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The university was a... sore sight? It'd been so long since he'd visited it, since he was headmaster and had his own floor and squads to train and teach. Back then, he wasn't even Captain of the Oracles much less Tsuchikage, and he couldn't care for any of it at any time. Dressed as he was for missions, a black long sleeve shirt and black pants, black sandals as well, with his old grey ANBU armor on as well. The forehead protector with the village symbol was on his forehead, pushing some of his hair up and away and his purple eyes traced his environment wearily, keeping an eye on everything. He felt more comfortable this way, less official, he'd left his mask and carried his pouch with ninja tools at his waist, and on his right thigh, two more pouches with kunai, ready and easy to draw.

He made his way onto the campus of Diamond Heights University, keeping too himself, some heads turning here and there to point him out and wave or greet him. It was far more tiring than he would ever let it on to be, carefully calculated smiles and greetings in response, collecting a variety of names from these people within his village. That list was growing to a level he couldn't hardly keep up with, so many one off greetings and short introductions that he realistically couldn't keep up with them.

When on campus, he was greeted by a secretary he'd long once forgotten, the woman still working there, he carried on a short conversation and greeted her, she'd mentioned that they made use of his office for the new headmaster but they could find a space for him but he declined. He actually came for a totally different reason, to head down to the basement floor, to Akira-sensei's floor, closed up and untouched for so long. She seemed a bit, shocked? That Karumo wouldn't want to return to his own amenities, but he had a reason, he needed Lord Akira's dojo for now, and gave the secretary a directive to send anyone who came for him down to the dojo. Well, not just anyone but those people whom he was waiting on.

Akira's Floor:

Without further adieu, he waved off the long friend after their short conversation and headed to a door off to the side, a stairwell that wrapped up and down. Taking the way down to the basement floor, two stories before finding the door inward. Opening a door to reveal a hallway that looked untouched in months, dust was piling up and a few of the light bulbs were out. It was much more dim than he ever remembered it, hating the architecture and the marble columns. The fountains, it was all so much more regal and fancy than he cared for, not able to help himself but chuckle a bit as he made his way down. Only able to describe it's halls as the very incarnation of Akira's style, theatrical. He made his way down to the end of the hall and pushed aside a sliding door and the atmosphere changed completely, a dark and dusty dojo, to stories with all the decoration still around the room.

He walked in, not dirty enough that his steps would kick up dirt, but enough that he could feel the air stiller within, a little heavier. He looked around the room, the wooden bokken still on the wall and other ceremonial weapons, on the other side, some flags and banners as decoration and training dummies and targets lined up. Karumo approached a target and wiped some of the dust off, feeling it between his fingers before slapping it off onto his pants to clean his hand. He looked around, natural light filled the room but it wasn't bright enough, various pillars lined the wall above the room, remember them as places to hang banners for spars between clans and other little events.

Karumo walked back to the door, and closed it, letting it slide into place and shut with a small thud. Leaving him in the traditional style dojo room and shut off from the random marble architecture outside. He jumped up to the second floor of the dojo, knowing that there was no floor he opted for one of the wooden beams that would hold banners, empty, jostling some more dirt off of it as he sat down and crossed his legs, letting his back rest against the wall. He closed his eyes and leaned back a bit, remaining perfectly still on that beam, he was waiting for a new squad here, Team Karumo or those he'd chosen to train, for a variety of reasons. He never found himself avoiding taking a squad, and as Lord Akira had continued to train students in his time as Tscuhcikage, so did Karumo continue that tradition.

Still, remaining perched above the dojo, he knew that whenever they arrived they'd be met by each other or emptiness. Karumo would be easily noticeable if they ended up looking for him, but he was several feet above the frame of the door, it'd take a bit of effort on their part to find him. So, with his legs crossed and his arms crossed across his chest, Karumo found his eyes closed and he was... meditating. That was it, definitely not sleeping, just relaxing and clearing his mind a bit, thinking about what to say whenever it came to it.

[933 words]



Taeru would sprint off to the front door leaving chaos in her wake as quite a few of the children in pursuit all fighting and tripping over one another. She would come to a sliding holt almost tripping herself as she gripped the door handle tightly curling her fingers around it before leaning down bending her arm as she twist the door handle swinging the door open just before sliding in-front of the open door gripping at the door and door frame as she children crashed into her causing her to wince before looking up at the messenger in-front of them as a smaller child popped her head through Taeru's legs exclaiming "Gimmie, Gimmie" with her hands outstretched opening and closing her hands repeatedly as she waited for the mail. Taeru's hands would immediately shift from the door and the door frame to cup gently over the little girls face slowly drawing her back only to have the little girl slobber all over the hand that covered her mouth. She would cringe only for the action to set off the other children into a fit of giggles. Still stooping down with her hands over the little girls face she would look up  at the messenger with an apologetic smile  laughing a little before speaking as some of the children started to climb her hunched form "Can we help you?..." The messenger would stand to attention raising a brow as she watched the scene in front of her before averting her eyes "I have a scroll for a Himaru, Taeru. This is the address for her that I were given." Taeru's head would tilt a touch to one side as she listened before straightening a touch trying not to cave under the weight of the children "That's me."  the messenger would look her up and down before allowing a sound to hum within the back of her thought "Mnhm.. If I cant give the scroll to Taeru herself then I have been advised to give it to an elder of this establishment or the eldest as he has worked well for the village." Taeru would fight off a frown as she struggled to keep her face neutral as she lent to whisper in one of the children's ear before watching them sprint off shouting out for the elder brother. A few moments later Elder brother would make his way down the hallway. Taeru would listen to the slow tapping of the elder brothers walking staff as he drew closer. He would raise a hand and all of the children would freeze before nodding. Taeru would nod before lifting a few of the children into her arms and striding off into the next room "Come on you lot." After a few moments of muffled talking the elder brother would open the door to the room they had enters only to find all of them falling back away from the door clearly having been eavesdropping. The elder brother would hold out the scroll to Taeru allowing her to reach out taking it as he spoke "It has the official seal. I believe It maybe news of your squad assignment." As he hand curled around the scroll she would look up at him as the smile returned to her lips spreading further into a grin. She would step around the children heading towards the sofa waiting for the elder brother to take a seat before sitting between his legs on the ground in front of him so that he too could see the scrolls content. She would mumble as she read through turning to look up at the elder brother as excitement sent the sensation of butterflies through her stomach and chest. "You defiantly need a haircut before you go to meet your squad, luckily you have time." A smirk would crawl along his lips as he watched her smile falter only for her smile to slowly crawl back to mimic his own smirk "Deal, but only if You cut my hair" the elder brother would look a little taken back by the request but after quite a bit of a dispute he would finally agree.  

