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1What Lies Beneath Bounties Empty What Lies Beneath Bounties Fri Jun 01, 2018 10:33 pm




These are a list of bounties of important figures wanted by kirigakure in the land of Sunagakure. Kirigakure and ninja supporting them who take the prerequisite missions are able to seek out these VIPs and capture or eliminate them to affect the outcomes and directions of the event. Likewise other nations are more than able to seek these VIP’s out for themselves for various purposes, whether it’s to convert them to their own cause, prevent their death / capture or simply take the bounty themselves. Should they be captured, they can be saved or even fought along-side with as NPC’s in quest missions should you align yourselves with them.

Name: Gasuna, Oboro
Age: 34
General Appearance: here
Personality: A sensual yet shy crime lord whom is known to resent the sight of death and violence. Her claim to fame is her beauty and subtle charm as well as her polite and graceful nature that has been used expertly to gravitate the criminal element towards her as a symbol.
Goals: Oboro’s goal is to survive, and she’s one of the lowest ranking lieutenants in a movement to secure Sunagakure for themselves, but while she’s low in rank her influence is widespread. In many cases she’s the poster-girl for the rogue movement, accumulating others to her side in record numbers.
Abilities: Oboro is an exceedingly skilled C rank genjutsu and medical ninjutsu user and member of the fallen Karisuma clan. Along with her powerful Doujutsu she is capable of using visial triggers surrounding making herself seem more beautiful to all those who perceive her in one of their 5 senses depending on the jutsu she’s used. The jutsu triggers a dopamine response within her victims with her B rank med / genjutsu that simulates the effect of love, often turning allies into enemies and making her allies fight all the harder for her. She has D-2 stats across the board as well as B rank fuuton, knowing all library jutsu she would be able to learn.
Items: Oboro herself has no items on her person, but she has 10 C rank guards which surround her. Each of them have B rank bukijutsu as well as B rank fuuton and C-1 stats across the board. They have various B rank weapons from the item catalog as well as all library fuuton jutsu.
Requirements: A ninja must have taken operation desert lotus targeting oboro’s group as well as 2 other quest missions tracking / locating or hunting down Oboro in order to take this bounty. Or 3 quest missions seeking them out. Defeating Oboro rewards 3 EP to all participants.

Name: Kiryu, Tente
Age: 43
General Appearance: here
Personality: Tente is a psychopathic extortionist and hit man for the missing forces. Feared by many he’s a juggernaut of a man and deceptively intelligent despite his fury. Believing might makes right, he’s not one to go down easy, but also, he’s not one to despise losing.
Goals: Tente wants little more than to carve a space for himself out in the world, to live in the lap of luxury that he’s smashed out for himself with his own two fists.
Abilities: Tente is a B rank opponent with A-1 strength and endurence with B-0 stats across the board on everything else. He’s a capable Doton user with B Rank Taijutsu (Strength) and Ninjutsu. He’s more than capable of performing all library techniques he’d be capable of using. Tente’s skin is considered light armor of his rank with the base defensive characteristics.
Items: Tente travels in a troupe of 3 including himself. His two drinking buddies are the only members of his notorious gang but individually lead large gangs of their own. Each of them is a C rank opponent with C-2 stats across the boar as well as assorted C rank equipment and light armor from the item catalogue. Each of them have C rank bukijutsu and come with various D rank, D-0 stat thugs as little more than fodder in an almost unending supply.
Requirements: A ninja must have taken operation earthshaker targeting Tente’s groups thugs as well as 2 other quest missions tracking / locating or hunting down Tente in order to take this bounty.Or 3 quest missions seeking them out. Defeating Tente rewards 5 EP to all participants.

Name: Kite
Age: ???
General Appearance: here
Personality: Kite is a chameleon as well as a coward, he will spend most of any fight attempting to flee and utilize his techniques in order to blend into any crowd that he’s in.
Goals: To forward information from Kirigakure into the hands of the Sunagakure rogue forces.
Abilities: Kite is a skilled stealth ninja who is a master of the transformation technique as well as the medical shadow-clone. He’s a B rank ninja who has A rank medical ninjutsu as well as ninjutsu as well as B-2 stats across the board. Kite has a plethora of A rank maintainable stealth techniques that will allow him to hide almost instantly if the ninja would loose direct sight of him as he flees. Kite will attempt to distract the ninja with clones which split up and flee as well as altering his appearance in the kirigakure compound. Kite also has a single B rank Tanto that deals the base damage for a weapon of its rank.
Requirements: A ninja must have taken Operation Javelin as well as 2 other quest missions tracking / locating or hunting down Kite in order to take this bounty. Or 3 quest missions seeking them out. Defeating Kite rewards 5 EP to all participants.

Name: ‘The Executioner’
Age: 65
General Appearance: here
Personality: The executioner is a former bodyguard of the Daimyo of the sands, fiercely proud and domineering with his presence. Known to showboat as well as outperform most ninja laughing while he does so. The executioner is numb to pain and relentless in all forms.
Goals: To enjoy conquest and disorder and shine as a monolith with his accumulated glory.
Abilities: The Executioner is an SS rank opponent who is a master with a pole-axe. He has SS rank bukijutsu, Medical ninjutsu and S rank ninjutsu with SS rank Doton, Katon and S rank Futon. The Executioner has SS-2 stats across the board and is equipped with an S rank pole-axe that is able to cleave through defensive techniques with equal chakra cost. He also has all library abilities that he would be able to use.
Items: His S ranked pole-axe has the ability for the user to pay chakra equal to the chakra cost of a defensive technique it comes into contact with to hew through it effortlessly.
Requirements: A ninja must have taken Operation Kusanagi as well as 2 other quest attempting to take down the Executioner or the red sands that defend him in order to take this bounty. Or 3 quest missions seeking them out. Defeating The executioner rewards 10 EP to all participants.

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