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Sunadokei awoke to the sound of birds fluttering just outside her window. Sunlight streamed in through a slit in her curtains, and managed to strike her directly in the eyes. She grumbled to herself, rolling out of bed and landing somewhat gracefully on her dainty feet. A quick stretch later and she’d mustered just enough energy to bother with making her bed. Once that “grueling” affair was finished the buxom woman slipped into her bathroom. Still half groggy from waking up, Sunadokei took slow stumbling steps as she moved to turn on the shower faucet. Testing the water with a delicate hand, the woman found it a bit too tepid. She turned the faucet further until steam began to rise, a nice comfortable heat building until the shower was sufficient for a relaxing bath.

The curvaceous Akimichi woman let the water run over her generously endowed frame, content to simply relax under the soothing heat, if only for a few minutes. Water glistened off her alabaster skin and her cobalt hued hair fell long and damp down the length of her back. She sighed blissfully, eyes closed as she basked in the calming sensations that enraptured around her body. Soon enough though one toned slender arm reached out gracefully to grab for a bar of soap to lather down her buxom body, caressing each and every resplendent curve with a delicate feminine touch. Once sufficiently soapy, Sunadokei set back the soap bar, noting mentally that it was beginning to look a bit worn. She’d need go shopping for fresh bath soaps eventually, hopefully she could find them in the scent of wild berries and honey.

After cleansing herself up with soap, Sunadokei poured a large dollop of shampoo into a cupped hand before beginning to work it deftly into her lengthy azure hair. Humming a tune to herself as she scrubbed, making sure to get every inch of her glorious locks. Once finished Sunadokei rinsed herself clean, washing away all the filth and grime of a long night’s sleep. It always felt revitalizing watching as the stream of soapy water swirled around the drain before vanishing below. Sunadokei smelled better than a bouquet of wildflowers, her skin glistening and immaculate as she turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. Immediately the woman grabbed for a rather large towel, quickly working to wipe herself nice and dry before wrapping it around her curvaceous figure like a robe.

Sunadokei stepped up to her countertop, forming the necessary hand signs for a Doppelganger Jutsu. Immediately a second version of herself poofed into existence, wearing identical clothing and utterly indistinguishable. The shinobi smiled, clones made getting ready in the morning definitely easier. A second poof followed and Sunadokei now numbered at three. “Alright, you go pick us out something to wear. You brush our teeth, and I’ll work on our hair.” Sunadokei instructed her doppelgangers thoroughly, the clones nodding in unison. “Right!” They said simultaneously, one darting off to the bedroom to find a cute outfit to wear. The other reaching for Sunadokei’s toothbrush and toothpaste, wetting the former and squeezing a bead out of the latter. She began brushing her teeth vigorously while the middle Sunadokei  reached out for a brush to begin brushing through her damp hair.

The first clone picked out a comfortable outfit to wear, a loose violet kimono and a set of matching dark blue thigh highs and gloves. She added wraps for her feet, open toed shoes, and went to the dresser to find a proper ribbon to tie up her hair. The right clone continued brushing her teeth, spitting out the foamy lather and rinsing with mouthwash. As she finished the woman grabbed for a roll of floss and began cleaning her teeth, given how much Sunadokei tended to eat, dental hygiene was something she took with utmost seriousness. Her main body kept working on her hair, brushing and combing it until she was satisfied. Once finished she applied a careful layer of makeup, highlighting her features and hiding the few imperfections on her heart shaped face.

Once sufficiently content in her appearance Sunadokei drew up a release hand sign, her clone dio exploding into puffs of smoke as they were released from her control. Only the real Sunadokei was left, with hair done up and teeth brushed to perfect. She grinned at how easy a simple academy jutsu made morning routines, setting aside her towel and heading back into her bedroom to dress herself. The buxom shinobi quickly tossed on her clothes, tightening her kimono about her relatively thin waist. Her stomach wasn’t incredibly plump, though Sunadokei was certainly no twig, that said she still mused that she had plenty of room to grow. Gloves and other apparel were slipped on next, followed lastly by tying up her hair into a proper ponytail. Long wisps of hair trailed in front of Sunadokei’s brilliant emerald eyes, and she blew them away with her upturned mouth before stepping up to a mirror to inspect her full appearance. Content in her ravishing looks, and flaunting enough cleavage to both keep things fun while not being obscene, the curvaceous kunoichi slipped out her bedroom door and made her way downstairs, ready to greet the day.

Word Count: 885



Beams of light pierced through the blinds and slowly moved along the ground as the son rose into the clear blue sky. Right outside the window, birds began to sing a precious little melody but peeped in fright at the inhumane growling and barking from within the building, despite no dogs being seen in the vicinity.

Behind the blinds, hiding beneath the ruffled sheets of his bed, Kuramitsu coughed aloud and groaned at the pain in his throat. A loud sniff alerted anyone in the house to his running nose. It seemed as though it was going to be one of THOSE days. The alarm clock at his bedside screamed with no remorse for the pounding in his head. A shaky hand slowly emerged from beneath the covers and swatted at the side table in an attempt to silence the alarms spine shilling screams. Unfortunately, blindly swatting at something usually results in a bad outcome, just as it did this time round.

The small circular alarm clock fell to the floor and continued it's unbridled fury of sound, vibrating with its sound. This forced the young Nara to slowly sit up in his bed and reach down to finally shut the god forsaken device up. After setting it back down on the desk, Kura pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh.The current state he was in could easily be labeled as horrifying. His hair was wild and hung over his face in a messy style. Without his ribbon tying his mane back into a pony it looked as though he had taken on the medusa look. His hair as wild as it was could not hide the dark heavy bags under his eyes, his bright pink nose and pale cheeks. "I shit." He said to himself as he ran his fingers back through his long dark locks, neatening them up slightly in a swept back style.

As terrible as he felt, Kura felt it was his duty to get up despite the imaginary whispers of his bed telling him to go back to sleep. With a groan, he mentally kicked himself for acting so responsible. The young Nara swung his legs off the side of his bed and went to stand but what followed was a nasty thud. He crashed face first to the ground allowing a wince escape his throat before staring back at the sock which had caused him to slip forward. Kura rose to his feet with a grumble and nursed his now crimson nose before rounding the side of his bed and heading into the en-suite bathroom covering his mouth with a fist as he let out another terrible sounding cough.

As his bare feet stepped on to the cold white tiled floor, a shiver ran through his body, although that might have just been cause of the frightening sight he saw in the mirror. {Maybe I should think about staying home today?} Kura thought to himself as he unscrewed the toothpaste lid and went on to squeeze the latter on to his toothbrush. Of course this was the exact time his body decided it should sneeze. His hand tightened around the tube as the sneeze burst forth. At the same time it caused the tooth paste to erupt like a volcano from its tube housing. Kuramitsu stared into the mirror with irritation. "This is what I get for trying to be optimistic..." he tossed the tube and flicked the paste off his hand, still brushing his teeth in the process but doing nothing more. After cleaning his hands off he decided to simply forget about his plans for the day.  

