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1Crime and Punishment Empty Crime and Punishment Sat Nov 24, 2018 3:37 am



Another day, another group of bandits to get at. Maikumaru had officially made the valley of the mountains his home. It was relatively solitary, full of wide and open space to train in. There was just one problem: the bandits. When had made his last pilgrimage within the Mountains, he had noticed that there was an abundance of Black Market trading between gangs of bandits and illicit merchants. The population of this illegal activity was quite minimal. But within the past month, there has been a growing number of criminal activity. Which wasn’t a good sing. The amount of criminal activity from the otter parts of Iwagakure reflects the criminal activity from within. Maikumaru had thought to go on a crusade, like Akira had done before him. Purging the Criminal Population once and for all. But first thing was first: Maikumaru had spent the week training harder than normal for the week following. He was going to need to purge the Gangs in the Valley of Mountains. Which itself shouldn’t be a difficult task. The Bandits in the Valley were weak. Very weak. Maikumaru had never gotten rid of them fully because he had found running into them from time to time, and taking them out to be very gratifying. He had become a bit of a antagonizer to the gangs. Luckily his cave was well hidden, so they could never find him.

He had already left his cave, right after doing a warm up. He clenched his fist. At the bottom of one of the mountains, there was Maikumaru, in front of a small caravan of Bandits, no doubt carrying stolen goods. They all wore dark cloaks, faces obscured by masks covering the lower halves of their faces. THere were four of them riding on horses, surrounding a large carriage. There on riding in the front had a gold lining over his cloak in the shape of Scorpions. “Who the Hell are you?”

Maikumaru put his fists on his hands. And looked around, pretending that he didn’t know exactly who the bandit was talking too. “I am an...Inquisitor....a Crusader here to purge The Land of Earth of a growing fungus.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?! Are you calling us fungi?!”

Maikumaru quickly reached behind him and into his pouch. He grabbed his Kunai, and threw it at the man, aiming directly for his throat, attempting to take advantage of the man being mounted. But with speed and precision, the man caught it between two fingers. “You had your chance. Boys, butcher him. I’ll make sure the cargo gets to where it needs to go. Catch up with me later. One of the men held out a crossbow, and aimed it at Maikumaru. He took out his two gauntlets, and punched them together. “Alright boys. Lets have some fun.”

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