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Reag ran through the forest, obviously annoyed at his current predicament and surroundings. The forest around him seemed obviously hostile, while the road he was running on was over grown and wild. The young wire user would give anything for a less 'troublesome' mission for his day off, preferably one he could have completed quickly. The Genin wanted to enjoy his off time, rather than spend it running through an overgrown forest for chump change. He even had plans to head to a nice restaurant for lunch. Now, those plans where canceled. Briefly, Reag wondered what the hell it was with bad luck and his day off. The first time he had a free day was the second day after graduation. He had also been chased by a Yuki-onna. The second time, he woke up in the hospital, thanks to one particular red eyed clan leader. Briefly, his mind wandered back a few hours.


Reag stood in front of the mission desk, body at attention. He had planned out the day very carefully, leaving about three hours to do a D ranked mission, followed by lunch, an hour of reading, a brief training session, and finally board game night. He had a Nara friend that he was currently engaged with a Go rivalry. The young Genin hoped for a simple delivery mission, or possibly even helping out around the academy. The last time he had done that, the young wire user had learned a lot from some of the odder academy students. It was amazing some of the tactics they could come up with, given the right instructions. He stood firm by his order of 'Suprise Me' as a form of combat training.

The Chuunin behind the desk reached into his desk, and pulled out a mission scroll. Reag reached out, and took it. With a nod, he broke the seal and frowned. This mission, while D ranked, would take up most of the day. His lunch, reading, and training plans would have to be put on hold, temporarily. Fortunately, if he hurried, he still might have time for board game night. After all, there was a Nara who needed to be humbled. Continuing to read down the scroll, he memorized the contents and the mission, along with all the important locations and meeting places. Rolling up the scroll, the Genin tucked it in his jacket, bowed to the Chuunin, and jumped out the nearby window. Doors where overrated anyway.

Heading over to the meeting place, Reag arrived early, hoping to be able to start the errand early. Standing outside the internal military outpost, the young ninja waited for a superior officer to hand him the mission items. After several minutes, a one eyed Chuunin called him over and handed him a sealing scroll. The young shinobi nodded, noting the name of the camp he was heading to. It was a simple supply run; head to the outskirts of Konoha and resupply one of the training outposts. It would be a very easy mission, though quite time consuming. With another bow, Reag left the depot, and headed towards the forests.


Finally, the camp came into view before him. Looking around, Reag tried to find whoever seemed to be in charge of the military encampment. Finally, the young Genin found a Jounin who seemed to be in charge of the whole area. After running forward, and saluting, Reag handed over the storage scroll to the Jounin. After being dismissed, Reag left the camp, heading back to Konoha proper. It would still be another few hours before he would be back in his home town. Checking his watch, he confirmed that most of his plans would be canceled. Still, he had time for a game of Go.

Word Count: 627

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