"Sleep... Just...Sleep"
He said inwardly as he flicked the bathroom light off and went back to his bed, reaching for his cellphone before sliding under the sheets and nuzzling into his pillow. "I'm staying in! To sick!" he yelled to whomever may have been in the house. Hopefully Suno wouldn't be made at him for not meeting up at the usual spot. With little left to think of, his eyes slowly closed.
-Word Count: 710-



Sunadokei happily skipped her way through the house, down through the winding halls of the Akimichi manor to the a long central staircase. She leapt from the top step, landing gracefully at the ground floor with jiggling grace and a cocky smirk. "Hey watch what you're doing!" one of her younger cousins called out, hauling a basket of fresh cleaned laundry as he walked past the buxom woman. "Oh you're fine Choga, I didn't even land near you." Sunadokei teased, going about her business. "Yeah, but at least you didn't land on me." The younger Akimichi quickly replied back, earning the ire of his older cousin. Sunadokei's face went red with anger and embarrassment at her cousin's insinuations. She clenched her fist in rage and slammed it down at her cousin's thick skull.

It was caught in midair, stopping suddenly as her father gripped her wrist tightly with one of his huge hands. He stood over two feet taller than Sunadokei, with a neat trimmed beard and a sharp goatee. The towering head of the Akimichi household was simultaneously the most intimidating and the most fun loving person that Sunadokei  had ever met, and any time he was truly angry it send a chill down her spine. She was the strongest person by a wide margin in her Academy class, and Makaro Akimichi had more power in his forearm than she had in her entire body. Her father's deep green eyes lowered slowly until they met his daughter's worried gaze. "Sunadokei..." He said sternly, leaning in slightly to better look at her from eye level. "You picking on your cousin again?"

Sunadokei glanced away, her face now going red from embarrassment over raw anger. "He... called me fat. I figured I'd knock some sense into him is all... Choga's an Akimichi took, he can handle it." Makaro let out a great sigh at his daughter's words, letting go of her wrist and raising his hand to rub at the bridge of his bulbous nose. "Sunadokei, we have been over this a thousand times. You can't just blow a fuse every time someone comments on your weight. Besides, you're an Akimichi, we aren't known for being twigs." Makaro laughed a deep belly laugh, placing his large hand on Sunadokei's slender shoulder. She looked away sheepishly, rubbing her hand along her arm as she looked rather embarrassed with herself. "I guess you're right father, it was stupid of me to act that way. I need to work on my anger, I know, but it just makes my blood boil sometimes... I'm sorry."

Makaro wrapped an arm around his daughter as she finished, pulling her close into a tight hug. Nearly crushing Sunadokei if not for her own ample cushioning. "That's my girl. I knew you'd take the high road." The giant said as he held his child in his arms. "Dad... help... you're crushing me." Sunadokei was able to reply weakly, trying to squirm her way away. Her father quickly released his grip, slapping her playfully on the back. "I'm sorry Suna, your old man forgets his own strength sometimes. So, what are your plans for the day?" The elder Akimichi began walking down the halls with his daughter in tow, leaving the youngest among them to continue on with his chores. Sunadokei thought on the matter for a moment, not actually sure what she planned to do with herself today. As the two ninja walked along a bumbling black figure came waddling along down the hall. The Akimichi family cat, a large black short hair by the name of Bandit. He rubbed up against Sunadokei's leg, purring contently as he wiggled his fat butt. She reached down to scoop up the kitty, cradling in her arms like a baby.

"Well dad, I was thinking I might head over to see if there's any simple missions I can undertake, something that doesn't require leaving the village or heading out fighting. I've got a hair cut scheduled tomorrow that I don't feel like missing because I'm out protecting some farmer or something." Makaro nodded along, listening intently to his daughter as she spoke. Bandit wiggled in Sunadokei's arms as he snuggled up against her, purring like a motorboat from the affectionate attention. "Silly kitty." Sunadokei cooed back, rubbing her cat's soft belly fur with her free hand and playing with his little feetsies. "Anyways, after that I was thinking of heading over to the Nara household, maybe see what  Kuramitsu was up to. I figured we could go work on our techniques, or maybe just train. He's so lazy, I worry his skills will get rusty if I don't force him to go practice with me." Makaro looked sternly at his daughter as she finished his remarks, before letting out a great belly laugh again from her words.

The Akimichi clan head led Sunadokei towards his office, deep in the heart of the Akimichi manor, not far from the water gardens at its center. "That sounds like a Nara alright. You know your friend Kura's father was the laziest student in my entire class at the Academy? He'd sleep all day and still ace his tests. Everyone hated him for it, but I was just happy he'd let me study with him after school." Sunadokei frowned slightly, rolling her eyes at her father's words. "Yes dad, I've heard that story like a hundred times now. You and Yami Nara go way back, I get it." Makaro rolled his eyes at his daughter's apathy, pushing open the door to his office with a sigh. "You know, someday you'll miss my 'dumb stories' when you're head of the clan and I'm fertilizer. I sure know I miss my old man taking time just to talk to me." The towering Akimichi made his way to his desk, rifling through some things before pulling out a number of scrolls. "Anyways, if you're running over to the Nara's, the least you can do for me is take these with you. More information for the Nara Medical Encyclopedia. Like I said, Yami's too lazy to come get it himself, hell he might have forgotten. So I want you to take it too him for me, since you're heading that way anyways."

Sunadokei quickly set down Bandit on the desk, the cat looked indignant, though he decided this was as good a place as any to sleep and curled up into a fat poofy ball. It was adorable, it always was, and Sunadokei scooped up the scrolls and carried them snug under an arm. "Right, sorry dad. I like the stories, I just need to hear some new ones. You've been on dozens of missions, why not tell me about those?" Sunadokei asked sweetly as she looked up to her father, awaiting his reply. Makaro stroked at his short beard, shaking his head slowly. "A lot of those aren't great stories, lot of painful memories. I've lost a lot of close friends over the years, we can talk about them when you're older. Maybe after you're a chūnin and you've seen just how harsh this world can be." Sunadokei could only nod at her father's statement, sighing as she saw the loss in his green eyes. She leaned in close and wrapped her free arm around most of his thick waist, hugging him tight as she could. Makaro proceeded to place a hand on her back, and the two held their embrace. "Alright then dad. We can talk about that later, whenever you think I'm ready. Sorry I got snippy there, you know I still care."