A grin would spread along her lips as she sat closing her miss matched hues as the elder brother leant down slipping a towel around her in an attempt to stop the falling hair from entering her t-shirt, tying it tight enough to make her swallow hard feeling her throat graze the fabric of the towel. From the other room she could hear the children shouting at one another before falling into the room all shouting over one another about her finally getting a haircut. The elder brother would turn on his heels to face them all with the kuni gripping in his hand raising a brow as he spoke "If you must watch then you will do so sat still and at least a meter away." His voice held an authoritative tone as he watched them fall into neat rows before planting their rumps on the ground. As Taeru listened and the excitement built within the pit of her stomach she would bite down on her bottom lip causing it to discolor before feeling a small hand graze against her palm before curling around the side of her hand, she would release the bite slightly as she closed her fingers around the smaller hand feeling the child nestle themselves between her legs as to attempt to stay out of elder brothers way before shifting back to the others. Taeru would take a calming breath as the sound of her hair grated against the edge of the kuni... It had begun. She would keep her eyes shut tightly listening to the children intently as the elder brother worked at her mess before feeling elder brothers presents behind her scooping some of her hair up before twisting it into a bun securing the bun with two of her senbon that he had already attached a few beads to. The elder brother would step back before stepping around her taking a better look. She would for a moment hold her breath before allowing her left orb to open peeking up at him as he spoke “never let me cut your hair again.” He would rub both of his eyes before stepping off to one side returning with a mirror before standing in-front of her once more “Well open your eyes and take a proper look.” She would straighten herself once again taking a breath before opening her miss matched orbs allowing them to graze over her reflection. After a moment of initial shock a grin would crawl along her lips tugging up the corners of her mouth tilting her head up as she looked up at the elder brother “Thank you I like it.” He would give a light sigh of relief before stepping away to put the mirror back. Her missed matched orbs would wash over the children before allowing her head to tilt a touch to one side causing her fresh cut, lopsided front fringe to graze over her forehead “Well?” the children would stare at her for a while before erupting into a mass of different announcements and questions the main one being a shock of noticing she had two different coloured eyes and asking how she came to have such and how this were the first time since she came to live with them since they had actually saw her face properly alongside the odd comment that it made her look a little girly and next time she should have her hair cut like theirs or elder brothers and so on. She would chuckle standing to carefully remove the towel trying to make sure non of the hair would find it’s way into her t-shirt  as the children cleared away the mess of hair that had formed on the ground “I have to get ready.. I don’t want to be late.” She would sprint up the stairs as she rushed to get ready almost tripping over her own feet on the way only to regain her balance as she twisted around the corner into the room snatching up her ninja tools threading the two of her senbon into her through part of her left sleeve before strapping her kuni pouch to her left thigh. She would reach up grazing the tips of her middle and index fingers over some of the beads dangling from her senbon the elder brother had placed in her hair before taking a deep breath and striding down the stairs hopping down two at a time.  

She would wave to the others as she sprinted off down towards the market place before slowing her pace as she made her way through the streets towards the Diamond Heights University following the instructions within the scroll. During the time she had lived within Iwagakure she had never had any reason to visit the university pausing just outside its gates as she looked up at the building before inhaling deeping as she forced a calm to set within her. She would push on-wards into the establishment before pausing at the reception desk, her hand would absentmindedly raise to the small lump at the back of her head still a tad sore from training as she rubbed over it before speaking to the receptionist quickly drawing her hand back to her side. She would straighten off her frame before handing the scroll to the receptionist. The receptionist would smile as she looked over the scroll before handing it back to Taeru and directing her "Be careful on your way down the stairs." Were the woman's only warning. Taeru would follow the receptionists directions pressing her side against the door in order to open it before descending down the stairs to the basement level. Her hand would grip tightly at the banister briefly before retracting her hand rather quickly noting the layer of dust. She would lean into a crouch seeking out for any signs of the dust having been disturbed whilst rubbing her fingers and thumb together before scraping them downs against her palm trying to remove the layer of dust without getting it on her clothing. Her miss matched eyes would scan along the railing before scanning the floor locating fresh prints in the upturned dust, a grin would peel along her lips as she followed the footprints attempting to place her steps within the already set out steps before her. She would continue to look about her as she wandered down the hallway listening for any sounds before coming to a halt in-front of a set of doors. She would lean closer placing her hands against her knees as she turned her head to one side just enough to listen in on the room the sets led her too. She would chew at her bottom lip before straightening off placing her left forearm against the door before pushing it open as taking a look inside noting its empty appearance. 'A test?'  she would close the door to a little as she mapped out the room quickly only to notice the footsteps leading right the way in before suddenly stopping. 'two possible reasons.. That immediately come to mind.. Genjutsu or.. The ceiling?' though, both seemed too obvious. She would take a short moment to herself before leaning into the room inclining her head to look upwards towards the ceiling allowing her miss matched hues a short time to focus as she scanned along the beams pausing as she spied a figure. Giving herself a few moments to reassure herself that it was in-fact a person seemingly.. Meditating she would pause in the doorway not wanting to disturb the figure but yet not fully sure as to what to do. She were in the right place and common sense would dictate that the individual on the beams were the individual she were seeking as there seemed to be no-one else around, so she would remain still simply watching as she argued within herself as to her next appropriate action.

(Word count: 2013.)

Anri Mao

Anri Mao

Anri would be sitting at the edge of his bed, holding the opened scroll between his two hands, a nervous look upon his face as he re-read the contents for the third time, telling him where to go and whom he is paired with on a squad. His hands would be shaky and his body shivered, but it wouldn't be due to the cold, but because he was finally assigned to a squad. He was finally roped into a group of people, whom of which would do missions and assignments together, and would be subservient to a sensei. The thought was exciting, because he was actually looking forward to doing this, but it would also be terrifying, as he couldn't decide whether or not he could even dress up in his alter ego anymore. He always guessed he could try to do it at night, but he figured that would leave him without the energy he so very much needed during the day, that same energy that helped stave away his natural weakness.

He had considered wearing only his alter-ego during squad assignments, but figured that would be a stupid move, as even if he tried to mask his identity, their sensei may already know who they all are anyways, meaning that he would just be exposing himself to everyone either way. No, Kaji-Sakura would have to wait for another day, another night, when it could actually be used for more than just interactions with others. For now the weak, feeble Anri Kanetsu had to take charge, and go out and meet his comrades. Dressing up, the five foot five male would put on his typical outfit; a green and white tracksuit, which covered his fragile frame well. Thankfully, as a Kanetsu, he was already so adjusted to the heat of his clan's compound that he, along with some other members of the clan, doesn't even really sweat anymore, let alone feel uncomfortable in the heat, meaning that he could wear this outfit he liked so much and still be perfectly fine. He would put on a pair of black shoes, completing this look of his with a dark grey handbag, which would hang from his left shoulder, with the bag itself resting against his right thigh. Running his hands through his messy black hair, his grey eyes would scan it, trying to see if ruffling it will help him achieve his normal everyday look. When he was finally satisfied, he would nod to himself, stepping out of his room and heading off to Diamond Heights university.

Walking through the university, he would keep his gaze to the ground and his hands gripping tightly to his back, unwilling to let go. He didn't dare look at anyone around him, nor at the surrounding sights of the place of higher education. His body felt weird, being in a public space like this, and he would seemingly shrink away whenever a passing gaze landed on him, even a little. Soon enough, he would reach what he had assumed to be a secretary for the university. After stammering, asking her about how he was supposed to be meeting his squad here, and how he didn't know where exactly to go, his voice cracking all the while, she would direct him to the basement floor. 'The basement? That seems a bit... sketchy..' He would think to himself, his mind wandering off as he would thank the secretary, instead heading off to the basement anyways. He already had second thoughts about coming here, wondering why the hell anyone would meet their squad within a basement floor. The thought of it gave him second thoughts, and he was tempted to just walk out right then and there, not even wanting to risk this sketchy situation. Still though, surely the secretary wouldn't lead anyone into a bad situation, so it had to be okay, right?

