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The sun was rising as Sanosuke's henged form look towards the head of the ship so he can be the first to see when they have reached land from their travels. Stretching his back in the manner a cat would, Sanosuke let out a loud enough yawn that let his body shake from getting the tiredness out of his body. They wouldn't be reaching the pier of Kaze no Kuni until the afternoon. And even then, it would still take the rest of the day for him to actually reach the village hidden in the sand. That was assuming he would go without break, which he mostly likely won't do since it was rather unsafe to move at night in the dessert since the temperature would drop to dangerous levels at night around this time of year. To be a katon user at this moment, Sanosuke would have risked traveling at night if that was the case. It wasn't as though he was in much of a rush for the reason why he was going to Suna...


"And I told you to shove it old man!"

"The disrespect! You ungrateful little brat, how dare turn your nose to the task we gave you! It's this temper that I'm glad you're no longer Raikage!"

"I'm sorry, how about you say that again old man and  I'll take you to meet the reaper earlier than he planned to."

At this point, Sanosuke and Bo were glaring at one another with both of their tempers flared to get the other to yield to no avail. IF it wasn't for Navi and Po, the two would have most likely been fighting in the conference room of the council of the village. With their tempers sated, the men pointed their noses at the other as they were both vexed at the other that exchanging looks with each other may be enough to start the fight back up again. With that, the two sat back down to continue the meeting that was underway. IT had been several months since Sanosuke had overseen Lin's passing of being the Raikage. Ever since, Sanosuke had been dragged to council meetings in order for him to be somewhat involved in the politics of the village. Even against Sanosuke's wishes, he was still being dragged against his wishes.

It got to the point where Bo and Po had to dispatch ANBU to retain Sanosuke and bring him to the village by force. It normally takes them 2-3 squads to get the silver haired sage to the meeting by force. If they were going this far to keep him involved in the village, there wasn't much change in him being Raikage and being hunted by the ANBU to continue his paperwork that he dreaded. Looking at the papers bellow him, it was a document that was concerning opening trade with Suna to be partners at allies. Their neutrality in Ayakashi's invasion was quite the surprise as they didn't even send word of the ice witch's mobilization. So a meeting would need to be called between Kumo's representative and a Suna representative  in order to see if Suna will still aligned themselves with the village...

[/end flashback]

It only took a few more hours of arguing before Sanosuke had agreed to do what was asked gingerly. He hated traveling to Suna as it was normally a hassle and the humidity was too much for him when the village hits a dry spell. With the scroll that was given to him by the Kumogakure Council that has all the forms needed to ensure that negotiations run smoothly, Sanosuke had embarked on his journey that he really didn't want to go on. The only solace in this was after reporting about the dealings with Suna, Sanosuke was essentially free to keep traveling as long as he checked in periodically with the village of his location.

I wonder what Yui is up to... Sanosuke thought to himself as his tail wagged fondly reminiscing of the last time they had met. A toothy smile was revealed as sun rays began to hit his transformed fur. Maybe he may pay the woman a home visit.

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