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1A small exchange (Invite only) Empty A small exchange (Invite only) Mon Feb 12, 2018 7:07 am

Kokai Tsumi

Kokai Tsumi

Kokai stepped to the entrance of the underground stone tunnels. His dark eyes with the red irises watching the dark entrance. It was here he intended to go into seclusion in the darkness and truly find himself. As such even wrapped in his clans cloak and mask he set down a series of items on the stone ground with a note. One kunai, sex senbon, one giant shuriken and finally two tonfa. A simple note on top instructing who ever found it to put it to good use by giving it to the first taijutsu specialist they found. Someone worthy of them. With that he faded away. A shadow into the dark tunnels to find himself.

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2A small exchange (Invite only) Empty Re: A small exchange (Invite only) Mon Feb 12, 2018 7:23 am

Chikamatsu Arashi

Chikamatsu Arashi

Arashi had just moved to the village of Iwagakure only but two weeks ago and had been properly identified as a genin of Iwagakure, to familiarize herself with her new home she went sight seeing to all the famous place's around the village. She first stopped at the Stone Bridge and she was glad she did as the sight was beautiful underneath the bridge was clean flowing water and to her side she could see a large mountain that seemed to only add to the beauty of the scene,she then went to a place with less peaceful origins.

She had traveled to a place called the "Underground Tunnels" it was a cave known to be a maze where brave people go to test their skill but none of them ever return, As Arashi turned too leave she noticced a pack of items left behind with a note she then walked over to identify and saw One kunai, sex senbon, one giant shuriken and  two tonfa closely together. She then picked up and started reading the note "To whoever may find these items, i ask you to put the items i left behind to good use. I would prefer if the first taijutsu specialist you find get's these items."  Arashi then looks at the cave and sighs before picking up the items "I guess i can't refuse such a honest request such as this"

Arashi went to a place known as the fissure training grounds, Arashi figured if a taijutsu specialist would be training it was bound to be at this spot, Arashi then took the items she found and left it behind a rock with the same note she read attached to it before leaving to go on with her business.

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3A small exchange (Invite only) Empty Re: A small exchange (Invite only) Mon Feb 12, 2018 8:22 am



Kejido had simply come to the fissure grounds to go through some of the forms in private. It was in the odd hours when no one else was around. He enjoyed the privacy after all. Still it was much to his own surprise that he came across an abandoned pile of weapons suited to him nearby. At first he thought perhaps it was someones training gear. However a piece of paper fluttered on top of it. Tucked under a single kunai. Within the note he plucked he read that the weapons were essentially for a new taijutsu specialist like himself. He would grin and change his plans. Taking the new load of weapons carefully and quickly going home with them. Like christmas morning.

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