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1Trapped (Mission/Solo) Empty Trapped (Mission/Solo) Fri Jan 03, 2014 12:07 am


Mission Details

Shiki had awoken and slowly got out of bed yawning loudly, it had been just a little bit since his father had bought him a place of his own to avoid the tension at home and now Shiki can focus on his missions. With that he lazily got out of bed, washed his face, brushed his face and before walking out of his house looked at the minature workshop in the corner where half his puppet was lying on the table with it's stomach compartment open like some sick science experiment. In Shiki's pocket he had a scroll from the Kazekage's office which entailed the details of his mission. Some lard kid had got himself stuck in a well like an idiot and Shiki was assigned to get the boy out of the well. With that Shiki made his down his street making little to no eye contact with anyone around him and steadily made his way to his mission as though he was on autopilot. There were no real thoughts in his head except how he could modify his puppet and how he can fix it to make it ready to go. To him that mission was a piece of cake, a no brainer and he felt that this was a waste of his time and he would have rather been working on his puppet.

Shiki finally arrived at the scene and to his great distaste there were tons of villagers gathered around in a circle, some looked exhausted from physical effort, others looked on with smirks on their faces, laughing and jeering at the boy who was stuck in the well. Shiki without talking to anyone made his way through the crowd and looked down the well. There he was a boy, rather pudgy looking and he was visibly stuck due to his excess fat hanging from the sides. Shiki looked down and the boy looked up at him with a helpless look on his face silently asking him to help him. Generally Shiki would not have cared but this was a mission.

"Oi! Kid back away from there, I don't wanna try to yank another kid from down there." The voice came from a gruff looking villager who was nearest to the well, silently Shiki extracted the scroll from his pocket and handed it to the man. the man's eyes scanned the scroll then looked down to Shiki. He then grunted in consent and Shiki sat on the edge of the well with his feet dangling down the side of the well as he thought about the perdicament the boy was in. Shiki sighed heavily as he gathered chakra at the bottom of his feet and began to scale down the side of the well. Once he reached right above the boys head he could hear him screaming and crying for help which agitated him to no ends. Shiki looked down his cold sapphire eyes glaring at him with malice. "Shut up or I will slice your extra lard and pull you out."

Shiki then climbed back up and looked at the gruff sounding villager and said one sentence to him, "Butter, I need it." The villager grunting rushed off and after waiting for about ten minutes returned with a stick of butter and Shiki then took the butter and walked back to the well. He took out his kunai and cut the bucket from the pulley holding it and he took the two pieces of rope, the butter and began to climb back down. With the kunai Shiki cut a piece of the butter and began to lather the boy's sides, making sure not to cut him in the process. He then tied the boy's arms to the ropes attached to the pulley and climbed back up and began to use the lever to pull. Grunting and still crying for help the boy began to slowly make his way up the well, which caused the citizens to cheer him on. Slowly and with great effort the boy was slowly hoisted up the well with the aid of other villagers who assisted Shiki. Finally when the boy was hovering over the well, he had deep cut marks on his wrists from the ropes, it was not the safest method but he did get the boy out. Shiki then without a word left when the boy was lifted and placed on the ground the citizens cheered and Shiki left to inform the Kazekage's office that his mission was completed.

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