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1Beasts of burden. (Private/Di) Empty Beasts of burden. (Private/Di) Thu Apr 05, 2018 1:55 am



The circus was in town. A jovial affair for men and women, children of all ages. Surrounding the central tent outside the city were lights and music, fair-ground games with fabulous prizes. The citizens of Kiri flocked to enjoy the traveling amusements. From fantastic Kugutsu feats and performances to watch along with rare beasts housed in the carnival's menagerie, watched over by the affair's chief operator: the beast tamer Zumu. On the surface, this nomadic circus was a great boon for the city, much-needed fanfare in the wake of increasing serial killings, looming war and criminal freaks popping up across the city. Kirei couldn't help but wonder how much of the city's changes were a reflection of the heroes who had taken up arms against them: was The Hound part of the problem?

Though it was a great distraction from current events, the fair brought with it another, more sinister set of circumstances. For five days since it's arrival, people were going missing, and the profile was not subtle. Always young women, consistently blonde-haired and petite, vanished after being lost at the carnival. On its own, a singular disappearance at a circus wasn't that suspicious, but in five days, there'd been five girls. Naturally, this piqued the interest of Kirigakure's newest crimefighting unit, The Daring Duo of Draconic Dog Duress: Di and The Hound. The first night's investigation had stalled, Kirei being unable to contain his nearly thirteen-year-old self from enjoying the festivities out of his costume rendered the time utterly pointless from at least Kirei's perspective.

Di, on the other hand, had managed to trail a woman the second night who fit the description of the predator's marks. She had wandered out, as if in a trance, to the forest surrounding the fairgrounds. Disappointed he'd been pulled away from the fun, Kirei donned his costume and joined Di in pursuit. Quietly marching through the trees, the sounds of music and laughter faded away into a dull murmur behind the stealthy duo. The woman's movements were twitchy and entirely unnatural, she had apparently been affected by something, not of her own will and the further they ventured away, the more strange her behavior would become. After nearly a mile, the woman stopped, growing eerily still and staring out into the blackened fog that seemed unnaturally thick. Kirei gripped a kunai in his right hand and began to ascend a nearby tree, giving Di a nod as he took his perch.

From the mist before the woman, the duo would spot the first sign of the evil lurking in the forest. Two yellow lights moved in unison, sinister eyes staring out of the mist toward the woman who by now had shut her eyes and begun to sway back and forth slowly. From the wall of fog, a massive paw would emerge followed by the body of what could only be described as Nue, but made from part-bear and part-peacock. Behind the creature, a humanoid form would appear in its wake, tall and muscular with a white mustache and afro, dressed head to toe in white and red stripes. Kirei stifled a gasp as he laid eyes upon Zumu, the carnival's owner.

"Well aren't you a tasty little flower?" Zumu would say, moving towards his entranced victim.

"Go ahead," he continued, looking back towards the monstrous abomination behind him, who would lunge forward towards the woman in time with his final statement -

"Eat, my love!"


2Beasts of burden. (Private/Di) Empty Re: Beasts of burden. (Private/Di) Thu Apr 05, 2018 4:19 am



A dramatic flash of lightning blazed across the heavens and as if weeping for the fate of the sacrificial maiden a heavy downpour began to fall. Zumu far from discreet with his killings had no need to be. With such a monstrous chimeric beast few would dare challenge him and as long as the countries ninja were distracted by the looming threat of international incident, their gaze was firmly plastered elsewhere.

Sensing that meeting the beast in human form would be a grave mistake, Di had already begun his transformation. In the fragments of time his body took to shift into it's true state Di thought of Kirei. The boy had some truly amazing resilience both mental and physical. In the space of a few weeks he had witnessed a divine beast ascend from the ocean followed straight after by two much less divine beasts, taken on a new persona to fight criminals and saved the lives of over 50 people at Di's last count.

