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1Exam Arena Preparations [C-rank][Daremo] Empty Exam Arena Preparations [C-rank][Daremo] Mon Jan 07, 2019 11:50 am



Prepare Exam Arenas:

“I’m not the same as yesterday. It’s hard to explain how things have changed, but I’m not the same as before. And I know there’s so much more ahead, I can barely believe that I’m here. I won’t surrender quietly. Step up and watch me break it down. You really want it? Wanna make a scene? Show me what you mean. Let’s get it started, let me see what you got. Let’s pick it up a notch. Don’t think you got it. Can’t handle the pressure? Get off. Stop talking about it, gotta make this count, let’s go. When we move we camouflage ourselves. We stand in the shadows waiting. We live for this and nothing more. We are what you created. I can feel the storm, the winds have changed. We’re worlds apart but just the same, no we won’t leave the way that we came. I know that there’s so much more ahead, I can barely believe that I’m here. We won’t surrender quietly….”, Zaylee’s beautiful singing voice filled the upstairs and filtered down the steps courtesy of the open bathroom door as she went about washing her face. Having been up since five o’clock in the morning Zaylee was already dressed for the day in what was her usual normal attire: a deep crimson red kimono the color of drying blood with a single symbol in black on the back: the Guanyin clan symbol: the kimono handmade with expensive silk. A pair of black tobi thigh-high socks helped to complete this outfit, with her hair secured into a bun by two lacquered wooden chopsticks that were black like her socks, and which stood out in stark contrast against her whitish silver colored long hair. A black obi, tied in the back, helped to complete her outfit, with a gold band running through the center of the obi and around her waist, securing it in place. As she finished washing her face she picked up her Kumogakure hitai-ate, securing it loosely around her neck where it hung with the faceplate in perfect view - something that would have been done with pride had rumors of the Raikage’s wrongdoings having not reached even her young ears, but for now was done simply out of necessity because of the mission her father and she had picked up the evening before.

After hanging her washcloth up to dry Zaylee made her way back into the room she was sharing with her twin, her singing turning into nothing more than a soft humming as she completed the song in her head. Making her way to her dresser she slipped the various scrolls that held her multitude of weapons into hidden pockets within her kimono, adding as well her credentials that would be required later on. With everything on her person, and the delicious smell of food wafting up through the semi-open door Zaylee’s citrine colored gaze would shift over to the wooden bed railing where her harpy eagle, Riku, was fast asleep with her head tucked under her wing. Smiling softly Zaylee glanced over to the clock near her bed, seeing thanks to the dim illumination of it that it was almost seven o’clock in the morning: two hours had passed since she had awoken. It was no surprise to find the bird still sleeping peacefully, especially since it had been well after midnight before Riku had flown back through the open window after a successful hunt. While the eagle loved treats of varying kinds, the bird also enjoyed hunting on her own, she seemed to enjoy the success of a fresh kill and it was something that Zaylee could understand: she too liked to try and do some things on her own as well. As much as she hated the idea of awakening the sleeping Riku she made her way over to the harpy eagle and extended her right hand, stroking the bird’s chest gently and watching as she began to stir. ”Come on, sleepy head. I know you had a late night, but we’ve got our first mission to do together today, and I’m really going to need your help.”, she spoke softly, not wanting to startle the predatory bird awake. It took a moment of coaxing but eventually Riku untucked her head from her wing, making a soft piping noise at her that Zaylee took as the equivalent of a sleepy good morning.

