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“You know what to do,” Kyohei whispered to his companion under the cover of darkness. Positioned in a tree top approximately half a mile from the reported position of the camp set up by the bandits who have been terrorizing merchants and travelers traversing these trading routes he stood in silent vigil, awaiting the appropriate moment to make his move. Under normal circumstances, common highwaymen would be dealt with by the country’s designated police force tasked with maintaining order on the roads, but apparently the issues on the roads had been growing at such an exponential rate that things had simply become too much for them to deal with alone. As such, it now fell to the country’s shinobi village to take on the job of cleaning out the roads and that brought Kyohei there. As he raised his arm high, his avian companion Tomoe would take flight and perform one last reconnaissance sweep to ensure that nothing would take them by surprise.

It was funny, these bandits probably thought themselves fortunate to find themselves in a situation where the highway patrols could not stop their antics. However, it was that exact reason that would force them into a situation where it was Kyohei that was tasked with “solving” the problem. Kyohei, of course, was not one to take prisoners. He had no intention of capturing any of the bandits and bringing them into custody to await trial. That was what highway patrolmen were for. Kyohei would bring them to justice, but they would face no jury nor see the inside of a sell. The only trial that awaited these men was one of fire and steel.

How arrogant these bandits were. In their hubris they did not even make the effort to find a hidden location to set up base or at the very least fortify their camp. Instead they chose to set up tents in an open clearing in the woods just off the roads they frequent, with a large, central campfire that illuminated the area and sent a pillar of smoke high into the air. It was almost disappointingly simple to find their base and because it was illuminated and out in the open, Tomoe could scout from the skies with little to no difficulty. Flying high in the black night sky, she circled the camp, her altitude keeping her hidden from those who would look up from the ground, appearing as little more than a shadow.

A howling screech echoed from the skies all the way down to the forest signaling an open opportunity to take action. Understanding the call immediately, Kyohei leapt down from the treetops and performed one last check on his equipment before beginning his advance towards the site of what would become these bandits’ graves. As he ran he pulled his black hood over his head, as well as a black mask that covered his face from his nose down, leaving only his piercing red sharingan revealed. Those would be the last thing his targets would ever see.




A chilling, ominous wind blew through the camp, causing a distinctly unsettling feeling to fall over the men seated around the campfire. They dare not speak a word to each other, for fear of looking weak, but also because none of them dare give voice to the instinctual fear that had begun to take hold over them. It was a deep, primal fear, not one so acute as the concept of fear that children are taught telling them to fear the monsters under their bed. What creeped through the camp site like a heavy fog was nothing less than the fear of prey that sense that their predator is near, the gentle whisper of death in their ear.

Even the forest itself seemed to fall into an ominous silence as Kyohei lurked in the darkness that surrounded the camp. Now that he was close, he no longer needed to sprint to close distance, allowing him to move swiftly and silently without detection. From the blackness he watched the men closely, taking note of the weapons they had on hand and nearby, as well as getting a feel for the pecking order that existed amongst them. There was an unusually large man that sat as the center of the men that dined by the fire. It was clear from the interactions between them that he had some sort of authority over the rest of them, whether that be due to an official hierarchy or simply due to his massive size. Kyohei decided that he would die first. What better way was there to prey on the fear of these cowards then to obliterate their safety blanket?

But before he could approach that man directly, Kyohei would first need to get into the camp without the man on guard duty alerting the others. If the element of surprise was removed from the equation, they might feel empowered to fight back instead of just hiding behind their champion, and that would just ruin all the fun. The Uchiha’s eyes fell back down to the guard, who was pacing back and forth into the woods and back to the outer boundary of the camp. It couldn’t have been any easier. Once the man turned around on his way back to the camp Kyohei would descend upon him, grabbing him from behind, covering his mouth so that he may not make a sound, and driving a blade through his back and into his heart.

Kyohei would then string the body up on a tree using wire and wait. Before long, the men in the camp took notice of their guard not making his rounds, or being anywhere in sight at all. The large man in the center would bark an order instructing one of the men around him to go and find the man who was supposed to be on guard. As he cautiously stepped into the woods he called out to his comrade that should have returned. With each step he took forward he moved further and further away from the light of the camp and into the darkness of the woods. Again he called out and again he traversed a bit deeper into the forest, this time to be greeted only by the sight of his comrade hanging from a tree branch. He screamed, but there was no one to help him now.

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The scream could be heard all the way at the camp site, causing the remaining men to jump up in surprise. The men would all move in unison towards the outskirts of the camp, weapons at the ready as the stopped in front of the blackness that awaited beyond the tree line. They looked back and forth at each other as if to seek confirmation before making a move forward… or maybe they were all simply waiting for someone else to make the first move so that they didn’t have to. Growing impatient, their leader grabbed the nearest bandit by the collar and threw him forward to go investigate. They waited anxiously as he stepped forward, their eyes never leaving the direction he walked even after he was out of site, waiting for the worst to happen. The man however, would find no frightful sights as Kyohei had already moved the bodies and cleared the area in anticipation of their arrival.

The man would return to the camp with a sigh of relief, but also voicing the concern that he had seen neither of their comrades. With the comfort of perceived safety though, they were all able to relax, at least until they turned around once more. Seated beside their fire they would see the hooded and masked Kyohei, diligently sharpening the blade of one of the knives he picked up around the camp. “Who the hell are you?” the largest man shouted as he and the remaining men took a rather aggressive stance towards Kyohei.

“You know, you really should take better care of your blades,” Kyohei said nonchalantly, shrugging off the man’s previous question as if he never said anything at all, “If you don’t take the time to take care of your weapons, they won’t take care of you when the time comes. But I suppose that doesn’t matter anymore.”

“Are you fucking deaf?” the man roared, clearly agitated by Kyohei’s indifference towards him, “The only thing I need weapon to do is split your head open like it’s supposed to!” With one final scream, the man and his cronies would raise their weapons overhead and charge at Kyohei, aiming to swing the weapons down right upon the Uchiha’s head.

“Please,” Kyohei muttered unenthusiastically before activating his sharingan. When the first assailant, their leader, drew close and swung his blade, Kyohei could see the attack coming clear as day, casually leaning his body out of the way and using the blade he was sharpening to cut clean across the man’s throat. He would proceed to cut down each one of the men in the same manner until only one remained. The man dropped his weapon and fell to his knees, begging to be spared, offering all of the money they had accumulated through thievery in exchange for his life. Kyohei felt no pity for this man. The only feeling that ran through him was utter disappointment. It was no fun if they didn’t even try to fight back. “Get out of here before I changed my mind,” the Uchiha said harshly, pointing to the woods as a path to escape for the man. The bandit thanked him and began sprinting in the opposite direction, thinking he had been saved, only to feel the quick and decisive sting of a thrown knife into the back of his head.

Job well done.

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