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Wolfgang walked into the swamps, threw the dense set of trees that were the borer between the village itself and the swamp, or better known as the swamp of sorrow, where he was going was a murky area of the swamp, one that he had visited before on a training day many many years prior to this, as he walked he remembered the letter he had sent to his apprentice Kusono, it went as such
''Kusono, i mean to train today, and as such i plan for you too as well, for the chuunin exams are fast approaching, and no matter how much experiance you have i will be putting you into them, so i hope that you are able to come down, the location is southeast of the village, about 5 miles into the swamp of sorrow, threw the groves and rigth outside a naturel thorn maze, meet me there at sun down''
As he remembered the letter it put into his mind another moment of his memory, when he fought the chuunin exams to get his rank of chuunin years ago...
Wolfgang stood there, eyes wild with anger and excitement, his opponent was standing in front of him, the kid he was fighting was his own rank but he was much smaller, he was only around five feet tall, it was funny because Wolfgang stood around 6 feet, towering over the little kid, they were actually the same age, the protor jumped in an said in a loud voice, Go!!! That was when the kid jumped at him, kunai in hand, thinking feebly that it woul let him win this fight, nothing would help him enough to beat the bloody beast Wolfgang, as the ninja got in close Wolfgang noticed that the his blade was covered in water and his body was glisening, which meant that he was a hozuki, suddenly a clangor brought Wolfgang into the fight, as their kunai came together Wolfgang saw that his bit deep into the metal, due to it being of a higher grade, then his fist shot forth and met his face, Wolfgang felt the crunch of the boys nose as he broke was glorious   That was back when he was crazy, when he was a murderer, though ever since he had came back from the mountains he had been happier in a way, muxh more relaxed and much more likeable, he had even taken an apprentice, he was glad of the change, he was no longer in fear that he could get caught and get arrested.
As he arrived at the planned meting place he looked at the edifice, it was a maze inside the swamp of sorrow, not many knew of it, on the back of the letter he sent he gave exact direction to the place for Kusono, this was one of his alone places to train, as he walked up to the maze he looked at the entrance, it was made out of a green thorn bush, long thorns sticking everywhere, to get thrown into it would surely be painful, it was a wonderful place to train, dangerous and mind testing...he sure hoped that kusono joined him, he started geting the maze ready, throughout his time training here he ha memorized the area, so he started setting the area up...firstly he placed a bunch of natural traps, taking the thorn branches and chopping then into 5 foot long branches, about 15 of them, setting them up in random spots, making them so that if someone walked by a branch would fly by and slap him at face level, the thorns would able to cut slightly and stick in him, he also made fake walls out of leaves and branches to try and hie certain path ways, he really wanted to test Kusono this time...he was actually excited...
650 words



He then walked over to the entrance and looked around for a rock, well more so a boulder, what he found was perfect, from the look of it it must have been 1500lbs, though it wasnt going to stop Wolfgang, Wolfgang bent over at the rock and tossed it a few feet higher then his head, catching it on his back. He walked back into the maze with the rock and placed it upon a high branch directly above a turn in the maze, setting up a tripwire made of branches and leaves, so that if it was stepped on the rock would come flying down, he doubted that kusono could lift that rock, due to Wolfgang just barely being able to with his A-3 Equivalent strength. He continued going threw the maze looking for other places to place more and more traps. He took all of his senbon (10) and placed them into the ground sticking up and slightly pointing towards the direction that someone would be travelling, so if someone wasnt aware they would end up stabbing their feet, just incase Kusono forgot to make sure he kept looking down.
The next one that he placed was in the middle of the maze, he dug with his hands deep into the earth, around 15feet down, then covered the hole with leaves right after he filled the hole 6 feet with swamp bog, nasty smelling stuff that was a dark brown green color and was as thick as stew, if someone fell into that they would not be having a good time getting it off or getting the smell off.
He then went to warm up, though he couldn't feel anything he knew that for him to work at 100% unless he warmed up, he went to the entrance and started doing push-ups and jumping jacks.



