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1Star clan  Empty Star clan Tue Jul 02, 2013 1:08 am




Clan: Star clan

Kekkei Genkai: Hybrid jutsu

Elements: All

Specialization: Kuchiyose

Location: Kirigakure no Sato

Clan History: The Star clan's history is a simple history. The clans founder was a monk who adored animals. His temple was attacked one day by rouge bandit while he was away on n errand, thus giving him the motivation to protect his comrades. He then will his knowledge of animals and yin and yang created a jutsu that combined the two; hybrid jutsu. After years of establishing the star clan as a peaceful clan, the founder who was later known as white star passed away.

Under new leadership his more aggressive son, Blackstar, took the clan into the opposite direction of Whitestar's goal. Also with the clan not being financial stable, Blackstar started training himself and his clan to become grade A assassins. Also only those blessed by the elders can hold a "star" name such as bluestar: there are four stars this day.

Kekkei Genkai Description: Hybrid jutsu is a kekkei genkai that allows the user to obtain enhanced abilities and metamorph into a animal-man hybrid. This Lelia genkai has 8 known forms, five for each elemental nature, and 3 for the said guardians of the stars. The ocean demon is for water, the flame Phoenix is for fire, the Minotaur is for the earth, the gryphon is for the air, and Pegasus for the lightning. The 3 guardians of the stars forms are a chimera, hydra, and Cyberus.

Drawbacks: The users animal instincts may take control of them and they may turn and attack their friends along with their foes. This jutsu take a huge strain on the users body. after 5 posts the users primal instincts will kick in and no matter what after 9 post the user will lose control of the jutsu and devour anything in his/her way. On the 13 turn the user inevetibly die

Members: Mochi, Jace

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:

Name: Hybrid jutsu: Ocean Demon
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Element: N/A
Range: Self
Specialty: Taijutsu
Duration: Until the user turns it off or goes ballistic.
Cooldown: 2 post
Description: The user will meditate and focus there natural chakra until they reach a point in which there animal instincts will activate. Once the users natural instinct and chakras level out the user will gain all the characteristics of the ocean demon. The ability to breath underwater, extreme swiftness underwater, grown tail, the users eyes go entirely red. Also the scales used in this form have a steel like quality that can stop a kunai (Immune to E rank attacks.) He/she will gain a extreme thrust for water, their scales will be shoot able going 2inches deep in the targets skin, ( can fire three per post and fly 2 feet per seconds for 1 meter) and enhanced strength such as the ability to pick up an adult elephant.

Last edited by Redstar on Wed Jul 10, 2013 3:18 pm; edited 11 times in total

2Star clan  Empty Re: Star clan Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:04 am


There are many things wrong with this clan. Swift Release is banned here, Kusa no Kuni is locked, drawbacks are far too thin, you don't have real specialties listed (Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, etc.) in addition to Yin and Yang as elements (which aren't real usable elements here) and the broken coding in the Jutsu. Also, chakra enhancing pills are banned, and the jutsu's specialty is a long paragraph that should be under Description. Please refer to the Guidelines and Jutsu lists here at Saga to see how Jutsu are supposed to be formatted, and the Restricted/Banned list to see what isn't allowed here.

Point in case, the Star Clan is denied.

3Star clan  Empty Re: Star clan Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:36 am



Fixed the problems, I think.

4Star clan  Empty Re: Star clan Tue Jul 02, 2013 3:17 am



Can't pick Senjutsu as a starting spec for a clan/character.

5Star clan  Empty Re: Star clan Tue Jul 02, 2013 1:23 pm




6Star clan  Empty Re: Star clan Mon Jul 08, 2013 12:36 pm




7Star clan  Empty Re: Star clan Mon Jul 08, 2013 2:24 pm


Elaborate on your Kekkei Genkai description. Is the transformation only to a hybrid aquatic, or can they be something else? What are the limitations? etc.

Drawbacks, need to be upped. 'may turn on their friends' is a drawback that can be effortlessly written around; if you want it to be an actual drawback, give a certain number of posts before they start to become vicious as such. What kind of damage do they take after 5 posts?

Okay, your Hybrid Release: Ocean Demon jutsu is still labeled as Senjutsu. Need to remove that and reword it so that it's not. In addition, you say it gives you resistance to attacks with the power of a kunai; thus, it is E-ranked damage you are immune to. Your scale-shooting should have listed damage (how deep do they pierce). Enhanced Strength....what kind are we talking here? Give a percentage boost. All of these combined makes for a kind of OP jutsu, to be honest.

8Star clan  Empty Re: Star clan Tue Jul 09, 2013 5:57 am




9Star clan  Empty Re: Star clan Tue Jul 09, 2013 10:59 am


You don't list what transformation is for what element (besides maybe Ocean Demon for Suiton). Guardians of the stars? Explain.

Drawbacks are okay-ish now.

The jutsu....first of all, it's not a Release of its own, it's not an elemental nature. Extreme swiftness underwater, detail how much faster. Lifting a grown elephant is too much strength for a C-rank that already does a bunch of other things. How far can the scales fly? How many can you shoot per post?

10Star clan  Empty Re: Star clan Wed Jul 10, 2013 3:23 pm



Fixed problems and elaborated

11Star clan  Empty Re: Star clan Sun Jul 14, 2013 1:20 pm


Guest you want to list a jutsu for each transformation like you did with Ocean Demon? A clan is allowed to be apped with a max of 4 jutsu .

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