With a smile on her face Zaylee would slip the arm guard and shoulder guard on easily enough, the ease coming with having practiced time and again since she had got the bird so that it was simply a part of her routine, something she could do with ease and at a moment's notice. Riku watched with patience, flapping her wings to get airborne and landing on Zaylee’s shoulder - her preferred perch - only after the padding had been secured. ”Are you hungry, Riku? It smells like someone is making sausage, I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if I gave you some.”, she asked the bird softly as she made her way out of the bedroom, taking note of how Mamoru was already gone - either downstairs already or likely off on a mission he picked up himself. The bird responded with more piping noises as Zaylee made her way downstairs, and it made her begin to ponder of a technique that would allow the pair, even for a brief moment, to be able to speak to each other in a common tongue. These thoughts were pushed from her mind as she got downstairs, walking into the kitchen to see who was up and cooking. ”Good morning, daddy. Where’s mama and Mamoru?”, Zaylee would ask upon stepping into the kitchen and spotting her father making breakfast: Riku making yet another soft piping noise towards her father as her own means of saying good morning before the bird gave a tilt of its head much like Zaylee did herself when curious about something: this case being the food he was making.



Daremo woke up to the soft lips of Amaya pressed lightly against his own. Citrine eyes soften as he deepened the kiss, right hand moving to rest on the back of Amaya’s head, preventing her from escaping from the intimate liplock. His tongue danced with him not minding tasting the evidence of last night’s activities - someone got to wash out of their mouth properly. With each second passed, he slowly began to lose himself in the kiss as his left hand moved downward, only to be playfully swatted away by Amaya. The black haired goddess pulling away from his grasps with a coy smile.

Groaning in frustration, Daremo rose up, the linen falling down to reveal his bare chest. His tan skin being marred with various scars, and tribal tattoos. Citrine eyes focused on Amaya, drinking in the beautiful body which was bare for only his eyes. His tongue wetted his suddenly parched and dry lips as he gazed on the goddess before him. In a trance, his gaze never left her, following her every moment as she got out of the bed, and the subtle sway of her hips as she walked towards the bathroom. As if charmed by an unseen genjutsu, Daremo found himself getting up and following Amaya into the bathroom. The door was closed and locked, and seals placed up for the sanity of those who lived there.

Coming out wrapped in a towel, he gazes flickered towards Amaya, who had a glow about her, and a sensual smirk as she exited out of the bathroom. Unlike last night activities, she didn’t have to clean her mouth, for it went elsewhere. Eyes remaining on his lover, Daremo could not help but chuckle, receiving a non-threatening glare from his goddess, “Hey, it been awhile okay? Sorry, if I was too rough.”, he apologized, though the smile on his face made the apology mute. He knew damn well Amaya like the roughness, and if it wasn’t for their profession, attentive children, and attentive relatives, she would be walking around with a limp.
Allowing the towel to drop, Daremo jumped as an unmanly squeak left his lips, his right hand moved to rub his right butt cheek as he glared at Amaya. The woman chuckling with her rolled up towel in hand, the same towel that was used to pop his butt cheek just moments ago. Staring at her for a few more minutes, Daremo turned back around and went digging through his closet for something to wear, while also being aware of Amaya who still had the towel in hand. He knew this was payback from - - - another unmanly squeak left his lips as the opposite butt cheek was popped. “Really?”, he asked, turning around to face Amaya with a look of displeasure on his face. The goddess of question only smiling innocently as if she did nothing wrong.

Pointing to the towel, “Give me.”, Daremo said, outstretching his hand towards it. He knew the moment the words left his mouth that she would take them out of context, and sure enough, Amaya popped him again, this time on his thigh. Yeah, it was official, Amaya was getting him back from earlier. Glaring at his lover, Daremo sighed, turning around to find his clothes, only to suddenly turn back around, and chase after Amaya, “Give me that towel!” He was adamant to get the towel, it has stung his ass one time too many. For the next few minutes, Daremo chased off his wife, attempting to get the towel.

Sitting on the now made bed, Daremo looked at Amaya, his goddess still having the towel draped around her neck. Throughout their play, she managed to pop him a few more times with said towel. “What do I have to do to get the towel away from you?”, he asked. Amaya answered by making kissy faces. He did not know where he should have sighed in exasperation or facepalm at the simplistic of what he needed to do. Walking over to Amaya, Daremo pulled her into his embrace and captured her lips in a passionate kiss. As both of his hands moved to grope her bottom, Daremo snorted at the sound of a loud smack as he felt Amaya’s own hands grabbing his bottom in a manner similar to how he treated hers.

