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1It's a Boar! (C-Rank Mission/Solo) Empty It's a Boar! (C-Rank Mission/Solo) Sun Mar 25, 2018 1:27 am



Mission name: Boar Hunts!
Mission rank: C
Objective: Reports of an overly large wild boar attacking the locals has prompted ninja action. Hunt down and kill the boar.
Location: Kumogakure No Sato/Rice paddies
Reward: 300 or 1 C rank jutsu or lower
Mission description: There has been word outside the village of a massive boar running a muck and injuring villagers that travel into the wilds for food. The task has fallen onto you to find this animal and kill it.
Mission details: The boar is not alone and in fact, is an entire pack of five overgrown boars. These boars coordinate attacks well with one another but easily pushed off balance they take time to get back up. There is another boar, an infant at that, that comes out in the middle of the fighting to attack, completely useless in appearance and size, it poses no threat but the other boars become enraged upon seeing it and attack you in a more reckless manner. The largest boar has D2 all D2 stats, while the others are all D1.

2It's a Boar! (C-Rank Mission/Solo) Empty Re: It's a Boar! (C-Rank Mission/Solo) Sun Mar 25, 2018 1:33 am



Raphael arrived at the office at a quarter past ten, knocking on the door and waiting for an answer, before walking into the room. The only one in the office was a man standing at a window looking out to the village, as soon as the boy shut the door the man began to speak without turning from the window. "The forest near the boundary of the village provide the village with berries and other fruits, not to mention game. However a problem has arisen, the last party that was sent out to gather some food was attacked. Two of the people did not make it back, those that did are currently being care for at the hospital. We don't have much information about what happened, the only thing the ones that made it back said was there was a giant boar attack. Let me be forth coming about something normally this type of mission would be reserved for a higher ranking shinobi than yourself, however with the urgency of this problem needing to be dealt with and the current chuunin exams currently keeping most of those shinobi are busy. That's where you come in," the jounin stated turning from the window to look at the boy and placing a folder on the desk. "Just tell me what I need to do, sir." The boy replied trying his best to remain professional, and not show his excitement. "Eager to get started I see, very well you are to go out into the forest find this boar and deal with it as necessary. Also you are to try to find the two missing villagers, make sure they are brought back to the village." The jounin paused for a second, "no matter what, do you understand?" The man would pause again to give the boy time to respond, "I understand sir you can count on me." Before he continued, "With a background such as yourself, you should be more than capable of dealing with this boar therefore on this mission you will be working alone. Just stay safe, remember your training, and you will do fine." The man finished sitting down at the desk and motioning towards the door signaling to the boy that he could now leave.


3It's a Boar! (C-Rank Mission/Solo) Empty Re: It's a Boar! (C-Rank Mission/Solo) Sun Mar 25, 2018 2:17 am



Raphael did not say another word, he simply nodded and left the room. The boy had his orders there was no need for further comment, once he was out of the administration building he headed straight to the gates of the village. Raphael had most of his gear with him already, with the exception of his windmill shuriken though he did not think they would be necessary, so there was no need for him to waste time returning home to get them. He had not been given a mission outside the village before, it means that the village was starting to realize he had skills that were better suited than the nonsense mission he had been given in the past. Raphael did not even care that the only reason they gave him the mission was because the higher ranks were busy, the fact that they considered him at all was enough to put a spring in the boy's step. He reached the gate in record time, stopping only to report to the gate guard what was happening should he not return in a timely manner. "Tyson, good to see you again," the boy said with a wave as he approached the guard. "What's going on Raphael where are you off too in such a hurry?" Tyson asked him while returning the boy's wave. "Got a mission," "Ah so they are finally giving you some big boy mission's are they?" The man interrupted with a chuckle as he spoke the words, Tyson was one of the few that had heard Raphael complain more than once about the missions he had been given before. "Yeah, hey listen it should not be a big problem but just in case I am not back before dark." Raphael thought for a second before he spoke his next words, "if I'm not back by nightfall, come find me. I will be in the forest. I'm just dealing with a boar but you can never be too careful." The boy finished looking to Tyson for his answer, he was met with a smile and a nod "you got it bud, don't worry I will come save you" he replied with a wink and with that Raphael was on the move once again.