It was easy to lose sight of the fact that Kirei was merely a youth not yet thirteen summers old. His desire to go see the carnival for it's own sake had been the one youthful allowance the boy had allowed in his otherwise very adult life. It was not that Kirei was jaded – far from it the young ninja had an optimism that was almost completely gone in Kiri's older ninjas. Di didn't think it would shatter either, during their work on the Kabuki Killer case Kirei had borne witness to some brutal murders. Kirei didn't even flinch when Di had mentioned tracking down Yatagarasu. Indeed the boy seemed to view it as a challenge.

What could Kirei have been if he lived in the days when dragon and humans more freely intermingled. There was a time back when Di's father was still young when this was the case. Great Empires rose and fell far grander than anything in the modern era. Humans did not possess chakra and thus relied on grand armies led by great heroes with unparalleled martial skill. Back then many supernatural creatures that were far more discreet in the modern era walked openly and made contracts with sorcerers (for this was the only way mages could gain power in those days). Would Kirei have become a general himself leading the jade dynasty of benevolence against the azure tyrants? Or would he have become an imperial investigator like Di Renji the man whom Di admired and took his name from?

In this day and age Kirei's ability to use chakra well had made him a ninja. But that raised the question. Where did this talent come from? Di wished he could ask his uncle Huixing but the dragon who had stayed to watch humanity after the others had left had died several centuries ago and his soul was missing somewhere in the wheel of reincarnation.

The moment like all moments passed and Di was forced back into action. Bounding across the ground he brought his tail round slamming into the nue like beasts side causing it to howl. While the girl was (for a moment) saved the ravages of the creature the beasts gaze found Di's eyes and suddenly his world became searing agony as the pain of burning coals shot through his joints.

For all Di's reading the dragon had very little practical experience with genjutsu and the techniques phantom pain seared through his body.

(575 words)

3Beasts of burden. (Private/Di) Empty Re: Beasts of burden. (Private/Di) Thu Apr 05, 2018 7:44 pm



As the horrible creature lunged towards its prey, Kirei tensed and prepared to jump from the tree on his path to intercept but would find Di had beat him to the punch. Changing in an instant, the boy's draconic partner managed to lay a significant blow to the side of the chimera, knocking it off course and sparing the woman a grisly fate. Wasting no time, Kirei sprung into action, descending from the tree while hurling four shurikens in the direction of Zumu. In response, the beast tamer would leap away and turn his gaze toward the young Uchiha; whose eyes were now roaring with signature red chakra.

Kirei's primary objective had been to put distance between the tamer and the woman who would be his victim. Kirei would land just to the right of her and snap his arm out to grab her, pulling hard and dragging her stiff form backward. She wouldn't have any of it, whatever Genjutsu this villain had put her under must still have been taking effect. Realizing he wasn't able to just move her, the boy hopped forward, readying a kunai along with a defensive stance to protect this woman from an awful fate. Kirei dug his heels in deep as Zumu let out a bellowing laugh, his creature currently locking Di in a fearsome illusionary technique. With his own problems to deal with, The Hound was unable to help for the moment and hoped Di wouldn't end up Nue food before the night was up.

Zumu came down on Kirei like a freight train, muscular arms laying down blows for the boy's head. With such a height differential, Kirei's lower body would mostly be protected from the man's fists, and so he ducked low, rolling on his left shoulder but not counter-attacking. Instead, he would disengage and bolt away, spinning to slam his hands together in a hand seal before sending his chakra into the earth. Beneath the soil, Kirei's will would rip through the rock, splintering it beneath Zumu's feet. He would grunt loudly as the erratic shifts of Kirei's makeshift tectonic plates impacted his footing, causing him to tumble forward onto the ground, biting dirt hard.

Kirei wouldn't allow this villainous foe any respite and charged forward, pulling a kunai from his belt tightly into his right hand he'd swing it for the leg of Zumu who was still trying to stand. As his kunai met flesh, Kirei would notice the alien sensation right away. Instead of blood, trails of black ink would fly violently from the wound, and the cut would begin to unravel before the Uchiha's eyes. Zumu's face would turn, twisting unnaturally to meet the boy with a toothy grin. Looking down, Kirei would notice the ground filling with the inky substance, sticking to his feet. With a panicked struggle, the boy would try pulling himself free into a run but trip instead, hands submerging in the opaque glue.