Breaking the kiss, Daremo could not move away for Amaya’s arms was still encircled around him, and her hands were still groping his ass. “This ass is mine. . .”, An eyebrow was raised, and a shiver went down his spine at Amaya’s words. He did not have a chance to reply, as Amaya took the incentive and captured his lips. A struggle of dominance ensured between the two with Daremo enjoying every second of it. Breaking the kiss, Daremo glanced over at the clock, and back at Amaya, “You and Mamoru going to be working at the hospital right?”, he asked, remembering the brief conversation from last night, and receiving a nod from her. Daremo followed Amaya downstairs, and into the living room as she and Mamoru prepared to leave.

Following the pair to the door, Daremo gave Amaya a quick kiss on the lips and hugged Mamoru before watching them leave. As they disappeared down the street, Daremo did not have to wait long before Hiretsu appeared, and landed on his shoulders. “Hello, Hiretsu.”, the greeting was answered by a playful peck at his hair. Walking back into the house, Daremo moved towards the kitchen. With everyone gone, asides from him and Zaylee, breakfast would need to be prepared for the two of them. Grabbing a pack of sausage, feeding Hiretsu a link, and getting the eggs, Daremo began to prepare the food. His companion moving to perch on the back of a chair, watching.

As the smell of delicious food began to fill up the room, Daremo heard movement coming from upstairs. He did not have to wait long to hear Zaylee’s voice, questioning Riku of if she was hungry, and commented on the smell of sausage being cooked. “Good morning, princess.” He replied while keeping an eye on the food, “Your mother and brother went to work at the hospital today. Mamoru needs to get used to in treating some severe injuries now that he has a hang of treating mild ones. Can you grab the plates for me?”

Once the plates were handed to him, Daremo portioned the food between the two and moved towards the dining room table. Sitting down, citrine eyes looked at Zaylee, “Do you have plans for today?”, he questioned. The silver-haired male did not have anything planned today. It was one of the rare occasions he had the opportunity to lounge around the house, so he was curious if Zaylee was busy or not. As a father, he always has an invested interest in what his children were doing, hence the question.




Hearing her father’s greeting brought a smile to her face as she entered into the kitchen. Making her way over to the stove where her father was she hugged him from the side with a happy giggle, her smile growing further. ”Good morning, daddy. Good morning, Hiretsu.”, she would respond before listening as her father confirmed her suspicions of where her mother and her twin were. Mamoru was off at the hospital with Amaya so that he could get experience with treating far more severe wounds now that he had mastered handling the minor ones: it made her wonder how her brother would be feeling when he got home later that day - some of the more nasty things the hospital could see in the forms of wounds and infections was quite nasty, definitely something to crinkle your nose at if you weren’t ready for them or expecting them. It made Zaylee think back to when she had first seen a major infection: the resulting infection, having gone one for so long, couldn’t be cured by the doctor she was studying under and because of this the limb - in this case the poor man’s lower leg - had to be removed to keep the infection from tainting his blood and ultimately killing him. The man had been discharged two weeks later after severe testing to make sure he was in otherwise good health, but it was a mistake she was sure the man would never repeat again considering the constant reminder of having to be in a wheelchair for the rest of his days.