4It's a Boar! (C-Rank Mission/Solo) Empty Re: It's a Boar! (C-Rank Mission/Solo) Sun Mar 25, 2018 2:24 am



Now that he was past the gate and out of the village he could pick up his speed and so the boy wasted no time at all high tailing it to the forest edge so that he could deal with this boar, once he made it to the outer edge of the forest he quickly made his way up to a low hanging branch. From there he moved through the forest to find where the villagers were attacked, it did not take long for him to find it, even from the branch he could see the chaos that remained from the attack. Bushes all but trampled, the baskets the villagers were going to use thrown all over the area, a few trails of blood, tree bark gashed and torn from trees, and indentions in the dirt from both villagers and boar. As he looked down at the scene from his perch the boy could not help but wonder how a single boar had caused such destruction, but he pushed the thought from his head as he was not there to wonder what happen it was to deal with this rampaging boar and find the missing villagers. Raphael focus his chakra sending it out of his body and into the air around him, if the boar or the villagers were still within seventy five meters of his location he would find them. Unfortunately for the young shinobi he had no such luck, which meant that they either were not nearby or they were not moving which in the case of the villagers would not be a good thing as it most likely would mean they were dead. Raphael knew he would need to take a closer look at the scene, as he could not see it as clearly as he needed to from the tree branch. After doing a quick scan of the area around him to ensure there was nothing lying in wait, the boy dropped down from the branch landing gracefully on the ground.


5It's a Boar! (C-Rank Mission/Solo) Empty Re: It's a Boar! (C-Rank Mission/Solo) Sun Mar 25, 2018 2:35 am



After a brief survey of the ground the boy was able to determine what was what, there were two separate trails of blood. The first was headed back the way the boy came which meant it was headed to the village, the second was headed deeper into the woods which the boy could only assume that it would lead him to the missing villagers. As he moved to follow the trail into the forest the boy pulled a Kunai from his pouch, if the boar was in the area he had to be careful and on his guard. After walking through the dense foliage for a while Raphael thought heard something, but according to his Wind sense there was nothing near him. Then he saw them two villagers standing on the edge of a cliff surrounded by five massive sized boars, 'shit I thought there was only one' the boy thought to himself as he ducked into a bush. The reason that he did not sense them was that none of them were moving, what looked to be the leader of this pack stood slightly larger than the other four and was standing in the front of the pack closest to the villagers snarling and snorting. Raphael could see the fear in the eyes of the villagers as they looked between the boar and the jagged rocks below the cliff, but other than what looked to be a trickle of blood from one of their hands they looked to be unharmed. 'Well at least that's one good thing' he thought to himself, at least if he was able to distract the boars the villagers would be able to get away. Raphael pulled a Shuriken from his pouch, if he was going to get the animals attention he needed to do so fast before they pushed the villagers over the edge. Raphael stood and threw his Shuriken directed at the boar in the front, as soon as it hit the boar seemed to cry out not in pain but in anger. The leader looked back its snout flaring in anger to find out what happened and saw the boy, the next thing Raphael knew four of the boars turned and charged at him however the leader seemed to stay as if it was guarding the villagers not wanting their meal to escape.


6It's a Boar! (C-Rank Mission/Solo) Empty Re: It's a Boar! (C-Rank Mission/Solo) Sun Mar 25, 2018 2:44 am



Raphael's core was already wrapped in chakra spinning at a high rate, it provided the perfect counter balance for the boy allowing him to move and balance himself with ease. The boars charged as if they were in a formation of some kind, but as they drew closer Raphael leapt into the air landing with his hand on one of the boars before flipping over them and out of the line of their charge. Despite four boars charging at him the boy's main focus was on the one that was still near the villagers, if he was going to save them then he needed to get that one away from them so they could escape. Raphael's flip caused the boar he pushed off of with his hand to actually fall over and it was now struggling to stand back up, this made Raphael laugh but he also noticed that the big one seemed to be upset about it. That's when the idea hit him if he made the big one angry enough then he could get it away from the villagers and they would be able to get away, he could tell they were scared so he called out to them. "As soon as I draw all of their attention away from you, you both need to run and get out of here." The boy dodged another charge from the three boars knocking another one to the ground before pointing to the west, "The village is that way," he added as he looked to the bigger boar to see if it would charge him but it was still just snarling and stomping its hooves.The two boars the boy knocked over got back to their feet, with the help of the other two. Once they were all back on their feet they started to move again, only instead of charging at him they seemed to spread out to surround him.


