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1Hirohata Clan[Withdrawn] Empty Hirohata Clan[Withdrawn] Wed Aug 24, 2016 11:00 pm


Symbol: Hirohata Clan[Withdrawn] NyGV27n

Clan: Hirohata

Kekkei Genkai: None

Elements: Earth

Specialization: Taijutsu

Location: Kirigakure

Clan History: Kirigakure has had its share of strife over the years. Following these events and phases are always periods of rebuilding and consolidation. The village has seen these weeding out cycles time and time again. One constant is the new generation trying to fill the space vacated in the wake of such revolutions.

Hirohata was one such man, a ninja of no particular special talent. His blood held no secrets, but his family was strong and survived revolution as loyalists to the new regime. As a reward for his loyalty and service, Hirohata was granted the right to begin a clan bearing his name. Since then two generations have borne his name as their own, struggling to uphold the dignity and strength of their aging founder.

The Hirohata clan is known for their long legged physique and utilization and emphasis upon kicking in their taijutsu.

Kekkei Genkai Description: N/A

Drawbacks: N/A

Members: Hirohata, Renjiro (3rd Generation)
Hirohata, Senjuro (2nd Generation NPC)
Hirohata (Clan Founder NPC)

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu: N/A

Last edited by Hirohata Renjiro on Fri Aug 26, 2016 6:58 am; edited 2 times in total

2Hirohata Clan[Withdrawn] Empty Re: Hirohata Clan[Withdrawn] Fri Aug 26, 2016 5:57 am




Since you don't have a KKG, you don't really need any drawbacks at all. That being said, the one you have provided isn't worded in a way that provides a clear line on what isn't allowed. If you want your clansmen not to be able to use water element then say so. You are more than welcome to leave that detail in the 'almost never' state that it is, but maybe build it into your clan history as it isn't really a restriction, rather a point of interest.

3Hirohata Clan[Withdrawn] Empty Re: Hirohata Clan[Withdrawn] Fri Aug 26, 2016 6:01 am



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