Hearing her father ask about grabbing the plates she nodded her head, wiping from her mind the thought of the horrors of the first infection she had seen in favor of grabbing two plates and bringing them over to her father so that he could portion food onto both of them, her stomach growling at the delicious smell once more reached her nose. Riku gave a soft pip, leaning forward in interest of the food: though Zaylee had long since realized that Riku would never touch the food on anyone’s plate without permission, a habit which made Zaylee wonder if she had had an owner previous to herself. Following her father over to the kitchen table she took her usual seat next to him, looking down at the plate placed in front of her and licking her lips. Pushing two sausages to the side so that they could cool - the two meant for Riku - she picked up her fork and speared some of the eggs on it, giving them a soft blow to cool them a bit before popping the steaming heap of delicious food into her mouth and chewing on it quietly. Spearing a bit of sausage with her fork next she was about to give it similar treatment to the eggs when her father’s question caused her to pause. Placing her fork down on the plate she slipped her right hand up her left sleeve and pulled from a hidden pocket the scroll that detailed that days mission. Handing it over to her father so that he could read it if he wished she would speak softly, ”I picked that up yesterday. Supposed to help change up one of the arena’s for an upcoming set of matches. A bit of landscape altering, and resetting of traps, that kind of thing. I’ll be using that jutsu I told you about with Riku so I can get a better look at the landscape. They didn’t list what all traps and such had been set off, so they warned me I had to be careful when doing it. Plus the weapons that got left behind from the previous matches there.” Everything she mentioned would be detailed more in the scroll should Daremo decide to read it.

Becoming quiet Zaylee returned to eating the delicious food her father had prepared, pausing between bites to feed Riku a bit of the sausages she had set aside, the bird remaining perched as she always was on her shoulder. ”I plan on heading there after I’m done eating so I can get it over with.”, Zaylee added after feeding Riku another bite of sausage and then returning to feeding herself, her plate already half empty. Thankfully, unlike her biological mother or even Amaya for that matter, Zaylee wasn’t a light eater: with the training she went through she needed all the energy she could get. Even as small as she was she never ended up putting on a single pound more than she should despite how much she ate simply because of how hard she trained. ”Do you want to come and help me, daddy? Probably would be good idea not to do this alone, just in case something were to happen while I’m there.”, she would ask between bites of food, quickly finishing off the rest of her plate. She didn’t mind the idea of her father coming to help like most children would have: Zaylee didn’t have the normal aversion most children did when getting help - honestly, it wouldn’t be a bad idea, especially if she accidentally stumbled upon a particularly nasty trap which was, for all intents and purposes, quite possible considering what she would be doing. Having someone else there she could rely upon should an accident happen would be quite smart in her opinion. Much better than her going at it alone, ending up accidentally injured, and then stuck until someone happened to wander over to check her work and found her at which point it could very well be too late.

Personal WC: 950 | 1,965
Total Thread WC: 3,128


Using the fork, Daremo cut into the fried sausage, steam rolling from the hot meat. Puncturing the piece of food with the utensil, and plopping it into his mouth, Daremo waited for Zaylee to tell him about any plans she had today. For himself, the silver-haired male did not have any plans outside of wandering around Konoha, looking at the various vendors, seeing if they had something to catch his eye. Though he could use the time to train, and attempt to meet important and influential people, he did not want to. This was, for the most part, a vacation for the family; a chance for them to relax before going headfirst into the upcoming storm in Kumogakure no Sato.

Speaking of the trouble brewing within Kumogakure. He wondered when would be the perfect time to mention it to the twins. Although he would like nothing more to protect them from the harsh reality of the world, he knew it would only be a matter of time before something happens with them forcefully be thrown into the conflict. Normally he would not bat an eyelash about telling kids what is to come, yet, when it comes to his own children than there is some hesitation. Funny how things work like that, eh? A man known for being blunt was afraid to when it came to his own children.

Taking a bite of the eggs, citrine eyes glanced at Zaylee, a soft smile coming on his face. The question on her activities for the day was answered when a scroll was pulled out a scroll from her left sleeve. The action reminding him of a bit of his younger self. An eyebrow raised at the sight of the scroll, and an unspoken question was asked. Grabbing the scroll, Daremo opened it up and looked at its contents. The mission seemed like a mundane one with the village needing able bodies to help with the clear up of the arena. Those with jutsus able to alter the terrain would be helpful due to the money holes, tree unroots, and rock formations that usually sprang up during combat between two. Although there was no mention of their being traps, Daremo suspected there might be. It would be foolish not to find used or unused traps in the area.