Makaro grinned a proud grin, squeezing his daughter tight before letting her go again. "Of course Sunadokei, I understand clear as day. I love you more than anything in the world, no matter how much I might annoy you at times. Now, hurry off and deliver that information like I asked. Yami won't wait forever... actually, scratch that, he might. But it's better to get it to him asap. Otherwise he'll chew me out and eventually chew me out." Sunadokei smiled, bowing before her father. "Of course dad, I'll get there as quick as I can. I don't know if I'll be home for dinner, I might eat over there. Tell mom I love her, hugs and kisses. Goodbye!" Sunadokei turned to depart, waving as she sped out the room, leaving her father behind to shake his head and roll his eyes. "That daughter of mine. I swear she gets it from her mother..." Makaro said to himself mostly, turning his gaze to look at the sleeping Bandit. "You gonna sleep there all day buddy?" The cat responded with more purring, and Makaro gently ran a hand down the black cat's back as he pet him. "I figured..."

Word Count: 1,525
Total Word Count: 2,410



-Kuramitsu's Family Residence, Dining room-

Yami snickered with his eyes completely shut at the echo of his sons voice through the halls. If the coughing and sniffing wasn't enough of a sign of illness, the great volume of the sneeze which followed was more than enough to alert everyone in a 3 kilometer radius of Kura being sick.

"I've gotta say, I'm surprised he actually got up in the first place." Yami's spoke with a warm voice in a matter-of-factually tone as he took a swig from his coffee mug. "Pay up, dad. I told you he wouldn't being going out today." Kurosai replied as she opened up her palm and eyed her fathers ryo pouch on the table.

"Shame on you, betting on Kura's health is terrible."
Aki said with disapproval, crossing her arms over her chest and frowning at both her husband and daughter.

"Come on hun, I was routing for him."

"It's nothing personal... It's just business" Kurosai retorted before taking her winnings and squeezing it into her leg pouch. With a wink at her father she sealed her victory with pride. Aki shook her head and knelled down besides Yami, taking her seat at the dining table. Something that always seemed to be bet on was Kuramitsu's day. It was harmless fun and in all honesty Kura never really minded, he was more than happy to catch his sister out at times and purposefully go along with his father side simply to see her get irritated with losing her ryo. Today though the young Nara was content with simply staying in and letting the illness pass.  

Kurosai quickly leaped to her feet and adjusted her forehead protector. "Right then, I'm off to see if I can complete a mission or two. Someone's gotta keep the Nara reputation up with that slacker sleeping so much." Before Aki could put in a word of defense for her son, Kuro darted for the door with eagerness and closed the front door behind her. "Don't wait up for me!!" She yelled back at her parents, leaving them in peace.

"Do you think I should fetch Kura some herbal medicines?"

"I think it's best to let him just sleep it off. He's like me remember? It less about the feeling bad and more so about the body wanting to completely recover from fatigue."

"He has been putting in more effort than he did in the past, hasn't he?... I think Suno's having a good effect on him."

"Any girl that can get a Nara to actually work harder is a gem in my books. Makaro's daughter is no exception. I'm glad to see that the clans are keeping a bond through generations."

"She is quite the looker too, what with the huge...ahem. She's lovely."
Aki went silent and tried to hide a snicker. Yami let out a cough and rubbed his finger below his nose, hiding his own snicker but he quickly came to a stop and his eyes went wide. "Makaro... I swear I was meant to get something from him earlier this week... Hmm I can't remember what though..."

"You still haven't fetched the new information Makaro uncovered for the clan?!"

Yami's eyes went wide with embarrassment "Oh right... That's what it was..." He scratched his noggin and climbed to his feet with what sounded like extreme effort when in truth he was simply being lazy. "It's fine I'm sure I can still get it from him today. I'll head on over in the after noon....or late evening... tomorrow."

Aki glared at her husband with a certain darkness that was never really seen. "Okay, okay I'll-" A knock at the door caused him to stop mid-sentence and go on to investigate. As he slowly opened the door, Yami was surprised to find the very girl they had been speaking of only seconds ago. "Speak of the devil. I was just about to head over to your pops house and see about getting those info documents...the ones which are...under your arm. Makaro, always one step ahead. Please come inside, make yourself comfortable." He turned and politely accepted the documents as he called back to his wife. "Hun, can you believe Suno just got here with the new documents."

Aki rose from her kneeling position and quickly went over to greet Suno with a warm and gentle hug.

"Well isn't this pleasant... My lazy butt husband was going to fetch them today and I was gonna make sure of it but it seem he has you and your father to thank for saving his hide and a walk."
she glared at Yami out of the corner of her eyes and set her hand on Suno's slender arm.
"Unfortunately Kuramitsu isn't feeling to well so I doubt he'll be doing much aside from trying to sleep of whatever flu he has... You know how these Nara boys are. I would very much appreciate it if you could go check up on him. Ill be sure to bring some tea and snacks in a few minutes."
She said with a warm smile.

Word Count: 955
Total Word Count: 1,665



Sunadokei smiled as the door swung open, though she hadn't expected the Nara clan patriarch to be the one waiting on the other end. "Hello Yami Nara, my father said you were looking for these." The buxom kunoichi grinned ear to ear as she handed over the medical scrolls to the black haired man before her. Yami called for his wife as he unrolled the first scroll, casually gazing over its contents as his wife greeted their new guest. He seemed rather interested in what the scroll had to offer, his eyes darting from line to line, reading at incredible speed despite his head remaining utterly motionless.

Being hugged by Yami's wife Aki was always a pleasant affair, as Sunadokei felt her considerable curves squished up against the motherly woman. "I missed you too Misses Aki, my father actually thought he'd be mad we didn't send it over sooner. Funny how that works." The Nara mother rolled her eyes and turned back to stand by her husband's side. "Well either way, Yami here is happy that you brought these to us. I'm sure he'll be spending the rest of his day transferring the information into the Medical Encyclopedia from the comfort of his study. Right honey?" Aki nudged her husband, who seemed utterly engrossed in his readings. "Mmmhmm... Whatever you say hun. Clean out my study today..." His voice trailed off and the Nara patriarch slowly walked off, scrolls in hand.

Aki just shook her head at her husband's behavior, smiling as she looked to Sunadokei. The Akimichi woman was more than familiar with how Clan Nara operated, they're laziness was as legendary as their mastery of the shadows as a living weapon. And it was very clear that both father and son had been cut from the same cloth, that much was evident the first day Sunadokei  met Kuramitsu way back when they started the academy. Despite sleeping through class he'd scored the only perfect on their homework, a slight that led Sunadokei to start bullying him for his lunch money. Somehow they'd ended up friends, mostly once Kura realized it was just easier to hand over half his food and the two started sharing lunch together. Once she finally got around to meeting his father, Sunadokei immediately figured out where his laziness stemmed from.

Sunadokei snapped back to reality upon hearing that her close friend was sick. "OOoohhh, Poor Kura!" She said in a doting tone.  "Of course I'll go check up on him, that was the whole other reason I came. I'd hoped we could go training, but if poor Kura is sick I'll just have to play nurse-maid instead." Sunadokei gave a half teasing glance and Aki nodded in agreement. "Alright Suna, just don't go getting sick with whatever he has, alright dear?" Sunadokei nodded in acknowledgement. "I'm an Akimichi remember, we're too tough to get sick!" Despite her teasing words, the woman was entirely serious. Between her natural durability and her tremendous physical strength and fortitude it took something very very serious to truly get Sunadokei ill. Even her cast iron stomach prevented all but the worst of food poisoning from having adverse affects on her.