Reaching the stairwell, Anri would begin walking down it, each step echoing through the empty room, the abyss of stairs further bringing him to where he was supposed to go. He could only hope his squad mates were pretty good people, and his sensei wasn't some psycho that only took this job for the free Genin he could torture and abuse. Honestly, he was indeed excited for this occasion, but he would still be scared, as so many things could go wrong, and those horror stories of squads being wiped out still stuck to him like glue, making him worried that the same would happen to this one. Soon enough he would reach a door, which he would open right away, at this moment just wishing to get this entire thing over with, as his mind was already swirling with nervous thoughts, his imagination further building up more and more scenarios of what could go wrong. What if the build collapsed? What if their Sensei was some deranged lunatic? What if his squad mates were creepy in general, hosting bugs in their bodies and the like. The thoughts made his blood rush, and soon enough, he would see a small fly fly in front of his face, making him jump with a startled yelp. With exaggerated breaths, he would start talking to himself. "Just calm down Anri, it'll all be okay. It's just an act... just an act.." He would silently tell himself, the latter being a mask for any that may have eavesdropped. Outside, it may have sounded like him just trying to convince himself that the situation is just an act, a scare tactic of sorts. Lead a squad of Genin into the basement and attack them just to see how they would react, or something else of the like, though on the inside, it was him reassuring himself that he was getting too much in character, too much fitting of his act, to the point where he himself almost believed it.

Looking around as he continued calming himself down, he would take notice of the especially regal style of the place, and how it had marble columns, fountains, and the like. It seemed extremely odd that something so regal would be made within the basement of a university, and he could only imagine the amount of ryo that was wasted creating all of this, only for it now to be sent into a slope of decay, the dimness of the place standing testament to that. Soon enough, after walking once again, he would reach the end of the hall, where he would see a sliding door. Grabbing it with his left hand, he would slide it open, stepping through and taking notice of the dark and dusty dojo within. Looking around, he would see ceremonial weapons on one wall, with flags and banners on another, and training dummies and targets lined up. Clearly this place was certainly a dojo of sorts, and one that hasn't been used in a while, let alone kept up. It would be then that he took notice of a female standing within the room, whom of which was seemingly around an inch shorter than him. His mind went from finding out who his sensei was straight to meeting this stranger, whom of which he suspected to be his squad mate. "H-Hello." He would greet, his eyes pointed away and his face kept partially downwards, his hands gripping the strap of his handbag more tightly than before.

wc 1247



Lambent slivers peeked through that slight give in the drape. A  pale glow of peach breached the room that had otherwise thought it gloaming. Surprised just as much, a figure atop a flat pad near the floor tossed in half-sleep. The sleepwear, a tunic and djembe, clung to his body, climbing up his legs and torso with each movement that seemed to leave him in the exact same place as before. Those locks, nigh on marigold - a blonde with but a tinge of auburn - tousled in the most unbecoming way, each clump of strands arranged in any which way. Of course, this was only a slight dis-improvement from how it normally fared.

As those shreds of light widened into full beams within the next two minutes, the very slight thumping on the floor became less than infrequent, the rustling above growing to be near-constant. The lids flung open, those white globes, amber discs, and black dots darting about. Right. The first day, the first day....he had, for certain, been a part of this village for some time. People had even begun to call him by the name he'd assumed when he'd arrived, by this time. It was....perhaps both saddening and comforting. That he could so easily fit in the way he wanted, but also that he could discard his own name so easily. Which he felt about which was unknown, a mystery only known and yet unknown by himself.

Yes, the break of dawn.

He was not accustomed to waking so late in the day. It was often that he would tend to his plants on his walk through the morning's twilight. It was, then, perhaps naturally unnatural, the way he was acting. The thoughts, normally flowing in and out of his mind in a constant yet controlled stream, were now hither and yon, on any and all sorts of subjects. Rapids where the calm crossing ought to have been.

First...first was breakfast. His feet pounded the steps as he ascended. His bedroom being the sole, if small, area carved out of the hill in which his parents lived, he was accustomed to being underground, if only partially, at least sleeping there. At the head of those stairs, his head turned left, to the kitchen....yes, his parents. It was not unusual for them to be up and about at this hour. They at first simply gave him that faint smile, the one that slightly narrowed their eyes. He knew they meant it. It was also the look that their inner parent gave him. He was tending plants for them, doing the lowest of ninja missions....he was trying to be an adult. Trying for them.

Perhaps, once in a while, it pleased them to see he was not entirely past his growing years, yet. Yes, he supposed he could relate to that. As he sat down next to them, a place setting and plate already prepared for him, he thought that he might have made them feel the same as he was now. He felt incompetent for not doing what was expected of him. Yet, how might Katsumi have felt when she realized her earnings from tailoring and making garments did not support the family enough? What went through Fumio's mind seeing his son growing plants years after he sold his own rice paddy? Was there pride there? Envy? Disappointment? In who, for what?

A dekopin, and he rubbed his forehead from the light and unexpected flick his mother had admonished him with. Yes, he was so caught up in his own thoughts that his breakfast had started to get cold. It was always as such, save that he was normally able to function, on a sort of autopilot while his thoughts marched on. Thoughts he'd often fail to remember he had, and then he would simply think them again later. Such an odd existence he lived.

Upon emerging from a quick soak in the family bath, he toweled himself off and suited himself in his normal attire for shinobi activities. A near-teal, slightly turquoise tunic and a waist-height cloth belt behooved him; aesthetic yet functional. He had no abhorrence for non-beautiful things, but it seemed just...right to him. It was difficult to explain to others how his mind functioned. His standard-issue pouch rested on the back of his right hip, his hitai-ate fastened as a part of his belt.

For certain, he would have to make certain to impress. If Lord Tsuchikage himself had chosen a select three for his squad, he had no option in the realm of disappointment.

He had a long but rather easy way to the Diamond Heights complex. Though he had no personal experience there, he had made his rounds fairly thoroughly across the confines of the Hidden Stone in his previous bouts of missions. It was not difficult to find; he simply needed to follow the nearest wall of Bastion Adamantine to the east until he saw the very obvious towers and structures belonging to the educational facility.

Walking atop the walls was not something he got to do on the norm, and it was almost exhilirating, being in the same place as those who stood vigil over the safety of Iwagakure no Sato. There was no issue for a Stone ninja like himself to traverse the Bastion, but in some way he felt....unwelcome. Like his very presence did not fit in with the elite-class ninja that staffed  this barrier to the outside world.

It was after the thirteenth minute that he arrived at the western wing of the University. Of course, those who were not officially registered could not enter save for the southern entrance, facing the most towards the Market District. The nearest set of stairs down into the Bastion's interior was twenty meters forward, to the left two meters from where he was facing. With a running start, he could hone his aerial maneuvering skills a bit. He stepped off into a sprint. Ten meters from the square opening. Four meters. With a small leap, he leaned back using his momentum and hunched himself by his hips forward; upon landing, he did not, in fact, hit the ground cleanly on his feet. However, he was able to use the excess force to transfer to his hands and flip onto his feet. Not nearly as graceful as he had hoped, nor would that sort of ad-libbing help him during anything more important than the D-rank missions he accomplished so often.

After three flights and a short jaunt around the campus walls, he'd arrived at the main entrance. Truthfully, he was unsure as to where the Earth Shadow had requested his and the others' presence; he deigned to stop and ask a receptionist, who admitted she had no idea; she was admittedly on her second day, and wasn't in charge of handling appointments. Beep-beep-boop. Brrrrring....

After a brief call to her superior, she directed him to the east wing, into the basement second level. It took some trial-and-error, if he were to be frank; Sol had only a vague idea as to where the room in question was. The numbering and organization schemes all but alien to him, a neophyte to the building, it took another 3 minutes for him to locate the correct room. His own mental preoccupation, of course, assisted him not in this regard; being so caught up in his own thoughts left him little faculty with which to actually process the engravings in the walls that passed him with each of his steps.

He only stepped near that portal of wood and stone, inhaling deeply as to brace himself for his next task. Keeping up with others. Perhaps even more frightening: letting them get to know him. No, he wasn't one to say.