Rolling the scroll back up, Daremo slid it back over to Zaylee, listening to her speak about the details of the mission. “Seems like a fairly simple mission,” Daremo spoke, taking a bite of eggs and sausage, savoring the tastes. “Using Riku to get a bird’s eyes view of the arena is smart. Riku will allow you to see the entire arena without much trouble.” Daremo said, taking another bite of the delicious food. “Speaking of the technique you used with Riku, can you teach me it?”  he had no problem is asking to be taught something by someone that is younger, or had a lower rank than him. To him, one is never too old to learn new things from those around him.

Hiretsu, who had been quiet after greeting Zaylee and Riku earlier, left from her perch on the back of the sofa and hopped onto the back of a wooden chair adjacent to Daremo. Eying the bird suspiciously, who was looking at his food with hunger, Daremo sighed and slid the plate, it only had sausage in it, to his bird, “Sometimes you don’t want me to feed you, and other times you are like this. Make up your mind, please?”, instead of acknowledging what was said, the bird ignored him and continued on feasting on the scraps.  

With Zaylee being busy with the mission, Daremo pondered on what he was going to do. Reaching towards Hiretsu, wanting to pets her head, he received a playful nick for his troubles. Ignoring the sting from the bite, Daremo petted the bird, “Well, with you doing the mission. I will just hang around the house until yall return.”, he stated. Taking the now clean plate away from Hiretsu, Daremo stood up and took the empty plate to the sink. Guess he could always clean up the house?

At Zaylee’s statement, Daremo paused mid-step, and look at his daughter, “Sure I will come. I did not have any plans for today either, so I would be bored around the house.” He admitted. Putting the plate in the sink, he thought about what Zaylee said. Indeed, it would be safer for him to go along with her. As she mentioned earlier, although there was no mention of their being traps in the arena, one could never be sure, and having an extra pair of eyes to keep a look out of the surrounding area would always be helpful. If he did not go, and something would happen to his precious angel, he could not live with himself. “I am ready for this mission whenever you are. I will be following and listening to your orders.” Daremo said. This being another chance for Zaylee to show her leading capabilities.

Dressed in a light green kisode, dark green hakama, white obi, and black geta, Daremo’s hair was tied into a low hanging ponytail. Watching up the dishes, he would wait for Zaylee.




Hearing her father’s words about it being smart to use the technique that she had created for use with Riku, Zaylee nodded her head since she was in the middle of chewing her food. The technique was something she was quite proud of, and it had so far come into use on several occasions, though most notable her previous mission she had gone on. The ability to see from up high, to get a detailed look into the world around her through such a means while going undetected by those who would think nothing of a bird flying overhead, was sure to give her an advantage in missions to come when she had ranked up a bit more. She was just spearing another bite of food, about to pop it into her mouth, when her father’s question made her pause: he wanted to learn the jutsu she had created? She knew that some were stingy with the techniques they made on their own, they horded the knowledge they had for themselves and didn’t like to share the information with anyone. To be fair, Zaylee was much the same way at least when it came to outsiders. However, her father wasn’t an outsider, she loved him dearly, and considering how helpful the technique had been to her she could only imagine it would be beneficial for her father as well. A technique such as her ability to see through Riku’s eyes could mean the difference between life and death, the difference between stumbling into an ambush that was ready to happen and being given the element of surprise. There was no way she would deny him such a request. ”Of course, daddy! I’d be happy to share it.”, she would respond with a smile before popping another bite of food into her mouth.

Her attention would then shift to Hiretsu, the bird clearly hungry and eyeing her father’s plate in a way that made her think that if he didn’t offer it to her she would take what was left by force. A giggle escaped her as her father slid the plate across the table to the bird, his words certainly a habit she had seen herself. While Hiretsu never pecked at herself, her mother, or her brother, nor gave them a hard time when it came to feeding her, it seemed that her ability to put up with Daremo seemed to depend on what kind of mood the bird was in: though this was more of an assumption due to observation than anything - it wasn’t like either of their birds could speak after all.