He did 100 push ups at first, then 100 jumping jacks, after that he knew that he should actually do some general combat training, so he went up into the woods and grabbed a tree an cut the roots out of the ground and carried it over to the entrance, he then propped it against a tree and nailed it into the tree with a few senbon, keeping the tree propped up. Wolfgang then pulled on a pair of black leather gloves with the fingers cut off, on the backs of the gloves there was thin metal plates, though the metal on the gloves currently wouldn't protect from the lightest hits, he really had to buy some steel plates for it, it would nice to give his gloves some protective covering, he could learn to give a nasty back hand. He then started some punching drills, sticking his fists up and shifting his stance slightly sideways as he delivered a nasty front punch to the new wooden dummy, sending a few splinters into the air and denting the wood, he loved the sound of the punch, due to his numbness he could not feel the pressure of his fists, so he had to rely on the sounds and the visual to see how his punches were, it took getting used to honestly.
He then spun around and delivered a back fist to the log, crunching the wood in a massive blow, sending splinters around, he continued with blow after blow, attacking different sides turning bit by bit, piece by piece, whacking the log into soft mulch, after many repetitions he decided that he had warmed up good enough and didn't want to start tiring himself out yet, and suddenly he spun around with a massive back heel to the side of the wood, ripping it out of the senbon nails and sending it flying into the swamp with a bang as he smashed itself against a tree, as he landed he spun around and swung his leg into a backwards diagonal axe handled heel drop, sending his foot flying at the tree at maximum strength, as it came into contact with he he heard a, *Snap!* and suddenly he leg was going threw the trunk, sending a shower of wood everywhere, and the entire tree come tumbling down, hitting the ground with a thud, the wood was oak, hardwood, his strength had slowly been going up and up, and it made it hard to train,, he broke way to many dummies and even hardwood tree, he would have to start using boulders with padding, he looked down at his hands and thought to himself, Haha, what strength, what strength in this massive hands of mine, with these there is a lot of evil, there is a lot of good as well, though i choose to use them however i feel is necessary, ill be neutral i guess, aha, me being neutral makes me even laugh, the evil giant died somewhere...
1460 wc

Kusono Kaguya

Kusono Kaguya

Kusono's eyes flicked open slowly, the last shards of sleep still embedded in his eyes. He clenched his eyes shut, savoring the feeling of bliss as he stretched every muscle in his body from his face to his toes. His body convulsed as he threw his hands up, craned his neck, and cracked his fingers. Bellowing a monstrous yawn to signal the end of his morning ritual. The young Kaguya lazily slung his legs over the corner of his bed, shedding his sheets to the far side of his bed in a heap. He lifted his frame up, giving a much smaller stretch as he extended his height on his tippy-toes; stretching his arms behind his head. His neck produced an audible crack when he craned it, as did his spine. The wood floors of his second story room where cool to his touch as he walked to the comfort of his bathroom.

His home was quite simple. Kusono's was a two story house. Where his mother and father slept in the first floor and he in the top floor. His room was simple. A bed positioned across from an open sliding glass door which lead to a balcony. A desk to the right of the glass door which was littered with scrolls, papers, and various notes Kusono took. A bedside table fit with a lamp. And a single lighting fixture in the middle of the ceiling. His bathroom was typical, it featured a two panel glass shower which had an opening door. His sink, which was marble, and of course, a toilet.

The bathroom mirror above the sink shone Kusono's true colors. His long silver hair had not retained its shape from the night before. What should have been a neat poney tail as not a mess. His bangs had numerous cowlicks, most of his hair was matter to the side of his face from his sleeping position, but by some luck, the band that was supposed to keep his hair in order still clung to a few strands of hair. Kusono let out a "Ugh" at the site of himself. He reached up and stretched his eye lids open, looking carefully at his jade green eyes which where dulled by it's bloodshot surroundings. Bags where starting to form under his eyes, but nothing a few good nights of sleep couldn't fix. Kusono snorted, a waft of vodka caught in his nose gave him glimpses of the night before. Him, bottle in hand, had returned home through his balcony window and simple shed his clothes and decided to sleep it off. At least drunk Kusono was half way safe about his drunkenness.

Eventually, he decided to opt for a shower, which he desperately needed. Opening the glass door, he clutched the silver bath knob in his hand, it was cold to the touch. Sending a shiver down his spine. He gave it a soft turn to the left, sending a stream of cold water into the shower. Kusono retracted his arm so the cold water would not hit him.  After a minute or two, the room began to fill with steam, signaled by the mirror beginning to fog.

The warm water felt good against his milky white skin. A smile crept across his face as he slicked his hair back, where it reached at almost his glutes. It took him all of ten minutes to do his business.  The bar of soap lathered him, cleaning him of his drunken escapades from last night.

Kusono shut off the water. Cool water ran down his face from his wet hair. He gathered a towel and wrapped his hair up. He smirked in the mirror at how stupid it looked. The towel looked like a high priest's hat.  Another towel was used to dry his body and face. His hair usually needed far more time to dry, so Kusono moved on to his other bathroom duties. He brushed his teeth and took a relaxing piss.

His hair had almost dried, so he discarded the towel into a hamper. He took a comb through his hair numerous times. Insisting that it looked straight. Finishing, he put a portion of it in a poney tail, using a red tie. His bangs framed his face perfectly. But a few stray strands hung over his forehead where his clan markings where tattooed at. No matter, he looked and felt as good as ever. Kusono rooted through his draws and pulled on his normal attire of a black and red Kimono held together by a large braided purple belt. His bottoms where black pants with matching black ninja shoes. Clothed for the day, he had to now find something to get into today.