[OOC: I have no excuse. I've sent you some Ryo as reparations, though it's paltry to the time I've wasted for you. I shall do no such thing in the future.]



There was a crash, the flicker of sparks as kunai clashed, Karumo found himself in that time in the clan compound... surrounded with another face, purple eyes scanned the environment and continued on. Crackling! A lightning jutsu flickered to life and scattered the pair away, splitting their attention into two new fights. It persisted, Karumo using his own fireball jutsu to throw his opponent off their feet. It did little, more and more trades continued on, Karumo's katana against his own, a clan of swordsmen... It was petty, Karumo's mind new it all, but for some reason he felt in control of the mental mirage. He pushed the envelope, changed things about it, drowned out the other fighting that happened around it and accepted what was going on. What were small cuts from his opponents blade he'd taken he replaced in his mind with graceful execution.

There was no rhyme or reason to it, he just... wanted to relive it in a better outcome, all the way up to the killing stroke. He'd stopped as his own blade fell down to his opponent, the sound of a door sliding open beneath him caught his attention. He hadn't realized how actually vivid his passive dreaming had become he stirred a little and opened his eyes, looking ahead to see who would walk in, if they could find him sitting above. His eyes traced along the floor of the room as he realized no one had actually entered, or if they did they were a ghost? This was his one chance, close his eyes and ignore it, let them figure it out themselves and if it weren't any of his students then he was unlikely to be noticed at all. But then that brought about a question about who was entering into this place at this time, coincidentally, as he was here to meet his squad. Irrational in thought at best. Karumo sighed a bit and composed himself, hands still folded in his lap and legs crossed in front of him.

His body leaned forward slightly and his head tilted down to see if they'd stopped in the doorway but... a head and body stopped in the doorway? Karumo would blink a bit and pause, wondering if they were gonna walk in or say anything to him at all, he let his head fall back up thinking on whether he should say or do anything, only one thing would come to mind if the figure stayed in the door, "Hello there." he'd offer with a smile as they stood there, if they stayed there, if they retreated back or within he'd keep his words to himself for the time being.

Next, he would unfold his hands from his lap and place his left behind him to the wooden beam as a point of contact. In the same action, uncrossing his legs and leaning to the left, letting his hand and arm hold his weight and slow his descent. With a small ripple, his body would rotate and seemingly fall off the beam, a controlled fall for its lack of appearance to be. He would land on the ground just to the side of the door and peak around it, waiting to see who was at the door and what exactly they were up to, that being if they hadn't already walked in or done anything else in the meantime.

[577 words, 1510 words total]



Remaining in the doorway she would close the door too just a tad more, enough for her to let go of its handle. Biting down on the soft pale pink flesh of her bottom lip as she pondered on waiting others before entering to disturb whoever were in the rafters, assuming they were the Sensei they had to report too. Her hand would raise to her jaw grazing the pads of her fingers and thumbs along it silently sighing to herself pausing mid way as she caught a sound down the hallway, a door?... then, footsteps... Could it be another? A squad member..?  Her mind would question the sounds only to hear what could only be taken as a voice 'were I that noisy?'. Turning away from the door placing her back to it she would gaze down the corridor allowing her hand to shift away from her face just a tad  as her lips parted mouthing the words she thought she could hear allowing them to reel out in her mind, ' calm okay.. act...' Her teeth would slowly peel from the grasp of her teeth remaining in place as she watched for the individuals arrival as anticipation bubbled, boiling her stomach enough to heat slightly, her oddly cold flesh.  

Watching intently down the corridor her miss matched hues would graze over the individual as they came around the corner from the stairs. Her head would tilt a touch to one side as her miss matched hues searched the lads postures almost as though studying him, noting the way he clutched as his handbag keeping it pressed to his frame watching him look about 'He seems to have a good grip..' As the thought crossed her mind. As he moved closer and had just seemed to notice her coming to a shorter distance from before she realized he were taller than she had originally thought, tilting her head a touch more to the side 'Maybe an inch taller..?' watching the lads reaction as he spotted her, her left brow would arch  nestling up behind her rough cut front fringe as he gripped at his hand bag even tighter causing a lopsided smile to crawl along her lips drawing her K-nines' into view 'good grip...' Only for her expression to drop as he spoke up. Her head would dart to look back at the still slightly open door before darting back to the lad. She would push hard against the ground shifting onto the tips of her toes darting towards her assumed squad member keeping on the tips of her toes in her movement as to try to remain as quietly as possible, still not wanting to disturb the individual on the other side of the door. As she touched down in front of the lad allowing her rather masculine defined frame, that more often than not with people without medical knowledge, got her gender mistake, to enter the lads personal space. Her feet would press down flat keeping her right foot pointed towards the lad allowing her other foot to pass him turning to the side as her right hand rose to cup over the lads mouth with the attempt to carefully latch her fingers over his jawline as her left hand move to the back of his head in order to give support, not wanting the lad to fall allowing her face to pause beside his keeping her eyes on the wall facing her as she whispered almost in his ear "There's already someone in there.. On the beam..." Her words would fade away as another form came into view. Her hands would slowly release the lad shifting away just enough for the invasion of space to be less uncomfortable as she watched the other approach taking a moment as couldn't quite place his face, but was almost sure she recognized them.  Her thought would come to an abrupt halt as a voice sounded from behind her, as though she moved purely on instinct Her hand would brush past her kuni pouch slipping it out using her thumb before grasping its handle securely with its blade facing down along her forearm twisting on the balls of her feet leaning into a stance  placing herself between what she assumed to be her teammates to face the owner of the voice. Her lips would part forming a little 'o' shape as shock swam into her features as she realized who stood in front of them. Her hand would release the kuni allowing it to drop to the ground with a clang beside her foot as she shifted her position before dipping into a low bow, showing an odd amount of flexibility "My apologies, Tsuchikage Sama." Her dull voice would sound loud and clear as she spoke, laced with a light accent. The position would cause her pastel lilac strands to brush down against her cheeks casting her miss matched hues into shadow, remaining in the bowed position.

(Word count: 827)

Anri Mao

Anri Mao

Anri would be taken off guard as the female he was greeting would push hard against the ground, seemingly darting towards him. "Wah!" He would exclaim in surprise as he began to raise the handbag before him, holding it in front of his chest as some sort of makeshift shield. They would come closer, their rather masculine frame coming into view as his surprised gray eyes locked onto their mismatched eyes, her right hand cupping over Anri's mouth, seemingly as a means to keep him quiet. He would also feel the back of his head be given support by their left hand, which had ended up helping as he would seemingly try to back away in surprise at the approaching stranger, whom of which would whisper in his ear, the words coming out running his blood cold.

"There's already someone in there. On the beam."

'Ohmygodohmygodohmygod pleaseno!' Would be all the male would think in his head as he would be informed of the other presence within the room, one of which he had no clue of. Kaji-Sakura would love nothing more than to meet whoever was already in there, perhaps even see about their reasoning for being there, but Kaji-Sakura wasn't here right now, Anri was, and all Anri wanted to do was get the hell out. When Anri was released by this odd acquaintance of his he already knew what to do. 'Nope.' He would think as he turned around, attempting to walk away, only to be taken by surprise by another stranger standing there, wearing a turquoise tunic with a waist-height cloth belt.

Freaked out even further, the male would back his way into the room, hands up in a fearful manner as his heart raced, his eyes wide open. As he had begun to back up Anri would trip over his own feet, falling onto the floor with a sudden thud, where he would freeze as he heard a voice speaking out, greeting them. Looking towards the voice, the male would scramble to his feet, dusting himself off erratically as he would look towards the greeter, seeing a man wearing a black long sleeve shirt and black pants with a set of grey ANBU armor on as well. The forehead protector with the village symbol n his forehead being a pretty clear indicator that he wasn't anyone strange. He would see the individual that had tried to silence him earlier bow, dropping her kunai and apologizing, calling him the Tsuchikage.

