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1Ryuzoji, Miyako [Locker Update] Empty Ryuzoji, Miyako [Locker Update] Tue Apr 15, 2014 6:27 pm



Item: Rusty Katana
Rank: C
Quantity: 1
Price: 450 ryo per blade.
Durability: 8
Description: This aged, second hand blade has seen better days. The blade still holds an edge, and can cut one inch deep into the victim's flesh. This blade cannot cut through bone, even when it is exposed. This blade requires Bukijutsu (Kenjutsu) to wield.
Appearance: The blade spans 71 cm from tip to the base of the tsuba. The hilt spans 8 inches, and it comes with a hard leather and bamboo sheath to hold the blade. The blade, although aged, was clearly forged from superior iron and in its day clearly made a superb weapon. However, time takes its toll on all things and the blade is now rusted over due to a lack of maintenance. The hilt is covered with basic cloth and the guard is rusted over as well. It is dull and does not have the shine of a polished weapon.

Name: Kumogakure Forehead Protector
Type of Armor: Light (headband)
Rank: E
Elemental Alignment: n/a
Quantity: 1
Protection: The metal plate is capable of blocking strikes from other E-rank items and strikes entirely, while reducing damage from incoming D-Rank strikes by one rank.
Ability/Function: n/a
History: A headband that is worn by almost every shinobi, composed of a metal plate engraved with the symbol of the ninja's Hidden Village, and normally a band of cloth which can be in different colors. Originally crafted by the 5 great shinobi villages to act as a symbol of both pride and fealty to one’s home village, the headbands are bestowed upon every shinobi upon graduation from the shinobi academy and have become such a symbol of shinobi life that the practice has been adopted by nearly all shinobi villages, no matter their country of origin or standing.

2Ryuzoji, Miyako [Locker Update] Empty Re: Ryuzoji, Miyako [Locker Update] Mon Apr 21, 2014 12:12 pm



Ryuzoji, Miyako [Locker Update] 7khkzIW

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