"Alright, if you say so dear. I'll put some tea on the kettle then." Aki spoke in reply, heading back off towards the kitchen of the Nara estate. This left Sunadokei free to wander the halls on her way to her friend's bedroom. The Nara clan estates were at least as large as the Akimichi ones, the two clans were among the oldest in the village, having served since its founded hundreds of years ago. Naturally their clans lived in respectably large accommodations as well, afforded by the thousands of missions they'd done over the many centuries. Sunadokei made her way up a flight of stairs, then a second, making way steadily for Kura's room. When she arrived the buxom beauty knocked politely, hearing only groans in reply. "Guess whhhooo!" She called out sweetly, throwing open the bedroom door and charging inside. The curvaceous kunoichi threw herself into the air, arms outstretched for a wide hug as she attempted to glomp her friend. A cat like grin across her face and her emerald eyes shimmering as her body soaring across the room.

Word Count: 735
Total Word Count: 3,145



Kura sniffled as he wiped his nose. Since climbing back into bed, his temperature had risen and the pain in his throat had only gotten worse, any possibility of him actually going out for the day was now completely non- existent. He gulped as saliva pooled in his mouth causing yet another groan to escape him as he rolled over at the sound of Kurosai leaving the household with her signature words. Of course that wouldn't be the only ruckus she would be making for him on that morning.

A thud was heard from outside his window an with a sudden lurch it slid open, a second past and Kurosai peaked through with a mischievous smile. "Man you look like crap..." she said with a snicker as Kura's response was that of simply flipping the bird. "Listen you bum, I may not like you but that doesn't change the fact that I do care. Get better little bro... and try and do it soon. Oh and by the way I saw Sunadokei on her way to the front door."

Kura's head jerked up from his feathery pillow as he glanced over his shoulder at his older sister with wide eyes. "HAHA! You really do like her." She grinned smugly before turning and slamming the window shut behind her before he could say anything in response. "She always does that...ergh, always has to have the last word...idiot." His words seemed harsh but this was how their relationship had always been. Ragging each other was one of the oldest memories Kuramitsu could possibly remember. It meant very little though. If it came to a point that either one of them got hurt for some or other reason, one of them would always be at the others side to help pick them back up.

Pushing those memories aside, Kuramitsu casually came out of his dazed trance and listened intently to the 3 voices which where down the hall. It seemed as though Kurosai had been telling the truth, Kura could easily recognize the sound of Suno's gentle voice. It was probably one of the only voices which had pushed him to train harder and simply try his best all round. It was quite obvious to see that he had a crush on the curvy woman but he had yet to actually say anything. While her buxom body was desirable it was not the defining factor that caused his feelings. No, in truth it was because he felt happy around her. Even in the toughest of situations she managed to lift his spirits and incite a strong drive in him that no other ever really managed to do.

It was then that, her gentle voice chimed from behind his door. Before he could tell her to enter he had to swallow causing yet another wincing groan of pain. The pain would drain away as his door swung open and Suno's curvy frame came into view. Without warning she leaped across the floor and soared through the air like a gracious swan... stretching her arms out wide and literally pouncing on him. Her hug sent them both off the opposite end of the bed and crashing to the wooden panel flooring. The back of his head bounced of the floor as his face was pressed between Suno's voluptuous breast.

His arms flailed about as he fought for air until finally Suno lifted her bosoms from his face. Kura's arms calmed and his hands gently rested on the Akamichi woman's hips whom was still lying on top of him. A smile peered on to his lips as he stared up into her bright emerald eyes. For a moment all his pain seemed to fade away. "And here I thought it was Santa." he teased. His shoulders shifted on the hard floor. "As much as I like it on this cold hard floor, would you mind if we actually got back into bed?" He questioned with a snicker, his nose still glowing a shiny red as he coughed behind his lips. "I mean... we can stay like this...just on the bed?" he offered sheepishly with a soft smile.

Word Count: 731
Total Word Count: 2,396



Sunadokei smiled as she looked down over the swell over massive bust, Kuramitsu's face barely visible down between her considerable cleavage. His hands at her prominent hips always made the curvaceous woman feel desired, though in truth there were many people who seemed enthralled by her figure. Sunadokei looked down at her friend, shaking her head, strands of blue hair falling in front of her fair face. "So I look like Santa huh? Maybe I should have worn a red kimono and brought you some cookies? That better not be a fat joke either, or I'm gonna smack you silly, I don't care how sick you are Kura." Sunadokei  of course, was also teasing, and she hugged Kuramitsu tight as he lay squished beneath her. It felt nice feeling his warm body against her, especially with the heat of his high fever through their clothes.

The Akimichi woman rolled her eyes sarcastically and smiled down at Kura as he asked his buxom friend politely if she could move. "Weeelllll... I suuupppoooosssseeee. But I am rrreeeeaaaalllyyy comfy right here." She said playfully as Sunadokei wiggled her curvy body back and forth. Sunadokei looked back down at her friend and let out a faux exasperated sigh, "Alright, let's go lay on your bed Mr. Sickies." With a tender bear hug the curvaceous kunoichi scooped up her friend, holding him tight squished up against her immense bust. She carried him up over to Kuramitsu's bed and carefully lowered herself down onto it gently, Sunadokei's body sinking slightly into the feather mattress as it supported their combined weights. She relaxed her grip slightly, letting her friend rest atop her plump curvy body resting his chin in her vast cleavage as they lie together. "There, I hope that's more comfy for you, because I'm super comfy now, and I don't feel like moving again."

Sunadokei looked at her friend's runny nose and reached for a handkerchief from his bedside night stand. She dabbed at Kura's red runny nose and set the gross handkerchief aside in the trash once she was done. "You poor baby, all sick and stuck cooped up at home all day. I'm gonna be your nurse, since we were supposed to go training today. And we can't do that with you sick. That means you get to deal with me all day, as long as it takes you to get better. I can make us chicken noodle soup and we can just stay home and relax. How's that sound honey?" Sunadokei's words with full of affection, she truly cared for her friend, but she knew she also had long seated feelings for him. One day she planned to tell him, if somehow he didn't already know. Hell, he was using her chest as a set of huge pillows, it didn't take a Sannin to figure it out. Sunadokei slowly rubbed Kura's back as she spoke, watching his nose carefully so snot didn't drip down onto her. Her smile warm and inviting the entire time, eyes shimmering with compassion.

Word Count: 525
Total Word Count: 3,670



Kuramitsu mimicked the curvy Konoha ninja and smiled up at her, a faint blush burning over his cheeks as he felt her large mounds pressing down on his chest. Thankfully his sick look hid the fact that he was blushing pretty well. His hands had instinctively gone and rested on her large child baring hips and rubbed lightly down her thighs as she shook her head.