As she finished eating breakfast a happy smile graced her lips as her father paused on his way to place his plate into the sink, agreeing to go with her on this mission since he had nothing else to do that day. It made her feel better knowing that he would be there: sure, some kids enjoyed doing things on their own mostly to prove a point, but Zaylee was no such creature. She liked to be cautious about things: there was no point in walking alone into a situation she might not be able to handle when she could have just as easily asked for help from another. So, rising from the table she made her way over to the sink, washing and rinsing her plate before setting it off to the side to dry. Her glass which once held orange juice but which was now empty followed suit: the child having a strong belief about cleaning up after herself.

As her father spoke that he was ready when she was, and also told her that she would be leading this mission, she gave a nod - making a note to herself as she made her way to the front door that she was less nervous this time around compared to the last mission her father had left her in charge of. Perhaps because she had already been in this position before? Or perhaps because this mission was less dangerous - or so she assumed - than what they had done the other day? She didn’t know the answer to those questions. ”The sooner begun, the sooner done.”, she said simply, pausing by the door, Riku landing on her shoulder once more, as she waited for her father before stepping outside, pausing as the door was locked behind them. Chatting about nothing in particular she would make her way to the arena with her father, stopping to check in and showing proof of who she was before taking the needed supplies which were sealed into easily carryable scrolls and heading to the location they would be working on. Once she reached the arena she would glance at Riku with a smile, the bird making a soft piping noise at her - Riku knew the part already she would be playing in this, and she was prepared. ”Alright, so the technique is pretty simple…”, she would explain before making the bird hand sign. A bit of chakra would surge between herself and Riku upon her shoulder, a connection being made between Riku’s ocular cortex and Zaylee’s own as she closed her right eye, finding that she could see not only her surroundings still, but through Riku’s eyes as well as the bird gave a flap of her wings and launched herself into the air, making her way around the arena in as slow a circle as the bird could manage while staying airborne. ”Only need to keep one eye closed to see through the bird’s vision - I purposely did this so that I wouldn’t be left blind in case I’m using it when an enemy comes up on me. Opening up both eyes breaks the connection, though. Riku and I have measured this a few times, she can go about forty meters from myself before she’s too far away and the connection breaks…” As she focused on what Riku was seeing she took mental notes of the arena, including a few areas where she had seen that traps had been set off, and a few others that looked a bit too clean in her opinion. ”Hm, from what I’m seeing there are some traps to the ease that were set off, they’ll have to be switched out and reset. North looks… a little too clean? Looks like no one’s been in that area, so I’m assuming there might be some traps up there that haven’t been set off yet.”

Zaylee would wait to see if her father attempted to use the same jutsu she had just demonstrated with Riku, with Hiretsu, allowing him a birds eye view of the area as well. Whether he did or not she would formulate a quick plan in her mind, knowing that her father left her in charge of this mission. ”If we split the work up in half we can get it done twice as fast. I’ll take the west and north of the arena, you can take the east and south. We can meet up in the middle when we’re done.” If her father had no issues with this she would hand over to him two scrolls filled with various supplies for the traps that either had to be reset or new ones that had to be put down: one marked south, the other east.

Once ready Zaylee would head over to her own area, careful of any traps that might not have been set off. She reset the traps that were to remain, and then altered some of the others that needed to be switched out. The landscape was also altered to the details within the scrolls provided, giving a new area overall for the next matches to happen within. Once finished with the east side of the arena Zaylee would move north, being cautious of the area due to it looking so clean. Several traps were replaced here too, while others were tested and then reset to ensure they were within working order. Finished she would meet her father back in the center as planned, exiting with him and dropping the supply scrolls back off as they finished.
Thread Exit