The Genjutsu was doing its work, sucking Kirei down into the false swamp with no mercy. Had this foe bested the crimefighters? What became of Di and the chimera? Would Kiri's daring duo be able to overcome this challenge? Or would this sinister circus have the last laugh after all?


4Beasts of burden. (Private/Di) Empty Re: Beasts of burden. (Private/Di) Thu Apr 05, 2018 10:36 pm



What was real? What was illusion. The great sage Zhangzi had once dreamt of being a butterfly. In this state he had flitted across the fields and meadows tasting the sweet nectar that flowed from the flowers below. Upon waking and returning to his mortal state Zhangzi had wondered aloud wheter or not he was really a man dreaming of being a butterfly or whether he was actually a butterfly dreaming of being a man.

Even as Di's mind flicked back to his studies on this and many other topics the Nue like beast advanced with it's heavy paws outstretched to throttle the life out of him. Di had read in Buddhist sutras that maya – the very fabric that made up the reality of Samsara was illusory in nature. This aether was in constant flux making it transient and therefore promoting the needless suffering that accompanied existence.

The Nues paws were now wrapped tight around Di's throat constricting him in their killer grip. Di himself did not subscribe to the tenets of Buddhism practising instead the ancient Shendaoist religion of ancestor worship and veneration of the gods . But maybe he could take some advice from what he had learned from their teaching to escape his situation. Straining with all his might Di put the best of his efforts into ripping the Nue's arms from his windpipe. Unfortunatley for Di even with his dragonic strength it was not enough and the weakness that flowed from his burning muscles made his efforts seem futile.


As Di strained he reached a point where he had almost passed out. He had nothing left to give and so Di stopped struggling. At this point the pain stopped as well. The genjutsu which had ravaged his mind slipped away like water and Di's entire perception focused on nothing but the eternal unchanging self that was his Buddha nature. It was far from true enlightenment and he would not gain the merits of becoming a Buddha or Bodhisattva from such a base technique. But it was Zen.

Zen was known as the lowest form of enlightenment due to it being transitory. Indeed many fell into a short period of Zen at least once in their lives without realising it. The easiest way to do this was to do as Di had done and push oneself beyond one's limits till all distractions faded away. In such a state one was often capable of feats that were nearly superhuman in nature. Or in this case super dragon which was, when one considered it, a somewhat terrifying concept.

Di's punch hit the Nue in the chest like a jackhammer. Ribs snapped as the creature flew backwards through the air to smash into the ground – a puppet with it's strings cut. Unfortunately for Di that was about all he could muster as his moment of Zen passed and he did much the same as the Nue had only with less broken bones. With the dragon and the nue both down the final showdown was set for the conflict between the wicked ringmaster and the masked vigilante of Kirigakure. The carnival of chaos was crumbling could the cowled crusader capture the crazed criminal conman?

(534 words , 1109 total)

5Beasts of burden. (Private/Di) Empty Re: Beasts of burden. (Private/Di) Fri Apr 06, 2018 9:18 pm



Spluttering in the swamp, Kirei could hear the ringmaster laughing in the growing dark. He took a breath, drawing in air to fill his lungs deep and focused his chakra, academy training kicking in as his body would surge with energy. Spiritual flow released him from the chains of madness, and he was stood on his feet still clutching the knife he'd used to slash the man. The kunai was covered in blood, confirming to the Uchiha that the blow triggering the Genjutsu had landed in some fashion. Still gathering thoughts, he noticed too late that Zumu was coming down on him with an attack, taking advantage of his Genjutsu-addled brain. The man's fist landed on Kirei's jaw with a loud thump. The boy reeled in pain, stumbling down to the forest floor with blood pouring out his mouth.