As he stared up into her gentle face through the loose strands of blue hair covering it, Kura couldn't help but feel a little better simply for having her there. She give a teasing response to his rather badly thought out statement. "I didn't mean it like that... Although you in a red kimono.." He squinted and smirked mischievously but his naughty ideas where silenced as he coughed yet again from behind his lips, tilting his head to the side in an attempt to stop the possibility of spreading germs. What followed was a squishy hug from his curvaceous friend. It was a sensation that never got old. If Suno could be given the prize for anything other than the current title of Konoha's most curvy woman, it would definitely be that of the best hugger, if there was such a rating system.

Nevertheless, while the current position was rather nice above, Kura's back wasn't accustom to such a hard surface. He had already planted his face to the floor earlier on in the morning and right now he was laying down on the hard wooden panels. If he wasn't all there in the head, he could suspect the floor for having some sort of personal vendetta with him. Kura offered that Suna and himself return to bed and leave the hard cold surface to its own devices...not that it had any.

The Akamitchi woman's response caused the sick Nara to chuckle. She seemed more than content with her current seating positing and even went so far as to wiggle about back and forth on top of him. Kura closed his eyes and took in a deep breath so as to keep himself calm but her intoxicating sweet scent still managed to work it's way through even with his runny nose, making it all the more difficult to keep certain...muscles under control. Something he could tell was that she often liked to tease him in such ways and while he had yet say anything on harbinger feelings for her, he wasn't blind to the fact that she too showed signs of feeling the same way towards him. Bringing it up now though would just be wrong, with the state he was in and the place being the least bit worthy to set a mood. No, he would tell her in due time but he would make a proper effort to show how much she truly meant to him.

Pushing those thoughts aside, he snapped back to reality as Suno literally helped him back into bed only this time the positions where changed to what it usually was. His chin gently rested in the valley of her large breasts and his hands gently rested at her sides. While his eyes remained locked with hers as he spoke. "Much more comfortable" he said with a certain contentedness in his voice. His hands moved down to her hips once more as if keeping himself in place but also doing so only to be able to hold her closer.

It was then that Sunodokei managed to stop his nose from dripping and wiped his nose as if he where a simple child. While it may have seemed strange to others, Kura knew full well that she was a very caring person. Even the way in which she spoke to him proved just how much she truly cared about him. "I'm sure by tonight or tomorrow it will pass." he said reassuringly "Maybe sooner... Now that your here." He ended his sentence with a faint whisper just loud enough for her to hear as she rubbed at his back. "That actually sounds like a really good day in my books." he responded with a slight nuzzle, making sure as to not get any snot on her.

A few seconds of silence hung in the air as he open his eyes and gazed up at her once more. "Suno... Thank you..." he said in a warm and gentle tone as he squeezed her into his chest.

The sound of Aki's footsteps slowly trailed up the hallway , she was more than likely carrying a tray of snack and tea she had promised when Suno had arrived.

Word Count: 816
Total Word Count: 3,212



Sunadokei giggled to herself as her friend got comfortable, feeling his hands wander down to brush against her plump thighs. It was always comforting feeling the way his hands ran along her prominent curves. Affectionately, neither too lustful nor too sheepish. A perfect mixture, it also made the buxom woman feel content as she rested beneath him. "Me in a red kimono hmm? You do know I have a few of them don't you? Maybe I'll get a sexy Santa outfit to dress up as in the winter. I can go around eating all the milk and cookies." Sunadokei laughed at her own joke, leaning in as she finished for a soft kiss on Kura's forehead. "Your forehead is burning up honey..." She replied in a motherly tone, pressing her comparatively colder hand to check the Nara's temperature.

The Akimichi woman listened to her friend speak, smiling as he did. "I'm glad you're comfy, I'd like to think I'm a comfy person. Nice and snuggly right?" Sunadokei spoke facetiously, not giving her time friend to answer as she pulled him into a tight hug, smothering him against her curvaceous figure. She help him there for a minute as she spoke, slowly rocking them back and forth. "You're a tough cookie Kura, I'm especially with me here to help you. Don't you worry, Nurse Suna will have you back up and running in no time flat." Sunadokei relaxed her hug, watching her friend nuzzle against her bust like a set of massive jiggly pillows. She smiled warmly, running a hand along his back. "Any day sounds like a good day when I'm involved silly, cause I'm great!" The curvy kunoichi teased as she lie snuggly beneath Kura, looking up at him with playful eyes like a kitten. The hug she received in response was all the reassurance in the world that she needed.

When Sunadokei heard footsteps walking down the hallway she sighed reluctantly, rolling onto her side and setting Kura down on his bed. "Probably not the best position for your mother to find us in." She teased as the woman rolled out of her bed. Sunadokei drew up her hands and quickly formed the hand signs for dog, boar, then ram with her hands. "Transformation Jutsu!" she spoke calmly, poofing away into a cloud of smoke. It quickly dissipated, leaving Sunadokei standing there in a new outfit. Once dressed in her loose kimono, she now appeared as if wearing a white nurse's outfit, complete with a hat bearing the medical cross on its front face. She smiled a sinfully sultry smile, striking an alluring pose and running a hand down her flank until it reached her hips. "Not bad huh? Nurse Suna is here to care for you Kura." The woman chuckled to herself, returning to her normal bubbly demeanor, and stepping close to press her hand to Kuramitsu's forehead as his mother stepped into the room.

Just then Aki Nara knocked at the door, before stepping in carrying a tray of biscuits and a kettle of steaming hot tea. Sunadokei's nose twitched eagerly as she smiled the treat, but she kept her ravenous hunger in check. If even for a brief while, she wasn't a complete glutton, just mostly a glutton. It didn't help one bit that Aki was quite the chef, although Sunadokei's appetite had been compared to a garbage dumpster at times. There was very little that was edible she wouldn't gorge herself on if given the opportunity. "Oh, hello Misses Nara." She said sweetly as Kura's mother stepped into the room, "I was just checking up on poor Kura here. His fever is just burning up, I'm not leaving his bedside until he gets better. I figured we could just use a nice relaxing day indoors with me." Sunadokei looked down at her friend lying on the bed, grinning wickedly as she did. "Then once you're all better I can go back to pummeling the snot out of you when we spar, right honey?" Sunadokei was half teasing, half serious. While she did have a full day of training planned, that much could all wait until Kura was one hundred percent recovered.

Word Count: 720
Total Word Count: 4,390

Last edited by Sunadokei on Tue Aug 02, 2016 4:02 pm; edited 1 time in total



Hearing Suno's response as they moved back on to the bed made him smile and let out a soft chuckle at her joke of the winter holidays. "That sounds like a definite must. Just don't go around jumping into random peoples chimneys." He added as he closed his eyes, his smile changing to one of pure contentedness upon feeling her soft lips gently kiss at his forehead. These small gestures always made the moments around the curvy ninja that much more memorable, although the burning up might have just increased due to the sensation he had felt moments prior but saying that would lead to quite the embarrassment thus he opted to play it off and save himself the shame "Yeah, the pounding behind my eyes doesn't make it any better..." He spoke with sigh as he felt her cold yet soft hand rest against his forehead. For a second it managed to zap away the warmth but it would quickly revert to its normal boiling temperature.  