Kusono opened his door only to be greeted by a letter left on small shelf by the end of his door frame, where his father usually dropped off his mail.A letter was addressed to him which read as Follows:


I mean to train today, and as such i plan for you too as well, for the chuunin exams are fast approaching, and no matter how much experience you have I will be putting you into them, so i hope that you are able to come down. The location is southeast of the village, about 5 miles into the swamp of sorrow, threw the groves and right outside a natural thorn maze. Meet me there at sun down

Well, his plans for the day would be to train with his sensei, Wolf. He couldn't argue with that. He needed the best of training if he was going to come out on top in the upcoming exams. He needed to prove to his father, and all of his clan that he was strong. He would make them proud. After all, Kusono and all his relatives valued strength over anything. It was a status and power marker. Only the strongest where chosen as clan heads and as other high-ranking positions of notoriety. He would need Wolf if he is going to surpass the other ninja which would be in the exams.

So, without another thought, Kusono raced down-stairs and fixed himself up some breakfast;even though it was far past the hour of breakfast. He needed to find something to do to wait until sun-down.

Kusono passed the time reading up on his clan's history and various techniques on the various scrolls surrounding his studying desk in his room. Most told of the same thing. Warmongering Kaguya attacked his village. Or Kaguya savages cut down this powerful figure. He was already well versed in the prominent event of his clans history. Such as the event where his clan decided to test their might against Kirigakure and staged a coup just for the fun of it. Kusono does indeed see the fault in his early ancestors. They where too war like, all brawn and no brain. Though, he agrees with displays of strength as important to maintaining a strong Kaguya clan hierarchy. After all, no one will follow someone into able without first seeing if they are worth fighting with. A sentiment, in Kusono's opinion, not shared by the current head of the clan. He was too weak, layed back. Advisers where now rarely decided by strength, but appointed by the head. During the start of the clan, clan advisers where positions of strength, won through battle. Advisers where the heads most trusted battle brothers. Their position won through blood and battle, not handed out. Kusono sighed, it was about that time and thinking about his clan predicament made his head hurt, he had places to be.

Heading out of his house he could see the clan compound winding down from its usual happenings. Guards where deployed to their posts while families where getting meals prepared. Children where called in, and houses where lighted. Kusono walked through the compound gates, greeting the guards on his way out into the city. To get to the swamp, he had to go through the market district and then to the village gates, where he would follow the directions of the letter, southeast of the village, five miles into the swamp of sorrows.

The market district was still busy, unlike the village compound. The shops where still full of people going about their daily lives, getting food, buying, selling, and scurrying back and forth. Kusono passed by most of the people, hearing pieces of idle chit-chat and conversation. Within minutes he was at the villages gates. The usual influx of people going in and out was apparent. He saw a few headbands of foreign ninja, travelers and vendors traveling into the village to sell their wares. All of them checked in with the numerous guards who where authenticating papers and permissions. Kusono walked up to one and handed him his letter and his I.D card. After checking them both he let him out of the village and into the wilderness.

The local flora and fauna where all wet with dew as usual. Though the sun shone few rays through the clouds in the sky. Kusono began his walk into the forest and towards the swamp. After an our or so of walking, the landscape started to change. The forest's grassy floor was replaces with flooded places and little spaces to walk. This forced Kusono to begin traveling by traversing the tree limbs. This mode of transportation was much faster than walking the flooded floor. So he reached his destination in a shorter time.Here he was, a natural thorn maze. He waited for his sensei before he entered.

WC: 1602



Wolfgang was waiting in a tree for his apprentice, then he saw him, he saw the white haired genin walking down the path like he owned the place, which it seemed that was how Kusono walked everywhere, his apprentice was an arrogant kid, though he did have extreme talent for his age and rank, which would be a reason for his arrogance and the fact that his clan is generally all fighters who think they are the best, it was useful at times, he knew that he could trust kusono to never back down from a fight, he had seen it on their last mission when their were four high ranked ninja closing in on him and the old man the were escorting , the odds were completely against him, though he had stood his ground, he had to respect that in him. Wolfgang then jumped out of the tree in flash of movement and jumped directly in front of the genin and looked down at him, Wolfgangs height always had him looking down at most people, thus far he had never met someone who was taller then him, though he wished he would be a sight to be seen.