7It's a Boar! (C-Rank Mission/Solo) Empty Re: It's a Boar! (C-Rank Mission/Solo) Sun Mar 25, 2018 2:53 am



Raphael was surprised by their coordinating ability, to think that simple creatures such as boars could devise strategies and working as a team to take down their opponent. The first boar charged at the boy, Raphael readied himself for the attack but before the first boar reached him the second boar came at him from behind. If it had not been for the boy's hypersensitivity the boar would of had the boy, but as soon as the boar started its move forward. The coordinated attack of distraction followed with a sneak attack just further proved their intelligence to the boy, Raphael jumped just before the boar reached him giving it a shove causing its course to collide with the first boar ending in them both lying on the ground hopefully knocked out from the impact. Raphael looked to the bigger boar, it now had its full attention on the boy and was slowly stomping forward. The two villagers saw their chance, taking off without a word not wanting to draw attention from the boar back to them. Raphael was glad that the villagers seemed to be unharmed as they ran, leaving him now with his full attention on the boars. Unfortunately it seems that the others were not knocked out like the boy hoped they were, he was now fully surrounded by the five boars there would be no where to run. The larger boar snorted and stomped, brandishing its tusks it was clear to the boy that it was the leader and the others were following its orders. They all charged at the same time coming at the boy from every direction, the boy smiled he knew just what to do as he had a jutsu just for this situation. Charging his chakra he released a burst just before the boars reached him, sending them flying backwards some slamming into trees and some flying further because nothing was in their path to stop them. Raphael was going to capitalize on it by attacking at least some of them before they could recover, however he did not get the chance the boy heard a sound coming from the bushes. It was small and not threatening but it drew the boys attention to it, Raphael was met with the sight of a tiny runt of a baby boar charging at him and looking like it was going to attack him.


8It's a Boar! (C-Rank Mission/Solo) Empty Re: It's a Boar! (C-Rank Mission/Solo) Sun Mar 25, 2018 2:59 am



The young shinobi could not help but smile as the little thing got closer, just as it started to "attack" his leg Raphael pulled back his other foot and punted the little runt away. Raphael started to laugh at the misfortune of the baby boar, until he felt something hit him from behind. The larger one of the boars had gotten up and hit him from behind, he had been so distracted by the little one he had not been paying attention to the others. Raphael quickly cussed himself under his breath before he took in a deep breath there were only three boars he was not sure if the other two were knocked unconscious or dead but he did not sense their movement he still did not let his guard down for them as he did not want to be surprised again. The boars were a lot more sporadic in their movements, attacking wildly and in organized but still mildly directed at the boy. The only conclusion the boy could think of while he was dodging attacks is that they were upset he kicked the little one, but he was not going to let the boars get the best of him he was going to deal with them and get back to the village and get paid. Raphael wrapped his fist in futon chakra with his bladed fist he began to get to work, continuing to dodge through the wild boars he began striking them several times as they passed. The strikes alone was not doing much damage to the tough hide of the creatures, but by continuing to strike them some of his strikes hit the same spot opening the small wounds further. Eventually it was down to just the big boar and him left, the others collapsed from their wounds, Raphael released the chakra from his fist and began to charge chakra into his foot as he prepared for his next move. As soon as the boar began to charge Raphael struck, dropping low and sweeping his leg towards it releasing the built up chakra and creating a whirlwind that swallowed the boar finishing it off.


9It's a Boar! (C-Rank Mission/Solo) Empty Re: It's a Boar! (C-Rank Mission/Solo) Sun Mar 25, 2018 3:13 am



Now that they were all taken care of he rounded the five boars up and tied them together with his wire, and then dragging them back towards the village, who knew maybe he would get some extra pay for the boars as they should provide enough meat to feed a large portion of the village. It was night fall before the boy made it back to the village dragging the boars behind him, but once Tyson saw the boy approaching him and a few others came out to help him carry the boars to the butchery. Raphael made his way back to the administration building however the jounin was not in, so the boy wrote up a report and left it on the man's desk before leaving and heading home to rest.

C-Rank Mission Completed: 2703/1500 Ryo: 300
Extra Words for Ryo (25×100): 1203/1200 Ryo: 300

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