Personal WC: 1,385 | 3,350 / 1,500
Total Thread WC: 5,393

Ryo Owed: 300
EP Owed: 2EP (mission) + 2EP (social requirements) = 4EP

15% Reduction to training due to Daremo (A-rank)
Perception D0 -> D1: 1,850 - 277 = 1,573
Perception D1 -> D2: 1,573 - 340 = 1,233
Perception D2 -> D3: 1,233 - 383 = 850

Speed D0 -> D1: 850 - 277 = 573
Speed D1 -> D2: 573 - 340 = 233

Discarding 233 words


Following Zaylee towards the front door, Daremo noted the lack of nervousness about her, even though, she once again being given the role of leadership. Though unlike the last time the role was given to her, the stakes were much higher. If she had messed up back then there would have been dire consequences for them both. Such consequences would not be present this time around, both of them knew such, thus, his daughter showed a lack of nervousness. Her not being nervous was good. Nervous can lead to the downfall of many shinobi. It clogs and clouds the mind from acting or performing correctly. When allowing one’s nerves to run rampant, mistakes are made with the chance of them costing the lives of those involved.

Stepping outside out of the house, Hiretsu perched on his shoulder, as he closed and locked the door behind him, not before everything needed was on their person. Giving his companion a few pets on the head, and not getting bit this time around, Daremo chatted idly with Zaylee. There a variant of different topics, many which being light-hearted and fun in nature. Every now and then, he glanced at the people they passed going to the arena, nodding at those who acknowledge him and his daughter. Arriving at the arena, Daremo followed Zaylee towards the place where they were supposed to check in and get the needed supplies for the mission.

Following her into the arena, he looked around at the number of holes, crushed boulders, uprooted trees, etc that were scattered about the area. His attention shifted back to Zaylee as she started speaking, Riku joining in as well, and made the bird hand sign. Feeling the surge of chakra, he gave his daughter his undivided attention as she began to speak about the technique in question. The technique seems fairly simple in concept. Zaylee was using chakra to establish a connection between her and Riku. He could only assume the chakra was connecting Zaylee to the bird’s eyesight. That was the only explanation on how she was able to see through Riku’s eyes.

“I see.” Looking ay Hiretsu, Daremo was surprised to see her looking at Riku and Zaylee with a hint of jealous. He did not know why his companion was looking at the two in that manner when she normally loves to be around either. No matter ” Do you want to try?”, expecting a negative, Daremo was surprised when Hiretsu agreed to try this technique. Not wanting to test Hiretsu’s patient, Daremo channeled a small amount of chakra through his fingers, and gently tap Hiretsu on the top of the head as he connected with her ocular nerves. “Let’s see if this works.”, The female King Vulture did not have to be told twice as she took off into the sky. Remembering what Zaylee said about covering one eye, Daremo did just that.

The feeling felt was not like anything he ever experiences. Through Hiretsu’s eyes, he was seeing the world in a whole new different light. He was able to see what Hiretsu experienced on a daily basis. As his companion flew around the arena, Daremo noted a few traps hidden about, something that would have been overlooked or missed if it was not for the aerial view.  With one eye still remaining closed, Daremo nodded at Zaylee’s words, “Yeah, there are a few traps lying about amongst some of the rubble.” Looking in the direction Zaylee mentioned, Daremo agreed with his daughter. “Yeah, there is something strange about the area considering it being too clean for fighting to have taken place here.”

Hiretsu made one more fly across the arena before perching on Daremo’s shoulder with a smug look about her. She being glad that she was able to perform the technique. “Agreed, by splitting the arena in half, it would make it easier for us,” Daremo said before about to clean his section. Using the doton element, Daremo was able to manipulate the earth, uprooting any hidden traps, filling up the holes, and recreating some of the boulders. Once everything was done, Daremo followed Zaylee out of the arena with the father and daughter duo heading home.


Personal WC: 710 |2762
Total Thread WC: 6112
Mission: 2700 | 2700 - double ryo
Ryo Owed: 600 
EP Owed: 2EP (mission) + 2EP (social requirements) = 4EP

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