Thankfully Kura's headache would dissipate slightly after nuzzling into Suno large cushion-like bosoms and before he could even answer the question of his current state of comfortableness, Suno pressed the him further into her jelly soft front. Kura took that particular moment to properly lock his hands under the small of her back while she calmly rocked them from side to side in a rhythm. "I'm sure of that... I mean you've gotten me back to full health countless times in the past. If I didn't know any better I would suspect that you have some sort of healing power you don't even know about." He commented from behind closed eyes as he once again nuzzled into her soft naughty pillows. Suno response to the nuzzle was a gentle stroke of her hand down the center of his back, soothing him as she commented on his idea of the perfect day. Kura let out a snicker as his eyes gradually opened to gaze up into her playful emerald eyes. If he didn't stick to his better judgment, he would have kissed her then and there but instead he opted for a loving squeeze.

Sadly the Young Nara's heaven would have come to an end when the sound of his mothers footsteps was heard from down the hall. Suno reluctantly rolled on to her side and set Kura back down on the bed. Kuramitsu's hand gently squeezed at hers as if he was trying to hold on to her for for only a second longer. It was a very small gesture but one that showed he wished they could stay like that for longer. Suno made a valid point though. If his mother where to see them in such a position she might get the wrong idea. With that, Kura coughed into a fist and scratched the back of his head with his free hand, quickly going on to reach for the small white ribbon on his bed side table. With a slight of hand, he managed to tie his hair up into his signature ponytail and out of the corner of his eye noticed Suno poofing into a cloud of smoke due to some or other jutsu.

As he turned to face her, his eyes went wide at the sight. She had completely changed her kimono into that of a rather tight fitted nurse uniform. She struck a rather alluring pose and made him snicker and blush at her display. He didn't want to seem perverted but something about her little display definitely made some sparks trigger in his mind and upon hearing her words, her shenanigans looked to be more comical and a tad bit more sexy, although that was a given.

Aki stepped into the room and seemed to be taken back by Suno's outfit yet snickered as she glanced from the "patient" to the nurse. "Well isn't this a sweet sight. I must say, Miss Suno you take your job quite seriously don't you?" She said as she set the tray down on the chest at the foot of Kura's bed. The ill Nara bit his lip as he let out another cough and sniffed back his snot. "Thank you mother." He said politely as his eyes looked back to his "nurse". He could sense by the look in Suno's eyes that she was trying her best to hold back on grabbing for the cookies and gave her a smile and a faint nod as reassurance that she could have them all.

Aki smiled and she too checked Kuramitsu's temperature with the back of her hand. "I believe you are right, Nurse Suno." She played along "I believe my boy is in capable hands. You seem to have everything under control here and once he's back to full health I expect you to make him work a little bit harder, whether it be in a spar or on a mission" She gave Suno a wink as Kura let out a groan at the word "work" and Suno's suggestion of pummeling the snot out of him.

With Aki's piece said she slowly exited the room. The door gently shut behind her as she began to hum a melody from the hall. "Don't get to rowdy in there~" Aki said in a sing song tone before letting out another giggle. Kura pinched the bridge of his nose in embarrassment and shook his head at his mothers words. "You know how my mother is... Always saying silly things." He commented as he flopped his head back down on the pillow. "And yes you can have the cookies." He snickered "You know I hardly ever get hungry."

Word Count: 1,021
Total Word Count: 4,233

Last edited by Kuramitsu on Wed Aug 03, 2016 1:17 pm; edited 1 time in total



Sunadokei giggled to herself at her sickly friend's words, hugging him one last time before she pulled free. "Kura, you're so silly. I promise you I don't have any secret healing powers beyond hugs and snuggles. Well, and these!" She said, leaning forward so her considerable bust wobbled close to his face, cleavage barely contained in her tight white nurse's outfit. All the while Sunadokei grinned playfully, knowing full well just how badly she was teasing her friend. The woman was hardly subtle when it came to things she genuinely liked.

"And for the record honey bunny, we both know I'd get stuck in most of the chimneys in the city if I fancied myself running around as Miss Santa Claus." Sunadokei gave a teasing wink, turning to face the door as Aki Nara stepped through. The curvaceous kunoichi blushed a bit, smiling coyly as her friend's mother commented on her attire. "Of course Misses Nara! I take everything seriously, and I want my little Kura back up to full strength asap. He's no fun when he's cooped up in bed with the sickies." As Aki set down the plate of warm cookies, Sunadokei couldn't help but gaze at the tray with hungry eyes. The scent of fresh baked chocolate chip cookies was almost intoxicating to her, and her mouth watered slightly at the sight.

Nurse Sunadokei turned back to Aki as the Nara woman spoke, nodding in agreement. "Don't worry, Kura's in good hands. I'm gonna get him back to health so his lazy butt isn't cooped up inside all day. I want some spending money, so we'll be back doing missions in no time." Aki chuckled to herself. slipping out of the room and giving the two her 'encouraging' words. Once the door shut Sunadokei's grin went wide like a shark's, she grabbed the plate of cookies and balanced it resting on her massive chest. "Well, if you say so. I wasn't gonna eat all the treats, that'd be rude. Buuutttt... bottom's up." Sunadokei tilted the tray up and began sliding the chocolate treats into her waiting more. When she ate, it tended to be more like a whirlpool bringing down a ship than a person eating food. In under a minute the entire plate of dozens of cookies had been swiftly devoured.

Sunadokei patted her belly following the display. Mostly a soft supple curve before, it was now noticeably a bit more plump and rounded from her confectionery feast. "Ahhh... Kura that hit the spot. Your mom is the best chef, you're lucky I don't live here. I might not fit through the doors if I did." The plumped woman set down the tray, giving a stretch before patting her rounded stomach again. She proceeded to slowly crawl up onto the bed with Kuramitsu, moving to press herself against his side. "Your mom said nothing rowdy, but that's okay, since I just ate. I guess that means we just have to snuggle instead." Sunadokei wrapped her arms slowly around Kura, pulling him close to squish against her womanly curves. She looked down into her enormous cleavage and smiled. A single cookie remained, having wedged itself in there tenderly during her binge. "Hey Kura... I see one cookie left. It's all yours honey, just come get it." Sunadokei spoke in a tone far too sultry for the situation, snuggling closer against Kura as she did.