Before the Uchiha could gather himself and stand, he saw his foe rush into view again and launch a swift kick for the boy's midsection. Kirei coughed and let out a yelp, rolling through the dirt and pushing himself onto one knee. If it weren't for the Sharingan, his vision would have been the decider here, he'd have been blurry eyed and utterly unable to track Zumu's movements toward him. He would channel chakra into a shuriken and toss it, thrown speed far quicker than his own would get the projectile far enough away for him to substitute and get some distance. With spinning leaves and dust, Kirei whipped across the forest and left the tool replacing him lodged in a nearby tree.

Katon wasn't an option, right now his ribs hurt too much to breathe deep and form enough chakra, so instead, he stepped forward, chakra flowing into the earth and causing it to crack violently, opening fissures in the forest beneath the ringmaster's feet. With nowhere left to stand, Zumu plummeted, and Kirei's hands came together tiredly in another haphazard hand seal, closing the opening and leaving the villain's head emerging from the enclosed earth. Kirei's breath was labored, and his mouth still dripped blood from the corner, but he had subdued the man for now. With Di having taken the beast out of commission, Kirei managed to suppress the final threat. He spared a look towards Di.

"Guess that's it."

The woman who had been his victim would swiftly collapse into unconsciousness, but a cursory examination would reveal she had miraculously escaped unharmed. Traveling back to the carnival would be much longer than their initial walk, if only because the pair would be nursing injuries and transporting Zumu to ANBU for swift judgment. It was the way of Kirigakure to execute murderers, but it was not for the Dragon and Dog to act as judge, merely as protectors of the innocent. The surprising revelation came when they arrived back at the fairgrounds; where once there was a vibrant circus, there now stood a confused rabble rubbing their heads in confusion.

It had all been an illusion. The Hound looked left to his companion and gave a small nod, then vanished into the dark.


450 trains strength d-2 to d-3
1175 trains endurance d-rank to d-3

6Beasts of burden. (Private/Di) Empty Re: Beasts of burden. (Private/Di) Sat Apr 07, 2018 5:57 pm



Much like Kirei Di was really feeling the brunt of his injuries. The entire ordeal had possibly put him closer to death than he had ever been before. Back in his old life nothing like this had ever happened. In many ways this was what he had desired – adventure , danger and the chance to make a positive change in the world. And knowing how it would have turned out he wouldn't even dream of taking any other course. That didn't stop the bruises around his neck where the nue had almost asphyxiated him from stinging like the hangman’s rope or the adrenaline in his veins from having soured to the point of wanting to throw up.

The carnival being a genjutsu was something that had also shocked him. Di hadn't seen that coming at all. As a detective he needed to question more – criminals would do everything they could to deceive each of his senses. Even under normal circumstances there were countless tricks that one could perform in order to fool onlookers and those who came for more methodical investigations later on. With the addition of genjutsu which actively messed with the senses in ways that could be not immediately apparent the difficulty of correctly identifying this increased tenfold.

As part of his training in dealing with crimes in the modern age he would have to delve into more esoteric avenues of study. The nature of truth and logic would become important in a way that it had never been before in the world of men. Another question that burned at Di's mind was whether or not Zumu was entirely relying on the Nue for the illusion or if he was somehow responsible for it himself? Even if Zumu only contributed some of the effort into the deception it did not alter the fact that to Di's understanding humans could perform illusions to this scale, something that was formerly the domain of tanuki, kitsune and various other tricksters.

Di would have to investigate this further. One thing was for certain though – the world was a much more unpredictable place now. Married with their unparalleled creativity humanity’s magical talents were going to make the work of crime-solving involving to say the least.

Feeling the weight of Zumu on his shoulders Di nodded his goodbye to Kirei. It would be far better for the Kiri authorities to receive Zumu from a detective in his early twenties than a young boy no matter how skilled. Around Di people stood like scarecrows who had just awakened from a daze. Hopefully there we no long term effects from this mental invasion. Di was certain that he wouldn't have any persistent issues the moment of Zen he had achieved was more than enough to drive the tampering out. Others might not be so lucky and those with a poor sense of self might find the next few weeks something of a trying time. Well Di wasn't a medical expert so there was little he could do here.

Time to go.


(505 words, 1614 words total)

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