The Genin would watch as the renowned man would seemingly fall gracefully off of the beam, landing on the ground and peaking around the nearby door. Rubbing the back of his neck with his left hand, Anri himself was never really the formal type, especially when it came to bowing. Bowing.. well, bowing looked like something completely different in his mind, especially from behind, and he wasn't Anri Kanetsu the bottom, he was Anri Kanetsu the Genin, and as such instead of bowing he would instead wave towards the man in greeting. "H-Hello." He would stammer out before his hands would return to the strap of his handbag where they belonged.

wc 536



An odd scene before him.

There was nothing actually unusual at first, of course. It was one of those things that came out of nowhere, and that was the source of the oddity. Only a second after he had finally shifted his attention from his own mind to the physical world around him, too... he stopped. A figure in front of him, about to enter the room. Somewhere in the back of his head, he hoped that he was not the last to arrive. Tardiness was, after all, frowned upon, especially with a title so meaningful as 'shinobi'. If he couldn't be trusted to show up to the simplest of meetings on time...what did that say about his ability to be there for those that truly, urgently needed him there?

The green-and-white-clad figure before him was a sort of wilting thing, shrinking in on himself. Shrinking away from...whatever he was not looking at. That head-tilt was not of a question, but more of aversion. He didn't quite catch the words from his distance in the hall; upon his approach, however, that anomaly came. With only his second step forward, a pa rather than a tak given his method of walking, someone....was trying to suffocate him!?

A hand at the back of his neck at one at his mouth...surely such a thing wasn't happening in the exact same place as they were supposed to meet? Another figure at his ear, the mouth moved, presumably a message. A figure with purple hair. His eyes widened for a moment at the prospect. Whatever he felt just then, he silenced it even within his own mind. This was nothing to be distracted about.

Then, out of nowhere, a single and sudden movement - turning around. Particularly, the darker-haired youth turning around towards him. A fashion uncharacteristic of...well, anyone he'd met, truthfully. And yet, jumpier than he'd ever seen, too. It might have been uncouth of him to even think of comparing the behavior to a frightened pup or kitten. As the one before him fell backwards onto himself - how, he was not quite sure - Sol gave a small frown. Not at anything going on around him, but perhaps just disapproving of his own earlier thought.

A voice from within, deeper than he would presume from the boy that had just backed up from him and certainly more so than she he knew. There was a third person in that room.

He waited until the other had stood to make his own way into the seemed rather cramped with the other two so near the entry-way. He half-strafed to the left, avoiding the lavender-topped acquaintance if possible for now. It was not that he was displeased to see her; rather, he had someone more pressing to be paying attention to. After his slight sidestep.... Thus far, this one, despite his station, had not betrayed his expectations. Indeed, he did not expect such a....formal display. Perhaps they were not the Tsuchikage's robes, but they most certainly said in a single word what their training was meant to be. His tone was flat in slight, conveying only, at the moment, acknowledgement.


Down to one knee he went, his right arm braced against the remaining one bent, his head half-bowed that he might still see the man should some words be sent. Was it...proper? A bit too much so, he hoped not. Rigid?

He knew that was how many approached those of station, historically. Whether he was overdoing it now....time would tell.


|OOC: I apologize, I should have been aware it was my turn in the posting order. Would have posted sooner had I known!|



Karumo fell down from the beam, landing with a quiet thud and a bit of displaced dust at his feet, his knees shrinking under the weight. He stood up quickly, letting his body relax as he stood back up, feeling the wave of pressure move from the ground up as he detracted to stance, then glanced at his... squad? What was a scene of shifting dissary, he wondered if the girl had really talked the boy like that, he stood slightly in the way of the door, his shoulder and right arm covered by the post and wall continuing. Three quarters of him stood exposed and wide eyed watching the scene unfold before him as he took a step forward and gradually closed the gap between himself and his summoned group. As his words rang out, the girl turned quickly, reaching for a kunai and rotating rapidly, Karumo's eyes watched intently, he started to raise his right arm to counter but she didn't have the distance, he paused and waited.

Surprise a little, he didn't understand why as he was the only other one here but she dropped the kunai in shock and bowed with an apology, Karumo's eyes had expanded, a brow raised slightly. Very on edge. Was the first note he took of the group, his lips parted to start talking but his attention was caught by everyone as the next boy from the ground waved to him with a stuttered 'Hello' before retracting. And the last one, he... was the most formal of them all, taking a knee as he approached his way within. Karumo blinked for a second and nodded, a signal he knew he wouldn't have caught unless he ended his display quickly.

Karumo nodded to himself, he struggled inwardly trying not to laugh at the trio, their coordination was off, each of them moving about in their own little words and separately of each others actions. He found it funny was all, but stepped back and spoke up a bit... assertively, the tone of confusion built itself along with it. "Right, well... come in, we only have a short little talk to get through before you're adjourned today." he nodded and smiled a bit genuinely before stepping back and away from the door to let them file in if they wouldn't have already.

Karumo would stay standing just a few feet from the door, as he watched them file in, taking careful note of each of their appearances, his purple eyes running passively over each of them. Once they were within, if any of them had any questions or comments he would hear them out, granted they were willing to shout them out or in any other form, otherwise he would have started talking. "So, you three have been summoned together, each genin being assigned a squad. My squad. Squad 1." he spoke abruptly and let his eyes roll over each of them and their reactions. "I just wanted to tell you all that today, we'll have our first real assignment in a few days time. Actually, in three days, so rest up and prepare yourselves? In the next two days I plan to meet with each of you myself as well..." he paused and glanced between them and raised a brow.

"I also recommend you get to know each other if you can and have time to, I know some of you have already taken on quite a few missions, but I don't intend to fully waste your time on chores and D rank missions..." his eyes glanced to Taeru who had already taken on several missions on her own time. With a small exhale he relaxed and glanced to the other two, "Oh right! I'm the Tsuchikage, Karumo Sekuro. Former clan head of the Fantomusodo, former headmaster of Diamond Heights, and former Captain of the Oracles... if any of that means anything to you guys..." he paused as he'd almost forgettin this part and chuckled to himself a bit, "Truthfully, I'm pretty laid back and don't do much, if you guys want to introduce yourselves as well and ask any questions then feel free to do so..." he paused and looked through each of them and waited to see what they would say now that they were here and had a bit of their directive unfolded before them.

[739 words, 2249 words total]



Biting down hard on the soft pale pink flesh of her bottom lip, instantly discolouring it, sending it a deep red, almost purple in colour as the others greeter the Tsuchikage. Silently cursing herself for her reaction, a subtle dusty pink hue would raise along the bridge of her nose, scattering along her cheekbones. Only now being somewhat thankful that her pastel lilac bangs hung loose enough to overshadow part of her face covering most of her pale blush.

Her head would tilt a touch to one side causing her lilac bangs to drop touching against her cheek as the other side fanned down and outwards away from her face as the Tsuchikage began to speak. Taking note of him stepping away from the doorway as she watched his feet remaining in her bow. She would take only a short amount of time as she listened for the others movements before raising from her bow, only allowing her arm to dip down looping her middle finger through the loop of her kuni, tapping her index and ring finger against the but of its blade to force it upwards, tilting her hand slightly off to the side before jolting it upwards to cause it to spin up her finger, lifting it in an oddly smooth movement returning it to it's correct place in her pouch. Straightening off fully she would step forth into the room keeping her gaze averted from making eye contact with the Tsuchikage, she had heard enough stories of his clan to give her reason to do such, instead she would case her miss matched hues gaze about the dojo  before turning, quick enough for her loose hair to whip around until facing the others.