Word Count: 590
Total Word Count: 4,980

Last edited by Sunadokei on Tue Aug 02, 2016 4:03 pm; edited 1 time in total



Kura's eyes went wide with embarrassment as Suno leaned forward and wobbled her large bust before his face. "Well the fact that I manage to get better from those hugs and squeezes makes me think otherwise." His eye's stared into the valley of her bust for a few moments causing his pale cheeks to turn a shade of pink. Those massive yet soft pillows had often been his place of comfort and serenity. In the past, after tiring missions or a night out eating on the town with Suna. Kura would always find himself at some point in the day resting his head on those soft fleshy clouds. How Suna managed to get by without any back problems was a medical mystery but it was a small thought when they provided, possibly the most comfortable sleep he ever seemed to get.

When Suna made the comment of getting stuck in chimneys, Kura could only laugh at the thought and smile as she winked at him. When the young Nara's mother stepped through the door and set down the tray of goodies and tea, she too could only giggle at Sunadokies response. It was easy to see that Aki was rather fond of the curvy konoha ninja. Back during the time that Kura was in ninja academy, it didn't take very long for the Akimich girl to start coming over for play dates. During those times, Suna slowly managed to wiggle her way into the Nara family's hearts. For that very reason Aki was more than sure that Suna was capable of looking after Kuramitsu.

"I trust you, hun." Aki responded to Suna with a warm smile before heading out the room and letting one last comment hang in the air while walking down the hallway. Kura, embarrassed by his mothers words scratched the back of his head and let out a sigh. Upon realizing it was just Suno and himself once more, a feeling of glee overcame him as he knew he got to hold her again. If only the circumstances where a bit better... He let out a gruff cough and covered his mouth with the palm of his hand. As he looked up, he noticed the curvaceous ninja gobble up the entire tray of cookies. The way in which she could food like a endless vacuum which sucked it in like a black hole always seemed to amaze him. As she set the tray down, his head hit down on the pillow once more.

Kura shook his head with a chuckle as Suna patted her slightly more plump belly. "She's an okay cook, I guess. If you got that big, Id be there trying to squeeze you through the doorway" He teased with a snicker which untimely caused him to cough again. "Gah... Hate being sick." He paused as he felt Suna's soft curves slide up his side. His head slightly lifted to look down at her. His arm instinctively moving up so that she would rest her head on his chest. His hand lightly rested on her hip before moving down to stroke and rub small circles on her belly. Hearing her bring up the possibility of getting "rowdy" caused him to blush slightly but what followed caused him to smirk.

The curvy Akamichi girl squeezed Kuramitsu into her lovely curves. A short silence ensued before her gentle voice caused him to look up once more, her words sparking something in his mind. His dark hazel eyes glared down into the valley of her voluptuous bust as she invited him to have the single cookie which remained. He seemed stun for a few seconds for in most cases he would shy away from such ideas but this time...

He gradually leaned down and opened his mouth. His tongue stretched out and lightly stroked over her breasts before lapping up the cookie into his mouth. He paused for a second before placing one single kiss, gentle enough to be considered a peck, in the valley of her bust. He smiled lightly as he chewed the sweet goodie and lay back down to the prior position. "I must say that was possibly the best cookie I've ever tasted..." He teased as he stared down into her emerald eyes.

Word Count: 750
Total Word Count: 4,983



Sunadokei's face lit up in a wide smile when her friend commented on her intimate hugs. She smiled and quickly blew him a soft kiss. "Well, if that's the case Kura, then I don't see any reason to stop anytime soon. You'll just have to endure my hugs for all of eternity." She watched with giddy intent as his face blushed a bright shade of flustered pink in sight of the obvious flaunting of her impressive bust. Sunadokei had never been one not to flaunt her considerable assets, especially not since the initially developed during their last few years at the Academy. Her self confidence had taken a sky rocketing into blistering heights following the buxom Akimichi's puberty, and she was no stranger to teasing and seduction. But no one had been the 'victim' of nearly as much of that as Kuramitsu Nara was, not that he ever seemed to truly mind that much.

The woman's brow furrowed as Kura spoke with regards to his mother. "Kura you are short selling your mom so hard right now. Aki is an amazing chef, and I should know, I've eaten at every restaurant in the whole village. She's a great cook, and you should be very thankful. Maybe you're just a bad eater. Hmm? Ever think about that?" As the two embraced Sunadokei sighed as she felt Kura move his hands to hug at her sides. Feeling them press lightly into her curves. "Well, I'm glad you'll be there to help me roll around. I hope that's a roundabout way of you encouraging me." Sunadokei snickered, though her smile faded slightly when her friend coughed. She hugged Kura tighter, rocking the two ninjas slowly back and forth. "Oh poor Kura, so sick and sad. Good thing Nurse Suna is here to make it all better, and don't you do worry about me getting sick. I've got a much better immune system than you." Holding her friend tight in her arms, feeling his hands exploring her figure. Sunadokei felt like she belonged, and it was a feeling she'd come to enjoy more and more as time went on. Kura & Suna, some of their class mates used to jokingly call them Kurasuna. Not that she ever did mind.

Sunadokei smiled gleefully, cooing softly as Kura ran his tongue over her enormous endowments before lapping up the sugary treat. She hugged Kura tighter as she watched him chew up the treat, giggling as he commented on the taste. The curvaceous kunoichi leaned in for a soft kiss on Kura's lips, pressing her own plump rosy lips to his for a fraction of a second. "Good. You taste pretty sweet too." She stared back in his brown eyes, they always looked so soft and tired. Sunadokei hugged her friend tight, resting her head on his chest. She shuffled them back to his bed, laying down to rest on her back. "Come on Kura, you need your rest, and I'm pretty sure I ate a meal's worth of cookies. Let's cuddle and take a quick nap. You'll feel better when we wake up." Sunadokei blinked and poofed up in smoke, her tight nurses' outfit vanishing and revealing once more her loose violet kimono. Notably a bit less loose from her indulging snack. She wiggled herself into place and pat her side temptingly. "Come on Kurrrraaaa... you know you want to. Your big squishy pillows missed you, it'll be just like our last mission together. Except not in the woods this time, and I won't have to sleep in a tree branch." Sunadokei gave her close friend an inviting smile, warm, motherly, compassionate, and loving above all else. She knew he'd say yes in a heartbeat, and she knew he'd feel a million times better after a good nap. Naps were like vitamins to the Nara clan it seemed.

Word Count: 665
Total Word Count: 5,645

Last edited by Sunadokei on Tue Aug 02, 2016 4:04 pm; edited 1 time in total



The idea of enduring Suna's hugs for eternity was something Kura longed for. If it meant he got to spend his days with her, life would be that much brighter. With her teasing display causing the young Nara to slightly redden in the face, he couldn't help but smile in a goofy manner and shake his head. It was not the first time she had teased him in such a manner. The last few years of their time in the academy, Kura was the prime target of her teasing and seducing ways yet he never seemed to mind. Even when the other kids began to throw the name Kurasuna around, Kuramitsu shrugged it off and stayed at Suna's side.

