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It was Sunday. This just so happened to be Nikkō's very favorite day of the entire week! He set aside a span of about two hours every Sunday in order to visit Konoha's hokage monument in order to get as high as possible to watch the sun set. As he ascended the massive set of steps to the top, he received some semi-strange looks, likely due to his medieval armor set, depicting the sun. It was just a moment away from kissing the horizon, and as he rushed a little quicker up the stairs, be constantly eyeballed it to make sure he didn't miss a moment of the event. As he reached the top, he layed down a picnic blanket and removed his helmet, he pulled our a dinner for himself of a sandwich and some tea with cookies. The easiest meal to prepare.

As he sat in anticipation he seemed to feel a bit lonesome. He came here every Sunday by himself, same food, same spot. He pondered on why nobody else loved the sun as much as he did, and why nobody took the time to think about it seriously. He passed it off as a phenomena and continued on in his merry waiting. He remembered the first time he watched the Sun set. Back when he was only a small boy, five years old, he watched from his tree house, the big luminous ball of love dropped down past the curves of the earth, going to the other side to grant these weary souls some rest.

He sat with one arm propping up his head, munching on his food while he watched. His plans for the future were ready to be rolled out, his slow but sure process of illuminating this world, one shinobi at a time was bound to be perfect. Be was excited, and exuberant. He smiled deeply to himself at the thought of the love he would spread. War and misery tore the hearts of these men, women and children. Even the carved faces of the Kage revealed a deep anguish within their faces. The only remedy was laughter and compassion. War wouldn't change things. Only kindness. As he took a sip of his fruity orange beverage, he stared out toward the orange mass as it finally became invisible to him. Only the light from it could barely be seen above the horizon.

Katon Training:
**OOC:Weak WC, but I'm just trying to get it launched off**

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