Taking the opportunity she would watch the others, each in turn as they filed in through the door. Making mental notes of each even down to the way they moved and held themselves. Concluding that she did recognize the light haired male in the tunic, that had kneeled to the Tsuchikage, whilst the other were a mystery though not saying the other were not too, she simply recognized one and not the other. She couldn’t recall having ever seen the dark haired lad who's personal space she had already invaded. But when thinking on it, such wasn’t unheard of Iwagakure were quite a large village and she had only been in her place of residency for a few years, she were in fact more interested in his actions and his bag in which she had noted how tightly he gripped at it even using it as a shield when she had closed in. 'what was inside of it? What made him grip so tightly at it? Would he panic if he couldn’t find it, be distraught if it got destroyed or damaged in a fight?... or were it a simple habit...' Her thoughts would come to an abrupt end, cutting them short. Knowing she could ponder them later, if later existed that is. Allowing a more pressing thought to flood into her mind 'What is the lord Tsuchikage doing here.. Of all places?' Her gaze would  shift to the man, only making sure to keep her eyes cast downwards, just below his own gaze not wanting to make eye contact as he watched the three of them.  

As quickly as her thought passed his words would come as a sort of shock causing her brows to pinch together ever so slightly as she attempted to keep her expression neutral whilst arguing within herself 'His squad … has there been a mistake? Why would I have been placed within his squad?..' Her thoughts would become a gallimaufry only for her to put a stop to them as she slowly rose her gaze to the other two watching them, ' what could they do? Who are they... what are they?' As the Tsuchikage continued her gaze would flicker back to him keeping her gaze on his lips, taking in the information he gave, using it to push down her other thoughts.

She would draw her form to attention, finding an odd comfort in the stance as she listened repeating odd bits of his instructions in her mind only pausing as he introduced himself to them. She would wait for the others just a moment before allowing her mostly hidden left brow to raise a touch  nestling under the lower section of her choppy cut fringe before closing her eyes. Inhaling she would fill her lungs with the dusty scent of the room and those within attempting to center herself. Opening her eyes as her tongue grazed against her lips before parting them to speak "I'm Himura, Taeru." Even in her short words her light accent would cling to her dull tone. In truth she had nothing to real off about herself, especially nothing like the Tsuchikage had. Her head would turn slowly allowing her miss matched hues to move to the other members of the 'squad' waiting for them to introduce themselves.

(Word count: 837)

Last edited by Taeru on Wed Jun 28, 2017 6:12 pm; edited 2 times in total

Anri Mao

Anri Mao

Down to one knee the other male had went, leaving Anri as the only one offering an informal greeting to the Tsuchikage. In a way he could almost consider it disrespectful, though he hadn't meant it as such. It wasn't because he didn't have the knowledge of formal greetings, or the idea of actually casting the aside, these things didn't match his ideals. It was more that while the man before them may be the Tsuchikage, he also was their squad leader, and if Anri was consistent in one thing it would be that, despite rank, even if he is more willing to obey those superior to him, he didn't wish to be one that would just end up treating others differently based on one title over another. He after all would have waved and said hello to his squad mates, so why not do the same to the man instructing them?

He took notice of the nod that their sensei had given out, most likely to the bowing and kneeling squad members, though seemingly afterwards he decided that it was time for him to speak, as with a step backwards he would begin to speak. He would tell them to come in, mentioning a short little talk to get through before they're adjourned. After having seeming stepped away from the door, Anri would enter the room fully. He took notice of the female with miss-matched eye colors watching them, making him look away from her as he would enter, trying not to make eye contact. With the way she carried herself it was more than clear that she was seemingly ready for a fight, and Anri wasn't one to deliver any to her, chances are she'd probably end him quickly and leave him bamboozled, and he, being someone that's supposed to be shying away from that sort of thing, wasn't one to instigate such an action.

After they had all three had seeming entered Anri would turn to face their sensei, listening as he would mention how they have been summoned together, having been assigned to his squad; squad one. 'I wonder if he has high expectations. Chances are he most likely does, considering his being the Kage.' The black-haired male would muse to himself as their sensei would seemingly continue with telling them that they will have their first real assignment in a few days' time, three days, to be exact, and that they should rest up and prepare for it. In the next two days he plans to meet with each of them as well, which would make make Anri swallow in response, audibly gulping at this. 'Should I tell him then..?' He wondered as he weighed the options in his mind. On one hand, he is their sensei and the Tsuchikage, so he has more right to know about his alter-ego than anyone else that he could think of, but then again, he also wished to hang onto the childish enjoyment he had of having a secret identity, of not acting like himself and keeping a false face on in order to make sure that he is seen as a completely different person. After all, what would be a hero without a secret identity?

He would zone back in to the Kage's telling them that he doesn't intend to fully waste their time on chores and D Rank missions, implying that he has more testing assignments for them, which Kaji-Sakura would enjoy undertaking, even if the coward currently available doesn't. After he had seemingly finished speaking he would announce himself as the Tsuchikage, former clan head, headmaster of the university, and former captain of the Oracles, Karumo Sekuro, a fact all three of them most likely have already known about the man. Everyone should know about their own Tsuchikage and, like the other weird eyes Anri had heard about with special abilities, it didn't pass as any surprise that Karumo had his own intimidating set. If anything, it just further encourages Anri to avoid eye contact, instead looking at the man's mouth and chest, overall avoiding the upper portion of his face entirely, resisting all temptation to do otherwise.

The Sensei would continue on by mentioning how he's laid back and seemingly lazy, offering them to feel free to introduce themselves and ask any questions if they have any. Seemingly, the female was the first to speak up, introducing herself as Himaru Taeru, introducing more than that though, as she had a light accent that would be brought forth by an overall dull tone of voice. That was seemingly all the information she wished to give though, instead most likely preferring to hear about Anri and the other male, though less willing to give them anything about herself. It was.. well, it put Anri on the spot, as now he had no template to go off of, and while at the moment he may be acting shy and cowardly, he would very much rather not keep his squaddies on an only first name basis. It just didn't seem right overall. "I-I'm Kanetsu, Anri, a runt of the Kanetsu Clan, yeah.." He would start, letting his voice trail away for a few moments as he had to make himself work up the courage to continue. "I uh.. I like comics and stuff. Sorry, I don't really have much to say, I guess I'm aiming to be one of the Oracles one day, and to be strong so I can help others."

Wc 939

Twc 2722



He felt it. A droplet ran down his left graced the crook nearest his ear, and ran its course down his neck rather than his face. Sol couldn't, in the least, place why he was responding this way. He was the Tsuchikage, yes, but he was so...casual in his manner and the way he carried himself here. Both he and, indeed, Taeru were perhaps overmuch in each of their displays of formality. It mattered little as he began to speak, rather sparsely, even, on the reason the three of them had been gathered. If it were true that the three of them were to have a mission - or perhaps some other sort of assessment of their abilities? - then that might have been the source of his trepidation, that tense-ness that wracked him.

