all of the kicks' damage, I shaped by the attacks at all. Due to his greater strength, Binsu wasn't forced backwards by the kicks; he managed to take all of them without receiving any damage or losing his position. After a few seconds the barrage of kicks stopped and the dust cloud had cleared. Binsu gained his vision back, and the first thing he saw when he opened his naked eye was Draygglez, posing about three meters away from him. 'What an impressive performance,' Binsu silently congratulated the boy, before donating a smirk to his lips and making his counter strike in a flash.

Moving at the fastest speed he could reach, Binsu quickly dashed forwards towards the boy, with his left hand stretched outwards above his hips. He'd lock it in position with his open palm facing his opponent's chest. It took him a fraction of a second to reach the guy, running past him towards his right whilst pushing his left palm into his chest and dragging his body forwards (Draygglez's backward) with him into a distant tree behind him. The two bodies reached the tree a second after their reunion, at which Binsu forced his body into a sudden halt, but letting the kid's body continue flying back towards the tree. A few inches before the kid crashed into the tree Binsu took hold of his leg and jerked his body into an instant halt, before releasing him after making sure his body had come to a complete stop. Binsu didn't intend to hit the boy, although he was more than capable to. He wanted instead to show the kid how much he loved fighting for the sake of fighting a good battle. He wasn't the kid's enemy, and the kid wasn't his. If anything, after their two encounters Binsu would've expected the child to befriend him. Maybe he'd go on to becoming one the kid's protectors in life. Maybe one day he could become his sensei. And without being too open-minded, maybe one day the kid could be his sensei. Who knew. Age ins't a measurement of how strong a shinobi is, but how long he has managed to stay alive. "You are an interesting fighter, and you're quite strong for your apparent rank. I wouldn't mind fighting you again one day when you've made it to my level. I can imagine that fight would be one of my favourites," Binsu spoke with honesty in his words, not holding back any compliments he felt the kid deserved. He was sure their battle was over, after all what other rules could the kid change about their fight with the chance of him winning? No armour? No running? With whatever rules the kid could fashion up today, Binsu would always come out the better fighter, though that much was obvious from the start and the kid knew it. Draygglez knew from the start he had little chances of winning, but the impressive thing about him was that he still chose to fight Binsu. He was a proud shinobi, and would one day become one of the best. Maybe even the best. He had the will to fight, the love of a good battle and he never gave up. It was true: konoha's green leaf had inherited the will of fire.

Binsu wasn't completely sure whether the boy came from Konoha or not, but his hair colour and his attitude painted a picture of a Konoha shinobi in his minds. And for one moment, even the name Draygglez sounded like a konoha shinobi's...

Total WC: 3495

13Vivid Memories(Binsu/training/no kill) Empty Re: Vivid Memories(Binsu/training/no kill) Sun Nov 09, 2014 11:41 am



The swordsman had managed to shield dray's kicks towards his face with a hand that had been there before due to the effect of the dirt dray threw into the elderly man's eyes. The man also endured the kicks to his torso like he had something hidden under his kimono. Probably an armour, dray thought. After some seconds, the man seemed to regain consciousness as it dawned on him that dray was already about three metres away from him. A smirk showed on his lip vividly saying that he was impressed with dray's performance. As he made for his counter, he started at great speed towards dray. His left hand was stretched out above his hip. His open palm in the direction of dray's chest. With a blink, he got to dray but dray's speed was no match for the man. The swordsman pushed his left palm into dray;s chest pushing dray's body backward with force. Both bodies hit a clash as the swordsman's body came to a halt leaving dray's body to crash into a dray. With little to nothing that dray could do, he felt the swordsman grab his leg and jerk it to an instant stop before releasing him. The action of the man showed that he did not intend to harm dray though, he could have let him crash into the tree and receive serious injuries. He probably wanted to show dray who the boss here was and dray had well understood that. The man continued as he spoke to dray with what seemed to be like honesty in his words...You are an interesting fighter, and you're quite strong for your apparent rank. I wouldn't mind fighting you again one day when you've made it to my level. I can imagine that fight would be one of my favourites,".. The winner of the fight was sure here but what more could dray do. Dray knelt before the swordsman with his head down and spoke with sincerity and acknowledgement...I accept my defeat as a shinobi of konohagakure no sato. I have tried my best in deafeating you but all proved futile. I might have lost this fight but I have learnt something from it.. In addition to that, I kindly ask that you be my sensei as I am willing to follow your ways.. I promise to be an outstanding student- sensei... As dray finished speaking, he knew he had made a great decision that might make changes in his life. He just hoped it was changes for good...He then waited for the man's response with his head still down.

14Vivid Memories(Binsu/training/no kill) Empty Re: Vivid Memories(Binsu/training/no kill) Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:56 am




Binsu held his breath. He swallowed his alter-ego; he'd been tempted to gloat about he victory, as if it were a high achievement. As if he had worked his butt of to defeat the boy, but he contained himself. He knew the victory was expected of him from the very beginning of the fight, if it could be called that at all. The green haired boy had fought with dignity in his actions, and hope and pride in his eyes. He had impressed Binsu to a notable degree; in the swordsman's eyes he was no average kid. He wasn't just another child to be looked down upon, he had a promising future as a shinobi. With more training and guidance one day he'd become one of the strongest shinobi in the world. Binsu could feel it in his heart, and he saw hit glowing in the child's eyes. It radiated off of his skin and reflected in his eyes. He was a natural-born fighter, and with his permission Binsu would groom him to be the sword master he knew he could be.

The boy knelt in front of him, bowing his head before him, before saying, "I accept my defeat as a shinobi of konohagakure no sato. I have tried my best in deafeating you but all proved futile. I might have lost this fight but I have learnt something from it.. In addition to that, I kindly ask that you be my sensei as I am willing to follow your ways.. I promise to be an outstanding student- sensei..." His speech repeated itself over and over inside Binsu's head. For a moment Binsu felt proud to have had the honor to fight such a brave kid. It was very rare that he walked away from a fight with a smile, but that just made their fight all that more special.

After giving the child's request some thought the Jounin spoke up saying, "Thank you for the honor of letting me fight against you. It is true your fate was sealed from the very start to the battle, but you knew that, yet you still fought as if you could almost taste victory," Binsu paused, before continuing on. "You want me to be your sensei? I'm not sure if there is much I can teach you, but I will teach you all I can. But first I will have to erase your memories of my name, I will do so in our next meeting. I haven't got much more time to spend in this village, so instead meet me in Konohagkure in the small forest. I will be waiting for you there when you are ready to start your training." Binsu would then return the kid's bow, before lifting his head back up and slowly walking towards his sword.

Binsu stopped before his sword and took in the last few sounds of peace he could hear around the area. It wouldn't be long before he began to miss that sound. The sound of lingering emptiness, the sound of peace and tranquility. The sweet, sombre void that could only be experienced in the absense of all distractions. Oh how he hoped to hear that sound once more. After picking the blade up and sheathing it back into the scabbard he had hidden inside his kimono, Binsu would take out his umbrella (which was hidden inside his kimono on the back of his armour) before walking away in the distance...

- End Thread -

Usable WC: 4086 (- 4075 training Endurance C-0 > B-2)

Left over: 11

Total Thread WC: 4086 (4 EP)

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