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1Returning home(Kiri >>> Iwa/Closed) Empty Returning home(Kiri >>> Iwa/Closed) Fri Jan 17, 2014 12:39 am


“Guess this a good-bye, for now.” Nanashi mused to himself, lone yellow eye looking across the pristine room that had been his home away from home for the past five days. The silver haired youth had been thrust headlong into a war that wasn't his. A war that would dictate the future of a village that he didn't call home. A conflict that he personally didn't have no concern for and could have cared less what happen to the habitants. He was simple an Anbu member who were following the commands of his superiors, nothing more, nothing less. There were simply no emotional attachment to the conflict that were raging in Kirigakure, at least that's what his view point was in the beginning. . .

The war. . . it was something completely knew to the young man, never in his young life had he experience some of the more extreme depths that humans would go for their leader. True, he done did his fair share of vileness throughout his young life – having killed others who had did either him or someone close to him wrong, but never was it to the extremes that he saw during his tint in Kirigakure. The first day that he arrived he had to watch helplessly as the captain of his Anbu squad was killed by the bastards that supported Seven Bells. The man was the first of many causalities to happen for the group of Iwagakure members that came to aid the country. The medic watched as children younger than him died, their bodies ridden with holes as kunai and shuriken pierced them without mercy, the shock on their faces would forever be imprinted into his memory. There were times where he felt helpless, like when he watched a sister going into hysterial at the sight of her brother dying – taking a jutsu meant for her. During those times he found himself being thrust in a role that he wasn't truly ready for, support, the man had to be the pillar of support for those who lost their love ones in this war – for the children who came to the harsh realization that the shinobi life isn't a game. Yes, in some case the man almost became like a father figure to the younger ones and a constant sign of strength to those in his platoon who looked up to him for leadership.

Not all was bad though. There were some bright spots in the war. Nanashi had the luxury of meeting  and working along side both Sunagakure and Kirigakure shinobi a like. While the shinobi from Sunagakure left a bitter taste in his mouth, the ones of Kirigakure was exceptional in all sense of the word. There was one particular Kirigakure shinobi that stood out amongst the rest, Aisu Iyata, despite being a teenager the girl . . . err . . . woman was an amazing shinobi. The pair worked phenomally well considering that they were from different villages. The team work they showed made it looked like they had spent the entire lives as a two man unit. Because of the exceptional team work the pair was recognized by the higher ups and were sent on more dangerous mission – all which they came back from. Yes, there relationship was something of beauty and as Nanashi left the barracks, heading towards the border, he would surely miss the time they spent together but promise himself he would return to see her.

The war undoubtedly changed the former geisha and current medic of Iwagakure, it made him see things different and even cause him to reevaluate certain aspects of himself. “We are leaving Kirigakure and returning to Iwagakure. Our work here is gone men, now lets return home!” His distorted voiced carried across the group of Iwagakure shinobi that were standing a front of him. It was plain as day to see that the men and women were ready to return home, ready to see friends and family or in some cases properly mourn the lost of those they lost.

With a chorus of Hai, the group of shinobi left all anticipating their return home.

War. It changes people. It left it's ugly imprint on the silver haired male, but it's unknown to what extent. Only time will tell how it truly effected the man.

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