Really, he ended introduction, as ironic as that was. He could, however, relate with letting things slip the mind like such. It was not, of course, a favorite mannerism of his, but idiosyncrasies were innate and best to be accepted, however much one did not enjoy them. Head of his clan and leader of the did make sense, then, that he got his position through merit. Rather than...well, whatever the others did. Dengen was arguably the weakest of the Tsuchikage in recent history, and the annals did not detail how he obtained his position. So too was it the same for Tsuyo...Kazako Akira at the time. Tei and Kazu...they were not weak, but they were not active politically, which led to their ousting. This one....if he wasn't the strongest, he was at least strong enough, given his statuses; the person behind that power, too, seemed well enough. The Tsuchikage was really a Nuke-Ninja that left the Stone at a moment's notice, the Mizukage and Raikage paying no heed to the finer points of political discourse. The Kazekage were almost as a matter of course absent from their positions. Only the Leaf's past few, Takao and Sousetsu, were very much becoming of such a position. The current one....he knew not what to think of an important position being filled as such.

Yes, so it was at least by comparison that he could treat this Tsuchikage with respect.

But then, he opened the floor to the rest of the squad, seemingly finished with his own words unless more were directed his way. A small silence rose over the four, the other matching his own height speaking first. He lifted himself from his knee as she did so, facing her half-way as his eyes narrowed in slight. Himura Taeru.... This was...he was not sure what to think. It was perhaps a reminder of his own lacking, her presence here. That, however, could only be something existing within his own mind....a trifle that he could will away at a moment's notice.

...was what he thought he could say. It began a trail in his thoughts longer than he'd care to say, as he struggled to pay attention to the one who spoke next.

"Shimizu Momonga. Momon is fine if you wish. fairly unremarkable. As to what I wish or aspire to...that remains to be seen, even to me. I simply want to live a life befitting a ninja of the Stone, whatever that means."

He placed his hands in front of him, fingertips touching in a bodily gesture of relaxedness, perhaps even eagerness. He was sure he was feeling those....somewhere under this. It was not a state he liked to be in, so distraught and unknowing of how to feel. There was a tingling below the surface of his skin,
not quite a warmth or an itching, a sensation that did not quite fit into words. A physiological reaction to his emotional state...

He mentally let out a sigh, speaking again, this time to their Sensei...

" it permissible for us to know the subject of this...assignment?"

Of course, he had no idea whether this was the case. It might have been a silly thing to ask, the answer obvious to the other two....he simply wished to explore the possibility that it might have been something one might not have expected.




Karumo left the floor open to his students, in the meantime of watching their expressions change and shift about on them, the idea of them all thinking through what to say to his words and scenario gave him a bit of an internal chuckle. It may take some time to break their nervousness and formality as a group, but still, Karumo brought a right hand to the back of his neck, rotating it and pulling against the muscle with his hand, feeling the light bones crack as he listened in. The young girl first, so few words and nothing beyond her name. Himura, Taeru. She turned her head to the others as Karumo blinked a second, not exactly what he had in mind for getting to know each other but then again, he hadn't set any strict rules on what to say or do, his mistake really, hoping the example would have done more for them in terms of thinking through a format. Still, he couldn't fault her, perhaps she would end up as the quiet and reserved one within the group? So far she fit the bill... outside of tackling her squadmate for some unknown reason and being so on edge she drew a kunai at Karumo. Besides that, quiet and reserved.

The next one to speak up was Anri Kanetsu. A self-proclaimed runt of the famed Kanetsu clan for all that was worth. Karumo stifled his internal chuckle at the thought of someone so... down on themselves, but he supposed it was better than simply offering just a name. His voice trailed and rose back up again in nervous stature, offering his likes and a bit of his dreams, though... confidence lacked in leaps from what Karumo would have expected from a clan so proud in their abilities. It was odd to see a student slip through the cracks without the discipline of their prowess and pride drilled into him. Though, Karumo could be the same way, being far too relaxed when compared to anyone of his other clan members himself...

And last but not least was Shimizu Momonga. Again, marking his own unremarkableness to the group, maybe a move of humility as he seemed far less nervous in speech than before. Perhaps it was internalized better but that couldn't be spoke on just yet, Karumo hadn't seen enough of any of them to make any real ideals about their personality and statures. Bringing his fingers in front of him and going on, Karumo nodded as he finished his little speal himself, seemingly lost in the wind and looking for direction. Well, knowing the direction but not what was at the end of it, perhaps that would make a very moldable student, or someone who would come to realize his own ideals far easier than the other two. His age did speak slightly for more experience, but he was still young, so was Karumo himself respectively. It would make it interesting though, to see the development.

Before Karumo could continue on though, Momonga spoke up with a request, to know what their missive would be about. A fair question, good that he asked it as well, stepping up to the plate in the possible chance the other two might not wanted to ask or were making their own assumptions. Karumo would chuckle lightly and nod, bringing his left hand up and snapping his middle finger from his thumb quickly and then pointing generically upwards as he spoke, "Ah, right... another thing that might be good to let you know."

"Your assignment will be two parts actually, the first, a small training assignment to put your skills to the test in some manner. The second part, well... will be a bit of a team building exercise..." he glanced upwards, his eyes rotating to the right corner of his head before falling back down, "Well, exercises. Not as important really... I'll say this much, bring your ninja gear, weaponry and all, get very well rested and prepare to be tested in a way that the academy or any simple mission couldn't have prepared you..." he chuckled with a bit of a smile, the very vague nature of their assignment but he wouldn't divulge anymore on the subject, not just yet at least.

"Alright, if there are no more questions then, you're dismissed, I'll call for each of you or come find you in due time over the next day or so, until then... relax a little? Don't let anxiety and worry eat you up or anything like that." Karumo would nod with a neutral expression, crossing his arms across his chest and finishing his bit. The first mind game for his squad set in motion, wondering if any of them would take the vague nature of his statement and his warning not to let it set in, and do just that... hopefully, they would all be, and should be, skilled enough to see through that little bit of deception. But, on the chance that their thoughts would linger in deciphering it and letting it rack around in their brain, well... that would be a small win for Karumo and his test anyways.

[873 words, 3122 words total]



Her sharpe miss matched hue's gaze would graze along the ground before cutting up to rest on the taller male of squad mates before dipping her head a touch to one side causing her pastel lilac strands to rest against her cheek and jawline as the other side fanned out just a tad. Silently listening she would turn to face the lad giving for the time, her attention. Being somewhat punctilious, though such were apart of her nature. Having taken in to this point the way the lad moved, and now in the way he spoke, he seemed so... milquetoast. 'Another Kanetsu...' though maybe this were the runt of the litter, he seemed so different to the clans head. Her brows would furrow slightly as she took in the information he supplied but all families have a runt do they not... if a runt survived it usually became far stronger than most. Her head would dip a little more to the side as she hold back the urge to step around the lad as thoughts trickled through her mind, wondering what he would become. Allowing her thoughts to fade away like a whisper in the breeze, her miss matches hues of unsettling yellow and bloody red moved on passing from the Kanetsu to the … familiar face giving the same unwavering attention as she gave to the lad before. She did as she had before wondered on the lads age but as she did it led her to wonder on the other lads age and then the Tsuchikage's age.

As the light haired lad finished speaking her mind would slip into a gallimaufry of thoughts spanning from each member of the squad down to how they would work together, would they work well, would they fit like a jigsaw or would they need hammering into place like the hinges of a weapon. Did the Tsuchikage intend to weild this invisible hammer? Would they since into a sweet working rhythm enough to be considered a weapon.. Or even useful at that. Though far, far too early to tell.  

However Momonga's question did indeed perk her interest over the mess her mind were creating for itself, flickering her attention back to the Tsuchikage as she waited to find how he would answer. He had of course already advised that they  'get to know' one another and in ways she did look forwards to such. For a time she wondered if the establishment would keep her from a squad until she were at least a little older, yet having being given the news of being assigned a squad it did in many ways excite her. Getting to know the others would indeed to very beneficial as it would for them to know her. Strangers already made her feel out of sorts and now she must them. Easily the want could be scratched, she needed to know them. They were after all, now a squad.  