As he stood in front of Kusono he looked at him right in the eyes, Wolfgangs eyes were a silver color flecked with grey, they were quite bland looking, though his tattoos made up for that, the one of his face were visible due to him shaving his head again, the skull outlined all over the face and head, as well he was wearing a gas mask now that made the air fresher for him, at the moment the air smelled of rose water, and when he breathed it it was as if he was breathing in crisp mountain, as well the mask worked as a defense mech. it was made of the same metal that his headband metal was to be made of, though the mask came up around his forehead as well, showing the kiri symbol. He said to Kusono in his deep rumbling voice, Hello there Kusono, are you ready for the training session, for tonight we are going to be in the maze right behind me, though there is something that i will be teaching you in special tonight, conservation, and the ability to use you raw skills and weapons, thus saving your chakra, the first objective is as such, no jutsu at all, just weapons and pure raw skill, you must get to the end of the maze...well alive of course, with me in the center of the maze and the maze being filled with traps He smiled at the idea of the event, then he remembered something, Oh! i forgot, i got you a friend to help out with training, her name is Taiya the Black, or just Tay she knows all i know we will start in 5 minutes, after this we will do normal jutsu based spars as well so dont get accquiainted Wolfgang jumped into the maze as he yelled, No jumping over the wall either aha! then he was lost in the pitch black maze, hiding in a false wall near the beginning of the maze, his slug was with Kusono now and she said, Hehe, he is impatient isnt he, hehe! the slug was jet black and slimy, it was 4 inches long and had pretty long stalks, she awaited an answer from Kusono...
2000wc ish

Kusono Kaguya

Kusono Kaguya

Kusono waited a few minutes before jumping down from his vantage point in the tree limb and making his way towards the maze. The swamp was more water than flora. The only place Kusono had to walk was a strip of raised ground where the swamp water couldn't reach. It was probably safer to travel by tree than by the road, the numerous large reptiles where the ones who populated the swamp, along with the buzzing hordes of Mosquitos. The reptiles where usually found on small 'beaches' where taller trees rooted into the ground, sunning themselves. Every time Kusono walked by them he could feel their beady eyes on him. Usually he was right. As soon as he gave them a glance they would let out a small hissing sound like a snake and slither into the water. Only leaving behind a ripple at the top of the water. The Mosquitos where another story entirely. They where here in hordes, where he would swat one from his neck, another would buzz by his war. When that one was dispatched, a third would attach to his hand. He couldn't get a break from the little fuckers. Maybe his blood was just too sweet for them to resist. But Every time they where dispatched they would leave behind an itchy bump. Little bastards

Soon his sense, Wolf appeared before him. His same imposing form made the young Kaguya look up at him to keep eye contact. He looked different though. Where his black hair should have been, was a bald, tattooed head. Where his grin should have been, a re-breather took it's place. They where pretty common in Kiri, so it wasn't all that out of the ordinary to see. "Hello there Kusono, are you ready for the training session, for tonight we are going to be in the maze right behind me, though there is something that i will be teaching you in special tonight, conservation, and the ability to use you raw skills and weapons, thus saving your chakra, the first objective is as such, no jutsu at all, just weapons and pure raw skill, you must get to the end of the maze...well alive of course, with me in the center of the maze and the maze being filled with traps.Oh! i forgot, i got you a friend to help out with training, her name is Taiya the Black, or just Tay she knows all i know we will start in 5 minutes, after this we will do normal jutsu based spars as well so dont get accquiainted." wolf said with his booming voice. Before jumping off and disappearing into the maze. In his place was Tay, the black slug he spoke of."hehe, he's impatient isn't he?" the slugs voice was high pic he's and cheery.

"So what exactly are you going to help me with?" Kusono asked mater of fairly while picking up the slug an placing it on his shoulder.

WC: 504



Taiya was answered back in a matter of factually tone, she didnt like that, it seemed that Wolfgang picked his apprentices close to the belt, this young kid was just like him, albeit a bit shorter and a little better looking. I know all of Wolfgangs lessons, and honestly a few of his weak points, though he doesn't want to admit it, so im hear to help you in this training with how even though he appears ready and calm, he knows not that much about taijutsu and is actually going to learn taijutsu from you aha! The slug was now on the boys thing shoulder and they were ready to go.
Wolfgang was now in the maze, he had passed this maze as training many times before, he would have no problem with navigating the turns and dead ends, though he was almost certain that Kusono would have some trouble with it, and upon thinking of it he remembered the last time he was in the maze,
Wolfgang was 15, he was stilll the same height and just as strong, he was running towards the entrance of the maze with a few bandits on his trail, it appeared that he was running away from them, they were in a cheerful mood because they though they had a ninja on the run, but it was all in the plan. once he got to the entrance of the maze he did a large back flip into the large thorn hedge structure, the bandits jumped in after him, missing their mark and flying into a different part of the maze, screaming in pain and rage...they landed where he had set the log trap, he heard the crushing sound as the bandits were smashed together and killed instantly....he though that it was too quick...
He had changed so much, he used to use things to kill people and murder, and now he was ere training a genin with his own skills, why? what had happened so drastically when he went to the training mountain of the bears and slugs, , he nursed these thoughts as he waited for Kusono to enter the maze.

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