As the conversation progressed so their position grew slightly more intimate, his hand gently stroking over her womanly curves. The young Nara let out a snicker at how Suna would defend his mother and labelled Aki as possibly one of the best chiefs in the village. "Okay okay, she is pretty good. I think she gets a kick out of having you around, especially with those compliments" he's speech continued shortly after Sunadokei placed the idea of her getting round enough to be unable to fit through doorways. Kura was quick to pull up the idea for widening the door frames. In truth he never seemed to have any negative outlook towards her weight, those that did where quickly silenced with a massive Akimichi chop to the head.

"It might be...just remember what I said. No exploding..."
He said in response before letting out a hefty cough and following it up with a irritated statement for his hate of being ill. Sunadokei knew exactly what to do in order to sooth him and went on to hug him close, rocking back and forth comfortingly. Kura smiled joyfully at her words of encouragement for his recovery. Something which gave him a feeling of reassurance was the knowledge that even though Suna was in such close contact to him, she would less than likely catch his flu.

With that in mind, Kuramitsu's hands explored her womanly frame and stroked the side of her belly with a certain gentleness only she could recognize. When the ill Nara was invited to have at the final sweet crumbly treat, he had to delve into great valley of Suna's bust. While hesitant at first, it would not stop him from taking the opportunity that was presented. After acquiring the cookie through a rather suggestive method, he was treated with an even sweeter taste. His eyes slowly closed as he felt her soft gentle lips press to his own. The kiss lasted for a second but in his own mind it felt like time itself had frozen over. He wished for it to last longer but he had to be content with that moment...for now. "Right back at you..." He said in a whisper, staring back into her shiny emerald eyes as she hugged into his chest.        

After a few seconds had past, Suna shuffled about and lay down on her back. A poof of smoke erupted over her before her violet kimono replaced her nurse outfit. This time round, her kimono was slightly more loose over her figure, revealing a tad bit more of her shoulders and cleavage. Her welcoming words caused him to sit up and look down at her angelic face and goddess like figure. Witnessing her pat her side in an inviting manner, Kura smiled warmly and shimmied up against her side. His toned right arm wrapped over her and rested just beneath her bust causing it to lift slight as his head gently rested on the large mounds. "That mission... you know I still don't know how my sleeping bag went missing...and that tree branch idea was quite strange but it kept in our warmth pretty well... Still one of the best sleeps I've ever had" he said with a slight sniff and yawn. "I think you're right though... a nap sounds *yawn* good" his eyes closed and his arm squeezed her closer in a protective manner as he drifted into a dream filled state. the sound of birds singing still soft yet clear outside as the two ninja's slept.

Word Count: 757
Total Word Count: 5,750

[Thread Exit]
D1 ~> D-2, 400/400 and 50 Ryo.
Reaction Time
E ~>  D-2, 1,475/1,475 and 75 Ryo.
E ~>  D-2, 1,475/1,075 and 75 Ryo.
E-2 ~> D-2 1250/1250 and 75 Ryo.
E ~> D, 750/750

Training D-Rank Jutsu:
D rank: 750 words and 80 Ryo

Total: 5225 and 355 Ryo
5750-5700= 50 words remaining

Last edited by Kuramitsu on Wed Aug 03, 2016 1:15 pm; edited 6 times in total



Sunadokei sighed as her friend commented on her blowing up. It was a long running joke, and truth be told she wasn't actually sure if it was possible. She burned calories at an alarming rate, even if she ate at an equally alarming one. Her entire clan's Kekkei Genkai was built upon the fact the Akimichi's could stretch, grow, and distend their bodies in any way they chose to by manipulating their chakra. They burned through calories like a secondary source of chakra, and Sunadokei fancied she could eat as much as she physically desired with little consequence. All the same she wouldn't overdo thing if she could help it. Probably. "Oh Kura, don't be ridiculous, you know I won't explode. I'll just get a really bad belly ache while I digest is all. With any luck you'll be there to rub my tummy while I do." She said sweetly, leaning in for a quick peck on the cheek. Kura worried too much about her, he was protective, horribly lazy, incredibly lethargic, but ultimately very protective. The two had been best friends since they were young, and deep down she knew that Kura knew Sunadokei felt the exact same protective feelings for him.

Once Sunadokei had climbed up on her friend's bed it became quite clear how he'd react, and that was exactly as she had predicted. Kura smiled and snuggled in close against her plump figure. It was a position she was quite comfortable with, and it felt wholesome and reassuring as Sunadokei felt Kura's arm wrap tenderly around her midsection beneath her bust. She knew that was his discreet way of feeling the underside of her breasts, as well as a protective gesture as he cuddled close to her curvaceous body. She in turn snuggled closer to his tall frame, pressing her curves against him as she squished close. A slight shiver rattled down the Akimichi's spine as Kura rested his head on her bust, causing one of her massive breasts to squish slightly beneath the press of his face. She wrapped her arms around him tenderly, though Sunadokei managed to pull the heavy down covers over them first.

"Kura, you're a lazy idiot." Sunadokei said simply as her close companion recollected their story. "But, you're my lazy idiot. You always have been, and you always will be. Your sleeping bag didn't go missing, you just forgot to pack ours. I can't believe you don't remember that, just like I couldn't believe you didn't remember me telling you that." The buxom woman felt the heat rising off her friend, Kura was like a furnace under the covers. He really was sick, and she didn't have the heart to tell him it felt really good. It was already starting to make Sunadokei sleepy. "The tree branch wasn't just to keep us warm you know. There's bugs and snakes on the forest floor, and I wanted to be up high so we were less noticeable from below." Sunadokei formed a slight scowl when her friend commented on how well he slept in that position, she keenly remembered him using her belly as a bed and her bust as a massive set of pillows. "I think with you every sleep is the best sleep you've ever had. You always make it look so peaceful Kura, probably because you sleep like a log."

Sunadokei snuggled against her friend more, resting her head on the pillows beneath her. She looked up at the ceiling and let out a soft sigh. "We were pretty warm weren't we? And at least my big fat butt's like a huge cushion. Otherwise it would have been really uncomfortable sitting on that branch all night. Even if I did pick splinters out of my thighs." Kura spoke about needing a nap, sniffling and yawning and pulling Sunadokei closer against him like a plump teddy bear. By the time she looked over his eyes were shut tight, and the male ninja had already drifted off to sleep. It took him seconds, one yawn and he was out. It still amazed Sunadokei even to this day. "Yeah Kura, let's do that. Let's take a nap." Sunadokei said, mostly to herself. She adjusted slightly, getting more comfortable as she lay there on the bed. Snug under the covers with Kura to keep her warm. It didn't take long before she too was asleep, the two ninjas enjoying their slumber for several long hours. Hopefully by the time they awoke Kuramitsu would be less ill, then maybe they could get lunch and go spend the rest of the training. If not, Sunadokei was more than comfortable napping the day away, wrapped in his arms.

(Thread Exit)
Word Count: 810
Total Word Count: 6,455

Katon from C Rank to A Rank: 5,000/5,000
Speed from D-0 to D-3: 1,175/1,175, 150 Ryo

Remaining Word Count: 6,455-5,000-1,175=280

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