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1Helping the Academy [D rank] Empty Helping the Academy [D rank] Tue Nov 19, 2013 7:07 am



“Gahhhhhhh! No! No! I just want to sleep, damn it!” Mokuzai rolled in his bed onto his stomach, and then his back. His sleeping wasn’t really working out for him yet he still tried to get comfortable even though the sun is rising. “Ar-Are you kidding me?” He covered his face with his blanket from getting hit with the suns’ rays in his eyes. There was no reason to even go back to sleep at this time he needed to get up and get going; He did have to get to the academy. Slowly spinning his legs off the bed, he got up yawning and slouching over. The 15 year old male stood at 5’11”, His black hair was a mess and pushed everywhere at every angle. His eyes barely opened showing little to no color in the little slit his eyelids caused. Going into the bathroom, he washed his face first with cold water trying to wake him up more. “Alright! I’m up!!” He yelled during the cold splash of water in his face. His brown pools were now wide open from the temporary shock that they had received from the graceful splash of that liquid. Turning on the hot water to the shower Mokuzai stepped in quickly washing his hair and body off before the water turned too cold. The shower in his apartment was known to go out of hot water within a few seconds of him getting in. So he wasted no time getting washed.

Rubbing a towel into his hair it fell down past his jaw-line slightly. This isn’t how Mokuzai kept his hair most of the time, but since it was damp he was going to go ahead and put on his clothes before fixing his hair. Walking to his closet with nothing around him, he opened the door to his clothes hanging on a wire. “The brats today better keep their mouths shut while I talk.”He thought to himself while he rubbed the back of his neck. Reaching for a black vest, a white sleeveless shirt, black cargo shorts and his white sandals Mokuzai slowly started to put everything on. His silicone mask and his headband hanged up near the door. After getting his clothes on, he walked towards his mask and grabbed it, pulling it down over his head and covering his lower face, covering the bigger scar on his jaw. Before he put on his head band, he walked into the bathroom again and pushed his hair back into a pony tail with two bangs going down his sides. He was lazy and didn’t feel like wearing his hair in a stylish do. “Gah.. It’s too early..” He mumbled while he tied his headband to his right knee. This is only place where he wore it. It was sort of hidden but that was another reason he didn’t want to get into.

His expression while walking out of his apartment was nothing but yawns. He held his hand in front of his mouth as the hot air escaped his lips every other minute. He couldn’t help his self when he started to yawn. It was a nonstop process. Walking through the village with his hands behind his head; his gaze looked up at the sky. The sun barely peeked over the mountains, just hanging in the sky. He hated the light, but there really wasn’t anything that he could to take it out. He wasn’t about to ask someone if it was possible to destroy the sun; that would kill billions of—actually it would kill everyone. He didn’t want that just yet. He wanted to –at least- make a name for his self before he takes out something of caliber. Turning left, he made his way up towards the academy where the teacher greeted him at the gates. “Ah! Moku-kun, about time you got here. The kids are all gathered in the back. If they get too rowdy you can just come and get me.”

Mokuzai nodded before opening the gate to the back of the academy; it’s been a while since he came here. All the memories of him in this same class rushed back into his mind. He swore he could see his self still there, practicing with a long stick on how fast he could swing it. The kids turned their head once they heard the gate closed; Mokuzai stood there with his hand on his hip. “Well, deviants. Let’s get started shall we? No talking while I speak and show you; I won’t hesitant to throw something at you. I won’t even think twice about slapping you. So if you guys want to learn something useful that will get you through the academy, then listen up.”
Mokuzai went forward towards the group and looked around them. Such a tiny little group compared to his graduating class. “Being a genin isn’t something to brag about; sure you’re ninja but people will still think lightly of you. You are nothing compared to Jounin, even chuunin. Get that in your minds before you even think about graduating. Now.” The kids blinked a few times before playing with their fingers behind their backs. They were intimidated; some even looking disappointed with Mokuzai’s words. Not one of them spoke up while they kept their gazed locked to Mokuzai’s face.

“Alright, I’m sure you guys were taught chakra control, so I won’t even go over that little ole’ bugger. I’ll show you what a clone should look like. Keep in mind this is not a physical clone, it’s only a mere illusion. For most of you, this will be the hardest thing you will have to do, and don’t whine and bitch about it. If you give up trying to learn this, then you might as well not even become a ninja.” Mokuzai slowly did handsigns so the kids could watch on which ones to do before closing his eyes. “Bunshin no Jutsu!” With an explosion of smoke, five clones came around Mokuzai, each one smiling before the real Moku came out from the group and pointed at them. “These cannot attack or really do anything but move. As you see, they have no shadows, so people will easily be able to see if they are fake or not. If, and I use If with you guys, become higher ranks; you’ll learn the real clone jutsu which will let them physically do damage.” Mokuzai nodded a few times before dispelling the clones by doing a few kicks and punchs, sticking out his tongue at the group of kids. “That’s honestly all I feel like teaching you right now. Might as well start with the hardest skill and practice that. Good luck.” Mokuzai headed towards the gate before looking over the teacher and shaking his head. “You got a lot of work.”

wordcount: 1139/600

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