Biting down on the supple pale pink flesh of her bottom lip, discolouring it quickly she would listen to the Tsuchikage's instruction. Blinking at the information the Tsuchikage gave she would give a slight tug on her lip as she bit back an unstable chuckle making sure to hold it in, the only signs of it being a slight shudder in her tightly bound chest. His summary were almost as short as her own introduction. He did however instruct well enough. She knew what she needed and were simply waiting on gathering her gear, ready and itching to get started. She knew in truth the wait would eventually cramp her stomach as tension and excitement would inevitably weigh down in the pit of her stomach.  

She would inhale deeply allowing the air to fill her lungs, calming the internal turmoil as the scents of the room made their way into her system. Her frame would turn to face the Tsuchikage properly, making sure to never draw her miss matched gaze up to meet the Tsuchikage's allowing her gaze to remain at his lips at most. Her excitement well bottled, her head would tilt a touch to one side pausing before casting her gaze back to her new squad members seeking out their reaction to the Tsuchikage's word's, yet at the same time wondering just how they would prepare. Watching for the reactions of all before deciding on what to do next. Simply pondering.

(Word count: 735.)

Anri Mao

Anri Mao

Anri would listen to the third member of their squad speak; Shimizu Momonga, or Momon for short. He had spoken about how he's fairly unremarkable, but that can't be. All three of them are fairly unremarkable, but if they were the case then all three of them wouldn't be on the Tsuchikage's squad. Anri only mentioned his being a runt as an act, he in reality is actually pretty average to slightly below average. He wouldn't be surprised if he was only picked for the kekkei genkai he had, and if he's trying to act like he's nothing, this individual most likely was, as well. He had no real goals, claiming to only wish to live a life befitting of a Stone Ninja, which is pretty realistic all in all. The sheer amount of people that wanted to become the next Kage, the next Hao, and the like however has made such a goal seemingly less common than it should be. Hell, his own wish to become a hero is unrealistic in itself, so it's respectable that Momon is choosing a more practical path of just wanting to live a life, even if it's one not fully thought out yet.

He then spoke to the Kage, asking about the subject of the assignment. Honestly, Anri was curious, as well. It wouldn't fit the act to speak up, so he remained silent, hoping someone else had spoken up. Karumo was seemingly entertained by this, if that light chuckle was something to go by, and would act like he had just recalled a memory, telling them of another thing that may be good to let them know. Their assignment will be in two parts with the first being a small training assignment to put their skills to the test, and the second being a team building exercise or, well, series of exercises, which he admitted to it being not as important. He would recommend they get their gear, weaponry, and the like, and to be well rested as well, overall to prepare for a test the academy of any simple mission couldn't prepare for them. This was extremely vague, and made the kanetsu wonder about all sorts of things which could happen in regards to this assignment.

He would then dismiss them, telling the three that he'll call for each of them in due time, to relax a little until then and telling them to not allow anxiety and worry to eat them up, but how could one stop such a thing when they're given such information? You may as well say to your friend that someone is going to kill them, and then tell that friend to not be afraid. He definitely knew that he would end up being anxious until then, and most likely after. This meeting was pretty awkward overall, with only one other person sharing something about themselves that expands farther than a name, and the other having acted in the overly serious way that she did. It made him feel unsure about how this squad will work efficiently with one another, but he would be lying if he claimed to not be excited to see how, as well.

He would shake his head and close his eyes, opening them with a look on his face that hinted at a slight determination. Anri will let this sink in, though Kaji-Sakura's job will be to make the best out of this information and to not allow it to shake him up. "It was nice meeting you all. I'll see you guys later." He would say as his hands released themselves from the gray strap of the handbag, and his back would straighten up, giving off a more confident posture than before as he would turn around and begin an attempt on walking out of the room, looking forward to seeing what will come next.

Wc 661

Twc 3383

[Attempt to exit thread]

Ooc Sorry about that, I've been really busy with school lately, if you feel that it's inexcusable and wish to take me off of the squad, then please do, I'll understand.


3273 left over for this thread



Last edited by Anri Mao on Fri Jun 16, 2017 11:42 am; edited 2 times in total



Karumo's mind game was set, for the time being at least, leaving it to them to squirm about or ignore until next they meet. Blinking quickly as he watched group remain mostly silent in response to his rather... cryptic posing of their situation? They were probably sharp enough to know that it would be a more difficult set of tasks imposed in front of them, training meant to push their limits and the likes, obviously. Still, with that out of the way Karumo would exhale and stick his hands into his pockets and overlook them. A final note would come as he waited, "Right, you're free to go then..." he would say while standing still, overlooking each of them still, noticing again how he was almost a foot taller than each of them.

Still, he stayed there and would nod to each of them, or offer whatever signal as they departed, the Kanetsu boy speaking up in response. Giving each of them time to exit the room, Karumo would maintain his stance, offer a small smile or something of the sorts and nod them along, what they were going to do afterwards was up to them. But Karumo, he looked around the room one last time, taking it all in and releasing the memory in his own exhale. Remembering back to when Akira tested him here, Karumo nearly burning down the building just to make a point of it.

With a final sigh and his students gone, either out of the dojo room or gone elsewhere, Karumo would hesitatingly walk out, bringing a hand from his pocket to slide the door to a close behind him before continuing his walk on ahead. Out of the basement floor and slowly back up to his office to continue the grind of what he was doing, what he always did, and what there would always be more to do of. More paperwork, more missions being assigned out, and more of the same general sense of work that he'd been growing more and more accustomed to. But now, he had a squad, of three seeming misfits to deal with among it all, and maybe he could have a little fun with it. Well, fun for him at the very least.

[322 words, 3504 words total]
[Exit Thread]


[OOC: Skipping Sol for now as trying to exit the thread on and travel soon with squad soon.]



Her miss matched hues would shift to the Kanetsu to watch the unexpected shift in his posture and general nature showing more confidence or at the very least determination as a pose to the previous disposition of being rather pusillanimous. Such a quick change would simply pause her for a moment. Slowly turning her head back to the Tsuchikage a light smile would threaten to tug the corner of her lips up, causing her to bite back down on the soft pale pink flesh of her bottom lip, a small attempt as keeping her composure. As the Tsuchikage spoke up again to give them permission to leave her frame would lower into a low and unusually flexible bow quite like her previous bow, such not quite reaching the state of a genuflect this time around either. In the movement her pastel lilac hair would brush freely over her cheeks obscuring most of her perhibital vision either side of her, yet upon hearing the Kanetsu speak up her miss matched orbs would flicker off to the side, straining to watch through the bangs that shielded her view.  

Her lips would part to reply only to close and open again "Thank you Tsuchikage Sama" Her words would come clear and without hesitation as her accent laced each word a little heavier than it had previously. She would hold her position for just a moment longer before dipping lower just a fraction before raising back up again allowing the blood flow to swill back properly, the light pink hue in her face quickly fading back to the pale tone once again. She would take a step back before twisting on her heels  to be able to step behind the light haired team mate and following the other out of the room, sparing a glance back at the two before slipping through the door. She would come to a pause beside one of the side rooms to speak up "It was nice to meet you too." Weather the dull tone of her voice would be picked up or not, to her it didn’t matter much as her mind wandered back along the hallway she hadn't bothered to search before. Her hand would shift to take a hold of the door handle  of the door close by tightening her grip. A little exploration couldn’t hurt... could it?

Exit thread.
Word count:392.
Total word count:4804.

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