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Haka Osada

Haka Osada


750 wc

Haka Osada

Haka Osada

The best way to learn humanity, is to act humane.

It was with this sordid lesson that Haka was given the task to take care of the garden. The spider-disguised-as-human, who acted as the head servant of the manor had guided the young spider to the courtyard that rested behind the manor. To Haka, the whole area looked like it was supposed to look, but the head servant hinted at something different.

"Humans dislike such a disorderly courtyard. They expect to see it cleaned and tidied up."

Haka merely looked over the entire area. How could this not be clean? The grass was everywhere, moss grew on the rocks and there were bodies stapled on each other like they were some sort of discarded trophies of the hunt. Granted, the bodies were old and not exactly fit as food, but that didn't take away its morbid charm.

"They love it when the grass is short, not much higher than their own feet..."

Haka looked at her feet and at the height of the grass. It was way over her human feet, that was certain. Even if she imagined the grass much shorter, she failed to understand its beauty or how this could possibly be considered more beautiful than its current state. Grass was grass. It allowed a spider to hide and ambush its prey. Grass was good.

"... so we'll have to cut the whole area short."

Haka eyed the head servant once more. She didn't need words to make him understand that she considered this a foolish endeavour. Her monstrous aura explained everything just fine. It explained how the spider that she was could not appreciate the cutting of perfect hiding places, but the head servant would have none of it.

"You are here to learn about humans on Sero's behalf, remember?"

She remembered the Sero. She remembered what he had asked of her, too. She had come to comprehend the necessity of understanding the mystery of their various weapon, but she could not quite relate how this applied to the garden.

"Naturally, when you cut the grass, the weeds must be removed as well."

Naturally. 'Naturally' would be when she hunted down the foolish human that stepped inside this garden without Sero's approval. 'Naturally' would be that she devoured his flesh to nourish her. But how could the removal of weeds be 'naturally' when keeping grass short was already an alien concept to her?

"So while you're cutting the grass, you'll have to pull the weeds out. I'll show you where you can dump the grass and weeds in a minute."

Now that last part sounded logic. They had already dumped bodies, so it went without say that grass and weeds were to be dumped on a pile as well. That pile would not be such a glorious trophy as the hunting down of humans, but she could grasp the notion of that idea, at least.

"After that, we'll have to work the soil where the bodies were burned. I'll get you a shovel for that. Once the earth's been turned, it'll restore itself and we'll be able to plant some flowers."

She suspected humans to like those as well. Flowers. They were a curious thing, indeed. Colourful, scenting, appealing even to her now that she had this human form. She had seen the servants in the manor pick them on a regular base to spruce up a few rooms in the manor, some of the bouquets sniffing deeply before putting them into a vase. It made them smile. And lax. Perhaps flowers were a great tool to drop someone's defences, but it was noticeable that the females harboured a deeper desire for them than the males of the manor. Curious.

"I'd have to talk to Sero about replacing some of the statues..."

Broken tools were no good. That was true. Haka wondered if Sero too was of such a mind. Remembering the room filled with human weapons, she guessed he was. More even, it was possible that he cherished the maintenance of such humane tools and would thus agree the statues needed replacement. Not that this spider quite understood the need to do so, as the destroyed statues had just as much appeal as anything else - none.

"... but while I'll do that, you can clean the fountain again. Fountains are a sign of prestige to humans so it goes without say the fountain must be restored to pristine condition."

The fountain in question had tall grass all around it, moss clambering up to it and seemed rich with an ugly red colouring. A sharp stench pervaded its immediate surroundings, telling Haka without fault that dried blood had once run through it. She connected the size of the fountain with the burned piles of corpses, assuming that the bodies had once served to fill up the fountain of its highly valued liquid, but she could not quite figure out how exactly such a vast amount of bodies had remained preserved and unnoticed to do so. Not that it really mattered, as her duty was not to fill up the fountain, nor did she found the idea very fitting for a spider - why waste food into a fountain when it could end up in a hungry stomach? - but this was probably just another of those 'humane' things to do.

"I'll show you where the tools can be found for you to start your work in the garden. I expect you not to delay after that."

He gave a curt nod, expecting his command to be followed and was replied to with a stoic gaze in his direction. Were it not for Sero having told her to learn about humans, she would have bluntly ignored him and gone her own way, but as it were there was little else she could do than to follow him towards a small shed that sheltered several gardening tools.


- 750 wc mission
- 225 wc Strength : E to E-2

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